2022-02-10 16:29:22 -05:00

2530 lines
91 KiB

#include "StackTrace/StackTrace.h"
#include "StackTrace/ErrorHandlers.h"
#include "StackTrace/Utilities.h"
// Replace sith std::string_view when we switch to c++17
#include "StackTrace/string_view.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cerrno>
#include <csignal>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
#define perr std::cerr
using StackTrace::string_view;
// Detect the OS
// clang-format off
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( WIN64 ) || defined( _WIN64 ) || defined( _MSC_VER )
#define NOMINMAX
#elif defined( __APPLE__ )
#define USE_MAC
#define USE_NM
#elif defined( __linux ) || defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __unix ) || defined( __posix )
#define USE_LINUX
#define USE_NM
#error Unknown OS
// clang-format on
// Include system dependent headers
// clang-format off
// Detect the OS and include system dependent headers
#include <windows.h>
#include <dbghelp.h>
#include <DbgHelp.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#pragma comment( lib, "version.lib" ) // for "VerQueryValue"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#ifdef USE_MAC
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
// clang-format on
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define USE_ABI
#include <cxxabi.h>
#ifndef NULL_USE
#define NULL_USE( variable ) \
do { \
if ( 0 ) { \
auto static temp = (char *) &variable; \
temp++; \
} \
} while ( 0 )
// Mutex for StackTrace opertions that need blocking
static std::mutex StackTrace_mutex;
// Helper thread
static std::shared_ptr<std::thread> globalMonitorThread;
// Function to replace all instances of a string with another
static constexpr size_t replace(
char *str, size_t N, size_t pos, size_t len, const string_view &r ) noexcept
size_t Nr = r.size();
auto tmp = str;
size_t k = pos;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < Nr && k < N; i++, k++ )
str[k] = r[i];
for ( size_t i = pos + len; i < N && k < N; i++, k++ )
str[k] = tmp[i];
for ( size_t m = k; m < N; m++ )
str[k] = 0;
return k;
template<std::size_t N>
static constexpr size_t replace(
std::array<char, N> &str, size_t pos, size_t len, const string_view &r ) noexcept
return replace(, N, pos, len, r );
static constexpr void strrep(
char *str, size_t &N, const string_view &s, const string_view &r ) noexcept
size_t Ns = s.size();
size_t pos = string_view( str, N ).find( s );
while ( pos != std::string::npos ) {
N = replace( str, N, pos, Ns, r );
pos = string_view( str, N ).find( s );
static void cleanupFunctionName( char * );
// Utility to strip the path from a filename
static constexpr const char *stripPath( const char *filename ) noexcept
const char *s = filename;
while ( *s ) {
if ( *s == 47 || *s == 92 )
filename = s + 1;
return filename;
// Functions to hash strings
constexpr uint32_t hashString( const char *s )
uint32_t c = 0;
uint32_t hash = 5381;
while ( ( c = *s++ ) )
hash = ( ( hash << 5 ) + hash ) ^ c;
return hash;
template<std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2>
static constexpr uint64_t objHash(
const std::array<char, N1> &obj, const std::array<char, N2> &objPath )
uint32_t v1 = hashString( );
uint32_t v2 = hashString( );
uint64_t key = ( static_cast<uint64_t>( v1 ) << 32 ) + static_cast<uint64_t>( v1 ^ v2 );
return key;
//! Assign a string to a std::array
template<std::size_t N2>
static constexpr void copy( const char *in, std::array<char, N2> &out ) noexcept
size_t N1 = strlen( in );
out.fill( 0 );
if ( N1 < N2 ) {
memcpy(, in, N1 );
} else {
memcpy(, in, N2 - 4 );
out[N2 - 4] = out[N2 - 3] = out[N2 - 2] = '.';
template<std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2>
static constexpr void copy( const std::array<char, N1> &in, std::array<char, N2> &out ) noexcept
out.fill( 0 );
if ( N1 < N2 ) {
memcpy(,, N1 );
} else {
memcpy(,, N2 - 4 );
out[N2 - 4] = out[N2 - 3] = out[N2 - 2] = '.';
template<std::size_t N2, std::size_t N3>
static constexpr void copy(
const char *in, std::array<char, N2> &out, std::array<char, N3> &outPath ) noexcept
auto ptr = stripPath( in );
copy( ptr, out );
outPath.fill( 0 );
if ( ptr != in ) {
size_t N = ptr - in - 1;
if ( N < N3 ) {
memcpy(, in, N );
} else {
memcpy(, in, N3 - 4 );
outPath[N3 - 4] = outPath[N3 - 3] = outPath[N3 - 2] = '.';
// Inline function to subtract two addresses returning the absolute difference
static inline void *subtractAddress( void *a, void *b ) noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<void *>(
std::abs( reinterpret_cast<int64_t>( a ) - reinterpret_cast<int64_t>( b ) ) );
static BOOL __stdcall readProcMem( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD64 qwBaseAddress, PVOID lpBuffer,
DWORD nSize, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead )
SIZE_T st;
BOOL bRet = ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (LPVOID) qwBaseAddress, lpBuffer, nSize, &st );
*lpNumberOfBytesRead = (DWORD) st;
return bRet;
