
2719 lines
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2018-06-11 14:19:05 -05:00
#include <stdio.h>
2020-10-07 12:36:42 -05:00
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"
2020-10-08 10:38:38 -05:00
#include "hip/hip_cooperative_groups.h"
2022-04-22 19:41:49 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
#define NBLOCKS 1024
2022-02-12 00:39:30 -06:00
#define NTHREADS 512
1. constants that are known at compile time should be defined using preprocessor macros (e.g. #define) or via C/C++ const variables at global/file scope.
2. Usage of __constant__ memory may be beneficial for programs who use certain values that don't change for the duration of the kernel and for which certain access patterns are present (e.g. all threads access the same value at the same time). This is not better or faster than constants that satisfy the requirements of item 1 above.
3. If the number of choices to be made by a program are relatively small in number, and these choices affect kernel execution, one possible approach for additional compile-time optimization would be to use templated code/kernels
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V1=0.05263157894736842;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V2=0.012531328320802;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V3=0.04761904761904762;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V4=0.004594820384294068;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V5=0.01587301587301587;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V6=0.0555555555555555555555555;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V7=0.02777777777777778;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V8=0.08333333333333333;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V9=0.003341687552213868;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V10=0.003968253968253968;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V11=0.01388888888888889;
__constant__ __device__ double mrt_V12=0.04166666666666666;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// functionality for parallel reduction in Flux BC routines -- probably should be re-factored to another location
// functions copied from
//__shared__ double Transform[722]=
// {};
2018-08-28 19:45:12 -05:00
#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 600
__device__ double atomicAdd(double* address, double val) {
unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address;
unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed;
do {
assumed = old;
old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __double_as_longlong(val+__longlong_as_double(assumed)));
} while (assumed != old);
return __longlong_as_double(old);
using namespace cooperative_groups;
__device__ double reduce_sum(thread_group g, double *temp, double val)
int lane = g.thread_rank();
// Each iteration halves the number of active threads
// Each thread adds its partial sum[i] to sum[lane+i]
for (int i = g.size() / 2; i > 0; i /= 2)
temp[lane] = val;
g.sync(); // wait for all threads to store
if(lane<i) val += temp[lane + i];
g.sync(); // wait for all threads to load
return val; // note: only thread 0 will return full sum
__device__ double thread_sum(double *input, double n)
double sum = 0;
for(int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
i < n / 4;
i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
int4 in = ((int4*)input)[i];
sum += in.x + in.y + in.z + in.w;
return sum;
__global__ void sum_kernel_block(double *sum, double *input, int n)
double my_sum = thread_sum(input, n);
extern __shared__ double temp[];
2018-02-20 20:20:14 -06:00
thread_group g = this_thread_block();
double block_sum = reduce_sum(g, temp, my_sum);
if (g.thread_rank() == 0) atomicAdd(sum, block_sum);
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
__inline__ __device__
double warpReduceSum(double val) {
2021-02-12 13:19:37 -06:00
#if 0
for (int offset = warpSize/2; offset > 0; offset /= 2)
2019-04-29 11:50:16 -05:00
val += __shfl_down_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, val, offset, 32);
return val;
2021-02-12 13:19:37 -06:00
short int id = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
__shared__ double tmp[64];
tmp[id] = val;
if ( warpSize == 64) {
tmp[id] += tmp[id+32]; __syncthreads();
tmp[id] += tmp[id+16]; __syncthreads();
tmp[id] += tmp[id+8]; __syncthreads();
tmp[id] += tmp[id+4]; __syncthreads();
tmp[id] += tmp[id+2]; __syncthreads();
tmp[id] += tmp[id+1]; __syncthreads();
return tmp[0];
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
__inline__ __device__
double blockReduceSum(double val) {
static __shared__ double shared[32]; // Shared mem for 32 partial sums
int lane = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
int wid = threadIdx.x / warpSize;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
val = warpReduceSum(val); // Each warp performs partial reduction
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
if (lane==0) shared[wid]=val; // Write reduced value to shared memory
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
__syncthreads(); // Wait for all partial reductions
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
//read from shared memory only if that warp existed
val = (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x / warpSize) ? shared[lane] : 0;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
if (wid==0) val = warpReduceSum(val); //Final reduce within first warp
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
return val;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
__global__ void deviceReduceKernel(double *in, double* out, int N) {
double sum = 0;
//reduce multiple elements per thread
for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
i < N;
i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
sum += in[i];
sum = blockReduceSum(sum);
if (threadIdx.x==0)
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
2018-09-22 16:15:00 -05:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Pack(int q, int *list, int start, int count, double *sendbuf, double *dist, int N){
// Pack distribution q into the send buffer for the listed lattice sites
// dist may be even or odd distributions stored by stream layout
int idx,n;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<count){
n = list[idx];
sendbuf[start+idx] = dist[q*N+n];
//printf("%f \n",dist[q*N+n]);
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Unpack(int q, int *list, int start, int count,
double *recvbuf, double *dist, int N){
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Unpack distribution from the recv buffer
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Distribution q matche Cqx, Cqy, Cqz
// swap rule means that the distributions in recvbuf are OPPOSITE of q
// dist may be even or odd distributions stored by stream layout
int n,idx;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<count){
// Get the value from the list -- note that n is the index is from the send (non-local) process
n = list[start+idx];
// unpack the distribution to the proper location
if (!(n<0)) { dist[q*N+n] = recvbuf[start+idx];
//printf("%f \n",,dist[q*N+n]);
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Init(char *ID, double *f_even, double *f_odd, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
int n,N;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
2015-06-26 10:00:02 -05:00
char id;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
2015-06-26 10:00:02 -05:00
if (n<N ){
id = ID[n];
if (id > 0 ){
f_even[n] = 0.3333333333333333;
f_odd[n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+1.f;
f_even[N+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+2.f;
f_odd[N+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+3.f;
f_even[2*N+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+4.f;
f_odd[2*N+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+5.f;
f_even[3*N+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+6.f;
f_odd[3*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+7.f;
f_even[4*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+8.f;
f_odd[4*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+9.f;
f_even[5*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+10.f;
f_odd[5*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+11.f;
f_even[6*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+12.f;
f_odd[6*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+13.f;
f_even[7*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+14.f;
f_odd[7*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+15.f;
f_even[8*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+16.f;
f_odd[8*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+17.f;
f_even[9*N+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+18.f;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
for(int q=0; q<9; q++){
f_even[q*N+n] = -1.0;
f_odd[q*N+n] = -1.0;
f_even[9*N+n] = -1.0;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AA_Init(double *f_even, double *f_odd, int Np)
int n;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<Np ){
f_even[n] = 0.3333333333333333;
f_odd[n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+1.f;
f_even[Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+2.f;
f_odd[Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+3.f;
f_even[2*Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+4.f;
f_odd[2*Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+5.f;
f_even[3*Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+6.f;
f_odd[3*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+7.f;
f_even[4*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+8.f;
f_odd[4*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+9.f;
f_even[5*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+10.f;
f_odd[5*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+11.f;
f_even[6*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+12.f;
f_odd[6*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+13.f;
f_even[7*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+14.f;
f_odd[7*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+15.f;
f_even[8*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+16.f;
f_odd[8*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+17.f;
f_even[9*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+18.f;
2017-10-01 10:46:22 -05:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Init(double *dist, int Np)
int n;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<Np ){
dist[n] = 0.3333333333333333;
dist[Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+1.f;
dist[2*Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+2.f;
