add python utility files for morphological analysis

This commit is contained in:
zherexli 2016-11-04 15:45:10 -04:00
parent 9d3e9284ba
commit 74e945c9a3

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@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy import spatial
import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
import scipy.ndimage.morphology as morphology
import scipy.stats as stats
from skimage.morphology import medial_axis,skeletonize_3d
def detect_intersection_point_with_cluster_filter(input_data,lx,ly,lz=0):
# Input is a signed distance data file such as 'SignDist.xxxxx'
if lz > 0: # i.e. a 3D input
# Calculate the medial axis of the segmented image
dist = input_data.copy()
dist.shape = (lz,ly,lx)
skel = skeletonize_3d(dist>0.0)
dist_on_skel = skel*dist
# Building two search trees is potentially good for 3D image
grid = np.indices(dist.shape)
grid_points = zip(grid[0].ravel(),grid[1].ravel(),grid[2].ravel())
tree_grid = spatial.cKDTree(grid_points)
points_for_search = zip(z_skel,y_skel,x_skel)
tree_points_for_search = spatial.cKDTree(points_for_search)
neighbor_all = tree_points_for_search.query_ball_tree(tree_grid,np.sqrt(3.0))
idx_glb_table = np.ravel_multi_index([z_skel,y_skel,x_skel],skel.shape)
idx_glb_candidate = np.empty((0,),dtype=int)
for k,idx_glb_neighbor in enumerate(neighbor_all):
if k%4000==0:
print 'Search for intersection points: '+str(k)+'/'+str(len(neighbor_all)-1)
#end if
mask = np.in1d(idx_glb_neighbor,idx_glb_table,assume_unique=True)
idx_glb_candidate = np.hstack((idx_glb_candidate,mask.sum()))
#end for
# Statistics: number of neighbors for each voxel on the medial axis
connectivity_stats = stats.itemfreq(idx_glb_candidate)
# 'connectivity_stats' has the following format:
# number_of_neighbors_for_each_voxel :: corresponding_number_of_voxels
# array([[ 1, 41],
# [ 2, 143],
# [ 3, 185],
# [ 4, 5]])
# If a voxel is indentified as an intersection point, the number of its
# neighboring voxels should be greater than 'benchmark'
benchmark = connectivity_stats[np.argmax(connectivity_stats[:,1]),0]
# Update the medial axis and 'dist_on_skel'
skel[:] = False
skel[np.unravel_index(idx_glb_table[idx_glb_candidate > benchmark],skel.shape)] = True
else: # i.e. 2D input
# Calculate the medial axis of the segmented image
dist = input_data.copy()
dist.shape = (ly,lx)
skel = medial_axis(dist>0.0)
dist_on_skel = skel*dist
# Building two search trees is potentially good for 3D image
grid = np.indices(dist.shape)
grid_points = zip(grid[0].ravel(),grid[1].ravel())
tree_grid = spatial.cKDTree(grid_points)
points_for_search = zip(y_skel,x_skel)
tree_points_for_search = spatial.cKDTree(points_for_search)
neighbor_all = tree_points_for_search.query_ball_tree(tree_grid,np.sqrt(2.0))
idx_glb_table = np.ravel_multi_index([y_skel,x_skel],skel.shape)
idx_glb_candidate = np.empty((0,),dtype=int)
for k,idx_glb_neighbor in enumerate(neighbor_all):
if k%4000==0:
print 'Search for intersection points: '+str(k)+'/'+str(len(neighbor_all)-1)
#end if
mask = np.in1d(idx_glb_neighbor,idx_glb_table,assume_unique=True)
idx_glb_candidate = np.hstack((idx_glb_candidate,mask.sum()))
#end for
# Statistics: number of neighbors for each voxel on the medial axis
connectivity_stats = stats.itemfreq(idx_glb_candidate)
# 'connectivity_stats' has the following format:
# number_of_neighbors_for_each_voxel :: corresponding_number_of_voxels
# array([[ 1, 41],
# [ 2, 143],
# [ 3, 185],
# [ 4, 5]])
# If a voxel is indentified as an intersection point, the number of its
# neighboring voxels should be greater than 'benchmark'
benchmark = connectivity_stats[np.argmax(connectivity_stats[:,1]),0]
# Update the medial axis and 'dist_on_skel'
skel[:] = False
skel[np.unravel_index(idx_glb_table[idx_glb_candidate > benchmark],skel.shape)] = True
#end if
return (_Filter_cluster_close_points(skel*dist),connectivity_stats)
#end def
def _Filter_cluster_close_points(arr):
# 'arr' is a 2D/3D signed distance data file
# Return an 'arr' with nearest neighboring points clustered
if arr.ndim == 2:
[y_idx,x_idx] = np.where(arr>0.0)
idx_glb = np.ravel_multi_index([y_idx,x_idx],arr.shape)
grid = np.indices(arr.shape)
dist = arr.ravel()[idx_glb]
candidate = np.empty((0,),dtype=int)
