Updated whole package

This commit is contained in:
James McClure 2013-11-19 00:57:48 -05:00
parent 51319a4778
commit 867c3d535c
42 changed files with 3967 additions and 1480 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
CUDA_FLAGS=-arch sm_35
all:bin/Color-WIA bin/Color-WIA-CBUB
bin/Color-WIA:gpu/lb2_Color_wia_mpi.o lib/libcuColor.a lib/libcuD3Q19.a lib/libcuD3Q7.a lib/libcuExtras.a
mkdir -p bin
CC -O3 -o bin/Color-WIA gpu/lb2_Color_wia_mpi.o -lcuColor -lcuD3Q19 -lcuD3Q7 -lcuExtras -Llib -Iinclude

README.titan Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# load the module for cuda
module load cudatoolkit
# build executables
make all

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
2 2 2
82 82 82
1.0 1.0 1.0

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
2 2 2
80 80 80
1.0 1.0 1.0

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "Domain.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Variable declaration
int i,j,k,n,N;
int Nx,Ny,Nz;
int nspheres;
double Lx,Ly,Lz;
// parallel domain size (# of sub-domains)
int nprocx,nprocy,nprocz;
// int iproc,jproc,kproc;
// Reading the input file
ifstream domain("Domain.in");
domain >> nprocx;
domain >> nprocy;
domain >> nprocz;
domain >> Nx;
domain >> Ny;
domain >> Nz;
domain >> nspheres;
domain >> Lx;
domain >> Ly;
domain >> Lz;
printf("Sub-domain size = %i x %i x %i\n",Nz,Nz,Nz);
printf("Parallel domain size = %i x %i x %i\n",nprocx,nprocy,nprocz);
printf("Number of spheres = %i \n", nspheres);
printf("Domain Length (x) = %f \n", Lx);
printf("Domain Length (y) = %f \n", Ly);
printf("Domain Length (z) = %f \n", Lz);
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
printf("Read input media... \n");
char *id;
id = new char[N];
double *SignDist;
SignDist = new double[N];
// Read from a sphere packing
double *cx,*cy,*cz,*r;
cx = new double[nspheres];
cy = new double[nspheres];
cz = new double[nspheres];
r = new double[nspheres];
printf("Reading the sphere packing \n");
// Write out the files
int rank;
char LocalRankString[8];
char LocalRankFilename[40];
for (k=0; k<nprocz; k++){
for (j=0; j<nprocy; j++){
for (i=0; i<nprocx; i++){
rank = k*nprocx*nprocy + j*nprocx + i;
// printf("Assigning the local phase ID \n");
for (n=0; n<N; n++){
if (SignDist[n] < 0.0) id[n] = 0;
else id[n] = 1;
// printf("Generating residual NWP \n");
WriteLocalSolidID(LocalRankFilename, id, N);
WriteLocalSolidDistance(LocalRankFilename, SignDist, N);
printf("Finished rank = %i \n",rank);

View File

@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "Domain.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Variable declaration
int i,j,k,N;
int Nx,Ny,Nz;
int nspheres;
double Lx,Ly,Lz;
// parallel domain size (# of sub-domains)
int nprocx,nprocy,nprocz;
// int iproc,jproc,kproc;
// Reading the input file
ifstream domain("Domain.in");
domain >> nprocx;
domain >> nprocy;
domain >> nprocz;
domain >> Nx;
domain >> Ny;
domain >> Nz;
domain >> nspheres;
domain >> Lx;
domain >> Ly;
domain >> Lz;
printf("Sub-domain size = %i x %i x %i\n",Nz,Nz,Nz);
printf("Parallel domain size = %i x %i x %i\n",nprocx,nprocy,nprocz);
printf("Number of spheres = %i \n", nspheres);
printf("Domain Length (x) = %f \n", Lx);
printf("Domain Length (y) = %f \n", Ly);
printf("Domain Length (z) = %f \n", Lz);
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
printf("Read input media... \n");
char *id;
id = new char[N];
// Read from a sphere packing
double *cx,*cy,*cz,*r;
cx = new double[nspheres];
cy = new double[nspheres];
cz = new double[nspheres];
r = new double[nspheres];
printf("Reading the sphere packing \n");
// Write out the files
int rank;
char LocalRankString[8];
char LocalRankFilename[40];
for (k=0; k<nprocz; k++){
for (j=0; j<nprocy; j++){
for (i=0; i<nprocx; i++){
rank = k*nprocx*nprocy + j*nprocx + i;
// printf("Assigning the local phase ID \n");
// printf("Generating residual NWP \n");
WriteLocalSolidID(LocalRankFilename, id, N);
printf("Finished rank = %i \n",rank);

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
80 32 128
1.0e-2 0.9 0.1 0.9
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 1.0 1.0
500 500 1e-5

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
2 2 2

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
# Access group, queue, and accounting project
#PBS -W group_list=hokiespeed
# Queue name. Replace normal_q with long_q to submit a job to the long queue.
#PBS -q normal_q
#PBS -A hokiespeed
echo "------------------------------------------"
echo "Running Color LBM using MPI!"
echo "Number of processors = " $PBS_NP
echo "------------------------------------------"
module purge
#module load intel mvapich2
module load gcc cuda mvapich2/1.9rc1
export MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY=scatter
#export VIADEV_CPU_MAPPING=0:2:3:4:1:5:6:7
mpirun -np $PBS_NP ~/LBPM-WIA/cpu/ColorLBM-cpu