dist[3*Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+3.f;
dist[4*Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+4.f;
dist[5*Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+5.f;
dist[6*Np+n] = 0.055555555555555555; //double(100*n)+6.f;
dist[7*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+7.f;
dist[8*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+8.f;
dist[9*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+9.f;
dist[10*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+10.f;
dist[11*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+11.f;
dist[12*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+12.f;
dist[13*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+13.f;
dist[14*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+14.f;
dist[15*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+15.f;
dist[16*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+16.f;
dist[17*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+17.f;
dist[18*Np+n] = 0.0277777777777778; //double(100*n)+18.f;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Swap_Compact(int *neighborList, double *disteven, double *distodd, int Np, int q){
int n,nn;
double f1,f2;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<Np){
nn = neighborList[q*Np+n];
if (!(nn<0)){
f1 = distodd[q*Np+n];
f2 = disteven[(q+1)*Np+nn];
disteven[(q+1)*Np+nn] = f1;
distodd[q*Np+n] = f2;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
2022-02-12 00:39:30 -06:00
__global__ void
dvc_ScaLBL_AAodd_Compact( int *d_neighborList, double *dist, int Np) {
int n;
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
int nread;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<Np) {
f0 = dist[n];
nread = d_neighborList[n];
f1 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+2*Np];
f3 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+4*Np];
f5 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+6*Np];
f7 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+8*Np];
f9 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+10*Np];
f11 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+12*Np];
f13 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+14*Np];
f15 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+16*Np];
f17 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+Np];
f2 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+3*Np];
f4 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+5*Np];
f6 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+7*Np];
f8 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+9*Np];
f10 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+11*Np];
f12 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+13*Np];
f14 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+15*Np];
f16 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+17*Np];
f18 = dist[nread];
// nwrite = d_neighborList[n]; naccess = 10*Np;
// if (nwrite<0) { nwrite=n; naccess = Np; }
// dist[nwrite + naccess] = f1;
// nwrite = d_neighborList[n+Np]; naccess = Np;
// if (nwrite<0) { nwrite=n; naccess = 10*Np; }
// dist[nwrite + naccess] = f2;
nread = d_neighborList[n];
dist[nread] = f2;
nread = d_neighborList[n+2*Np];
dist[nread] = f4;
nread = d_neighborList[n+4*Np];
dist[nread] = f6;
nread = d_neighborList[n+6*Np];
dist[nread] = f8;
nread = d_neighborList[n+8*Np];
dist[nread] = f10;
nread = d_neighborList[n+10*Np];
dist[nread] = f12;
nread = d_neighborList[n+12*Np];
dist[nread] = f14;
nread = d_neighborList[n+14*Np];
dist[nread] = f16;
nread = d_neighborList[n+16*Np];
dist[nread] = f18;
nread = d_neighborList[n+Np];
dist[nread] = f1;
nread = d_neighborList[n+3*Np];
dist[nread] = f3;
nread = d_neighborList[n+5*Np];
dist[nread] = f5;
nread = d_neighborList[n+7*Np];
dist[nread] = f7;
nread = d_neighborList[n+9*Np];
dist[nread] = f9;
nread = d_neighborList[n+11*Np];
dist[nread]= f11;
nread = d_neighborList[n+13*Np];
dist[nread] = f13;
nread = d_neighborList[n+15*Np];
dist[nread] = f15;
nread = d_neighborList[n+17*Np];
dist[nread] = f17;
2022-02-02 10:15:00 -06:00
__global__ void
2022-02-12 00:39:30 -06:00
dvc_ScaLBL_AAodd_MRT(int *neighborList, double *dist, int start, int finish, int Np, double rlx_setA, double rlx_setB, double Fx, double Fy, double Fz) {
int n;
double fq;
// conserved momemnts
double rho,jx,jy,jz;
// non-conserved moments
double m1,m2,m4,m6,m8,m9,m10,m11,m12,m13,m14,m15,m16,m17,m18;
int nread;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + start;
if (n<finish) {
// q=0
fq = dist[n];
rho = fq;
m1 = -30.0*fq;
m2 = 12.0*fq;
// q=1
nread = neighborList[n]; // neighbor 2 ( > 10Np => odd part of dist)
fq = dist[nread]; // reading the f1 data into register fq
//fp = dist[10*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jx = fq;
m4 = -4.0*fq;
m9 = 2.0*fq;
m10 = -4.0*fq;
// f2 = dist[10*Np+n];
nread = neighborList[n+Np]; // neighbor 1 ( < 10Np => even part of dist)
fq = dist[nread]; // reading the f2 data into register fq
//fq = dist[Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 -= 11.0*(fq);
m2 -= 4.0*(fq);
jx -= fq;
m4 += 4.0*(fq);
m9 += 2.0*(fq);
m10 -= 4.0*(fq);
// q=3
nread = neighborList[n+2*Np]; // neighbor 4
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[11*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jy = fq;
m6 = -4.0*fq;
m9 -= fq;
m10 += 2.0*fq;
m11 = fq;
m12 = -2.0*fq;
// q = 4
nread = neighborList[n+3*Np]; // neighbor 3
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[2*Np+n];
rho+= fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 += 4.0*fq;
m9 -= fq;
m10 += 2.0*fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 -= 2.0*fq;
// q=5
nread = neighborList[n+4*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[12*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jz = fq;
m8 = -4.0*fq;
m9 -= fq;
m10 += 2.0*fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 += 2.0*fq;
// q = 6
nread = neighborList[n+5*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[3*Np+n];
rho+= fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 += 4.0*fq;
m9 -= fq;
m10 += 2.0*fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 += 2.0*fq;
// q=7
nread = neighborList[n+6*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[13*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx += fq;
m4 += fq;
jy += fq;
m6 += fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 += fq;
m13 = fq;
m16 = fq;
m17 = -fq;
// q = 8
nread = neighborList[n+7*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[4*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx -= fq;
m4 -= fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 -= fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 += fq;
m13 += fq;
m16 -= fq;
m17 += fq;
// q=9
nread = neighborList[n+8*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[14*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx += fq;
m4 += fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 -= fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 += fq;
m13 -= fq;
m16 += fq;
m17 += fq;
// q = 10
nread = neighborList[n+9*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[5*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx -= fq;
m4 -= fq;
jy += fq;
m6 += fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 += fq;
m13 -= fq;
m16 -= fq;
m17 -= fq;
// q=11
nread = neighborList[n+10*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[15*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx += fq;
m4 += fq;
jz += fq;
m8 += fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 -= fq;
m15 = fq;
m16 -= fq;
m18 = fq;
// q=12
nread = neighborList[n+11*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[6*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx -= fq;
m4 -= fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 -= fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 -= fq;
m15 += fq;
m16 += fq;
m18 -= fq;
// q=13
nread = neighborList[n+12*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[16*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx += fq;
m4 += fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 -= fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 -= fq;
m15 -= fq;
m16 -= fq;
m18 -= fq;
// q=14
nread = neighborList[n+13*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[7*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx -= fq;
m4 -= fq;
jz += fq;
m8 += fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 -= fq;
m15 -= fq;
m16 += fq;
m18 += fq;
// q=15
nread = neighborList[n+14*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[17*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jy += fq;
m6 += fq;
jz += fq;
m8 += fq;
m9 -= 2.0*fq;
m10 -= 2.0*fq;
m14 = fq;
m17 += fq;
m18 -= fq;
// q=16
nread = neighborList[n+15*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[8*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 -= fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 -= fq;
m9 -= 2.0*fq;
m10 -= 2.0*fq;
m14 += fq;
m17 -= fq;
m18 += fq;
// q=17
//fq = dist[18*Np+n];
nread = neighborList[n+16*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jy += fq;
m6 += fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 -= fq;
m9 -= 2.0*fq;
m10 -= 2.0*fq;
m14 -= fq;
m17 += fq;
m18 += fq;
// q=18
nread = neighborList[n+17*Np];
fq = dist[nread];
//fq = dist[9*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 -= fq;
jz += fq;
m8 += fq;
m9 -= 2.0*fq;
m10 -= 2.0*fq;
m14 -= fq;
m17 -= fq;
m18 -= fq;
//..............incorporate external force................................................
//..............carry out relaxation process...............................................
m1 = m1 + rlx_setA*((19*(jx*jx+jy*jy+jz*jz)/rho - 11*rho) - m1);
m2 = m2 + rlx_setA*((3*rho - 5.5*(jx*jx+jy*jy+jz*jz)/rho) - m2);
m4 = m4 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jx) - m4);
m6 = m6 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jy) - m6);
m8 = m8 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jz) - m8);
m9 = m9 + rlx_setA*(((2*jx*jx-jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m9);
m10 = m10 + rlx_setA*(-0.5*((2*jx*jx-jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m10);
m11 = m11 + rlx_setA*(((jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m11);
m12 = m12 + rlx_setA*(-0.5*((jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m12);
m13 = m13 + rlx_setA*((jx*jy/rho) - m13);
m14 = m14 + rlx_setA*((jy*jz/rho) - m14);
m15 = m15 + rlx_setA*((jx*jz/rho) - m15);
m16 = m16 + rlx_setB*( - m16);
m17 = m17 + rlx_setB*( - m17);
m18 = m18 + rlx_setB*( - m18);
//.................inverse transformation......................................................
