# Clear all modules (except modules) #for var in ${LOADEDMODULES//:/ }; do if [ " ${var///*/}" != " modules" ]; then module unload " ${var///*/}" > /dev/null 2>&1; fi; done source $MODULESHOME/init/bash # Set the modules and enviornmental variables module unload PrgEnv-intel module load PrgEnv-gnu/6.0.4 module unload gcc cmake module load gcc/6.3.0 module load cray-hdf5-parallel/ module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel module load mercurial git module load cmake3/3.6.1 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo106/eos/netcdf/lib:/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo106/eos/zlib/lib:/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo106/eos/hdf5/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export MPICH_RDMA_ENABLED_CUDA=0 echo $GNU_VERSION module list # Remove CMake files from previous configures rm -rf CMake* # Configure cmake \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release \ -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER:PATH=cc \ -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH=CC \ -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH=CC \ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fPIC" \ -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14 \ -D USE_TIMER=false \ -D TIMER_DIRECTORY=${HOME}/timerutility/build/opt \ -D MPIEXEC=aprun \ -D USE_EXT_MPI_FOR_SERIAL_TESTS:BOOL=TRUE \ -D USE_CUDA=0 \ -D CUDA_FLAGS="-arch sm_35" \ -D USE_SILO=1 \ -D SILO_DIRECTORY=/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo106/eos/silo \ -D HDF5_DIRECTORY=/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo106/eos/hdf5 \ -D HDF5_LIB=/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo106/eos/hdf5/lib/libhdf5.a \ -D USE_NETCDF=1 \ -D NETCDF_DIRECTORY=/lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo106/eos/netcdf \ -D CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=true \ ~/LBPM-WIA # -D PREFIX=$MEMBERWORK/geo106/eos-LBPM-WIA \ #-D CUDA_HOST_COMPILER="/usr/bin/gcc" \ # Build the code make install -j 8 # Fix permissions #chmod -R g+w $PROJWORK/geo106/eos-LBPM-WIA # Run the fast tests # ctest -E WEEKLY # Run the slow tests # ctest -R WEEKLY -VV