
519 lines
17 KiB

Copyright 2013--2018 James E. McClure, Virginia Polytechnic & State University
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
#include "IO/netcdf.h"
#include "common/MPI.h"
#include "common/Utilities.h"
#include "ProfilerApp.h"
#include <netcdf.h>
#include <netcdf_par.h>
#define CHECK_NC_ERR( ERR ) \
do { \
if ( ERR != NC_NOERR ) { \
std::string msg = "Error calling netcdf routine: "; \
msg += nc_strerror( ERR ); \
ERROR( msg ); \
} \
} while ( 0 )
namespace netcdf {
// Convert nc_type to VariableType
static inline VariableType convertType( nc_type type )
VariableType type2 = UNKNOWN;
if ( type == NC_BYTE )
type2 = BYTE;
else if ( type == NC_CHAR )
type2 = STRING;
else if ( type == NC_SHORT )
type2 = SHORT;
else if ( type == NC_USHORT )
type2 = USHORT;
else if ( type == NC_INT )
type2 = INT;
else if ( type == NC_UINT )
type2 = UINT;
else if ( type == NC_INT64 )
type2 = INT64;
else if ( type == NC_UINT64 )
type2 = UINT64;
else if ( type == NC_FLOAT )
type2 = FLOAT;
else if ( type == NC_DOUBLE )
type2 = DOUBLE;
ERROR( "Unknown type" );
return type2;
// Get nc_type from the template
template<class T>
inline nc_type getType();
inline nc_type getType<char>()
return NC_CHAR;
inline nc_type getType<short>()
return NC_SHORT;
inline nc_type getType<int>()
return NC_INT;
inline nc_type getType<float>()
return NC_FLOAT;
inline nc_type getType<double>()
return NC_DOUBLE;
// Function to reverse an array
template<class TYPE>
inline std::vector<TYPE> reverse( const std::vector<TYPE> &x )
std::vector<TYPE> y( x.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++ )
y[i] = x[x.size() - i - 1];
return y;
// Function to reverse an array
template<class TYPE1, class TYPE2>
inline std::vector<TYPE2> convert( const std::vector<TYPE1> &x )
std::vector<TYPE2> y( x.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++ )
y[i] = static_cast<TYPE2>( x[i] );
return y;
* Convert the VariableType to a string *
std::string VariableTypeName( VariableType type )
if ( type == BYTE )
return "BYTE";
else if ( type == SHORT )
return "SHORT";
else if ( type == USHORT )
return "USHORT";
else if ( type == INT )
return "INT";
else if ( type == UINT )
return "UINT";
else if ( type == INT64 )
return "INT64";
else if ( type == UINT64 )
return "UINT64";
else if ( type == FLOAT )
return "FLOAT";
else if ( type == DOUBLE )
return "DOUBLE";
else if ( type == STRING )
return "STRING";
return "Unknown";
* Open/close a file *
int open( const std::string &filename, FileMode mode, const Utilities::MPI &comm )
int fid = 0;
if ( comm.isNull() ) {
if ( mode == READ ) {
int err = nc_open( filename.c_str(), NC_NOWRITE, &fid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
} else if ( mode == WRITE ) {
int err = nc_open( filename.c_str(), NC_WRITE, &fid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
} else if ( mode == CREATE ) {
int err = nc_create( filename.c_str(), NC_SHARE | NC_64BIT_OFFSET, &fid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
} else {
ERROR( "Unknown file mode" );
} else {
if ( mode == READ ) {
int err = nc_open_par(
filename.c_str(), NC_MPIPOSIX, comm.getCommunicator(), MPI_INFO_NULL, &fid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
} else if ( mode == WRITE ) {
int err = nc_open_par( filename.c_str(), NC_WRITE | NC_MPIPOSIX, comm.getCommunicator(),
MPI_INFO_NULL, &fid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
} else if ( mode == CREATE ) {
int err = nc_create_par( filename.c_str(), NC_NETCDF4 | NC_MPIIO,
comm.getCommunicator(), MPI_INFO_NULL, &fid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
} else {
ERROR( "Unknown file mode" );
return fid;
void close( int fid )
int err = nc_close( fid );
if ( err != NC_NOERR )
ERROR( "Error closing file" );
* Query basic properties *
static std::vector<size_t> getDimVar( int fid, int varid )
int ndim = 0;
int err = nc_inq_varndims( fid, varid, &ndim );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
std::vector<size_t> dims( ndim, 0 );
int dimid[64] = { -1 };
err = nc_inq_vardimid( fid, varid, dimid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
for ( int i = 0; i < ndim; i++ ) {
err = nc_inq_dimlen( fid, dimid[i], &dims[i] );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
return dims;
static int getVarID( int fid, const std::string &var )
int id = -1;
int err = nc_inq_varid( fid, var.c_str(), &id );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
return id;
std::vector<size_t> getVarDim( int fid, const std::string &var )
return getDimVar( fid, getVarID( fid, var ) );
std::vector<size_t> getAttDim( int fid, const std::string &att )
std::vector<size_t> dim( 1, 0 );
int err = nc_inq_attlen( fid, NC_GLOBAL, att.c_str(), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
return dim;
std::vector<std::string> getVarNames( int fid )