// q=0
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V2*m1+mrt_V3*m2;
dist[n] = fq;
// q = 1
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(jx-m4)+mrt_V6*(m9-m10)+0.16666666*Fx;
nread = neighborList[n+Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q=2
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(m4-jx)+mrt_V6*(m9-m10) - 0.16666666*Fx;
nread = neighborList[n];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 3
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(jy-m6)+mrt_V7*(m10-m9)+mrt_V8*(m11-m12) + 0.16666666*Fy;
nread = neighborList[n+3*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 4
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(m6-jy)+mrt_V7*(m10-m9)+mrt_V8*(m11-m12) - 0.16666666*Fy;
nread = neighborList[n+2*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 5
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(jz-m8)+mrt_V7*(m10-m9)+mrt_V8*(m12-m11) + 0.16666666*Fz;
nread = neighborList[n+5*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 6
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(m8-jz)+mrt_V7*(m10-m9)+mrt_V8*(m12-m11) - 0.16666666*Fz;
nread = neighborList[n+4*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 7
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2+0.1*(jx+jy)+0.025*(m4+m6)+mrt_V7*m9+mrt_V11*m10+
mrt_V8*m11+mrt_V12*m12+0.25*m13+0.125*(m16-m17) + 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fy);
nread = neighborList[n+7*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 8
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2-0.1*(jx+jy)-0.025*(m4+m6) +mrt_V7*m9+mrt_V11*m10+mrt_V8*m11
+mrt_V12*m12+0.25*m13+0.125*(m17-m16) - 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fy);
nread = neighborList[n+6*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 9
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2+0.1*(jx-jy)+0.025*(m4-m6)+mrt_V7*m9+mrt_V11*m10+
mrt_V8*m11+mrt_V12*m12-0.25*m13+0.125*(m16+m17) + 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fy);
nread = neighborList[n+9*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 10
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2+0.1*(jy-jx)+0.025*(m6-m4)+mrt_V7*m9+mrt_V11*m10+
mrt_V8*m11+mrt_V12*m12-0.25*m13-0.125*(m16+m17)- 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fy);
nread = neighborList[n+8*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 11
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V12*m12+0.25*m15+0.125*(m18-m16) + 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fz);
nread = neighborList[n+11*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 12
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2-0.1*(jx+jz)-0.025*(m4+m8)+
mrt_V7*m9+mrt_V11*m10-mrt_V8*m11-mrt_V12*m12+0.25*m15+0.125*(m16-m18) - 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fz);
nread = neighborList[n+10*Np];
dist[nread]= fq;
// q = 13
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V12*m12-0.25*m15-0.125*(m16+m18) + 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fz);
nread = neighborList[n+13*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q= 14
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V12*m12-0.25*m15+0.125*(m16+m18) - 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fz);
nread = neighborList[n+12*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 15
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V6*m9-mrt_V7*m10+0.25*m14+0.125*(m17-m18) + 0.08333333333*(Fy+Fz);
nread = neighborList[n+15*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 16
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V6*m9-mrt_V7*m10+0.25*m14+0.125*(m18-m17)- 0.08333333333*(Fy+Fz);
nread = neighborList[n+14*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 17
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V6*m9-mrt_V7*m10-0.25*m14+0.125*(m17+m18) + 0.08333333333*(Fy-Fz);
nread = neighborList[n+17*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
// q = 18
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V6*m9-mrt_V7*m10-0.25*m14-0.125*(m17+m18) - 0.08333333333*(Fy-Fz);
nread = neighborList[n+16*Np];
dist[nread] = fq;
2022-02-02 10:15:00 -06:00
__global__ void
2022-02-12 00:39:30 -06:00
dvc_ScaLBL_AAeven_MRT(double *dist, int start, int finish, int Np, double rlx_setA, double rlx_setB, double Fx, double Fy, double Fz) {
int n;
double fq;
// conserved momemnts
double rho,jx,jy,jz;
// non-conserved moments
double m1,m2,m4,m6,m8,m9,m10,m11,m12,m13,m14,m15,m16,m17,m18;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + start;
if ( n<finish ){
// q=0
fq = dist[n];
rho = fq;
m1 = -30.0*fq;
m2 = 12.0*fq;
// q=1
fq = dist[2*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jx = fq;
m4 = -4.0*fq;
m9 = 2.0*fq;
m10 = -4.0*fq;
// q=2
fq = dist[1*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 -= 11.0*(fq);
m2 -= 4.0*(fq);
jx -= fq;
m4 += 4.0*(fq);
m9 += 2.0*(fq);
m10 -= 4.0*(fq);
// q=3
fq = dist[4*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jy = fq;
m6 = -4.0*fq;
m9 -= fq;
m10 += 2.0*fq;
m11 = fq;
m12 = -2.0*fq;
// q = 4
fq = dist[3*Np+n];
rho+= fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 += 4.0*fq;
m9 -= fq;
m10 += 2.0*fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 -= 2.0*fq;
// q=5
fq = dist[6*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jz = fq;
m8 = -4.0*fq;
m9 -= fq;
m10 += 2.0*fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 += 2.0*fq;
// q = 6
fq = dist[5*Np+n];
rho+= fq;
m1 -= 11.0*fq;
m2 -= 4.0*fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 += 4.0*fq;
m9 -= fq;
m10 += 2.0*fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 += 2.0*fq;
// q=7
fq = dist[8*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx += fq;
m4 += fq;
jy += fq;
m6 += fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 += fq;
m13 = fq;
m16 = fq;
m17 = -fq;
// q = 8
fq = dist[7*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx -= fq;
m4 -= fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 -= fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 += fq;
m13 += fq;
m16 -= fq;
m17 += fq;
// q=9
fq = dist[10*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx += fq;
m4 += fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 -= fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 += fq;
m13 -= fq;
m16 += fq;
m17 += fq;
// q = 10
fq = dist[9*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx -= fq;
m4 -= fq;
jy += fq;
m6 += fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 += fq;
m12 += fq;
m13 -= fq;
m16 -= fq;
m17 -= fq;
// q=11
fq = dist[12*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx += fq;
m4 += fq;
jz += fq;
m8 += fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 -= fq;
m15 = fq;
m16 -= fq;
m18 = fq;
// q=12
fq = dist[11*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx -= fq;
m4 -= fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 -= fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 -= fq;
m15 += fq;
m16 += fq;
m18 -= fq;
// q=13
fq = dist[14*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx += fq;
m4 += fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 -= fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 -= fq;
m15 -= fq;
m16 -= fq;
m18 -= fq;
// q=14
fq = dist[13*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jx -= fq;
m4 -= fq;
jz += fq;
m8 += fq;
m9 += fq;
m10 += fq;
m11 -= fq;
m12 -= fq;
m15 -= fq;
m16 += fq;
m18 += fq;
// q=15
fq = dist[16*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jy += fq;
m6 += fq;
jz += fq;
m8 += fq;
m9 -= 2.0*fq;
m10 -= 2.0*fq;
m14 = fq;
m17 += fq;
m18 -= fq;
// q=16
fq = dist[15*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 -= fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 -= fq;
m9 -= 2.0*fq;
m10 -= 2.0*fq;
m14 += fq;
m17 -= fq;
m18 += fq;
// q=17
fq = dist[18*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jy += fq;
m6 += fq;
jz -= fq;
m8 -= fq;
m9 -= 2.0*fq;
m10 -= 2.0*fq;
m14 -= fq;
m17 += fq;
m18 += fq;
// q=18
fq = dist[17*Np+n];
rho += fq;
m1 += 8.0*fq;
m2 += fq;
jy -= fq;
m6 -= fq;
jz += fq;
m8 += fq;
m9 -= 2.0*fq;
m10 -= 2.0*fq;
m14 -= fq;
m17 -= fq;
m18 -= fq;
// (read from opposite array due to previous swap operation)
//..............incorporate external force................................................