View File

@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
Number of Spheres: 399
Domain Length (x,y,z): 1, 1, 1
Media porosity: 0.369
log(r) Normal with mean -2.47144, variance 0
Mean coordination No. 11.84
0.0358075 0.0887041 0.112468 0.0844631
0.118482 0.318651 0.473828 0.0844631
0.582752 0.0454491 0.529264 0.0844631
0.852622 0.828954 0.547441 0.0844631
0.807778 0.54718 0.595125 0.0844631
0.557502 0.0185902 0.694119 0.0844631
0.832159 0.72426 0.207901 0.0844631
0.84196 0.996673 0.530338 0.0844631
0.0811649 0.0792821 0.70289 0.0844631
0.994893 0.869664 0.237064 0.0844631
0.488065 0.221434 0.32131 0.0844631
0.170562 0.759156 0.532848 0.0844631
0.844254 0.0475049 0.812703 0.0844631
0.711717 0.835039 0.165973 0.0844631
0.545693 0.415679 0.814859 0.0844631
0.291362 0.221277 0.740625 0.0844631
0.625387 0.177012 0.665196 0.0844631
0.226285 0.692765 0.689361 0.0844631
0.891466 0.0957847 0.657861 0.0844631
0.517532 0.273905 0.902284 0.0844631
0.410399 0.682132 0.16299 0.0844631
0.0570839 0.629902 0.0756787 0.0844631
0.00559676 0.182636 0.975355 0.0844631
0.132737 0.531505 0.667699 0.0844631
0.662373 0.662491 0.762575 0.0844631
0.572523 0.557371 0.0770451 0.0844631
0.241216 0.554304 0.795169 0.0844631
0.404127 0.9559 0.727017 0.0844631
0.84986 0.285616 0.807583 0.0844631
0.622755 0.508751 0.695781 0.0844631
0.0647357 0.683784 0.64081 0.0844631
0.017351 0.0335981 0.271083 0.0844631
0.634026 0.657202 0.955442 0.0844631
0.665255 0.637861 0.595479 0.0844631
0.936277 0.0301754 0.9533 0.0844631
0.465166 0.519937 0.229393 0.0844631
0.27117 0.85172 0.724784 0.0844631
0.404611 0.539355 0.0728933 0.0844631
0.738345 0.774204 0.892481 0.0844631
0.784738 0.235691 0.659926 0.0844631
0.694499 0.92715 0.574585 0.0844631
0.203094 0.29767 0.618523 0.0844631
0.997892 0.98119 0.593439 0.0844631
0.51469 0.833673 0.950843 0.0844631
0.131958 0.596077 0.511604 0.0844631
0.429379 0.264579 0.0654981 0.0844631
0.98469 0.958944 0.771791 0.0844631
0.952019 0.25238 0.676499 0.0844631
0.0395681 0.440658 0.559985 0.0844631
0.663478 0.959076 0.270011 0.0844631
0.118073 0.821444 0.0698155 0.0844631
0.597588 0.270182 0.0509888 0.0844631
0.823071 0.555628 0.203843 0.0844631
0.710083 0.00668089 0.425246 0.0844631
0.708692 0.904726 0.788856 0.0844631
0.293722 0.292769 0.47605 0.0844631
0.33054 0.402152 0.352697 0.0844631
0.103216 0.475309 0.852193 0.0844631
0.54144 0.881093 0.790931 0.0844631
0.588392 0.889518 0.424822 0.0844631
0.54267 0.681877 0.268062 0.0844631
0.671421 0.784318 0.321985 0.0844631
0.893617 0.749839 0.954392 0.0844631
0.612948 0.108126 0.331386 0.0844631
0.40227 0.503457 0.798711 0.0844631
0.854573 0.0324028 0.101137 0.0844631
0.426354 0.122944 0.715253 0.0844631
0.973041 0.632152 0.222197 0.0844631
0.232692 0.0935994 0.176676 0.0844631
0.303504 0.575786 0.59508 0.0844631
0.365845 0.667468 0.781117 0.0844631
0.764071 0.282961 0.49907 0.0844631
0.31194 0.763128 0.995006 0.0844631
0.16544 0.598159 0.950031 0.0844631
0.988502 0.421201 0.400142 0.0844631
0.0904952 0.804367 0.790716 0.0844631
0.247648 0.450753 0.942993 0.0844631
0.269592 0.0566081 0.709864 0.0844631
0.251452 0.261402 0.171533 0.0844631
0.701449 0.298528 0.342954 0.0844631
0.613014 0.423649 0.982098 0.0844631
0.408804 0.0300075 0.575286 0.0844631
0.299217 0.816215 0.42207 0.0844631
0.576412 0.321367 0.588916 0.0844631
0.519125 0.705171 0.841281 0.0844631
0.200777 0.684171 0.384522 0.0844631
0.553896 0.522574 0.542147 0.0844631
0.128416 0.958809 0.168028 0.0844631
0.724615 0.0432676 0.69352 0.0844631
0.770004 0.00074753 0.958129 0.0844631
0.207296 0.447809 0.541212 0.0844631
0.903614 0.193834 0.109557 0.0844631
0.215384 0.415782 0.229858 0.0844631
0.666485 0.318737 0.747423 0.0844631
0.745934 0.349421 0.0668263 0.0844631
0.766981 0.0877808 0.234542 0.0844631
0.315324 0.397626 0.0947259 0.0844631
0.610816 0.534216 0.313762 0.0844631
0.687703 0.775593 0.500285 0.0844631
0.43313 0.83717 0.0998827 0.0844631
0.561228 0.135274 0.816213 0.0844631
0.213419 0.355151 0.807995 0.0844631
0.975543 0.153798 0.811644 0.0844631
0.161034 0.342383 0.0537506 0.0844631
0.725965 0.170735 0.804364 0.0844631
0.91098 0.16578 0.275974 0.0844631
0.275188 0.74229 0.244446 0.0844631
0.389144 0.64072 0.325376 0.0844631
0.554735 0.372235 0.282359 0.0844631
0.104658 0.191284 0.227677 0.0844631
0.499806 0.985717 0.302229 0.0844631
0.470468 0.486829 0.394958 0.0844631
0.587684 0.750647 0.08832 0.0844631
0.299257 0.432828 0.684974 0.0844631
0.424695 0.92756 0.441914 0.0844631
0.504459 0.272912 0.733867 0.0844631
0.807186 0.287712 0.211658 0.0844631
0.460013 0.682085 0.00151398 0.0844631
0.860599 0.886291 0.860442 0.0844631
0.53648 0.087021 0.172119 0.0844631
0.82388 0.678662 0.475869 0.0844631
0.196931 0.186369 0.876273 0.0844631
0.463229 0.765994 0.411131 0.0844631
0.987373 0.930252 0.0795568 0.0844631
0.513417 0.544658 0.919064 0.0844631
0.185582 0.164945 0.453624 0.0844631
0.0924416 0.635728 0.800369 0.0844631
0.889638 0.614201 0.0598228 0.0844631
0.941545 0.724731 0.793543 0.0844631
0.731609 0.123715 0.545145 0.0844631
0.679436 0.640664 0.177882 0.0844631
0.218729 0.671364 0.101905 0.0844631
0.334539 0.739691 0.568468 0.0844631
0.215164 0.00844407 0.0318398 0.0844631
0.669247 0.522968 0.85756 0.0844631
0.299222 0.158529 0.578448 0.0844631
0.919157 0.140163 0.485759 0.0844631
0.591358 0.657196 0.427926 0.0844631
0.268799 0.869125 0.133054 0.0844631
0.612547 0.990973 0.897731 0.0844631
0.15907 0.958743 0.791981 0.0844631
0.548442 0.844609 0.223106 0.0844631
0.888657 0.308625 0.986192 0.0844631
0.795381 0.439411 0.932689 0.0844631
0.635763 0.80385 0.674 0.0844631
0.0371748 0.202381 0.38214 0.0844631
0.386407 0.16184 0.192518 0.0844631
0.758207 0.719974 0.0512279 0.0844631
0.457535 0.0925071 0.426104 0.0844631
0.972372 0.903228 0.445768 0.0844631
0.0607607 0.730332 0.939615 0.0844631
0.981198 0.828728 0.664238 0.0844631
0.739213 0.53735 0.0583449 0.0844631
0.82734 0.158482 0.938934 0.0844631
0.879107 0.0201421 0.367227 0.0844631
0.687105 0.0110493 0.106996 0.0844631
0.0818178 0.316873 0.906747 0.0844631
0.200611 0.873239 0.931621 0.0844631
0.106137 0.24103 0.744726 0.0844631
0.435493 0.793483 0.692769 0.0844631
0.528055 0.731786 0.56564 0.0844631
0.0571424 0.0492633 0.45064 0.0844631
0.135322 0.891012 0.632386 0.0844631
0.328101 0.134057 0.0302443 0.0844631
0.869313 0.301052 0.368178 0.0844631
0.961967 0.765697 0.108057 0.0844631
0.668496 0.446111 0.181676 0.0844631
0.919568 0.756006 0.348926 0.0844631
0.991666 0.744856 0.501286 0.0844631
0.295511 0.290355 0.965744 0.0844631
0.458841 0.605759 0.654311 0.0844631
0.794554 0.61734 0.920233 0.0844631
0.0019474 0.33119 0.109448 0.0844631
0.46369 0.309833 0.463181 0.0844631
0.296394 0.904238 0.566223 0.0844631
0.890565 0.405413 0.63493 0.0844631
0.144195 0.575774 0.262804 0.0844631
0.210047 0.888592 0.29819 0.0844631
0.617947 0.229081 0.213569 0.0844631
0.495406 0.122105 0.00322827 0.0844631
0.831011 0.872402 0.0523457 0.0844631
0.279675 0.0391166 0.878759 0.0844631
0.433519 0.406039 0.973258 0.0844631
0.702773 0.535258 0.463338 0.0844631
0.842781 0.922694 0.687626 0.0844631
0.703096 0.29956 0.911215 0.0844631
0.0380851 0.639181 0.37794 0.0844631
0.379016 0.820676 0.851045 0.0844631
0.723109 0.401954 0.611759 0.0844631
0.955443 0.579247 0.512529 0.0844631
0.296401 0.037199 0.449389 0.0844631
0.881657 0.447792 0.087761 0.0844631
0.656098 0.143532 0.95574 0.0844631
0.965936 0.546205 0.690001 0.0844631
0.334146 0.0146719 0.286282 0.0844631
0.174903 0.0508213 0.329537 0.0844631
