Added the domain functions

This commit is contained in:
James E McClure 2013-09-03 14:46:57 -04:00
parent e5a251b751
commit 1e8e27d530
5 changed files with 346 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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domain/Domain.h Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
// Created by James McClure
// Copyright 2008-2013
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
inline void ReadSpherePacking(int nspheres, double *List_cx, double *List_cy, double *List_cz, double *List_rad)
// Read in the full sphere pack
int count;
double x,y,z,r;
//...... READ IN THE SPHERES...................................
char * trsh;
trsh = new char[100];
cout << "Reading the packing file..." << endl;
ifstream pack ("pack.out");
//.........Trash the header lines..........
pack.getline(trsh, 100);
pack.getline(trsh, 100);
pack.getline(trsh, 100);
pack.getline(trsh, 100);
pack.getline(trsh, 100);
// the spheres..................
count = 0;
pack >> x;
pack >> y;
pack >> z;
pack >> r;
while (! pack.eof()){
List_cx[count] = x;
List_cy[count] = y;
List_cz[count] = z;
List_rad[count] = r;
pack >> x;
pack >> y;
pack >> z;
pack >> r;
cout << "Number of spheres extracted is: " << count << endl;
if (count != nspheres){
printf("Specified number of spheres is probably incorrect!");
// .............................................................
inline void AssignLocalSolidID(char *ID, int nspheres, double *List_cx, double *List_cy, double *List_cz, double *List_rad,
double Lx, double Ly, double Lz, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz,
int iproc, int jproc, int kproc, int nprocx, int nprocy, int nprocz)
// Use sphere lists to determine which nodes are in porespace
// Write out binary file for nodes
char value;
int N = Nx*Ny*Nz; // Domain size, including the halo
double hx,hy,hz;
double x,y,z;
double cx,cy,cz,r;
int imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax;
int p,i,j,k,n;
double min_x,min_y,min_z;
// double max_x,max_y,max_z;
// Lattice spacing for the entire domain
// It should generally be true that hx=hy=hz
// Otherwise, you will end up with ellipsoids
hx = Lx/(Nx*nprocx-1);
hy = Ly/(Ny*nprocy-1);
hz = Lz/(Nz*nprocz-1);
// Get maximum and minimum for this domain
// Halo is included !
min_x = double(iproc*Nx-1)*hx;
min_y = double(jproc*Ny-1)*hy;
min_z = double(kproc*Nz-1)*hz;
// max_x = ((iproc+1)*Nx+1)*hx;
// max_y = ((jproc+1)*Ny+1)*hy;
// max_z = ((kproc+1)*Nz+1)*hz;
// Pre-initialize local ID
for (n=0;n<N;n++){
// .........Loop over the spheres.............
for (p=0;p<nspheres;p++){
// Get the sphere from the list, map to local min
cx = List_cx[p] - min_x;
cy = List_cy[p] - min_y;
cz = List_cz[p] - min_z;
r = List_rad[p];
// Check if
// Range for this sphere in global indexing
imin = int ((cx-r)/hx)-1;
imax = int ((cx+r)/hx)+1;
jmin = int ((cy-r)/hy)-1;
jmax = int ((cy+r)/hy)+1;
kmin = int ((cz-r)/hz)-1;
kmax = int ((cz+r)/hz)+1;
// Obviously we have to do something at the edges
if (imin<0) imin = 0;
if (imin>Nx) imin = Nx;
if (imax<0) imax = 0;
if (imax>Nx) imax = Nx;
if (jmin<0) jmin = 0;
if (jmin>Ny) jmin = Ny;
if (jmax<0) jmax = 0;
if (jmax>Ny) jmax = Ny;
if (kmin<0) kmin = 0;
if (kmin>Nz) kmin = Nz;
if (kmax<0) kmax = 0;
if (kmax>Nz) kmax = Nz;
// Loop over the domain for this sphere (may be null)
for (i=imin;i<imax;i++){
for (j=jmin;j<jmax;j++){
for (k=kmin;k<kmax;k++){
// Initialize ID value to 'fluid (=1)'
x = i*hx;
y = j*hy;
z = k*hz;
value = 1;
// if inside sphere, set to zero
if ( (cx-x)*(cx-x)+(cy-y)*(cy-y)+(cz-z)*(cz-z) < r*r){
// get the position in the list
n = k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i;
if ( ID[n] != 0 ){
ID[n] = value;
inline void GenerateResidual(char *ID, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, double Saturation)
int i,j,k,n,Number,N;
int x,y,z,ii,jj,kk;
int sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ;
int *SizeX, *SizeY, *SizeZ;
// float bin;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
int binCount=1;
SizeX = new int [binCount];
SizeY = new int [binCount];
SizeZ = new int [binCount];
SizeX[0] = 32;
SizeY[0] = 32;
SizeZ[0] = 32;
/* ifstream Dist("");
for (int bin=0; bin<binCount; bin++){
Dist >> SizeX[bin];
Dist >> SizeY[bin];
Dist >> SizeZ[bin];
*/ //.......................................................................