//..............carry out relaxation process...............................................
m1 = m1 + rlx_setA*((19*(jx*jx+jy*jy+jz*jz)/rho - 11*rho) - m1);
m2 = m2 + rlx_setA*((3*rho - 5.5*(jx*jx+jy*jy+jz*jz)/rho) - m2);
m4 = m4 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jx) - m4);
m6 = m6 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jy) - m6);
m8 = m8 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jz) - m8);
m9 = m9 + rlx_setA*(((2*jx*jx-jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m9);
m10 = m10 + rlx_setA*(-0.5*((2*jx*jx-jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m10);
m11 = m11 + rlx_setA*(((jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m11);
m12 = m12 + rlx_setA*(-0.5*((jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m12);
m13 = m13 + rlx_setA*((jx*jy/rho) - m13);
m14 = m14 + rlx_setA*((jy*jz/rho) - m14);
m15 = m15 + rlx_setA*((jx*jz/rho) - m15);
m16 = m16 + rlx_setB*( - m16);
m17 = m17 + rlx_setB*( - m17);
m18 = m18 + rlx_setB*( - m18);
//.................inverse transformation......................................................
// q=0
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V2*m1+mrt_V3*m2;
dist[n] = fq;
// q = 1
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(jx-m4)+mrt_V6*(m9-m10) + 0.16666666*Fx;
dist[1*Np+n] = fq;
// q=2
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(m4-jx)+mrt_V6*(m9-m10) - 0.16666666*Fx;
dist[2*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 3
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(jy-m6)+mrt_V7*(m10-m9)+mrt_V8*(m11-m12) + 0.16666666*Fy;
dist[3*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 4
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(m6-jy)+mrt_V7*(m10-m9)+mrt_V8*(m11-m12) - 0.16666666*Fy;
dist[4*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 5
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(jz-m8)+mrt_V7*(m10-m9)+mrt_V8*(m12-m11) + 0.16666666*Fz;
dist[5*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 6
fq = mrt_V1*rho-mrt_V4*m1-mrt_V5*m2+0.1*(m8-jz)+mrt_V7*(m10-m9)+mrt_V8*(m12-m11) - 0.16666666*Fz;
dist[6*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 7
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2+0.1*(jx+jy)+0.025*(m4+m6)+
mrt_V7*m9+mrt_V11*m10+mrt_V8*m11+mrt_V12*m12+0.25*m13+0.125*(m16-m17) +
dist[7*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 8
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2-0.1*(jx+jy)-0.025*(m4+m6) +mrt_V7*m9+mrt_V11*m10+mrt_V8*m11
+mrt_V12*m12+0.25*m13+0.125*(m17-m16) - 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fy);
dist[8*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 9
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2+0.1*(jx-jy)+0.025*(m4-m6)+
dist[9*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 10
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2+0.1*(jy-jx)+0.025*(m6-m4)+
dist[10*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 11
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V12*m12+0.25*m15+0.125*(m18-m16) + 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fz);
dist[11*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 12
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1+mrt_V10*m2-0.1*(jx+jz)-0.025*(m4+m8)+
dist[12*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 13
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V12*m12-0.25*m15-0.125*(m16+m18) + 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fz);
dist[13*Np+n] = fq;
// q= 14
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V12*m12-0.25*m15+0.125*(m16+m18) - 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fz);
dist[14*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 15
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V6*m9-mrt_V7*m10+0.25*m14+0.125*(m17-m18) + 0.08333333333*(Fy+Fz);
dist[15*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 16
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V6*m9-mrt_V7*m10+0.25*m14+0.125*(m18-m17)- 0.08333333333*(Fy+Fz);
dist[16*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 17
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V6*m9-mrt_V7*m10-0.25*m14+0.125*(m17+m18) + 0.08333333333*(Fy-Fz);
dist[17*Np+n] = fq;
// q = 18
fq = mrt_V1*rho+mrt_V9*m1
-mrt_V6*m9-mrt_V7*m10-0.25*m14-0.125*(m17+m18) - 0.08333333333*(Fy-Fz);
dist[18*Np+n] = fq;
2022-02-12 00:39:30 -06:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_AAeven_Compact( double *dist, int Np) {
int n;
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if ( n<Np ){
// (read from opposite array due to previous swap operation)
// even
f2 = dist[10*Np+n];
f4 = dist[11*Np+n];
f6 = dist[12*Np+n];
f8 = dist[13*Np+n];
f10 = dist[14*Np+n];
f12 = dist[15*Np+n];
f14 = dist[16*Np+n];
f16 = dist[17*Np+n];
f18 = dist[18*Np+n];
f0 = dist[n];
// odd
f1 = dist[Np+n];
f3 = dist[2*Np+n];
f5 = dist[3*Np+n];
f7 = dist[4*Np+n];
f9 = dist[5*Np+n];
f11 = dist[6*Np+n];
f13 = dist[7*Np+n];
f15 = dist[8*Np+n];
f17 = dist[9*Np+n];
// even
//disteven[n] = f0;
dist[Np+n] = f2;
dist[2*Np+n] = f4;
dist[3*Np+n] = f6;
dist[4*Np+n] = f8;
dist[5*Np+n] = f10;
dist[6*Np+n] = f12;
dist[7*Np+n] = f14;
dist[8*Np+n] = f16;
dist[9*Np+n] = f18;
// odd
dist[10*Np+n] = f1;
dist[11*Np+n] = f3;
dist[12*Np+n] = f5;
dist[13*Np+n] = f7;
dist[14*Np+n] = f9;
dist[15*Np+n] = f11;
dist[16*Np+n] = f13;
dist[17*Np+n] = f15;
dist[18*Np+n] = f17;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Swap(char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
int i,j,k,n,nn,N;
// distributions
2015-06-25 14:45:25 -05:00
char id;
double f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
2015-06-25 14:45:25 -05:00
if (n<N){
id = ID[n];
if (id > 0){
//.......Back out the 3-D indices for node n..............
k = n/(Nx*Ny);
j = (n-Nx*Ny*k)/Nx;
i = n-Nx*Ny*k-Nx*j;
// Retrieve even distributions from the local node (swap convention)
// f0 = disteven[n]; // Does not particupate in streaming
f1 = distodd[n];
f3 = distodd[N+n];
f5 = distodd[2*N+n];
f7 = distodd[3*N+n];
f9 = distodd[4*N+n];
f11 = distodd[5*N+n];
f13 = distodd[6*N+n];
f15 = distodd[7*N+n];
f17 = distodd[8*N+n];
// Retrieve odd distributions from neighboring nodes (swap convention)
nn = n+1; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
//if (i+1<Nx){
f2 = disteven[N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 2
if (f2 > 0.0){
distodd[n] = f2;
disteven[N+nn] = f1;
nn = n+Nx; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
//if (j+1<Ny){
f4 = disteven[2*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 4
if (f4 > 0.0){
distodd[N+n] = f4;
disteven[2*N+nn] = f3;
// }
nn = n+Nx*Ny; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
//if (k+1<Nz){
f6 = disteven[3*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 6
if (f6 > 0.0){
distodd[2*N+n] = f6;
disteven[3*N+nn] = f5;
// }
nn = n+Nx+1; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
//if ((i+1<Nx) && (j+1<Ny)){
f8 = disteven[4*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 8
if (f8 > 0.0){
distodd[3*N+n] = f8;
disteven[4*N+nn] = f7;
// }
nn = n-Nx+1; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (j-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
//if (!(i-1<0) && (j+1<Ny)){
f10 = disteven[5*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 9
if (f10 > 0.0){
distodd[4*N+n] = f10;
disteven[5*N+nn] = f9;
// }
nn = n+Nx*Ny+1; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
//if ( !(i-1<0) && !(k-1<0)){
f12 = disteven[6*N+nn]; // pull distribution 11
if (f12 > 0.0){
distodd[5*N+n] = f12;
disteven[6*N+nn] = f11;
// }
nn = n-Nx*Ny+1; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (k-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
//if (!(i-1<0) && (k+1<Nz)){
f14 = disteven[7*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 13
if (f14 > 0.0){
distodd[6*N+n] = f14;
disteven[7*N+nn] = f13;
// }
nn = n+Nx*Ny+Nx; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
//if (!(j-1<0) && !(k-1<0)){
f16 = disteven[8*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 15
if (f16 > 0.0){
distodd[7*N+n] = f16;
disteven[8*N+nn] = f15;
// }
nn = n-Nx*Ny+Nx; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
if (k-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
//if (!(j-1<0) && (k+1<Nz)){
f18 = disteven[9*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 17
if (f18 > 0.0){
2017-10-01 10:46:22 -05:00
distodd[8*N+n] = f18;
disteven[9*N+nn] = f17;
// }
2017-10-01 10:46:22 -05:00
2015-06-25 14:45:25 -05:00
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Momentum(double *dist, double *vel, int N)
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
int n;
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
// distributions
double f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
double vx,vy,vz;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<N){
f2 = dist[2*N+n];
f4 = dist[4*N+n];
f6 = dist[6*N+n];
f8 = dist[8*N+n];
f10 = dist[10*N+n];
f12 = dist[12*N+n];
f14 = dist[14*N+n];
f16 = dist[16*N+n];
f18 = dist[18*N+n];
2017-10-01 10:46:22 -05:00
f1 = dist[N+n];
f3 = dist[3*N+n];
f5 = dist[5*N+n];
f7 = dist[7*N+n];
f9 = dist[9*N+n];
f11 = dist[11*N+n];
f13 = dist[13*N+n];
f15 = dist[15*N+n];
f17 = dist[17*N+n];
2017-10-01 10:46:22 -05:00
//.................Compute the velocity...................................