0.668068 0.875575 0.00789851 0.0844631
0.517478 0.402511 0.119801 0.0844631
0.0335784 0.895984 0.920728 0.0844631
0.353489 0.926216 0.98045 0.0844631
0.515858 0.899496 0.581788 0.0844631
0.0214488 0.483245 0.999798 0.0844631
0.836999 0.433238 0.473884 0.0844631
0.381474 0.299744 0.621214 0.0844631
0.893548 0.554202 0.357359 0.0844631
0.385287 0.00679129 0.125476 0.0844631
0.382082 0.176473 0.875897 0.0844631
0.375338 0.439285 0.526206 0.0844631
0.333229 0.595868 0.930602 0.0844631
0.533036 0.965661 0.0546621 0.0844631
0.0348509 0.392455 0.721819 0.0844631
0.613491 0.216291 0.46143 0.0844631
0.17733 0.0419469 0.56912 0.0844631
0.185888 0.506077 0.0901699 0.0844631
0.166015 0.914118 0.459266 0.0844631
0.746306 0.633286 0.332833 0.0844631
0.225214 0.724578 0.855262 0.0844631
0.820434 0.603526 0.753874 0.0844631
0.16378 0.173693 0.0414764 0.0844631
0.0995727 0.0546697 0.917656 0.0844631
0.447591 0.020769 0.876813 0.0844631
0.0623956 0.183214 0.56894 0.0844631
0.94763 0.410834 0.865314 0.0844631
0.953689 0.579147 0.878359 0.0844631
0.404145 0.327586 0.22019 0.0844631
0.800574 0.868069 0.391566 0.0844631
0.287223 0.546206 0.429562 0.0844631
0.606297 0.397675 0.441199 0.0844631
0.380349 0.33851 0.827832 0.0844631
0.202245 0.28176 0.331846 0.0844631
0.47476 0.434332 0.662686 0.0844631
0.081255 0.802026 0.365527 0.0844631
0.790427 0.768306 0.731892 0.0844631
0.952141 0.303167 0.515389 0.0844631
0.735282 0.184001 0.0993647 0.0844631
0.108137 0.733294 0.213575 0.0844631
0.0626769 0.350381 0.265908 0.0844631
0.328084 0.17067 0.350811 0.0844631
0.0373343 0.485658 0.167958 0.0844631
0.487331 0.179389 0.567878 0.0844631
0.782697 0.157339 0.387679 0.0844631
0.392496 0.856145 0.287012 0.0844631
0.78666 0.43832 0.763992 0.0844631
0.836323 0.927719 0.232454 0.0844631
0.152772 0.455916 0.381533 0.0844631
0.302341 0.558622 0.205956 0.0844631
0.426957 0.620411 0.488758 0.0844631
0.760088 0.455904 0.324774 0.0844631
0.907569 0.417477 0.251912 0.0844631
0.896312 0.687184 0.628241 0.0844631
1.03581 0.0887041 0.112468 0.0844631
0.582752 1.04545 0.529264 0.0844631
0.557502 1.01859 0.694119 0.0844631
0.84196 -0.003327 0.530338 0.0844631
1.08116 0.0792821 0.70289 0.0844631
0.0811649 1.07928 0.70289 0.0844631
1.08116 1.07928 0.70289 0.0844631
-0.005107 0.869664 0.237064 0.0844631
0.844254 1.0475 0.812703 0.0844631
1.05708 0.629902 0.0756787 0.0844631
0.0570839 0.629902 1.07568 0.0844631
1.05708 0.629902 1.07568 0.0844631
0.00559676 0.182636 -0.024645 0.0844631
1.0056 0.182636 0.975355 0.0844631
1.0056 0.182636 -0.024645 0.0844631
0.572523 0.557371 1.07705 0.0844631
0.404127 -0.0441 0.727017 0.0844631
1.06474 0.683784 0.64081 0.0844631
1.01735 0.0335981 0.271083 0.0844631
0.017351 1.0336 0.271083 0.0844631
1.01735 1.0336 0.271083 0.0844631
0.634026 0.657202 -0.044558 0.0844631
-0.063723 0.0301754 0.9533 0.0844631
0.936277 0.0301754 -0.0467 0.0844631
0.936277 1.03018 0.9533 0.0844631
-0.063723 0.0301754 -0.0467 0.0844631
-0.063723 1.03018 0.9533 0.0844631
0.936277 1.03018 -0.0467 0.0844631
-0.063723 1.03018 -0.0467 0.0844631
0.404611 0.539355 1.07289 0.0844631
0.694499 -0.07285 0.574585 0.0844631
-0.002108 0.98119 0.593439 0.0844631
0.997892 -0.01881 0.593439 0.0844631
-0.002108 -0.01881 0.593439 0.0844631
0.51469 0.833673 -0.049157 0.0844631
0.429379 0.264579 1.0655 0.0844631
-0.01531 0.958944 0.771791 0.0844631
0.98469 -0.041056 0.771791 0.0844631
-0.01531 -0.041056 0.771791 0.0844631
-0.047981 0.25238 0.676499 0.0844631
1.03957 0.440658 0.559985 0.0844631
0.663478 -0.040924 0.270011 0.0844631
0.118073 0.821444 1.06982 0.0844631
0.597588 0.270182 1.05099 0.0844631
0.710083 1.00668 0.425246 0.0844631
0.893617 0.749839 -0.045608 0.0844631
0.854573 1.0324 0.101137 0.0844631
-0.026959 0.632152 0.222197 0.0844631
0.31194 0.763128 -0.004994 0.0844631
0.16544 0.598159 -0.049969 0.0844631
-0.011498 0.421201 0.400142 0.0844631
0.247648 0.450753 -0.057007 0.0844631
0.269592 1.05661 0.709864 0.0844631
0.613014 0.423649 -0.017902 0.0844631
0.408804 1.03001 0.575286 0.0844631
0.128416 -0.041191 0.168028 0.0844631
0.724615 1.04327 0.69352 0.0844631
0.770004 0.00074753 -0.041871 0.0844631
0.770004 1.00075 0.958129 0.0844631
0.770004 1.00075 -0.041871 0.0844631
0.745934 0.349421 1.06683 0.0844631
-0.024457 0.153798 0.811644 0.0844631
0.161034 0.342383 1.05375 0.0844631
0.499806 -0.014283 0.302229 0.0844631
0.424695 -0.07244 0.441914 0.0844631
0.460013 0.682085 1.00151 0.0844631
-0.012627 0.930252 0.0795568 0.0844631
0.987373 -0.069748 0.0795568 0.0844631
0.987373 0.930252 1.07956 0.0844631
-0.012627 -0.069748 0.0795568 0.0844631
-0.012627 0.930252 1.07956 0.0844631
0.987373 -0.069748 1.07956 0.0844631
-0.012627 -0.069748 1.07956 0.0844631
0.513417 0.544658 -0.080936 0.0844631
0.889638 0.614201 1.05982 0.0844631
-0.058455 0.724731 0.793543 0.0844631
0.215164 1.00844 0.0318398 0.0844631
0.215164 0.00844407 1.03184 0.0844631
0.215164 1.00844 1.03184 0.0844631
-0.080843 0.140163 0.485759 0.0844631
0.612547 -0.009027 0.897731 0.0844631
0.15907 -0.041257 0.791981 0.0844631
0.888657 0.308625 -0.013808 0.0844631
0.795381 0.439411 -0.067311 0.0844631
1.03717 0.202381 0.38214 0.0844631
0.758207 0.719974 1.05123 0.0844631
-0.027628 0.903228 0.445768 0.0844631
0.0607607 0.730332 -0.060385 0.0844631
1.06076 0.730332 0.939615 0.0844631
1.06076 0.730332 -0.060385 0.0844631
-0.018802 0.828728 0.664238 0.0844631
0.739213 0.53735 1.05834 0.0844631
0.82734 0.158482 -0.061066 0.0844631
0.879107 1.02014 0.367227 0.0844631
0.687105 1.01105 0.106996 0.0844631
1.08182 0.316873 0.906747 0.0844631
0.200611 0.873239 -0.068379 0.0844631
1.05714 0.0492633 0.45064 0.0844631
0.0571424 1.04926 0.45064 0.0844631
1.05714 1.04926 0.45064 0.0844631
0.328101 0.134057 1.03024 0.0844631
-0.038033 0.765697 0.108057 0.0844631
-0.080432 0.756006 0.348926 0.0844631
-0.008334 0.744856 0.501286 0.0844631
0.295511 0.290355 -0.034256 0.0844631
0.794554 0.61734 -0.079767 0.0844631
1.00195 0.33119 0.109448 0.0844631
0.495406 0.122105 1.00323 0.0844631
0.831011 0.872402 1.05235 0.0844631
0.279675 1.03912 0.878759 0.0844631
0.433519 0.406039 -0.026742 0.0844631
0.842781 -0.077306 0.687626 0.0844631
1.03809 0.639181 0.37794 0.0844631
-0.044557 0.579247 0.512529 0.0844631
0.296401 1.0372 0.449389 0.0844631
0.656098 0.143532 -0.04426 0.0844631
-0.034064 0.546205 0.690001 0.0844631
0.334146 1.01467 0.286282 0.0844631
0.174903 1.05082 0.329537 0.0844631
0.668068 0.875575 1.0079 0.0844631
0.0335784 0.895984 -0.079272 0.0844631
1.03358 0.895984 0.920728 0.0844631
1.03358 0.895984 -0.079272 0.0844631
0.353489 -0.073784 0.98045 0.0844631
0.353489 0.926216 -0.01955 0.0844631
0.353489 -0.073784 -0.01955 0.0844631
0.0214488 0.483245 -0.000202 0.0844631
1.02145 0.483245 0.999798 0.0844631
1.02145 0.483245 -0.000202 0.0844631
0.385287 1.00679 0.125476 0.0844631
0.333229 0.595868 -0.069398 0.0844631
0.533036 -0.034339 0.0546621 0.0844631
0.533036 0.965661 1.05466 0.0844631
0.533036 -0.034339 1.05466 0.0844631
1.03485 0.392455 0.721819 0.0844631
0.17733 1.04195 0.56912 0.0844631
0.16378 0.173693 1.04148 0.0844631
0.0995727 0.0546697 -0.082344 0.0844631
0.0995727 1.05467 0.917656 0.0844631
0.0995727 1.05467 -0.082344 0.0844631
0.447591 1.02077 0.876813 0.0844631
1.0624 0.183214 0.56894 0.0844631
-0.05237 0.410834 0.865314 0.0844631
-0.046311 0.579147 0.878359 0.0844631
1.08126 0.802026 0.365527 0.0844631
-0.047859 0.303167 0.515389 0.0844631
1.06268 0.350381 0.265908 0.0844631
1.03733 0.485658 0.167958 0.0844631
0.836323 -0.072281 0.232454 0.0844631