int nvar;
int err = nc_inq( fid, NULL, &nvar, NULL, NULL );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
std::vector<std::string> vars( nvar );
for ( int i = 0; i < nvar; i++ ) {
char name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
err = nc_inq_varname( fid, i, name );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
vars[i] = name;
return vars;
std::vector<std::string> getAttNames( int fid )
int natt;
int err = nc_inq( fid, NULL, NULL, &natt, NULL );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
std::vector<std::string> att( natt );
for ( int i = 0; i < natt; i++ ) {
char name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
err = nc_inq_attname( fid, NC_GLOBAL, i, name );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
att[i] = name;
return att;
VariableType getVarType( int fid, const std::string &var )
int varid = -1;
int err = nc_inq_varid( fid, var.c_str(), &varid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
nc_type type = 0;
err = nc_inq_vartype( fid, varid, &type );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
return convertType( type );
VariableType getAttType( int fid, const std::string &att )
nc_type type = 0;
int err = nc_inq_atttype( fid, NC_GLOBAL, att.c_str(), &type );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
return convertType( type );
* Read a variable *
Array<unsigned short> getVar<unsigned short>( int fid, const std::string &var )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<unsigned short>" );
Array<unsigned short> x( reverse( getVarDim( fid, var ) ) );
int err = nc_get_var_ushort( fid, getVarID( fid, var ), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<unsigned short>" );
return x.reverseDim();
Array<short> getVar<short>( int fid, const std::string &var )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<short>" );
Array<short> x( reverse( getVarDim( fid, var ) ) );
int err = nc_get_var_short( fid, getVarID( fid, var ), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<short>" );
return x.reverseDim();
Array<unsigned int> getVar<unsigned int>( int fid, const std::string &var )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<unsigned int>" );
Array<unsigned int> x( reverse( getVarDim( fid, var ) ) );
int err = nc_get_var_uint( fid, getVarID( fid, var ), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<unsigned int>" );
return x.reverseDim();
Array<int> getVar<int>( int fid, const std::string &var )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<int>" );
Array<int> x( reverse( getVarDim( fid, var ) ) );
int err = nc_get_var_int( fid, getVarID( fid, var ), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<int>" );
return x.reverseDim();
Array<float> getVar<float>( int fid, const std::string &var )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<float>" );
Array<float> x( reverse( getVarDim( fid, var ) ) );
int err = nc_get_var_float( fid, getVarID( fid, var ), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<float>" );
return x.reverseDim();
Array<double> getVar<double>( int fid, const std::string &var )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<double>" );
Array<double> x( reverse( getVarDim( fid, var ) ) );
int err = nc_get_var_double( fid, getVarID( fid, var ), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<double>" );
return x.reverseDim();
Array<char> getVar<char>( int fid, const std::string &var )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<char>" );
Array<char> x( reverse( getVarDim( fid, var ) ) );
int err = nc_get_var_text( fid, getVarID( fid, var ), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<char>" );
return x.reverseDim();
Array<std::string> getVar<std::string>( int fid, const std::string &var )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<std::string>" );
Array<char> tmp = getVar<char>( fid, var );
std::vector<size_t> dim = { tmp.size( 0 ), tmp.size( 1 ), tmp.size( 2 ) };
if ( dim.size() == 1 )
dim[0] = 1;
dim.erase( dim.begin() );
Array<std::string> text( dim );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ )
text( i ) = &( tmp( 0, i ) );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<std::string>" );
return text;
static inline void get_stride_args( const std::vector<int> &start, const std::vector<int> &count,
const std::vector<int> &stride, size_t *startp, size_t *countp, ptrdiff_t *stridep )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < start.size(); i++ )
startp[i] = start[i];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < count.size(); i++ )
countp[i] = count[i];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < stride.size(); i++ )
stridep[i] = stride[i];
template<class TYPE>
int nc_get_vars_TYPE( int fid, int varid, const size_t start[], const size_t count[],
const ptrdiff_t stride[], TYPE *ptr );
