# INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPILING AND RUNNING ON TITAN # Note: there are 3 directories of interest: # source directory - assumed to be located at ${HOME}/LBPM-WIA for these instructions, but may be anywhere # build directory - current directory used for building, may not be the source directory, generally should be on lustre # install directory - installation directory, optional, may be the same as the build directory, # generally should be on lustre, specified with "-D LBPM_INSTALL_DIR:PATH="path_tot_install" # load the module for cuda module load cudatoolkit # load the module for cmake module load cmake # Change to a directory build (outside the repository) cd BUILD_DIR # configure rm -rf CMake* cmake \ -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER:PATH=cc \ -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH=CC \ -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH=CC \ -D CFLAGS="-DCBUB" \ -D CXXFLAGS="-DCBUB" \ -D MPIEXEC=aprun \ -D USE_EXT_MPI_FOR_SERIAL_TESTS:BOOL=TRUE \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug \ -D CUDA_FLAGS="-arch sm_35" \ -D CUDA_HOST_COMPILER="/usr/bin/gcc" \ -D USE_CUDA=1 \ ${HOME}/LBPM-WIA # Build and install (may be done in parallel) make install -j 8 # Run the tests (optional, requires that were are in an interactive session) # Note: to run the tests and submit the results to CDash, see "run_ctest_titan" # in sample_scripts, which uses the "config_titan" and "ctest_titan.ctest" # Run the fast tests: ctest -E WEEKLY # Run all tests ctest