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
80 32 128
1.0e-2 0.9 0.1 0.9
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 1.0 1.0
500 500 1e-5

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
2 2 2

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
# Set the number of nodes, and the number of processors per node (generally should be 6)
#PBS -l nodes=8:ppn=1
#PBS -A hokiespeed
# Access group, queue, and accounting project
#PBS -W group_list=hokiespeed
module purge
module load gcc cuda mvapich2/1.9rc1
echo "------------------------------------------"
echo "Running LBM using MPI!"
echo "Number of processors = " $PBS_NP
echo "------------------------------------------"
mpirun_rsh -np $PBS_NP -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE MV2_USE_CUDA=1 ~/LBPM-WIA/bin/ColorLBM

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
Number of Spheres: 399
Domain Length (x,y,z): 1, 1, 1
Media porosity: 0.369
log(r) Normal with mean -2.47144, variance 0
Mean coordination No. 11.84
0.0358075 0.0887041 0.112468 0.0844631
0.118482 0.318651 0.473828 0.0844631
0.582752 0.0454491 0.529264 0.0844631
0.852622 0.828954 0.547441 0.0844631
0.807778 0.54718 0.595125 0.0844631
0.557502 0.0185902 0.694119 0.0844631
0.832159 0.72426 0.207901 0.0844631
0.84196 0.996673 0.530338 0.0844631
0.0811649 0.0792821 0.70289 0.0844631
0.994893 0.869664 0.237064 0.0844631
0.488065 0.221434 0.32131 0.0844631
0.170562 0.759156 0.532848 0.0844631
0.844254 0.0475049 0.812703 0.0844631
0.711717 0.835039 0.165973 0.0844631
0.545693 0.415679 0.814859 0.0844631
0.291362 0.221277 0.740625 0.0844631
0.625387 0.177012 0.665196 0.0844631
0.226285 0.692765 0.689361 0.0844631
0.891466 0.0957847 0.657861 0.0844631
0.517532 0.273905 0.902284 0.0844631
0.410399 0.682132 0.16299 0.0844631
0.0570839 0.629902 0.0756787 0.0844631
0.00559676 0.182636 0.975355 0.0844631
0.132737 0.531505 0.667699 0.0844631
0.662373 0.662491 0.762575 0.0844631
0.572523 0.557371 0.0770451 0.0844631
0.241216 0.554304 0.795169 0.0844631
0.404127 0.9559 0.727017 0.0844631
0.84986 0.285616 0.807583 0.0844631
0.622755 0.508751 0.695781 0.0844631
0.0647357 0.683784 0.64081 0.0844631
0.017351 0.0335981 0.271083 0.0844631
0.634026 0.657202 0.955442 0.0844631
0.665255 0.637861 0.595479 0.0844631
0.936277 0.0301754 0.9533 0.0844631
0.465166 0.519937 0.229393 0.0844631
0.27117 0.85172 0.724784 0.0844631
0.404611 0.539355 0.0728933 0.0844631
0.738345 0.774204 0.892481 0.0844631
0.784738 0.235691 0.659926 0.0844631
0.694499 0.92715 0.574585 0.0844631
0.203094 0.29767 0.618523 0.0844631
0.997892 0.98119 0.593439 0.0844631
0.51469 0.833673 0.950843 0.0844631
0.131958 0.596077 0.511604 0.0844631
0.429379 0.264579 0.0654981 0.0844631
0.98469 0.958944 0.771791 0.0844631
0.952019 0.25238 0.676499 0.0844631
0.0395681 0.440658 0.559985 0.0844631
0.663478 0.959076 0.270011 0.0844631
0.118073 0.821444 0.0698155 0.0844631
0.597588 0.270182 0.0509888 0.0844631
0.823071 0.555628 0.203843 0.0844631
0.710083 0.00668089 0.425246 0.0844631
0.708692 0.904726 0.788856 0.0844631
0.293722 0.292769 0.47605 0.0844631
0.33054 0.402152 0.352697 0.0844631
0.103216 0.475309 0.852193 0.0844631
0.54144 0.881093 0.790931 0.0844631
0.588392 0.889518 0.424822 0.0844631
0.54267 0.681877 0.268062 0.0844631
0.671421 0.784318 0.321985 0.0844631
0.893617 0.749839 0.954392 0.0844631
0.612948 0.108126 0.331386 0.0844631
0.40227 0.503457 0.798711 0.0844631
0.854573 0.0324028 0.101137 0.0844631
0.426354 0.122944 0.715253 0.0844631
0.973041 0.632152 0.222197 0.0844631
0.232692 0.0935994 0.176676 0.0844631
0.303504 0.575786 0.59508 0.0844631
0.365845 0.667468 0.781117 0.0844631
0.764071 0.282961 0.49907 0.0844631
0.31194 0.763128 0.995006 0.0844631
0.16544 0.598159 0.950031 0.0844631
0.988502 0.421201 0.400142 0.0844631
0.0904952 0.804367 0.790716 0.0844631
0.247648 0.450753 0.942993 0.0844631
0.269592 0.0566081 0.709864 0.0844631
0.251452 0.261402 0.171533 0.0844631
0.701449 0.298528 0.342954 0.0844631
0.613014 0.423649 0.982098 0.0844631
0.408804 0.0300075 0.575286 0.0844631
0.299217 0.816215 0.42207 0.0844631
0.576412 0.321367 0.588916 0.0844631
0.519125 0.705171 0.841281 0.0844631
0.200777 0.684171 0.384522 0.0844631
0.553896 0.522574 0.542147 0.0844631
0.128416 0.958809 0.168028 0.0844631
0.724615 0.0432676 0.69352 0.0844631
0.770004 0.00074753 0.958129 0.0844631
0.207296 0.447809 0.541212 0.0844631
0.903614 0.193834 0.109557 0.0844631
0.215384 0.415782 0.229858 0.0844631
0.666485 0.318737 0.747423 0.0844631
0.745934 0.349421 0.0668263 0.0844631
0.766981 0.0877808 0.234542 0.0844631
0.315324 0.397626 0.0947259 0.0844631
0.610816 0.534216 0.313762 0.0844631
0.687703 0.775593 0.500285 0.0844631
0.43313 0.83717 0.0998827 0.0844631
0.561228 0.135274 0.816213 0.0844631
0.213419 0.355151 0.807995 0.0844631
0.975543 0.153798 0.811644 0.0844631
0.161034 0.342383 0.0537506 0.0844631
0.725965 0.170735 0.804364 0.0844631
0.91098 0.16578 0.275974 0.0844631
0.275188 0.74229 0.244446 0.0844631
0.389144 0.64072 0.325376 0.0844631
0.554735 0.372235 0.282359 0.0844631
0.104658 0.191284 0.227677 0.0844631
0.499806 0.985717 0.302229 0.0844631
0.470468 0.486829 0.394958 0.0844631
0.587684 0.750647 0.08832 0.0844631
0.299257 0.432828 0.684974 0.0844631
0.424695 0.92756 0.441914 0.0844631
0.504459 0.272912 0.733867 0.0844631
0.807186 0.287712 0.211658 0.0844631
0.460013 0.682085 0.00151398 0.0844631
0.860599 0.886291 0.860442 0.0844631
0.53648 0.087021 0.172119 0.0844631
0.82388 0.678662 0.475869 0.0844631
0.196931 0.186369 0.876273 0.0844631
0.463229 0.765994 0.411131 0.0844631
0.987373 0.930252 0.0795568 0.0844631
0.513417 0.544658 0.919064 0.0844631
0.185582 0.164945 0.453624 0.0844631
0.0924416 0.635728 0.800369 0.0844631
0.889638 0.614201 0.0598228 0.0844631
0.941545 0.724731 0.793543 0.0844631
0.731609 0.123715 0.545145 0.0844631
0.679436 0.640664 0.177882 0.0844631
0.218729 0.671364 0.101905 0.0844631
0.334539 0.739691 0.568468 0.0844631
0.215164 0.00844407 0.0318398 0.0844631
0.669247 0.522968 0.85756 0.0844631
0.299222 0.158529 0.578448 0.0844631
0.919157 0.140163 0.485759 0.0844631
0.591358 0.657196 0.427926 0.0844631
0.268799 0.869125 0.133054 0.0844631
0.612547 0.990973 0.897731 0.0844631
0.15907 0.958743 0.791981 0.0844631
0.548442 0.844609 0.223106 0.0844631
0.888657 0.308625 0.986192 0.0844631
0.795381 0.439411 0.932689 0.0844631
0.635763 0.80385 0.674 0.0844631
0.0371748 0.202381 0.38214 0.0844631
0.386407 0.16184 0.192518 0.0844631
0.758207 0.719974 0.0512279 0.0844631
0.457535 0.0925071 0.426104 0.0844631
0.972372 0.903228 0.445768 0.0844631
0.0607607 0.730332 0.939615 0.0844631
0.981198 0.828728 0.664238 0.0844631
0.739213 0.53735 0.0583449 0.0844631
0.82734 0.158482 0.938934 0.0844631
0.879107 0.0201421 0.367227 0.0844631
0.687105 0.0110493 0.106996 0.0844631
0.0818178 0.316873 0.906747 0.0844631
0.200611 0.873239 0.931621 0.0844631
0.106137 0.24103 0.744726 0.0844631
0.435493 0.793483 0.692769 0.0844631
0.528055 0.731786 0.56564 0.0844631
0.0571424 0.0492633 0.45064 0.0844631
0.135322 0.891012 0.632386 0.0844631
0.328101 0.134057 0.0302443 0.0844631
0.869313 0.301052 0.368178 0.0844631
0.961967 0.765697 0.108057 0.0844631
0.668496 0.446111 0.181676 0.0844631
0.919568 0.756006 0.348926 0.0844631
0.991666 0.744856 0.501286 0.0844631
0.295511 0.290355 0.965744 0.0844631
0.458841 0.605759 0.654311 0.0844631
0.794554 0.61734 0.920233 0.0844631
0.0019474 0.33119 0.109448 0.0844631
0.46369 0.309833 0.463181 0.0844631
0.296394 0.904238 0.566223 0.0844631
0.890565 0.405413 0.63493 0.0844631
0.144195 0.575774 0.262804 0.0844631
0.210047 0.888592 0.29819 0.0844631
0.617947 0.229081 0.213569 0.0844631
0.495406 0.122105 0.00322827 0.0844631
0.831011 0.872402 0.0523457 0.0844631
0.279675 0.0391166 0.878759 0.0844631
0.433519 0.406039 0.973258 0.0844631
0.702773 0.535258 0.463338 0.0844631
0.842781 0.922694 0.687626 0.0844631