int nc_get_vars_TYPE<short>( int fid, int varid, const size_t start[], const size_t count[],
const ptrdiff_t stride[], short *ptr )
return nc_get_vars_short( fid, varid, start, count, stride, ptr );
int nc_get_vars_TYPE<int>( int fid, int varid, const size_t start[], const size_t count[],
const ptrdiff_t stride[], int *ptr )
return nc_get_vars_int( fid, varid, start, count, stride, ptr );
int nc_get_vars_TYPE<float>( int fid, int varid, const size_t start[], const size_t count[],
const ptrdiff_t stride[], float *ptr )
return nc_get_vars_float( fid, varid, start, count, stride, ptr );
int nc_get_vars_TYPE<double>( int fid, int varid, const size_t start[], const size_t count[],
const ptrdiff_t stride[], double *ptr )
return nc_get_vars_double( fid, varid, start, count, stride, ptr );
template<class TYPE>
Array<TYPE> getVar( int fid, const std::string &var, const std::vector<int> &start,
const std::vector<int> &count, const std::vector<int> &stride )
PROFILE_START( "getVar<> (strided)" );
std::vector<size_t> var_size = getVarDim( fid, var );
for ( int d = 0; d < (int) var_size.size(); d++ ) {
if ( start[d] < 0 || start[d] + stride[d] * ( count[d] - 1 ) > (int) var_size[d] ) {
int rank = Utilities::MPI( MPI_COMM_WORLD ).getRank();
char tmp[1000];
sprintf( tmp,
"%i: Range exceeded array dimension:\n"
" start[%i]=%i, count[%i]=%i, stride[%i]=%i, var_size[%i]=%i",
rank, d, start[d], d, count[d], d, stride[d], d, (int) var_size[d] );
ERROR( tmp );
Array<TYPE> x( reverse( convert<int, size_t>( count ) ) );
size_t startp[10], countp[10];
ptrdiff_t stridep[10];
get_stride_args( start, count, stride, startp, countp, stridep );
int err =
nc_get_vars_TYPE<TYPE>( fid, getVarID( fid, var ), startp, countp, stridep, );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getVar<> (strided)" );
return x.reverseDim();
template Array<short> getVar<short>( int, const std::string &, const std::vector<int> &,
const std::vector<int> &, const std::vector<int> & );
template Array<int> getVar<int>( int, const std::string &, const std::vector<int> &,
const std::vector<int> &, const std::vector<int> & );
template Array<float> getVar<float>( int, const std::string &, const std::vector<int> &,
const std::vector<int> &, const std::vector<int> & );
template Array<double> getVar<double>( int, const std::string &, const std::vector<int> &,
const std::vector<int> &, const std::vector<int> & );
* Read an attribute *
Array<double> getAtt<double>( int fid, const std::string &att )
PROFILE_START( "getAtt<double>" );
Array<double> x( getAttDim( fid, att ) );
int err = nc_get_att_double( fid, NC_GLOBAL, att.c_str(), );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
PROFILE_STOP( "getAtt<double>" );
return x;
Array<std::string> getAtt<std::string>( int fid, const std::string &att )
PROFILE_START( "getAtt<std::string>" );
char *tmp = new char[getAttDim( fid, att )[0]];
Array<std::string> x( 1 );
x( 0 ) = tmp;
delete[] tmp;
PROFILE_STOP( "getAtt<std::string>" );
return x;
* Write an array to a file *
std::vector<int> defDim(
int fid, const std::vector<std::string> &names, const std::vector<int> &dims )
std::vector<int> dimid( names.size(), 0 );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++ ) {
int err = nc_def_dim( fid, names[i].c_str(), dims[i], &dimid[i] );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
return dimid;
template<class TYPE>
void write( int fid, const std::string &var, const std::vector<int> &dimids,
const Array<TYPE> &data, const RankInfoStruct &info )
// Define the variable
int varid = 0;
int err = nc_def_var( fid, var.c_str(), getType<TYPE>(), data.ndim(),, &varid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
// exit define mode
err = nc_enddef( fid );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
// set the access method to use MPI/PnetCDF collective I/O
err = nc_var_par_access( fid, varid, NC_INDEPENDENT );
CHECK_NC_ERR( err );
// parallel write: each process writes its subarray to the file
auto x = data.reverseDim();
std::vector<size_t> count = { data.size( 0 ), data.size( 1 ), data.size( 2 ) };
std::vector<size_t> start = { info.ix * data.size( 0 ), info.jy * data.size( 1 ), * data.size( 2 ) };
nc_put_vara( fid, varid,,, );
template void write<short>( int fid, const std::string &var, const std::vector<int> &dimids,
const Array<short> &data, const RankInfoStruct &info );
template void write<int>( int fid, const std::string &var, const std::vector<int> &dimids,
const Array<int> &data, const RankInfoStruct &info );
template void write<float>( int fid, const std::string &var, const std::vector<int> &dimids,
const Array<float> &data, const RankInfoStruct &info );
template void write<double>( int fid, const std::string &var, const std::vector<int> &dimids,
const Array<double> &data, const RankInfoStruct &info );
} // namespace netcdf