2023-10-22 09:53:45 -04:00

86 lines
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#ifndef MeshDatabase_INC
#define MeshDatabase_INC
#include "IO/Mesh.h"
#include "common/MPI.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
namespace IO {
//! Helper struct for containing offsets for the mesh info
struct DatabaseEntry {
std::string name; //!< Name of the entry
std::string file; //!< Name of the file containing the entry
size_t offset; //!< Offset in the file to start reading
std::string write() const; //!< Convert the data to a string
void read( const char *line ); //!< Convert the string to data
void read( const std::string &line ); //!< Convert the string to data
DatabaseEntry() {} //!< Empty constructor
DatabaseEntry( const char *line ); //!< Convert the string to data
~DatabaseEntry() {} //!< Destructor
//! Structure to hold the info about the variables
struct VariableDatabase {
std::string name; //!< Name of the variable
IO::VariableType type; //!< Variable
unsigned int dim; //!< Number of points per grid point (1: scalar, 3: vector, ...)
// Overload key operators
bool operator==( const VariableDatabase &rhs ) const;
bool operator!=( const VariableDatabase &rhs ) const;
bool operator>=( const VariableDatabase &rhs ) const;
bool operator<=( const VariableDatabase &rhs ) const;
bool operator>( const VariableDatabase &rhs ) const;
bool operator<( const VariableDatabase &rhs ) const;
//! Structure to hold the info about the meshes
struct MeshDatabase {
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> variable_id;
std::string name; //!< Name of the mesh
MeshType type; //!< Mesh type
std::string meshClass; //!< Mesh class
FileFormat format; //!< Data format (1: old, 2: new, 3: new (single), 4: silo)
std::vector<DatabaseEntry> domains; //!< List of the domains
std::vector<VariableDatabase> variables; //!< List of the variables
std::map<variable_id, DatabaseEntry> variable_data; //!< Data for the variables
VariableDatabase getVariableDatabase( const std::string &varname ) const;
MeshDatabase( const MeshDatabase & );
MeshDatabase &operator=( const MeshDatabase & );
//! Gather the mesh databases from all processors
std::vector<MeshDatabase> gatherAll(
const std::vector<MeshDatabase> &meshes, const Utilities::MPI &comm );
//! Write the mesh databases to a file
void write( const std::vector<MeshDatabase> &meshes, const std::string &filename );
//! Read the mesh databases from a file
std::vector<MeshDatabase> read( const std::string &filename );
//! Return the mesh type
IO::MeshType meshType( const IO::Mesh &mesh );
} // namespace IO