0.703096 0.29956 0.911215 0.0844631
0.0380851 0.639181 0.37794 0.0844631
0.379016 0.820676 0.851045 0.0844631
0.723109 0.401954 0.611759 0.0844631
0.955443 0.579247 0.512529 0.0844631
0.296401 0.037199 0.449389 0.0844631
0.881657 0.447792 0.087761 0.0844631
0.656098 0.143532 0.95574 0.0844631
0.965936 0.546205 0.690001 0.0844631
0.334146 0.0146719 0.286282 0.0844631
0.174903 0.0508213 0.329537 0.0844631
0.668068 0.875575 0.00789851 0.0844631
0.517478 0.402511 0.119801 0.0844631
0.0335784 0.895984 0.920728 0.0844631
0.353489 0.926216 0.98045 0.0844631
0.515858 0.899496 0.581788 0.0844631
0.0214488 0.483245 0.999798 0.0844631
0.836999 0.433238 0.473884 0.0844631
0.381474 0.299744 0.621214 0.0844631
0.893548 0.554202 0.357359 0.0844631
0.385287 0.00679129 0.125476 0.0844631
0.382082 0.176473 0.875897 0.0844631
0.375338 0.439285 0.526206 0.0844631
0.333229 0.595868 0.930602 0.0844631
0.533036 0.965661 0.0546621 0.0844631
0.0348509 0.392455 0.721819 0.0844631
0.613491 0.216291 0.46143 0.0844631
0.17733 0.0419469 0.56912 0.0844631
0.185888 0.506077 0.0901699 0.0844631
0.166015 0.914118 0.459266 0.0844631
0.746306 0.633286 0.332833 0.0844631
0.225214 0.724578 0.855262 0.0844631
0.820434 0.603526 0.753874 0.0844631
0.16378 0.173693 0.0414764 0.0844631
0.0995727 0.0546697 0.917656 0.0844631
0.447591 0.020769 0.876813 0.0844631
0.0623956 0.183214 0.56894 0.0844631
0.94763 0.410834 0.865314 0.0844631
0.953689 0.579147 0.878359 0.0844631
0.404145 0.327586 0.22019 0.0844631
0.800574 0.868069 0.391566 0.0844631
0.287223 0.546206 0.429562 0.0844631
0.606297 0.397675 0.441199 0.0844631
0.380349 0.33851 0.827832 0.0844631
0.202245 0.28176 0.331846 0.0844631
0.47476 0.434332 0.662686 0.0844631
0.081255 0.802026 0.365527 0.0844631
0.790427 0.768306 0.731892 0.0844631
0.952141 0.303167 0.515389 0.0844631
0.735282 0.184001 0.0993647 0.0844631
0.108137 0.733294 0.213575 0.0844631
0.0626769 0.350381 0.265908 0.0844631
0.328084 0.17067 0.350811 0.0844631
0.0373343 0.485658 0.167958 0.0844631
0.487331 0.179389 0.567878 0.0844631
0.782697 0.157339 0.387679 0.0844631
0.392496 0.856145 0.287012 0.0844631
0.78666 0.43832 0.763992 0.0844631
0.836323 0.927719 0.232454 0.0844631
0.152772 0.455916 0.381533 0.0844631
0.302341 0.558622 0.205956 0.0844631
0.426957 0.620411 0.488758 0.0844631
0.760088 0.455904 0.324774 0.0844631
0.907569 0.417477 0.251912 0.0844631
0.896312 0.687184 0.628241 0.0844631
1.03581 0.0887041 0.112468 0.0844631
0.582752 1.04545 0.529264 0.0844631
0.557502 1.01859 0.694119 0.0844631
0.84196 -0.003327 0.530338 0.0844631
1.08116 0.0792821 0.70289 0.0844631
0.0811649 1.07928 0.70289 0.0844631
1.08116 1.07928 0.70289 0.0844631
-0.005107 0.869664 0.237064 0.0844631
0.844254 1.0475 0.812703 0.0844631
1.05708 0.629902 0.0756787 0.0844631
0.0570839 0.629902 1.07568 0.0844631
1.05708 0.629902 1.07568 0.0844631
0.00559676 0.182636 -0.024645 0.0844631
1.0056 0.182636 0.975355 0.0844631
1.0056 0.182636 -0.024645 0.0844631
0.572523 0.557371 1.07705 0.0844631
0.404127 -0.0441 0.727017 0.0844631
1.06474 0.683784 0.64081 0.0844631
1.01735 0.0335981 0.271083 0.0844631
0.017351 1.0336 0.271083 0.0844631
1.01735 1.0336 0.271083 0.0844631
0.634026 0.657202 -0.044558 0.0844631
-0.063723 0.0301754 0.9533 0.0844631
0.936277 0.0301754 -0.0467 0.0844631
0.936277 1.03018 0.9533 0.0844631
-0.063723 0.0301754 -0.0467 0.0844631
-0.063723 1.03018 0.9533 0.0844631
0.936277 1.03018 -0.0467 0.0844631
-0.063723 1.03018 -0.0467 0.0844631
0.404611 0.539355 1.07289 0.0844631
0.694499 -0.07285 0.574585 0.0844631
-0.002108 0.98119 0.593439 0.0844631
0.997892 -0.01881 0.593439 0.0844631
-0.002108 -0.01881 0.593439 0.0844631
0.51469 0.833673 -0.049157 0.0844631
0.429379 0.264579 1.0655 0.0844631
-0.01531 0.958944 0.771791 0.0844631
0.98469 -0.041056 0.771791 0.0844631
-0.01531 -0.041056 0.771791 0.0844631
-0.047981 0.25238 0.676499 0.0844631
1.03957 0.440658 0.559985 0.0844631
0.663478 -0.040924 0.270011 0.0844631
0.118073 0.821444 1.06982 0.0844631
0.597588 0.270182 1.05099 0.0844631
0.710083 1.00668 0.425246 0.0844631
0.893617 0.749839 -0.045608 0.0844631
0.854573 1.0324 0.101137 0.0844631
-0.026959 0.632152 0.222197 0.0844631
0.31194 0.763128 -0.004994 0.0844631
0.16544 0.598159 -0.049969 0.0844631
-0.011498 0.421201 0.400142 0.0844631
0.247648 0.450753 -0.057007 0.0844631
0.269592 1.05661 0.709864 0.0844631
0.613014 0.423649 -0.017902 0.0844631
0.408804 1.03001 0.575286 0.0844631
0.128416 -0.041191 0.168028 0.0844631
0.724615 1.04327 0.69352 0.0844631
0.770004 0.00074753 -0.041871 0.0844631
0.770004 1.00075 0.958129 0.0844631
0.770004 1.00075 -0.041871 0.0844631
0.745934 0.349421 1.06683 0.0844631
-0.024457 0.153798 0.811644 0.0844631
0.161034 0.342383 1.05375 0.0844631
0.499806 -0.014283 0.302229 0.0844631
0.424695 -0.07244 0.441914 0.0844631
0.460013 0.682085 1.00151 0.0844631
-0.012627 0.930252 0.0795568 0.0844631
0.987373 -0.069748 0.0795568 0.0844631
0.987373 0.930252 1.07956 0.0844631
-0.012627 -0.069748 0.0795568 0.0844631
-0.012627 0.930252 1.07956 0.0844631
0.987373 -0.069748 1.07956 0.0844631
-0.012627 -0.069748 1.07956 0.0844631
0.513417 0.544658 -0.080936 0.0844631
0.889638 0.614201 1.05982 0.0844631
-0.058455 0.724731 0.793543 0.0844631
0.215164 1.00844 0.0318398 0.0844631
0.215164 0.00844407 1.03184 0.0844631
0.215164 1.00844 1.03184 0.0844631
-0.080843 0.140163 0.485759 0.0844631
0.612547 -0.009027 0.897731 0.0844631
0.15907 -0.041257 0.791981 0.0844631
0.888657 0.308625 -0.013808 0.0844631
0.795381 0.439411 -0.067311 0.0844631
1.03717 0.202381 0.38214 0.0844631
0.758207 0.719974 1.05123 0.0844631
-0.027628 0.903228 0.445768 0.0844631
0.0607607 0.730332 -0.060385 0.0844631
1.06076 0.730332 0.939615 0.0844631
1.06076 0.730332 -0.060385 0.0844631
-0.018802 0.828728 0.664238 0.0844631
0.739213 0.53735 1.05834 0.0844631
0.82734 0.158482 -0.061066 0.0844631
0.879107 1.02014 0.367227 0.0844631
0.687105 1.01105 0.106996 0.0844631
1.08182 0.316873 0.906747 0.0844631
0.200611 0.873239 -0.068379 0.0844631
1.05714 0.0492633 0.45064 0.0844631
0.0571424 1.04926 0.45064 0.0844631
1.05714 1.04926 0.45064 0.0844631
0.328101 0.134057 1.03024 0.0844631
-0.038033 0.765697 0.108057 0.0844631
-0.080432 0.756006 0.348926 0.0844631
-0.008334 0.744856 0.501286 0.0844631
0.295511 0.290355 -0.034256 0.0844631
0.794554 0.61734 -0.079767 0.0844631
1.00195 0.33119 0.109448 0.0844631
0.495406 0.122105 1.00323 0.0844631
0.831011 0.872402 1.05235 0.0844631
0.279675 1.03912 0.878759 0.0844631
0.433519 0.406039 -0.026742 0.0844631
0.842781 -0.077306 0.687626 0.0844631
1.03809 0.639181 0.37794 0.0844631
-0.044557 0.579247 0.512529 0.0844631
0.296401 1.0372 0.449389 0.0844631
0.656098 0.143532 -0.04426 0.0844631
-0.034064 0.546205 0.690001 0.0844631
0.334146 1.01467 0.286282 0.0844631
0.174903 1.05082 0.329537 0.0844631
0.668068 0.875575 1.0079 0.0844631
0.0335784 0.895984 -0.079272 0.0844631
1.03358 0.895984 0.920728 0.0844631
1.03358 0.895984 -0.079272 0.0844631
0.353489 -0.073784 0.98045 0.0844631
0.353489 0.926216 -0.01955 0.0844631
0.353489 -0.073784 -0.01955 0.0844631
0.0214488 0.483245 -0.000202 0.0844631
1.02145 0.483245 0.999798 0.0844631
1.02145 0.483245 -0.000202 0.0844631
0.385287 1.00679 0.125476 0.0844631
0.333229 0.595868 -0.069398 0.0844631
0.533036 -0.034339 0.0546621 0.0844631
0.533036 0.965661 1.05466 0.0844631
0.533036 -0.034339 1.05466 0.0844631
1.03485 0.392455 0.721819 0.0844631
0.17733 1.04195 0.56912 0.0844631
0.16378 0.173693 1.04148 0.0844631
0.0995727 0.0546697 -0.082344 0.0844631
0.0995727 1.05467 0.917656 0.0844631
0.0995727 1.05467 -0.082344 0.0844631
0.447591 1.02077 0.876813 0.0844631
1.0624 0.183214 0.56894 0.0844631
-0.05237 0.410834 0.865314 0.0844631
-0.046311 0.579147 0.878359 0.0844631
1.08126 0.802026 0.365527 0.0844631
-0.047859 0.303167 0.515389 0.0844631
1.06268 0.350381 0.265908 0.0844631
1.03733 0.485658 0.167958 0.0844631
0.836323 -0.072281 0.232454 0.0844631

