#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/ScaLBL.h" #include "common/Communication.h" #include "analysis/TwoPhase.h" #include "common/MPI_Helpers.h" std::shared_ptr loadInputs( ) { auto db = std::make_shared( "Domain.in" ); const int dim = 50; db->putScalar( "BC", 0 ); return db; } //*************************************************************************************** int main(int argc, char **argv) { //***************************************** // ***** MPI STUFF **************** //***************************************** // Initialize MPI Utilities::startup( argc, argv ); Utilities::MPI comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD ); int rank = comm.getRank(); int nprocs = comm.getSize(); { //***************************************** // MPI ranks for all 18 neighbors //********************************** int rank_x,rank_y,rank_z,rank_X,rank_Y,rank_Z; int rank_xy,rank_XY,rank_xY,rank_Xy; int rank_xz,rank_XZ,rank_xZ,rank_Xz; int rank_yz,rank_YZ,rank_yZ,rank_Yz; //********************************** double TubeRadius =15.0; int BC; int BubbleTop,BubbleBottom; TubeRadius=strtod(argv[1],NULL); BC=atoi(argv[2]); BubbleBottom = atoi(argv[3]); BubbleTop = atoi(argv[4]); if (rank == 0){ printf("********************************************************\n"); printf("Generate 3D cylindrical capillary tube geometry with radius = %f voxels \n",TubeRadius); printf("********************************************************\n"); } // Variables that specify the computational domain string FILENAME; int i,j,k,n; // pmmc threshold values // ************************************************************** // Load inputs auto db = loadInputs( ); int Nx = db->getVector( "n" )[0]; int Ny = db->getVector( "n" )[1]; int Nz = db->getVector( "n" )[2]; int nprocx = db->getVector( "nproc" )[0]; int nprocy = db->getVector( "nproc" )[1]; int nprocz = db->getVector( "nproc" )[2]; int kproc = rank/(nprocx*nprocy); int jproc = (rank-nprocx*nprocy*kproc)/nprocx; int iproc = rank-nprocx*nprocy*kproc-nprocx*jproc; if (rank==0){ printf("********************************************************\n"); printf("Sub-domain size = %i x %i x %i\n",Nz,Nz,Nz); printf("Parallel domain size = %i x %i x %i\n",nprocx,nprocy,nprocz); printf("********************************************************\n"); } double Lx=1.f; double Ly=1.f; double Lz=1.f; std::shared_ptr Dm (new Domain(Nx,Ny,Nz,rank,nprocx,nprocy,nprocz,Lx,Ly,Lz,BC)); Dm->CommInit(); std::shared_ptr Averages( new TwoPhase(Dm) ); InitializeRanks( rank, nprocx, nprocy, nprocz, iproc, jproc, kproc, rank_x, rank_y, rank_z, rank_X, rank_Y, rank_Z, rank_xy, rank_XY, rank_xY, rank_Xy, rank_xz, rank_XZ, rank_xZ, rank_Xz, rank_yz, rank_YZ, rank_yZ, rank_Yz ); MPI_Barrier(comm); Nz += 2; Nx = Ny = Nz; // Cubic domain int N = Nx*Ny*Nz; int dist_mem_size = N*sizeof(double); //....................................................................... // Filenames used char LocalRankString[8]; char LocalRankFilename[40]; char LocalRestartFile[40]; char tmpstr[10]; sprintf(LocalRankString,"%05d",rank); sprintf(LocalRankFilename,"%s%s","ID.",LocalRankString); sprintf(LocalRestartFile,"%s%s","Restart.",LocalRankString); // printf("Local File Name = %s \n",LocalRankFilename); // .......... READ THE INPUT FILE ....................................... // char value; char *id; id = new char[N]; int sum = 0; double sum_local; double iVol_global = 1.0/(1.0*(Nx-2)*(Ny-2)*(Nz-2)*nprocs); //if (pBC) iVol_global = 1.0/(1.0*(Nx-2)*nprocx*(Ny-2)*nprocy*((Nz-2)*nprocz-6)); double pore_vol; sum=0; for (k=0;kSDs(i,j,k) = TubeRadius-sqrt(1.0*((i-Nx/2)*(i-Nx/2) + (j-Ny/2)*(j-Ny/2))); // Initialize phase positions if (Averages->SDs(i,j,k) < 0.0){ id[n] = 0; } else if (Dm->kproc()*Nz+kkproc()*Nz+k 0){ sum_local += 1.0; } } } } MPI_Allreduce(&sum_local,&pore_vol,1,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,comm); //......................................................... // don't perform computations at the eight corners id[0] = id[Nx-1] = id[(Ny-1)*Nx] = id[(Ny-1)*Nx + Nx-1] = 0; id[(Nz-1)*Nx*Ny] = id[(Nz-1)*Nx*Ny+Nx-1] = id[(Nz-1)*Nx*Ny+(Ny-1)*Nx] = id[(Nz-1)*Nx*Ny+(Ny-1)*Nx + Nx-1] = 0; //......................................................... sprintf(LocalRankFilename,"SignDist.%05i",rank); FILE *DIST = fopen(LocalRankFilename,"wb"); fwrite(Averages->SDs.data(),8,Averages->SDs.length(),DIST); fclose(DIST); sprintf(LocalRankFilename,"ID.%05i",rank); FILE *ID = fopen(LocalRankFilename,"wb"); fwrite(id,1,N,ID); fclose(ID); } // **************************************************** comm.barrier(); Utilities::shutdown(); // **************************************************** }