vx = f1-f2+f7-f8+f9-f10+f11-f12+f13-f14;
vy = f3-f4+f7-f8-f9+f10+f15-f16+f17-f18;
vz = f5-f6+f11-f12-f13+f14+f15-f16-f17+f18;
//..................Write the velocity.....................................
vel[n] = vx;
vel[N+n] = vy;
vel[2*N+n] = vz;
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
2018-01-26 09:28:58 -06:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Pressure(const double *dist, double *Pressure, int N)
2018-01-26 09:19:37 -06:00
int n;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
2018-01-26 09:26:18 -06:00
if (n<N){ //.......................................................................
2018-01-26 09:19:37 -06:00
// Registers to store the distributions
// Registers to store the distributions
2018-01-26 13:49:32 -06:00
f0 = dist[n];
2018-01-26 09:19:37 -06:00
f2 = dist[2*N+n];
f4 = dist[4*N+n];
f6 = dist[6*N+n];
f8 = dist[8*N+n];
f10 = dist[10*N+n];
f12 = dist[12*N+n];
f14 = dist[14*N+n];
f16 = dist[16*N+n];
f18 = dist[18*N+n];
f1 = dist[N+n];
f3 = dist[3*N+n];
f5 = dist[5*N+n];
f7 = dist[7*N+n];
f9 = dist[9*N+n];
f11 = dist[11*N+n];
f13 = dist[13*N+n];
f15 = dist[15*N+n];
f17 = dist[17*N+n];
//.................Compute the velocity...................................
Pressure[n] = 0.3333333333333333*(f0+f2+f1+f4+f3+f6+f5+f8+f7+f10+
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Pressure_BC_z(int *list, double *dist, double din, int count, int Np)
int idx, n;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
double ux,uy,uz,Cyz,Cxz;
ux = uy = 0.0;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx < count){
n = list[idx];
f0 = dist[n];
f1 = dist[2*Np+n];
f2 = dist[1*Np+n];
f3 = dist[4*Np+n];
f4 = dist[3*Np+n];
2018-02-21 16:27:12 -06:00
f6 = dist[5*Np+n];
f7 = dist[8*Np+n];
f8 = dist[7*Np+n];
f9 = dist[10*Np+n];
f10 = dist[9*Np+n];
2018-02-21 16:27:12 -06:00
f12 = dist[11*Np+n];
f13 = dist[14*Np+n];
f16 = dist[15*Np+n];
f17 = dist[18*Np+n];
// Determine the inlet flow velocity
//ux = (f1-f2+f7-f8+f9-f10+f11-f12+f13-f14);
//uy = (f3-f4+f7-f8-f9+f10+f15-f16+f17-f18);
uz = din - (f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f6+f12+f13+f16+f17));
Cxz = 0.5*(f1+f7+f9-f2-f10-f8) - 0.3333333333333333*ux;
Cyz = 0.5*(f3+f7+f10-f4-f9-f8) - 0.3333333333333333*uy;
f5 = f6 + 0.33333333333333338*uz;
f11 = f12 + 0.16666666666666678*(uz+ux)-Cxz;
f14 = f13 + 0.16666666666666678*(uz-ux)+Cxz;
f15 = f16 + 0.16666666666666678*(uy+uz)-Cyz;
f18 = f17 + 0.16666666666666678*(uz-uy)+Cyz;
//........Store in "opposite" memory location..........
dist[6*Np+n] = f5;
dist[12*Np+n] = f11;
dist[13*Np+n] = f14;
dist[16*Np+n] = f15;
dist[17*Np+n] = f18;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Pressure_BC_Z(int *list, double *dist, double dout, int count, int Np)
int idx,n;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
double ux,uy,uz,Cyz,Cxz;
ux = uy = 0.0;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// Loop over the boundary - threadblocks delineated by start...finish
if ( idx < count ){
n = list[idx];
// Read distributions
f0 = dist[n];
f1 = dist[2*Np+n];
f2 = dist[1*Np+n];
f3 = dist[4*Np+n];
f4 = dist[3*Np+n];
f5 = dist[6*Np+n];
f7 = dist[8*Np+n];
f8 = dist[7*Np+n];
f9 = dist[10*Np+n];
f10 = dist[9*Np+n];
f11 = dist[12*Np+n];
f14 = dist[13*Np+n];
f15 = dist[16*Np+n];
f18 = dist[17*Np+n];
2018-02-21 16:27:12 -06:00
// Determine the outlet flow velocity
//ux = f1-f2+f7-f8+f9-f10+f11-f12+f13-f14;
//uy = f3-f4+f7-f8-f9+f10+f15-f16+f17-f18;
uz = -dout + (f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f5+f11+f14+f15+f18));
Cxz = 0.5*(f1+f7+f9-f2-f10-f8) - 0.3333333333333333*ux;
Cyz = 0.5*(f3+f7+f10-f4-f9-f8) - 0.3333333333333333*uy;
f6 = f5 - 0.33333333333333338*uz;
f12 = f11 - 0.16666666666666678*(uz+ux)+Cxz;
f13 = f14 - 0.16666666666666678*(uz-ux)-Cxz;
f16 = f15 - 0.16666666666666678*(uy+uz)+Cyz;
f17 = f18 - 0.16666666666666678*(uz-uy)-Cyz;
dist[5*Np+n] = f6;
dist[11*Np+n] = f12;
dist[14*Np+n] = f13;
dist[15*Np+n] = f16;
dist[18*Np+n] = f17;
2021-02-12 13:19:37 -06:00
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Reflection_BC_z(int *list, double *dist, int count, int Np){
int idx, n;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx < count){
n = list[idx];
double f5 = 0.111111111111111111111111 - dist[6*Np+n];
double f11 = 0.05555555555555555555556 - dist[12*Np+n];
double f14 = 0.05555555555555555555556 - dist[13*Np+n];
double f15 = 0.05555555555555555555556 - dist[16*Np+n];
double f18 = 0.05555555555555555555556 - dist[17*Np+n];
dist[6*Np+n] = f5;
dist[12*Np+n] = f11;
dist[13*Np+n] = f14;
dist[16*Np+n] = f15;
dist[17*Np+n] = f18;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Reflection_BC_Z(int *list, double *dist, int count, int Np){
int idx, n;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx < count){
n = list[idx];
double f6 = 0.111111111111111111111111 - dist[5*Np+n];
double f12 = 0.05555555555555555555556 - dist[11*Np+n];
double f13 = 0.05555555555555555555556 - dist[14*Np+n] ;
double f16 = 0.05555555555555555555556 - dist[15*Np+n];
double f17 = 0.05555555555555555555556 - dist[18*Np+n];
dist[5*Np+n] = f6;
dist[11*Np+n] = f12;
dist[14*Np+n] = f13;
dist[15*Np+n] = f16;
dist[18*Np+n] = f17;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Pressure_BC_z(int *d_neighborList, int *list, double *dist, double din, int count, int Np)
int idx, n;
int nread;
int nr5,nr11,nr14,nr15,nr18;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
double ux,uy,uz,Cyz,Cxz;
ux = uy = 0.0;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx < count){
n = list[idx];
f0 = dist[n];
nread = d_neighborList[n];
f1 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+2*Np];
f3 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+6*Np];
f7 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+8*Np];
f9 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+12*Np];
f13 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+16*Np];
f17 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+Np];
f2 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+3*Np];
f4 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+5*Np];
f6 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+7*Np];
f8 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+9*Np];
f10 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+11*Np];
f12 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+15*Np];
f16 = dist[nread];
// Unknown distributions
nr5 = d_neighborList[n+4*Np];
nr11 = d_neighborList[n+10*Np];
nr15 = d_neighborList[n+14*Np];
nr14 = d_neighborList[n+13*Np];
nr18 = d_neighborList[n+17*Np];
//........Determine the inlet flow velocity.........