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
160 32 128
1.0e-2 0.95 0.1 0.9
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 1.0 1.0
1000 1000 1e-5
0 0 1.0 1.0
20000 1000 1e-5

example/Sph1896/Color.in Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
1.0e-2 0.95 0.1 0.9
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 0 1.0 1.0
10000 1000 1e-5

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
3 3 3
120 120 120
1.0 1.0 1.0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#PBS -A GEO019
#PBS -N LB-WIA-Color
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l walltime=0:30:00,nodes=27
#PBS -l gres=widow2%widow3
##PBS -q killable
#PBS -q debug
#cd /tmp/work/$USER
#echo "PBS_O_WORKDIR: `echo $PBS_O_WORKDIR`"
source $MODULESHOME/init/bash
module swap cray-mpich2 cray-mpich2/5.6.3
aprun -n 27 -N 1 ~/LBPM-WIA/bin/Color-WIA

View File

@ -108,6 +108,56 @@ __global__ void Compute_VELOCITY(char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, do
__global__ void ComputePressureD3Q19(char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, double *Pressure,
int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, int S)
int n,N;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
// S - number of threadblocks per grid block
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<N){
if (ID[n] > 0){
// Registers to store the distributions
f0 = disteven[n];
f2 = disteven[N+n];
f4 = disteven[2*N+n];
f6 = disteven[3*N+n];
f8 = disteven[4*N+n];
f10 = disteven[5*N+n];
f12 = disteven[6*N+n];
f14 = disteven[7*N+n];
f16 = disteven[8*N+n];
f18 = disteven[9*N+n];
f1 = distodd[n];
f3 = distodd[1*N+n];
f5 = distodd[2*N+n];
f7 = distodd[3*N+n];
f9 = distodd[4*N+n];
f11 = distodd[5*N+n];
f13 = distodd[6*N+n];
f15 = distodd[7*N+n];
f17 = distodd[8*N+n];
//.................Compute the velocity...................................
Pressure[n] = 0.3333333333333333*(f0+f2+f1+f4+f3+f6+f5+f8+f7+f10+
__global__ void PressureBC_inlet(double *disteven, double *distodd, double din,
@ -381,9 +431,9 @@ __global__ void ComputeColorGradient(char *ID, double *phi, double *ColorGrad, i
// ny = ny/C;
// nz = nz/C;
//...Store the Color Gradient....................
ColorGrad[3*n] = nx;
ColorGrad[3*n+1] = ny;
ColorGrad[3*n+2] = nz;
ColorGrad[n] = nx;
ColorGrad[N+n] = ny;
ColorGrad[2*N+n] = nz;
@ -419,9 +469,9 @@ __global__ void ColorCollide( char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, doubl
if (id > 0){
// Retrieve the color gradient
nx = ColorGrad[3*n];
ny = ColorGrad[3*n+1];
nz = ColorGrad[3*n+2];
nx = ColorGrad[n];
ny = ColorGrad[N+n];
nz = ColorGrad[2*N+n];
//...........Normalize the Color Gradient.................................
C = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
nx = nx/C;
@ -591,20 +641,429 @@ __global__ void ColorCollide( char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, doubl
distodd[6*N+n] = f13;
distodd[7*N+n] = f15;
distodd[8*N+n] = f17;
//...Store the Velocity..........................
Velocity[3*n] = jx;
Velocity[3*n+1] = jy;
Velocity[3*n+2] = jz;
/* //...Store the Color Gradient....................
ColorGrad[3*n] = C*nx;
ColorGrad[3*n+1] = C*ny;
ColorGrad[3*n+2] = C*nz;
*/ //...............................................
//...Store the Color Gradient....................
// ColorGrad[3*n] = nx*C;
// ColorGrad[3*n+1] = ny*C;
// ColorGrad[3*n+2] = nz*C;
} // check if n is in the solid
} // check if n is in the domain
} // loop over s
__global__ void ColorCollideOpt( char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, double *phi, double *ColorGrad,
double *Velocity, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, int S,double rlx_setA, double rlx_setB,
double alpha, double beta, double Fx, double Fy, double Fz)
int i,j,k,n,nn,N;
// distributions
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
double f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
// non-conserved moments
double m1,m2,m4,m6,m8,m9,m10,m11,m12,m13,m14,m15,m16,m17,m18;
// additional variables needed for computations
double rho,jx,jy,jz,C,nx,ny,nz;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
char id;
// S - number of threadblocks per grid block
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
// for (int n=0; n<N; n++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
id = ID[n];
if (n<N){
if (id > 0){
//.......Back out the 3-D indices for node n..............
k = n/(Nx*Ny);
j = (n-Nx*Ny*k)/Nx;
i = n-Nx*Ny*k-Nx*j;
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
// n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
//.................Read Phase Indicator Values............................
nn = n-1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (i-1<0) nn += Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
f1 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 1
nn = n+1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
f2 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 2
nn = n-Nx; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (j-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
f3 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 3
nn = n+Nx; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
f4 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 4
nn = n-Nx*Ny; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (k-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f5 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 5
nn = n+Nx*Ny; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f6 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 6
nn = n-Nx-1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (i-1<0) nn += Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (j-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
f7 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 7
nn = n+Nx+1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
f8 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 8
nn = n+Nx-1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (i-1<0) nn += Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
f9 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 9
nn = n-Nx+1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (j-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
f10 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 10
nn = n-Nx*Ny-1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (i-1<0) nn += Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (k-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f11 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 11
nn = n+Nx*Ny+1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f12 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 12