// cout << "Generating blocks... " << endl;
// Count for the total number of oil nodes
int count = 0;
// Count the total number of non-solid nodes
int total = 0;
for (i=0;i<N;i++){
if (ID[i] != 0) total++;
sizeX = sizeY = sizeZ = 32;
// for (int feature = 0; feature < Number; feature++){
float sat = 0.f;
Number = 0; // number of features
while (sat < Saturation){
// Randomly generate a point in the domain
x = Nx*float(rand())/float(RAND_MAX);
y = Ny*float(rand())/float(RAND_MAX);
z = Nz*float(rand())/float(RAND_MAX);
// bin = binCount*float(rand())/float(RAND_MAX);
// sizeX = SizeX[int(floor(bin))];
// sizeY = SizeY[int(floor(bin))];
// sizeZ = SizeZ[int(floor(bin))];
// cout << "Sampling from bin no. " << floor(bin) << endl;
// cout << "Feature size is: " << sizeX << "x" << sizeY << "x" << sizeZ << endl;
for (k=z;k<z+sizeZ;k++){
for (j=y;j<y+sizeY;j++){
for (i=x;i<x+sizeX;i++){
// Identify nodes in the domain (periodic BC)
ii = i;
jj = j;
kk = k;
if (ii < 1) ii+=(Nx-2);
if (jj < 1) jj+=(Ny-2);
if (kk < 1) kk+=(Nz-2);
if (!(ii < Nx-1)) ii-=(Nx-2);
if (!(jj < Ny-1)) jj-=(Ny-2);
if (!(kk < Nz-1)) kk-=(Nz-2);
n = kk*Nx*Ny+jj*Nx+ii;
if (ID[n] == 1){
ID[n] = 2;
sat = float(count)/total;
inline void WriteLocalSolidID(char *FILENAME, char *ID, int N)
char value;
ofstream File(FILENAME,ios::binary);
for (int n=0; n<N; n++){
value = ID[n];
File.write((char*) &value, sizeof(value));

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domain/SimpleDomain.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "Domain.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Variable declaration
int i,j,k,N;
int Nx,Ny,Nz;
int nspheres;
double Lx,Ly,Lz;
// parallel domain size (# of sub-domains)
int nprocx,nprocy,nprocz;
// int iproc,jproc,kproc;
// Reading the input file
ifstream domain("");
domain >> nspheres;
domain >> Lx;
domain >> Ly;
domain >> Lz;
domain >> Nx;
domain >> Ny;
domain >> Nz;
domain >> nprocx;
domain >> nprocy;
domain >> nprocz;
printf("Sub-domain size = %i x %i x %i\n",Nz,Nz,Nz);
printf("Parallel domain size = %i x %i x %i\n",nprocx,nprocy,nprocz);
printf("Number of spheres = %i \n", nspheres);
printf("Domain Length (x) = %f \n", Lx);
printf("Domain Length (y) = %f \n", Ly);
printf("Domain Length (z) = %f \n", Lz);
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
printf("Read input media... \n");
char *id;
id = new char[N];
// Read from a sphere packing
double *cx,*cy,*cz,*r;
cx = new double[nspheres];
cy = new double[nspheres];
cz = new double[nspheres];
r = new double[nspheres];
printf("Reading the sphere packing \n");
// Write out the files
int rank;
char LocalRankString[8];
char LocalRankFilename[40];
for (k=0; k<nprocz; k++){
for (j=0; j<nprocy; j++){
for (i=0; i<nprocx; i++){
rank = k*nprocx*nprocy + j*nprocx + i;
// printf("Assigning the local phase ID \n");
// printf("Generating residual NWP \n");
WriteLocalSolidID(LocalRankFilename, id, N);
printf("Finished rank = %i \n",rank);