//ux = (f1-f2+f7-f8+f9-f10+f11-f12+f13-f14);
//uy = (f3-f4+f7-f8-f9+f10+f15-f16+f17-f18);
uz = din - (f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f6+f12+f13+f16+f17));
Cxz = 0.5*(f1+f7+f9-f2-f10-f8) - 0.3333333333333333*ux;
Cyz = 0.5*(f3+f7+f10-f4-f9-f8) - 0.3333333333333333*uy;
f5 = f6 + 0.33333333333333338*uz;
f11 = f12 + 0.16666666666666678*(uz+ux)-Cxz;
f14 = f13 + 0.16666666666666678*(uz-ux)+Cxz;
f15 = f16 + 0.16666666666666678*(uy+uz)-Cyz;
f18 = f17 + 0.16666666666666678*(uz-uy)+Cyz;
//........Store in "opposite" memory location..........
dist[nr5] = f5;
dist[nr11] = f11;
dist[nr14] = f14;
dist[nr15] = f15;
dist[nr18] = f18;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Pressure_BC_Z(int *d_neighborList, int *list, double *dist, double dout, int count, int Np)
int idx,n,nread;
int nr6,nr12,nr13,nr16,nr17;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
double ux,uy,uz,Cyz,Cxz;
ux = uy = 0.0;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// Loop over the boundary - threadblocks delineated by start...finish
if ( idx < count ){
n = list[idx];
// Read distributions
f0 = dist[n];
nread = d_neighborList[n];
f1 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+2*Np];
f3 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+4*Np];
f5 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+6*Np];
f7 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+8*Np];
f9 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+10*Np];
f11 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+14*Np];
f15 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+Np];
f2 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+3*Np];
f4 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+7*Np];
f8 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+9*Np];
f10 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+13*Np];
f14 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+17*Np];
f18 = dist[nread];
// unknown distributions
nr6 = d_neighborList[n+5*Np];
nr12 = d_neighborList[n+11*Np];
nr16 = d_neighborList[n+15*Np];
nr17 = d_neighborList[n+16*Np];
nr13 = d_neighborList[n+12*Np];
//........Determine the outlet flow velocity.........
//ux = f1-f2+f7-f8+f9-f10+f11-f12+f13-f14;
//uy = f3-f4+f7-f8-f9+f10+f15-f16+f17-f18;
uz = -dout + (f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f5+f11+f14+f15+f18));
Cxz = 0.5*(f1+f7+f9-f2-f10-f8) - 0.3333333333333333*ux;
Cyz = 0.5*(f3+f7+f10-f4-f9-f8) - 0.3333333333333333*uy;
f6 = f5 - 0.33333333333333338*uz;
f12 = f11 - 0.16666666666666678*(uz+ux)+Cxz;
f13 = f14 - 0.16666666666666678*(uz-ux)-Cxz;
f16 = f15 - 0.16666666666666678*(uy+uz)+Cyz;
f17 = f18 - 0.16666666666666678*(uz-uy)-Cyz;
//........Store in "opposite" memory location..........
dist[nr6] = f6;
dist[nr12] = f12;
dist[nr13] = f13;
dist[nr16] = f16;
dist[nr17] = f17;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Flux_BC_z(int *list, double *dist, double flux, double Area,
double *dvcsum, int count, int Np)
int idx, n;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
double factor = 1.f/(Area);
double sum = 0.f;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx < count){
n = list[idx];
f0 = dist[n];
f1 = dist[2*Np+n];
f2 = dist[1*Np+n];
f3 = dist[4*Np+n];
f4 = dist[3*Np+n];
f6 = dist[5*Np+n];
f7 = dist[8*Np+n];
f8 = dist[7*Np+n];
f9 = dist[10*Np+n];
f10 = dist[9*Np+n];
f12 = dist[11*Np+n];
f13 = dist[14*Np+n];
f16 = dist[15*Np+n];
f17 = dist[18*Np+n];
sum = factor*(f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f6+f12+f13+f16+f17));
//sum = blockReduceSum(sum);
//if (threadIdx.x==0)
// atomicAdd(dvcsum, sum);
extern __shared__ double temp[];
thread_group g = this_thread_block();
double block_sum = reduce_sum(g, temp, sum);
if (g.thread_rank() == 0) atomicAdd(dvcsum, block_sum);
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Flux_BC_z(int *d_neighborList, int *list, double *dist, double flux,
double Area, double *dvcsum, int count, int Np)
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
int idx, n;
int nread;
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
double factor = 1.f/(Area);
double sum = 0.f;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx < count){
n = list[idx];
f0 = dist[n];
nread = d_neighborList[n];
f1 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+2*Np];
f3 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+6*Np];
f7 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+8*Np];
f9 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+12*Np];
f13 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+16*Np];
f17 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+Np];
f2 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+3*Np];
f4 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+5*Np];
f6 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+7*Np];
f8 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+9*Np];
f10 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+11*Np];
f12 = dist[nread];
nread = d_neighborList[n+15*Np];
f16 = dist[nread];
sum = factor*(f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f6+f12+f13+f16+f17));
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
//sum = blockReduceSum(sum);
//if (threadIdx.x==0)
// atomicAdd(dvcsum, sum);
extern __shared__ double temp[];
thread_group g = this_thread_block();
double block_sum = reduce_sum(g, temp, sum);
if (g.thread_rank() == 0) atomicAdd(dvcsum, block_sum);
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
__global__ void dvc_D3Q19_Velocity_BC_z(double *disteven, double *distodd, double uz,
int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
int n,N;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
2015-07-18 16:35:50 -05:00
double din;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
n = Nx*Ny + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
if (n < 2*Nx*Ny){
// Read distributions from "opposite" memory convention
f1 = distodd[n];
f3 = distodd[N+n];
f5 = distodd[2*N+n];
f7 = distodd[3*N+n];
f9 = distodd[4*N+n];
f11 = distodd[5*N+n];
f13 = distodd[6*N+n];
f15 = distodd[7*N+n];
f17 = distodd[8*N+n];
f0 = disteven[n];
f2 = disteven[N+n];
f4 = disteven[2*N+n];
f6 = disteven[3*N+n];
f8 = disteven[4*N+n];
f10 = disteven[5*N+n];
f12 = disteven[6*N+n];
f14 = disteven[7*N+n];
f16 = disteven[8*N+n];
f18 = disteven[9*N+n];
// Determine the outlet flow velocity
// uz = 1.0 - (f0+f4+f3+f2+f1+f8+f7+f9+f10 +
// 2*(f5+f15+f18+f11+f14))/din;
din = (f0+f4+f3+f2+f1+f8+f7+f9+f10+2*(f5+f15+f18+f11+f14))/(1.0-uz);
// Set the unknown distributions:
f6 = f5 + 0.3333333333333333*din*uz;
f16 = f15 + 0.1666666666666667*din*uz;
f17 = f16 + f4 - f3-f15+f18+f8-f7 +f9-f10;
f12= (din*uz+f5+ f15+f18+f11+f14-f6-f16-f17-f2+f1-f14+f11-f8+f7+f9-f10)*0.5;
f13= din*uz+f5+ f15+f18+f11+f14-f6-f16-f17-f12;
//........Store in "opposite" memory location..........