nn = n+Nx*Ny-1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (i-1<0) nn += Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f13 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 13
nn = n-Nx*Ny+1; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
if (k-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f14 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 14
nn = n-Nx*Ny-Nx; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (j-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
if (k-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f15 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 15
nn = n+Nx*Ny+Nx; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f16 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 16
nn = n+Nx*Ny-Nx; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (j-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f17 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 17
nn = n-Nx*Ny+Nx; // neighbor index (get convention)
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
if (k-1<0) nn += Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
f18 = phi[nn]; // get neighbor for phi - 18
//............Compute the Color Gradient...................................
nx = -(f1-f2+0.5*(f7-f8+f9-f10+f11-f12+f13-f14));
ny = -(f3-f4+0.5*(f7-f8-f9+f10+f15-f16+f17-f18));
nz = -(f5-f6+0.5*(f11-f12-f13+f14+f15-f16-f17+f18));
//...Store the Color Gradient....................
ColorGrad[n] = nx;
ColorGrad[N+n] = ny;
ColorGrad[2*N+n] = nz;
//...........Normalize the Color Gradient.................................
C = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
nx = nx/C;
ny = ny/C;
nz = nz/C;
//......No color gradient at z-boundary if pressure BC are set.............
// if (pBC && k==0) nx = ny = nz = 0.f;
// if (pBC && k==Nz-1) nx = ny = nz = 0.f;
// (read from opposite array due to previous swap operation)
f2 = distodd[n];
f4 = distodd[N+n];
f6 = distodd[2*N+n];
f0 = disteven[n];
f1 = disteven[N+n];
f3 = disteven[2*N+n];
f5 = disteven[3*N+n];
//....................compute the moments...............................................
rho = f0+f2+f1+f4+f3+f6+f5;
m1 = -30*f0-11*(f2+f1+f4+f3+f6+f5);
m2 = 12*f0-4*(f2+f1 +f4+f3+f6 +f5);
jx = f1-f2;
m4 = 4*(-f1+f2);
jy = f3-f4;
m6 = -4*(f3-f4);
jz = f5-f6;
m8 = -4*(f5-f6);
m9 = 2*(f1+f2)-f3-f4-f5-f6;
m10 = -4*(f1+f2)+2*(f4+f3+f6+f5);
m11 = f4+f3-f6-f5;
m12 = -2*(f4+f3-f6-f5);
f8 = distodd[3*N+n];
f10 = distodd[4*N+n];
f7 = disteven[4*N+n];
f9 = disteven[5*N+n];
rho += f8+f7+f10+f9;
m1 += 8*(f8+f7+f10+f9);
m2 += f8+f7+f10+f9;
jx += f7-f8+f9-f10;
m4 += f7-f8+f9-f10;
jy += f7-f8-f9+f10;
m6 += f7-f8-f9+f10;
m9 += f7+f8+f9+f10;
m10 += f8+f7+f10+f9;
m11 += f8+f7+f10+f9;
m12 += f8+f7+f10+f9;
m13 = f8+f7-f10-f9;
m16 = f7-f8+f9-f10;
m17 = -f7+f8+f9-f10;
f11 = disteven[6*N+n];
f13 = disteven[7*N+n];
f12 = distodd[5*N+n];
f14 = distodd[6*N+n];
f15 = disteven[8*N+n];
f17 = disteven[9*N+n];
f16 = distodd[7*N+n];
f18 = distodd[8*N+n];
//....................compute the moments...............................................
rho += f12+f11+f14+f13+f16+f15+f18+f17;
m1 += 8*(f12+f11+f14+f13+f16+f15+f18+f17);
m2 += f12+f11+f14+f13+f16+f15+f18+f17;
jx += f11-f12+f13-f14;
m4 += f11-f12+f13-f14;
jy += f15-f16+f17-f18;
m6 += f15-f16+f17-f18;
jz += f11-f12-f13+f14+f15-f16-f17+f18;
m8 += f11-f12-f13+f14+f15-f16-f17+f18;
m9 += f11+f12+f13+f14-2*(f15+f16+f17+f18);
m10 += f12+f11+f14+f13-2*(f16+f15+f18+f17);
m11 += -f12-f11-f14-f13;
m12 += -f12-f11-f14-f13;
m14 = f16+f15-f18-f17;
m15 = f12+f11-f14-f13;
m16 += -f11+f12-f13+f14;
m17 += f15-f16+f17-f18;
m18 = f11-f12-f13+f14-f15+f16+f17-f18;
/* f2 = distodd[n];
f4 = distodd[N+n];
f6 = distodd[2*N+n];
f8 = distodd[3*N+n];
f0 = disteven[n];
f1 = disteven[N+n];
f3 = disteven[2*N+n];
f5 = disteven[3*N+n];
f7 = disteven[4*N+n];
//....................compute the moments...............................................
rho = f0+f2+f1+f4+f3+f6+f5+f8+f7;
m1 = -30*f0-11*(f2+f1+f4+f3+f6+f5)+8*(f8+f7);
m2 = 12*f0-4*(f2+f1 +f4+f3+f6 +f5)+f8+f7;
jx = f1-f2+f7-f8;
m4 = 4*(-f1+f2)+f7-f8;
jy = f3-f4+f7-f8;
m6 = -4*(f3-f4)+f7-f8;
jz = f5-f6;
m8 = -4*(f5-f6);
m9 = 2*(f1+f2)-f3-f4-f5-f6+f7+f8;
m10 = -4*(f1+f2)+2*(f4+f3+f6+f5)+f8+f7;
m11 = f4+f3-f6-f5+f8+f7;
m12 = -2*(f4+f3-f6-f5)+f8+f7;
m13 = f8+f7;
m16 = f7-f8;
m17 = -f7+f8;
f9 = disteven[5*N+n];
f11 = disteven[6*N+n];
f13 = disteven[7*N+n];
f15 = disteven[8*N+n];
f17 = disteven[9*N+n];
f10 = distodd[4*N+n];
f12 = distodd[5*N+n];
f14 = distodd[6*N+n];
f16 = distodd[7*N+n];
f18 = distodd[8*N+n];
rho += f10+f9+f12+f11+f14+f13+f16+f15+f18+f17;
m1 += 8*(f10+f9+f12+f11+f14+f13+f16+f15+f18 +f17);
m2 += f10+f9+f12+f11+f14+f13+f16+f15+f18+f17;
jx += f9-f10+f11-f12+f13-f14;
m4 += f9-f10+f11-f12+f13-f14;
jy += -f9+f10+f15-f16+f17-f18;
m6 += -f9+f10+f15-f16+f17-f18;
jz += f11-f12-f13+f14+f15-f16-f17+f18;
m8 += f11-f12-f13+f14+f15-f16-f17+f18;
m9 += f9+f10+f11+f12+f13+f14-2*(f15+f16+f17+f18);
m10 += f10+f9+f12+f11+f14+f13-2*(f16+f15+f18+f17);
m11 += f10+f9-f12-f11-f14-f13;
m12 += f10+f9-f12-f11-f14-f13;
m13 += -f10-f9;
m14 = f16+f15-f18-f17;
m15 = f12+f11-f14-f13;
m16 += f9-f10-f11+f12-f13+f14;
m17 += f9-f10+f15-f16+f17-f18;
m18 = f11-f12-f13+f14-f15+f16+f17-f18;
*/ //........................................................................
//..........Toelke, Fruediger et. al. 2006...............
if (C == 0.0) nx = ny = nz = 1.0;
m1 = m1 + rlx_setA*((19*(jx*jx+jy*jy+jz*jz)/rho - 11*rho) -alpha*C - m1);
m2 = m2 + rlx_setA*((3*rho - 5.5*(jx*jx+jy*jy+jz*jz)/rho)- m2);
m4 = m4 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jx)- m4);
m6 = m6 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jy)- m6);
m8 = m8 + rlx_setB*((-0.6666666666666666*jz)- m8);
m9 = m9 + rlx_setA*(((2*jx*jx-jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) + 0.5*alpha*C*(2*nx*nx-ny*ny-nz*nz) - m9);
m10 = m10 + rlx_setA*(-0.5*((2*jx*jx-jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m10);
m11 = m11 + rlx_setA*(((jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) + 0.5*alpha*C*(ny*ny-nz*nz)- m11);
m12 = m12 + rlx_setA*( -0.5*((jy*jy-jz*jz)/rho) - m12);
m13 = m13 + rlx_setA*( (jx*jy/rho) + 0.5*alpha*C*nx*ny - m13);
m14 = m14 + rlx_setA*( (jy*jz/rho) + 0.5*alpha*C*ny*nz - m14);
m15 = m15 + rlx_setA*( (jx*jz/rho) + 0.5*alpha*C*nx*nz - m15);
m16 = m16 + rlx_setB*( - m16);
m17 = m17 + rlx_setB*( - m17);
m18 = m18 + rlx_setB*( - m18);
//.................inverse transformation......................................................
f0 = 0.05263157894736842*rho-0.012531328320802*m1+0.04761904761904762*m2;
f1 = 0.05263157894736842*rho-0.004594820384294068*m1-0.01587301587301587*m2
f2 = 0.05263157894736842*rho-0.004594820384294068*m1-0.01587301587301587*m2
f3 = 0.05263157894736842*rho-0.004594820384294068*m1-0.01587301587301587*m2
f4 = 0.05263157894736842*rho-0.004594820384294068*m1-0.01587301587301587*m2