# TODO: use search tree to do this !
for k in np.arange(idx_glb.size):
if k%200==0:
print 'Clustering close points: '+str(k)+'/'+str(idx_glb.size-1)
#end if
mask_circle = (grid[0]-y_idx[k])**2 + (grid[1]-x_idx[k])**2<=dist[k]**2
idx_glb_circle =np.ravel_multi_index(np.where(mask_circle),mask_circle.shape)
mask = np.in1d(idx_glb,idx_glb_circle,assume_unique=True)
candidate = np.hstack((candidate,idx_glb[mask][np.argmax(dist[mask])]))
#end for
candidate = np.unique(candidate)
mask = np.in1d(idx_glb,candidate,assume_unique=True)
output_glb_idx = idx_glb[mask]
output = np.zeros_like(arr.ravel())
output[output_glb_idx] = arr.ravel()[output_glb_idx]
output.shape = arr.shape
[z_idx,y_idx,x_idx] = np.where(arr>0.0)
idx_glb = np.ravel_multi_index([z_idx,y_idx,x_idx],arr.shape)
grid = np.indices(arr.shape)
dist = arr.ravel()[idx_glb]
candidate = np.empty((0,),dtype=int)
# TODO: use search tree to do this !
for k in np.arange(idx_glb.size):
if k%200==0:
print 'Clustering close points: '+str(k)+'/'+str(idx_glb.size-1)
#end if
mask_circle = (grid[0]-z_idx[k])**2 + (grid[1]-y_idx[k])**2 + (grid[2]-x_idx[k])**2<=dist[k]**2
idx_glb_circle =np.ravel_multi_index(np.where(mask_circle),mask_circle.shape)
mask = np.in1d(idx_glb,idx_glb_circle,assume_unique=True)
candidate = np.hstack((candidate,idx_glb[mask][np.argmax(dist[mask])]))
#end for
candidate = np.unique(candidate)
mask = np.in1d(idx_glb,candidate,assume_unique=True)
output_glb_idx = idx_glb[mask]
output = np.zeros_like(arr.ravel())
output[output_glb_idx] = arr.ravel()[output_glb_idx]
output.shape = arr.shape
#end if
return output
#end def
def get_Dist(f):
return ndimage.distance_transform_edt(f)
#end def
def detect_local_maxima(arr,medial_axis_arr,patch_size=3):
local_max = _find_local_maxima(arr,patch_size)
background_value = 1e5 # for denoising in finding local minima
arr2 = arr.copy()
ocal_min = _find_local_minima(arr2,background_val=background_value)
local_min = np.logical_and(medial_axis_arr,local_min) #Correct min_indices with Medial axis
local_max_reduced = np.logical_xor(local_max,local_min)
local_max = np.logical_and(local_max,local_max_reduced)
local_max = np.logical_and(medial_axis_arr,local_max)#Correct max_indices with Medial axis
return local_max
#end def
def detect_local_maxima_with_cluster_filter(arr,medial_axis_arr,patch_size=3):
# apply the cluster filetering only once
local_max = detect_local_maxima(arr,medial_axis_arr,patch_size=patch_size)
arr2 = arr.copy()
return _Filter_cluster_close_points(arr2)
#end def
def detect_local_maxima_with_cluster_filter_loop(arr,medial_axis_arr,patch_start=3,patch_stop=9):
# Implement multiple search for local maxima (with cluster filtering)
arr1 = detect_local_maxima_with_cluster_filter(arr,medial_axis_arr,patch_size=patch_start)
[y_idx_1,x_idx_1] = np.where(arr1>0.0)
arr2 = detect_local_maxima_with_cluster_filter(arr1,medial_axis_arr,patch_size=patch_start+2)
[y_idx_2,x_idx_2] = np.where(arr2>0.0)