disteven[3*N+n] = f6;
disteven[6*N+n] = f12;
distodd[6*N+n] = f13;
disteven[8*N+n] = f16;
distodd[8*N+n] = f17;
__global__ void dvc_D3Q19_Velocity_BC_Z(double *disteven, double *distodd, double uz,
int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, int outlet){
int n,N;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
2015-07-18 16:35:50 -05:00
double dout;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
n = outlet + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// Loop over the boundary - threadblocks delineated by start...finish
if ( n<N-Nx*Ny ){
// Read distributions from "opposite" memory convention
f1 = distodd[n];
f3 = distodd[N+n];
f5 = distodd[2*N+n];
f7 = distodd[3*N+n];
f9 = distodd[4*N+n];
f11 = distodd[5*N+n];
f13 = distodd[6*N+n];
f15 = distodd[7*N+n];
f17 = distodd[8*N+n];
f0 = disteven[n];
f2 = disteven[N+n];
f4 = disteven[2*N+n];
f6 = disteven[3*N+n];
f8 = disteven[4*N+n];
f10 = disteven[5*N+n];
f12 = disteven[6*N+n];
f14 = disteven[7*N+n];
f16 = disteven[8*N+n];
f18 = disteven[9*N+n];
//uz = -1.0 + (f0+f4+f3+f2+f1+f8+f7+f9+f10 + 2*(f6+f16+f17+f12+f13))/dout;
dout = (f0+f4+f3+f2+f1+f8+f7+f9+f10 + 2*(f6+f16+f17+f12+f13))/(1.0+uz);
f5 = f6 - 0.33333333333333338*dout* uz;
f15 = f16 - 0.16666666666666678*dout* uz;
f18 = f15 - f4 + f3-f16+f17-f8+f7-f9+f10;
f11 = (-dout*uz+f6+ f16+f17+f12+f13-f5-f15-f18+f2-f1-f13+f12+f8-f7-f9+f10)*0.5;
f14 = -dout*uz+f6+ f16+f17+f12+f13-f5-f15-f18-f11;
//........Store in "opposite" memory location..........
distodd[2*N+n] = f5;
distodd[5*N+n] = f11;
disteven[7*N+n] = f14;
distodd[7*N+n] = f15;
disteven[9*N+n] = f18;
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
__global__ void dvc_D3Q19_Flux_BC_z(double *disteven, double *distodd, double flux, double *dvcsum,
int Nx, int Ny, int Nz){
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Note that this routine assumes the distributions are stored "opposite"
// odd distributions in disteven and even distributions in distodd.
int n,N;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f12,f13,f16,f17;
//double A = 1.f*double(Nx*Ny);
double factor = 1.f/(double(Nx*Ny)*(1.0-flux));
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
double sum = 0.f;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
n = Nx*Ny + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n < 2*Nx*Ny){
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
f1 = distodd[n];
f3 = distodd[N+n];
// f5 = distodd[2*N+n];
f7 = distodd[3*N+n];
f9 = distodd[4*N+n];
// f11 = distodd[5*N+n];
f13 = distodd[6*N+n];
// f15 = distodd[7*N+n];
f17 = distodd[8*N+n];
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
f0 = disteven[n];
f2 = disteven[N+n];
f4 = disteven[2*N+n];
f6 = disteven[3*N+n];
f8 = disteven[4*N+n];
f10 = disteven[5*N+n];
f12 = disteven[6*N+n];
// f14 = disteven[7*N+n];
f16 = disteven[8*N+n];
// f18 = disteven[9*N+n];
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// compute local sum to determine the density value to set pressure
//sum = (f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f6+f12+f13+f16+f17))/(A*(1.0-flux));
sum = factor*(f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f6+f12+f13+f16+f17));
//sum = warpReduceSum(sum);
//if (threadIdx.x & (warpSize-1) == 0 ){
// atomicAdd(dvcsum,sum);
sum = blockReduceSum(sum);
if (threadIdx.x==0)
atomicAdd(dvcsum, sum);
__global__ void dvc_D3Q19_Flux_BC_Z(double *disteven, double *distodd, double flux, double *dvcsum,
int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, int outlet){
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
int n,N;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f14,f15,f18;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
n = outlet + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
double factor = 1.f/(double(Nx*Ny)*(1.0+flux));
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
double sum = 0.f;
// Loop over the boundary - threadblocks delineated by start...finish
if ( n<N-Nx*Ny ){
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Read distributions from "opposite" memory convention
f1 = distodd[n];
f3 = distodd[N+n];
f5 = distodd[2*N+n];
f7 = distodd[3*N+n];
f9 = distodd[4*N+n];
f11 = distodd[5*N+n];
// f13 = distodd[6*N+n];
f15 = distodd[7*N+n];
// f17 = distodd[8*N+n];
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
f0 = disteven[n];
f2 = disteven[N+n];
f4 = disteven[2*N+n];
// f6 = disteven[3*N+n];
f8 = disteven[4*N+n];
f10 = disteven[5*N+n];
// f12 = disteven[6*N+n];
f14 = disteven[7*N+n];
// f16 = disteven[8*N+n];
f18 = disteven[9*N+n];
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Local sum (based on the consistency condition)
//sum = (f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f5+f11+f14+f15+f18))/(A*(1.0+flux));
sum = factor*(f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f7+f8+f9+f10 + 2*(f5+f11+f14+f15+f18));
sum = blockReduceSum(sum);
if (threadIdx.x==0)
atomicAdd(dvcsum, sum);
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Init_Simple(char *ID, double *f_even, double *f_odd, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
int n,N;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
char id;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<N ){
id = ID[n];
if (id > 0 ){
f_even[n] = 0 + 0.01*0;
f_odd[n] = 0+ 0.01*1; //double(100*n)+1.f;
f_even[N+n] = 1+ 0.01*2; //double(100*n)+2.f;
f_odd[N+n] = 1+ 0.01*3; //double(100*n)+3.f;
f_even[2*N+n] = 2+ 0.01*4; //double(100*n)+4.f;
f_odd[2*N+n] = 2+ 0.01*5; //double(100*n)+5.f;
f_even[3*N+n] = 3+ 0.01*6; //double(100*n)+6.f;
f_odd[3*N+n] = 3+ 0.01*7; //double(100*n)+7.f;
f_even[4*N+n] = 4+ 0.01*8; //double(100*n)+8.f;
f_odd[4*N+n] = 4+ 0.01*9; //double(100*n)+9.f;
f_even[5*N+n] = 5+ 0.01*10; //double(100*n)+10.f;
f_odd[5*N+n] = 5+ 0.01*11; //double(100*n)+11.f;
f_even[6*N+n] = 6+ 0.01*12; //double(100*n)+12.f;
f_odd[6*N+n] = 6+ 0.01*13; //double(100*n)+13.f;
f_even[7*N+n] = 7+ 0.01*14; //double(100*n)+14.f;
f_odd[7*N+n] = 7+ 0.01*15; //double(100*n)+15.f;
f_even[8*N+n] = 8+ 0.01*16; //double(100*n)+16.f;
f_odd[8*N+n] = 8+ 0.01*17; //double(100*n)+17.f;
f_even[9*N+n] = 9+ 0.01*18; //double(100*n)+18.f;
for(int q=0; q<9; q++){
f_even[q*N+n] = -1.0;
f_odd[q*N+n] = -1.0;
f_even[9*N+n] = -1.0;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
//extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_MapRecv(int q, int Cqx, int Cqy, int Cqz, int *list, int start, int count,
// int *d3q19_recvlist, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz){
// int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
// dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Unpack <<<GRID,512 >>>(q, Cqx, Cqy, Cqz, list, start, count, d3q19_recvlist, Nx, Ny, Nz);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Pack(int q, int *list, int start, int count, double *sendbuf, double *dist, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
2021-08-02 12:55:10 -05:00
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Pack <<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(q, list, start, count, sendbuf, dist, N);
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Unpack(int q, int *list, int start, int count, double *recvbuf, double *dist, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
2021-08-02 12:55:10 -05:00
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Unpack <<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(q, list, start, count, recvbuf, dist, N);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AA_Init(double *f_even, double *f_odd, int Np){
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AA_Init<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(f_even, f_odd, Np);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AA_Init: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Init(double *dist, int Np){
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Init<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(dist, Np);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AA_Init: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Swap(char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz){
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Swap<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(ID, disteven, distodd, Nx, Ny, Nz);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Swap: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Swap_Compact(int *neighborList, double *disteven, double *distodd, int Np)
const int Q = 9;
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
// hipStream_t streams[Q];
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Launch the swap operation as different kernels
for (int q=0; q<Q; q++){
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Swap_Compact<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(neighborList, disteven, distodd, Np, q);
// cpu should wait for all kernels to finish (to avoid launch of dependent kernels)
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Swap: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Compact( double *d_dist, int Np) {
2020-10-07 12:36:42 -05:00
hipFuncSetCacheConfig( (void*) dvc_ScaLBL_AAeven_Compact, hipFuncCachePreferL1);
dvc_ScaLBL_AAeven_Compact<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS>>>( d_dist, Np);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Init: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Compact( int *d_neighborList, double *d_dist, int Np) {
2020-10-07 12:36:42 -05:00
hipFuncSetCacheConfig( (void*) dvc_ScaLBL_AAodd_Compact, hipFuncCachePreferL1);
dvc_ScaLBL_AAodd_Compact<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS>>>(d_neighborList, d_dist,Np);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Init: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Momentum(double *dist, double *vel, int Np){
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Momentum<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(dist, vel, Np);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Velocity: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