f5 = 0.05263157894736842*rho-0.004594820384294068*m1-0.01587301587301587*m2
f6 = 0.05263157894736842*rho-0.004594820384294068*m1-0.01587301587301587*m2
f7 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1+0.003968253968253968*m2+0.1*(jx+jy)+0.025*(m4+m6)
f8 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1+0.003968253968253968*m2-0.1*(jx+jy)-0.025*(m4+m6)
f9 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1+0.003968253968253968*m2+0.1*(jx-jy)+0.025*(m4-m6)
f10 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1+0.003968253968253968*m2+0.1*(jy-jx)+0.025*(m6-m4)
f11 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1
f12 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1
f13 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1
f14 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1
f15 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1
f16 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1
f17 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1
f18 = 0.05263157894736842*rho+0.003341687552213868*m1
// incorporate external force
f1 += 0.16666666*Fx;
f2 -= 0.16666666*Fx;
f3 += 0.16666666*Fy;
f4 -= 0.16666666*Fy;
f5 += 0.16666666*Fz;
f6 -= 0.16666666*Fz;
f7 += 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fy);
f8 -= 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fy);
f9 += 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fy);
f10 -= 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fy);
f11 += 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fz);
f12 -= 0.08333333333*(Fx+Fz);
f13 += 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fz);
f14 -= 0.08333333333*(Fx-Fz);
f15 += 0.08333333333*(Fy+Fz);
f16 -= 0.08333333333*(Fy+Fz);
f17 += 0.08333333333*(Fy-Fz);
f18 -= 0.08333333333*(Fy-Fz);
//*********** WRITE UPDATED VALUES TO MEMORY ******************
// Write the updated distributions
disteven[n] = f0;
disteven[N+n] = f2;
disteven[2*N+n] = f4;
disteven[3*N+n] = f6;
disteven[4*N+n] = f8;
disteven[5*N+n] = f10;
disteven[6*N+n] = f12;
disteven[7*N+n] = f14;
disteven[8*N+n] = f16;
disteven[9*N+n] = f18;
distodd[n] = f1;
distodd[N+n] = f3;
distodd[2*N+n] = f5;
distodd[3*N+n] = f7;
distodd[4*N+n] = f9;
distodd[5*N+n] = f11;
distodd[6*N+n] = f13;
distodd[7*N+n] = f15;
distodd[8*N+n] = f17;
//...Store the Velocity..........................
Velocity[3*n] = jx;
Velocity[3*n+1] = jy;
Velocity[3*n+2] = jz;
} // check if n is in the solid
} // check if n is in the domain
} // loop over s
__global__ void DensityStreamD3Q7(char *ID, double *Den, double *Copy, double *Phi, double *ColorGrad, double *Velocity,
double beta, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, bool pBC, int S)
@ -642,9 +1101,9 @@ __global__ void DensityStreamD3Q7(char *ID, double *Den, double *Copy, double *P
int j = (n-Nx*Ny*k)/Nx;
int i = n-Nx*Ny*k-Nx*j;
//.....Load the Color gradient.........
nx = ColorGrad[3*n];
ny = ColorGrad[3*n+1];
nz = ColorGrad[3*n+2];
nx = ColorGrad[n];
ny = ColorGrad[N+n];
nz = ColorGrad[2*N+n];
C = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
nx = nx/C;
ny = ny/C;
@ -790,6 +1249,8 @@ __global__ void ComputePhi(char *ID, double *Phi, double *Copy, double *Den, int
extern "C" void dvc_InitDenColor( int nblocks, int nthreads, int S,
char *ID, double *Den, double *Phi, double das, double dbs, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
@ -811,6 +1272,19 @@ extern "C" void dvc_ColorCollide(int nBlocks, int nthreads, int S,
ColorCollide<<<nBlocks, nthreads>>>(ID, f_even, f_odd, ColorGrad, Velocity, Nx, Ny, Nz, S,
rlxA, rlxB, alpha, beta, Fx, Fy, Fz, pBC);
extern "C" void dvc_ColorCollideOpt(int nBlocks, int nthreads, int S,
char *ID, double *f_even, double *f_odd, double *Phi, double *ColorGrad,
double *Velocity, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz,double rlxA, double rlxB,
double alpha, double beta, double Fx, double Fy, double Fz)
ColorCollideOpt<<<nBlocks, nthreads>>>(ID, f_even, f_odd, Phi, ColorGrad, Velocity, Nx, Ny, Nz, S,
rlxA, rlxB, alpha, beta, Fx, Fy, Fz);
// bool pBC = false;
// ColorCollide<<<nBlocks, nthreads>>>(ID, f_even, f_odd, ColorGrad, Velocity, Nx, Ny, Nz, S,
// rlxA, rlxB, alpha, beta, Fx, Fy, Fz, pBC);
extern "C" void dvc_DensityStreamD3Q7(int nBlocks, int nthreads, int S,
char *ID, double *Den, double *Copy, double *Phi, double *ColorGrad, double *Velocity,
@ -825,3 +1299,11 @@ extern "C" void dvc_ComputePhi(int nBlocks, int nthreads, int S,
ComputePhi<<<nBlocks, nthreads>>>(ID,Phi,Copy,Den,N,S);
extern "C" void dvc_ComputePressure(int nBlocks, int nthreads, int S,
char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd,
double *Pressure, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
ComputePressureD3Q19<<<nBlocks, nthreads>>>(ID,disteven,distodd,Pressure,Nx,Ny,Nz,S);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -343,3 +343,59 @@ inline void WriteLocalSolidDistance(char *FILENAME, double *Distance, int N)
inline void WriteCheckpoint(char *FILENAME, double *cDen, double *cDistEven, double *cDistOdd, int N)
int q,n;
double value;
ofstream File(FILENAME,ios::binary);
for (n=0; n<N; n++){
// Write the two density values
value = cDen[2*n];
File.write((char*) &value, sizeof(value));
value = cDen[2*n+1];
File.write((char*) &value, sizeof(value));
// Write the even distributions
for (q=0; q<10; q++){
value = cDistEven[q*N+n];
File.write((char*) &value, sizeof(value));
// Write the odd distributions
for (q=0; q<9; q++){
value = cDistOdd[q*N+n];
File.write((char*) &value, sizeof(value));
inline void ReadCheckpoint(char *FILENAME, double *cDen, double *cDistEven, double *cDistOdd, int N)
int q,n;
double value;
ifstream File(FILENAME,ios::binary);
for (n=0; n<N; n++){
// Write the two density values
File.read((char*) &value, sizeof(value));
cDen[2*n] = value;
// if (n== 66276) printf("Density a = %f \n",value);
File.read((char*) &value, sizeof(value));
cDen[2*n+1] = value;
// if (n== 66276) printf("Density b = %f \n",value);
// Read the even distributions
for (q=0; q<10; q++){
File.read((char*) &value, sizeof(value));
cDistEven[q*N+n] = value;
// if (n== 66276) printf("dist even %i = %f \n",q,value);
// Read the odd distributions
for (q=0; q<9; q++){
File.read((char*) &value, sizeof(value));
cDistOdd[q*N+n] = value;
// if (n== 66276) printf("dist even %i = %f \n",q,value);

pmmc/BlobPMMC-v1.cpp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2552,7 +2552,7 @@ inline void ComputeAreasPMMC(IntArray &cubeList, int start, int finish,
n_nw_tris_beg = n_nw_tris;
n_ns_tris_beg = n_ns_tris;
n_ws_tris_beg = n_ws_tris;
n_nws_seg_beg = n_nws_seg;
// n_nws_seg_beg = n_nws_seg;
// Loop over all cubes
blob_volume = 0; // Initialize the volume for blob a to zero
for (c=start;c<finish;c++){