Merge branch 'test_poisson' of into test_poisson

This commit is contained in:
James McClure 2022-05-12 07:09:39 -04:00
commit cf3bc417ce
2 changed files with 207 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
MultiphysController {
timestepMax = 20000
visualization_interval = 1000 // Frequency to write visualization data
analysis_interval = 20 // Frequency to perform analysis
Stokes {
epsilonR = 78.5 //fluid dielectric constant [dimensionless]
tau = 1.0
F = 0, 0, 0
rho_phys = 998.2
nu_phys = 1.003e-6 //fluid kinematic viscosity; user-input unit: [m^2/sec]
BC = 3 // Pressure constant BC
din = 1.0 // Inlet pressure
dout = 1.0 // Outlet pressure
UseElectroosmoticVelocityBC = true
SolidLabels = 0, -1
ZetaPotentialSolidList = -0.005, -0.03 // unit [v]
Ions {
temperature = 310.15 //unit [K]
//number_ion_species = 5 //number of ions
//tauList = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 // H+, OH-, Na+, Cl-, Fe3+
//IonDiffusivityList = 9.3e-9, 5.3e-9, 1.3e-9, 2.0e-9, 0.604e-9 //user-input unit: [m^2/sec]
//IonValenceList = 1, -1, 1, -1, 3 //valence charge of ions; dimensionless; positive/negative integer
//IonConcentrationList = 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4, 100, 100, 0 //user-input unit: [mol/m^3]
number_ion_species = 2 //number of ions
//IonConcentrationFile = "Pseudo3D_plane_membrane_concentration_Na_z192_xy64.raw", "double", "Pseudo3D_plane_membrane_concentration_Na_z192_xy64.raw", "double"
tauList = 1.0,1.0 // Na+, anion
IonDiffusivityList = 1e-9,1e-9 //user-input unit: [m^2/sec]
IonValenceList = 1,-1 //valence charge of ions; dimensionless; positive/negative integer
IonConcentrationList = 145e-3,145e-3 //user-input unit: [mol/m^3]
MembraneIonConcentrationList = 15e-3, 15e-3
BC_InletList = 0,0 //boundary condition for inlet; 0=periodic; 1=ion concentration; 2=ion flux
BC_OutletList = 0,0 //boundary condition for outlet; 0=periodic; 1=ion concentration; 2=ion flux
InletValueList = 15e-3, 15e-3 //if ion concentration unit=[mol/m^3]; if flux (inward) unit=[mol/m^2/sec]
OutletValueList = 145e-3, 145e-3 //if ion concentration unit=[mol/m^3]; if flux (inward) unit=[mol/m^2/sec]
BC_Solid = 0 //solid boundary condition; 0=non-flux BC; 1=surface ion concentration
//SolidLabels = 0 olid labels for assigning solid boundary condition; ONLY for BC_Solid=1
//SolidValues = 1.0e-5 // user-input surface ion concentration unit: [mol/m^2]; ONLY for BC_Solid=1
FluidVelDummy = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 // dummy fluid velocity for debugging
Poisson {
epsilonR = 80.4 //fluid dielectric constant [dimensionless]
tau = 4.5
BC_Inlet = 0 // ->1: fixed electric potential; ->2: sine/cosine periodic electric potential
BC_Outlet = 0 // ->1: fixed electric potential; ->2: sine/cosine periodic electric potential
InitialValueLabels = 1,2//a list of labels of fluid nodes
InitialValues = 60.6e-3, 0 //unit: [V]
//------- Boundary Voltage for BC = 1 (Inlet & Outlet) ---------------------
Vin = 60.6e-3 //ONLY for BC_Inlet = 1; electrical potential at inlet
Vout = 0 //ONLY for BC_Outlet = 1; electrical potential at outlet
//------- Boundary Voltage for BC = 2 (Inlet & Outlet) ---------------------
//Vin0 = 0.01 //(ONLY for BC_Inlet = 2); unit:[Volt]
//freqIn = 1.0 //(ONLY for BC_Inlet = 2); unit:[Hz]
//t0_In = 0.0 //(ONLY for BC_Inlet = 1); unit:[sec]
//Vin_Type = 1 //(ONLY for BC_Inlet = 1); 1->sin(); 2->cos()
//Vout0 = 0.01 //(ONLY for BC_Outlet = 1); unit:[Volt]
//freqOut = 1.0 //(ONLY for BC_Outlet = 1); unit:[Hz]
//t0_Out = 0.0 //(ONLY for BC_Outlet = 1); unit:[sec]
//Vout_Type = 1 //(ONLY for BC_Outlet = 1); 1->sin(); 2->cos()
