Moved signed distance computation SSO from TwoPhase.h to Domain.h

This commit is contained in:
James E McClure 2015-06-03 17:54:16 -04:00
parent 57817dc94a
commit e7eb11f228
2 changed files with 137 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -777,6 +777,143 @@ void Domain::BlobComm(MPI_Comm Communicator){
UnpackBlobData(recvList_YZ, recvCount_YZ ,recvBuf_YZ, BlobLabelData);
inline void SSO(DoubleArray &Distance, char *ID, Domain &Dm, int timesteps){
* This routine converts the data in the Distance array to a signed distance
* by solving the equation df/dt = sign(1-|grad f|), where Distance provides
* the values of f on the mesh associated with domain Dm
* It has been tested with segmented data initialized to values [-1,1]
* and will converge toward the signed distance to the surface bounding the associated phases
int Q=26;
int q,i,j,k,n;
const static int D3Q27[26][3]={{1,0,0},{-1,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,-1,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,-1},
double weights[26];
// Compute the weights from the finite differences
for (q=0; q<Q; q++){
weights[q] = sqrt(1.0*(D3Q27[q][0]*D3Q27[q][0]) + 1.0*(D3Q27[q][1]*D3Q27[q][1]) + 1.0*(D3Q27[q][2]*D3Q27[q][2]));
int count = 0;
double dt=0.25;
int in,jn,kn,nn;
double Dqx,Dqy,Dqz,Dx,Dy,Dz,W;
double nx,ny,nz,Cqx,Cqy,Cqz,sign,norm;
fillHalo<double> fillData(Dm.rank_info,Nx-2,Ny-2,Nz-2,1,1,1,0,1);
while (count < timesteps){
printf("count=%i \n",count);
// Communicate the halo of values
// Execute the next timestep
for (k=1;k<Nz-1;k++){
for (j=1;j<Ny-1;j++){
for (i=1;i<Nx-1;i++){
n = k*Nx*Ny + j*Nx + i;
sign = Distance(i,j,k) / fabs(Distance(i,j,k));
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nx=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else nx=0.5*Distance(i+1,j,k);;
if (!(j+1<Ny)) ny=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else ny=0.5*Distance(i,j+1,k);
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nz=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else nz=0.5*Distance(i,j,k+1);
if (i<1) nx-=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else nx-=0.5*Distance(i-1,j,k);
if (j<1) ny-=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else ny-=0.5*Distance(i,j-1,k);
if (k<1) nz-=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else nz-=0.5*Distance(i,j,k-1);
//............Compute the Gradient...................................
nx = 0.5*(Distance(i+1,j,k) - Distance(i-1,j,k));
ny = 0.5*(Distance(i,j+1,k) - Distance(i,j-1,k));
nz = 0.5*(Distance(i,j,k+1) - Distance(i,j,k-1));
W = 0.0; Dx = Dy = Dz = 0.0;
// Ignore any values that have distances less than a lattice unit
// since sometimes the positions may be guessed more accurately from
// another source (such as a simulation)
// also ignore places where the gradient is zero since this will not
// result in any local change to Distance
if (nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz > 0.0 && !(Distance(i,j,k)*Distance(i,j,k) < 1.0) ){
for (q=0; q<26; q++){
Cqx = 1.0*D3Q27[q][0];
Cqy = 1.0*D3Q27[q][1];
Cqz = 1.0*D3Q27[q][2];
// get the associated neighbor
in = i + D3Q27[q][0];
jn = j + D3Q27[q][1];
kn = k + D3Q27[q][2];
// make sure the neighbor is in the domain (periodic BC)
/* if (in < 0 ) in +=Nx;
* don't need this in parallel since MPI handles the halos
if (jn < 0 ) jn +=Ny;
if (kn < 0 ) kn +=Nz;
if (!(in < Nx) ) in -=Nx;
if (!(jn < Ny) ) jn -=Ny;
if (!(kn < Nz) ) kn -=Nz;
// symmetric boundary
if (in < 0 ) in = i;
if (jn < 0 ) jn = j;
if (kn < 0 ) kn = k;
if (!(in < Nx) ) in = i;
if (!(jn < Ny) ) jn = k;
if (!(kn < Nz) ) kn = k;
// 1-D index
nn = kn*Nx*Ny + jn*Nx + in;
// Compute the gradient using upwind finite differences
Dqx = weights[q]*(Distance(i,j,k) - Distance(in,jn,kn))*Cqx;
Dqy = weights[q]*(Distance(i,j,k) - Distance(in,jn,kn))*Cqy;
Dqz = weights[q]*(Distance(i,j,k) - Distance(in,jn,kn))*Cqz;
// Only include upwind derivatives
if (sign*(nx*Cqx + ny*Cqy + nz*Cqz) < 0.0 ){
Dx += Dqx;
Dy += Dqy;
Dz += Dqz;
W += weights[q];
// Normalize by the weight to get the approximation to the gradient
Dx /= W;
Dy /= W;
Dz /= W;
norm = sqrt(Dx*Dx+Dy*Dy+Dz*Dz);
norm = 0.0;
Distance(i,j,k) += dt*sign*(1.0 - norm);
// Disallow any change in phase
if (Distance(i,j,k)*2.0*(ID[n]-1.0) < 0) Distance(i,j,k) = -Distance(i,j,k);
inline void ReadSpherePacking(int nspheres, double *List_cx, double *List_cy, double *List_cz, double *List_rad)