2018-01-26 09:19:37 -06:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Pressure(double *fq, double *Pressure, int Np){
2018-01-26 09:28:58 -06:00
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Pressure<<< NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(fq, Pressure, Np);
2015-06-15 20:37:07 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Velocity_BC_z(double *disteven, double *distodd, double uz,int Nx, int Ny, int Nz){
int GRID = Nx*Ny / 512 + 1;
dvc_D3Q19_Velocity_BC_z<<<GRID,512>>>(disteven,distodd, uz, Nx, Ny, Nz);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Velocity_BC_z: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Velocity_BC_Z(double *disteven, double *distodd, double uz, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, int outlet){
int GRID = Nx*Ny / 512 + 1;
dvc_D3Q19_Velocity_BC_Z<<<GRID,512>>>(disteven, distodd, uz, Nx, Ny, Nz, outlet);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Velocity_BC_Z: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
extern "C" double ScaLBL_D3Q19_Flux_BC_z(double *disteven, double *distodd, double flux,int Nx, int Ny, int Nz){
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
int GRID = Nx*Ny / 512 + 1;
// IMPORTANT -- this routine may fail if Nx*Ny > 512*512
if (Nx*Ny > 512*512){
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
printf("WARNING (ScaLBL_D3Q19_Flux_BC_z): CUDA reduction operation may fail if Nx*Ny > 512*512");
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Allocate memory to store the sums
double din;
double sum[1];
double *dvcsum;
int sharedBytes = NTHREADS*sizeof(double);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipMalloc((void **)&dvcsum,sizeof(double)*Nx*Ny);
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Flux_BC_z (memory allocation): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// compute the local flux and store the result
dvc_D3Q19_Flux_BC_z<<<GRID,512,sharedBytes>>>(disteven, distodd, flux, dvcsum, Nx, Ny, Nz);
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Flux_BC_z (flux calculation, step 1): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
// Now read the total flux
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Flux_BC_z (flux calculation, step 2): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
// free the memory needed for reduction
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
return din;
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Pressure_BC_z(int *list, double *dist, double din, int count, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Pressure_BC_z<<<GRID,512>>>(list, dist, din, count, N);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Pressure_BC_z (kernel): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Pressure_BC_Z(int *list, double *dist, double dout, int count, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Pressure_BC_Z<<<GRID,512>>>(list, dist, dout, count, N);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Pressure_BC_Z (kernel): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Pressure_BC_z(int *neighborList, int *list, double *dist, double din, int count, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Pressure_BC_z<<<GRID,512>>>(neighborList, list, dist, din, count, N);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Pressure_BC_z (kernel): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Pressure_BC_Z(int *neighborList, int *list, double *dist, double dout, int count, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Pressure_BC_Z<<<GRID,512>>>(neighborList, list, dist, dout, count, N);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Pressure_BC_Z (kernel): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
extern "C" double ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Flux_BC_z(int *list, double *dist, double flux, double area,
int count, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
// IMPORTANT -- this routine may fail if Nx*Ny > 512*512
if (count > 512*512){
printf("WARNING (ScaLBL_D3Q19_Flux_BC_Z): CUDA reduction operation may fail if count > 512*512");
// Allocate memory to store the sums
double din;
2019-05-20 21:37:50 -05:00
double sum[1];
double *dvcsum;
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipMalloc((void **)&dvcsum,sizeof(double)*count);
2018-02-21 16:12:27 -06:00
int sharedBytes = 512*sizeof(double);
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Flux_BC_z (memory allocation): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
// compute the local flux and store the result
2018-02-21 16:12:27 -06:00
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Flux_BC_z<<<GRID,512,sharedBytes>>>(list, dist, flux, area, dvcsum, count, N);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Flux_BC_z (kernel): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
// Now read the total flux
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_Flux_BC_z (reduction): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
// free the memory needed for reduction
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
return din;
extern "C" double ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Flux_BC_z(int *neighborList, int *list, double *dist, double flux,
double area, int count, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
// IMPORTANT -- this routine may fail if Nx*Ny > 512*512
if (count > 512*512){
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
printf("WARNING (ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Flux_BC_z): CUDA reduction operation may fail if count > 512*512");
// Allocate memory to store the sums
double din;
2019-05-20 21:37:50 -05:00
double sum[1];
double *dvcsum;
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipMalloc((void **)&dvcsum,sizeof(double)*count);
2018-02-21 16:12:27 -06:00
int sharedBytes = 512*sizeof(double);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Flux_BC_z (memory allocation): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
// compute the local flux and store the result
2018-02-21 16:12:27 -06:00
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Flux_BC_z<<<GRID,512,sharedBytes>>>(neighborList, list, dist, flux, area, dvcsum, count, N);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Flux_BC_z (kernel): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Now read the total flux
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_Flux_BC_z (reduction): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2019-05-17 13:15:27 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// free the memory needed for reduction
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
return din;
extern "C" double ScaLBL_D3Q19_Flux_BC_Z(double *disteven, double *distodd, double flux, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, int outlet){
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
int GRID = Nx*Ny / 512 + 1;
// IMPORTANT -- this routine may fail if Nx*Ny > 512*512
if (Nx*Ny > 512*512){
printf("WARNING (ScaLBL_D3Q19_Flux_BC_Z): CUDA reduction operation may fail if Nx*Ny > 512*512");
// Allocate memory to store the sums
double dout;
double sum[1];
double *dvcsum;
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipMalloc((void **)&dvcsum,sizeof(double)*Nx*Ny);
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// compute the local flux and store the result
dvc_D3Q19_Flux_BC_Z<<<GRID,512>>>(disteven, distodd, flux, dvcsum, Nx, Ny, Nz, outlet);
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// Now read the total flux
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
// free the memory needed for reduction
dout = sum[0];
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
return dout;
2021-02-12 13:19:37 -06:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Reflection_BC_z(int *list, double *dist, int count, int Np){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Reflection_BC_z<<<GRID,512>>>(list, dist, count, Np);
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("HIP error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Reflection_BC_z (kernel): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Reflection_BC_Z(int *list, double *dist, int count, int Np){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Reflection_BC_Z<<<GRID,512>>>(list, dist, count, Np);
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("HIP error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_Reflection_BC_Z (kernel): %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
extern "C" double deviceReduce(double *in, double* out, int N) {
int threads = 512;
int blocks = min((N + threads - 1) / threads, 1024);
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
double sum = 0.f;
deviceReduceKernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(in, out, N);
deviceReduceKernel<<<1, 1024>>>(out, out, blocks);
return sum;
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
//extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_Pressure_BC_Z(int *list, double *dist, double dout, int count, int Np){
// int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
// dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q19_Pressure_BC_Z<<<GRID,512>>>(disteven, distodd, dout, Nx, Ny, Nz, outlet);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_MRT(double *dist, int start, int finish, int Np, double rlx_setA, double rlx_setB, double Fx,
double Fy, double Fz){
dvc_ScaLBL_AAeven_MRT<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(dist,start,finish,Np,rlx_setA,rlx_setB,Fx,Fy,Fz);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_MRT: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAodd_MRT(int *neighborlist, double *dist, int start, int finish, int Np, double rlx_setA, double rlx_setB, double Fx,
double Fy, double Fz){
dvc_ScaLBL_AAodd_MRT<<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(neighborlist,dist,start,finish,Np,rlx_setA,rlx_setB,Fx,Fy,Fz);
2020-10-07 11:31:49 -05:00
hipError_t err = hipGetLastError();
if (hipSuccess != err){
printf("CUDA error in ScaLBL_D3Q19_AAeven_MRT: %s \n",hipGetErrorString(err));
2017-09-18 04:55:34 -05:00