BC_SolidList = 1 //solid boundary condition; 1=surface potential; 2=surface charge density
SolidLabels = 0 //solid labels for assigning solid boundary condition
SolidValues = -0.001 //if surface potential, unit=[V]; if surface charge density, unit=[C/m^2]
WriteLog = true //write convergence log for LB-Poisson solver
// ------------------------------- Testing Utilities ----------------------------------------
// ONLY for code debugging; the followings test sine/cosine voltage BCs; disabled by default
TestPeriodic = false
TestPeriodicTime = 1.0 //unit:[sec]
TestPeriodicTimeConv = 0.01 //unit:[sec]
TestPeriodicSaveInterval = 0.2 //unit:[sec]
//------------------------------ advanced setting ------------------------------------
timestepMax = 10000 //max timestep for obtaining steady-state electrical potential
analysis_interval = 200 //timestep checking steady-state convergence
tolerance = 1.0e-6 //stopping criterion for steady-state solution
Membrane {
MembraneLabels = 1
VoltageThreshold = 100.0, 100.0
MassFractionIn = 1,0
MassFractionOut = 1,0
ThresholdMassFractionIn = 1, 0
ThresholdMassFractionOut = 1, 0
Domain {
Filename = "Pseudo3D_double_plane_membrane_z192_xy64_InsideLabel1_OutsideLabel2.raw"
nproc = 1, 1, 3 // Number of processors (Npx,Npy,Npz)
n = 64, 64, 64 // Size of local domain (Nx,Ny,Nz)
N = 64, 64, 192 // size of the input image
voxel_length = 0.01 //resolution; user-input unit: [um]
BC = 0 // Boundary condition type0
ReadType = "8bit"
ReadValues = 2, 1
WriteValues = 2, 1
//InletLayers = 0, 0, 1
//OutletLayers = 0, 0, 1
//InletLayersPhase = 1
//OutletLayersPhase = 1
//checkerSize = 3 // size of the checker to use
Analysis {
Visualization {
save_electric_potential = true
save_concentration = true
#save_velocity = true
#save_pressure = true
save_8bit_raw = true

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#physical constant
k_B_const = 1.380649e-23 #[J/K]
N_A_const = 6.02214076e23 #[1/mol]
e_const = 1.602176634e-19 #[C]
epsilon0_const = 8.85418782e-12 #[C/V/m]
#other material property parameters
epsilonr_water = 80.4
T=310.15 #[K]
#input ion concentration
C_Na_in = 15e-3 #[mol/m^3]
C_Na_out = 145e-3 #[mol/m^3]
C_K_in = 150e-3 #[mol/m^3]
C_K_out = 4e-3 #[mol/m^3]
C_Cl_in = 10e-3 #[mol/m^3]
C_Cl_out = 110e-3 #[mol/m^3]
#calculating Debye length
#For the definition of Debye lenght in electrolyte solution, see:
#Eq(42) in Yoshida etal., Coupled LB method for simulator electrokinetic flows
prefactor= math.sqrt(epsilonr_water*epsilon0_const*k_B_const*T/2.0/N_A_const/e_const**2)
debye_length_in = prefactor*np.sqrt(np.array([1.0/C_Na_in,1.0/C_K_in,1.0/C_Cl_in]))
debye_length_out = prefactor*np.sqrt(np.array([1.0/C_Na_out,1.0/C_K_out,1.0/C_Cl_out]))
print("Debye length inside membrane in [m]")
print("Debye length outside membrane in [m]")
#setup domain
cube_length_z = 192
cube_length_xy = 64
#set LBPM domain resoluiton
h=0.01 #[um]
print("Image resolution = %.6g [um] (= %.6g [m])"%(h,h*1e-6))
make_bubble = np.logical_and(zgrid>=cube_length_z/4,zgrid<=cube_length_z*0.75)
##save domain
file_name= "Pseudo3D_double_plane_membrane_z192_xy64_InsideLabel1_OutsideLabel2.raw"
print("save file: "+file_name)
#debug plot
##generate initial ion concentration - 3D
#domain_Na = C_Na_out*np.ones_like(domain,dtype=np.float64)
#domain_Na[make_bubble] = C_Na_in
#domain_K = C_K_out*np.ones_like(domain,dtype=np.float64)
#domain_K[make_bubble] = C_K_in
#domain_Cl = C_Cl_out*np.ones_like(domain,dtype=np.float64)
#domain_Cl[make_bubble] = C_Cl_in
##debug plot
#plt.title("Na concentration")
#plt.title("K concentration")
#plt.title("Cl concentration")