View File

@ -289,7 +289,6 @@ public:
void UpdateMeshValues();
void UpdateSolid();
void ComputeDelPhi();
void SSO(DoubleArray &Distance, char *ID, Domain &Dm, int timesteps);
void ColorToSignedDistance(double Beta, double *ColorData, double *DistData);
void ComputeLocal();
void ComputeLocalBlob();
@ -301,136 +300,6 @@ public:
inline void TwoPhase::SSO(DoubleArray &Distance, char *ID, Domain &Dm, int timesteps){
int Q=26;
int q,i,j,k,n;
const static int D3Q27[26][3]={{1,0,0},{-1,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,-1,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,-1},
double weights[26];
// Compute the weights from the finite differences
for (q=0; q<Q; q++){
weights[q] = sqrt(1.0*(D3Q27[q][0]*D3Q27[q][0]) + 1.0*(D3Q27[q][1]*D3Q27[q][1]) + 1.0*(D3Q27[q][2]*D3Q27[q][2]));
int count = 0;
double dt=0.25;
int in,jn,kn,nn;
double Dqx,Dqy,Dqz,Dx,Dy,Dz,W;
double nx,ny,nz,Cqx,Cqy,Cqz,sign,norm;
// double f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18;
fillHalo<double> fillData(Dm.rank_info,Nx-2,Ny-2,Nz-2,1,1,1,0,1);
printf("Number of timesteps is %i \n",timesteps);
printf("Mesh is %i,%i,%i \n",Nx,Ny,Nz);
while (count < timesteps){
printf("count=%i \n",count);
// Communicate the halo of values
for (k=1;k<Nz-1;k++){
for (j=1;j<Ny-1;j++){
for (i=1;i<Nx-1;i++){
n = k*Nx*Ny + j*Nx + i;
sign = Distance(i,j,k) / fabs(Distance(i,j,k));
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nx=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else nx=0.5*Distance(i+1,j,k);;
if (!(j+1<Ny)) ny=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else ny=0.5*Distance(i,j+1,k);
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nz=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else nz=0.5*Distance(i,j,k+1);
if (i<1) nx-=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else nx-=0.5*Distance(i-1,j,k);
if (j<1) ny-=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else ny-=0.5*Distance(i,j-1,k);
if (k<1) nz-=0.5*Distance(i,j,k);
else nz-=0.5*Distance(i,j,k-1);
//............Compute the Gradient...................................
nx = 0.5*(Distance(i+1,j,k) - Distance(i-1,j,k));
ny = 0.5*(Distance(i,j+1,k) - Distance(i,j-1,k));
nz = 0.5*(Distance(i,j,k+1) - Distance(i,j,k-1));
W = 0.0; Dx = Dy = Dz = 0.0;
if (nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz > 0.0){
for (q=0; q<26; q++){
Cqx = 1.0*D3Q27[q][0];
Cqy = 1.0*D3Q27[q][1];
Cqz = 1.0*D3Q27[q][2];
// get the associated neighbor
in = i + D3Q27[q][0];
jn = j + D3Q27[q][1];
kn = k + D3Q27[q][2];
// make sure the neighbor is in the domain (periodic BC)
/* if (in < 0 ) in +=Nx;
* don't need this in parallel since MPI handles the halos
if (jn < 0 ) jn +=Ny;
if (kn < 0 ) kn +=Nz;
if (!(in < Nx) ) in -=Nx;
if (!(jn < Ny) ) jn -=Ny;
if (!(kn < Nz) ) kn -=Nz;
// symmetric boundary
if (in < 0 ) in = i;
if (jn < 0 ) jn = j;
if (kn < 0 ) kn = k;
if (!(in < Nx) ) in = i;
if (!(jn < Ny) ) jn = k;
if (!(kn < Nz) ) kn = k;
// 1-D index
nn = kn*Nx*Ny + jn*Nx + in;
// Compute the gradient using upwind finite differences
Dqx = weights[q]*(Distance(i,j,k) - Distance(in,jn,kn))*Cqx;
Dqy = weights[q]*(Distance(i,j,k) - Distance(in,jn,kn))*Cqy;
Dqz = weights[q]*(Distance(i,j,k) - Distance(in,jn,kn))*Cqz;
// Only include upwind derivatives
if (sign*(nx*Cqx + ny*Cqy + nz*Cqz) < 0.0 ){
Dx += Dqx;
Dy += Dqy;
Dz += Dqz;
W += weights[q];
// Normalize by the weight to get the approximation to the gradient
Dx /= W;
Dy /= W;
Dz /= W;
norm = sqrt(Dx*Dx+Dy*Dy+Dz*Dz);
norm = 0.0;
Distance(i,j,k) += dt*sign*(1.0 - norm);
// Disallow any change in phase
if (Distance(i,j,k)*2.0*(ID[n]-1.0) < 0) Distance(i,j,k) = -Distance(i,j,k);
void TwoPhase::ColorToSignedDistance(double Beta, double *ColorData, double *DistData){
double factor,temp,value;