if (y_idx_1.size>y_idx_2.size):
counter = 2 # Record how many times is the filtering applied
patch = np.arange((patch_start+2)+2,patch_stop+2,2)
for k in patch:
y_idx_1 = y_idx_2.copy()
x_idx_1 = x_idx_2.copy()
arr1 = detect_local_maxima_with_cluster_filter(arr2,medial_axis_arr,patch_size=k)
[y_idx_2,x_idx_2] = np.where(arr1>0.0)
arr2 = arr1.copy()
counter = counter + 1
if not (y_idx_1.size > y_idx_2.size):
print 'Note: Local maxima are already found before the patch_stop is reached.'
print ' All local maxima are found at the patch size of '+str(k)+' !'
#end if
#end for
print 'Note: All local maxima are found at the patch size of '+str(patch_start)+' !'
return arr2
#end if
return arr2
#end def
#def Filter_cluster(arr):
# return _Filter_cluster_close_points(arr)
##end def
def _find_local_maxima(arr,patch_size):
Takes an array and detects the troughs using the local maximum filter.
Returns a boolean mask of the troughs (i.e. 1 when
the pixel's value is the neighborhood maximum, 0 otherwise)
# define an connected neighborhood
#neighborhood = morphology.generate_binary_structure(len(arr.shape),2)
#neighborhood = np.ones((patch_size,patch_size),dtype=bool)
# apply the local maximum filter; all locations of maximum value
# in their neighborhood are set to 1
local_max = (filters.maximum_filter(arr, size=patch_size,mode='constant',cval=0)==arr)
# local_min is a mask that contains the peaks we are
# looking for, but also the background.
# In order to isolate the peaks we must remove the background from the mask.
# we create the mask of the background
background = (arr==0)
# a little technicality: we must erode the background in order to
# successfully subtract it from local_min, otherwise a line will
# appear along the background border (artifact of the local minimum filter)
if arr.ndim == 3:
neighborhood = np.ones((patch_size,patch_size,patch_size),dtype=bool)
elif arr.ndim==2:
neighborhood = np.ones((patch_size,patch_size),dtype=bool)
neighborhood = np.ones((patch_size,),dtype=bool)
#end if
eroded_background = morphology.binary_erosion(
background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1)
# we obtain the final mask, containing only peaks,
# by removing the background from the local_min mask
detected_maxima = local_max - eroded_background
return detected_maxima
def _find_local_minima(arr,patch_size=3,background_val=1e5):
local_min = (filters.minimum_filter(arr, size=patch_size,mode='constant',cval=background_val)==arr)
background = (arr==background_val)
if arr.ndim == 3:
neighborhood = np.ones((patch_size,patch_size,patch_size),dtype=bool)
elif arr.ndim==2:
neighborhood = np.ones((patch_size,patch_size),dtype=bool)
neighborhood = np.ones((patch_size,),dtype=bool)
#end if
eroded_background = morphology.binary_erosion(
background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1)
detected_minima = local_min - eroded_background
return detected_minima
#end def