static inline std::string getCurrentDirectory()
char temp[1024] = { 0 };
GetCurrentDirectoryA( sizeof( temp ), temp );
return temp;
namespace StackTrace {
BOOL GetModuleListTH32( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD pid );
BOOL GetModuleListPSAPI( HANDLE hProcess );
DWORD LoadModule( HANDLE hProcess, LPCSTR img, LPCSTR mod, DWORD64 baseAddr, DWORD size );
void LoadModules();
}; // namespace StackTrace
* Class to replace a std::vector with a fixed capacity *
template<class TYPE, std::size_t CAPACITY>
class staticVector final
staticVector() : d_size( 0 ) {}
size_t size() const { return d_size; }
bool empty() const { return d_size == 0; }
void push_back( const TYPE &v )
if ( d_size < CAPACITY )
d_data[d_size++] = v;
TYPE &operator[]( size_t i ) { return d_data[i]; }
TYPE *begin() { return d_data; }
TYPE *end() { return d_data + d_size; }
TYPE &back() { return d_data[d_size - 1]; }
TYPE *data() { return d_size == 0 ? nullptr : d_data; }
void pop_back() { d_size = std::max<size_t>( d_size, 1 ) - 1; }
const TYPE *begin() const { return d_data; }
const TYPE *end() const { return d_data + d_size; }
const TYPE &back() const { return d_data[d_size - 1]; }
void clear() { d_size = 0; }
void resize( size_t N, TYPE x = TYPE() )
if ( N > CAPACITY )
throw std::logic_error( "Invalid size" );
for ( size_t i = d_size; i < N; i++ )
d_data[i] = x;
d_size = N;
void erase( const TYPE &x )
size_t N = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < d_size; i++ ) {
if ( d_data[i] != x )
d_data[N++] = d_data[i];
d_size = N;
void insert( const TYPE &x )
if ( std::find( begin(), end(), x ) == end() ) {
push_back( x );
std::sort( begin(), end() );
size_t d_size;
* Utility to temporarily clear a signal in a thread-safe manner *
* If multiple threads attempt to clear a signal, then it will be cleared *
* until all threads are finished *
typedef void ( *handle_type )( int );
static std::atomic_int reset_signal_count[128];
static handle_type reset_signal_handler[128] = { nullptr };
static bool initialize_reset_signal_count()
for ( int i = 0; i < 128; i++ )
reset_signal_count[i].store( 0 );
return true;
static bool reset_signal_vars_initialize = initialize_reset_signal_count();
static void clearSignal( int sig )
NULL_USE( reset_signal_vars_initialize );
if ( reset_signal_count[sig].fetch_add( 1 ) == 0 )
reset_signal_handler[sig] = signal( sig, SIG_IGN );
static void resetSignal( int sig )
if ( reset_signal_count[sig].fetch_add( -1 ) == 1 )
signal( sig, reset_signal_handler[sig] );
* Utility to call system command and return output *
#define popen _popen
#define pclose _pclose
template<class FUNCTION>
static inline int exec3( const char *cmd, FUNCTION &fun )
clearSignal( SIGCHLD ); // Clear child exited
auto pipe = popen( cmd, "r" );
if ( pipe == nullptr )
return -1;
while ( !feof( pipe ) ) {
char buffer[0x2000];
buffer[0] = 0;
auto ptr = fgets( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), pipe );
NULL_USE( ptr );
if ( buffer[0] != 0 )
fun( buffer );
int code = pclose( pipe );
if ( errno == ECHILD ) {
errno = 0;
code = 0;
std::this_thread::yield(); // Allow any signals to process
resetSignal( SIGCHLD ); // Clear child exited
return code;
template<std::size_t blocKSize>
static void exec2( const char *cmd, staticVector<std::array<char, 1024>, blocKSize> &out )
auto fun = [&out]( const char *line ) {
size_t N = strlen( line );
size_t k = out.size();
out.resize( k + 1 );
out[k].fill( 0 );
memcpy( out[k].data(), line, N );
if ( out[k][N - 1] == '\n' )
out[k][N - 1] = 0;
exec3( cmd, fun );
std::string StackTrace::exec( const string_view &cmd, int &code )
std::string result;
auto fun = [&result]( const char *line ) { result += line; };
code = exec3(, fun );
return result;
* stack_info *
static_assert( sizeof( StackTrace::stack_info ) <= 512, "Unexpected size for stack_info" );
StackTrace::stack_info::stack_info() { clear(); }
void StackTrace::stack_info::clear()
line = 0;
address = nullptr;
address2 = nullptr;
object.fill( 0 );
objectPath.fill( 0 );
filename.fill( 0 );
filenamePath.fill( 0 );
function.fill( 0 );
bool StackTrace::stack_info::operator==( const StackTrace::stack_info &rhs ) const
if ( address == rhs.address )
return true;
if ( address2 == rhs.address2 && object == rhs.object )
return true;
return false;
bool StackTrace::stack_info::operator!=( const StackTrace::stack_info &rhs ) const
return !operator==( rhs );
int StackTrace::stack_info::getAddressWidth() const
auto addr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long int>( address );
if ( addr <= 0xFFFF )
return 4;
if ( addr <= 0xFFFFFFFF )
return 8;
if ( addr <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF )
return 12;
return 16;
std::string StackTrace::stack_info::print( int w1, int w2, int w3 ) const
char out[32 + sizeof( stack_info )];
print2( out, w1, w2, w3 );
return std::string( out );
void StackTrace::stack_info::print(
std::ostream &out, const std::vector<stack_info> &stack, const StackTrace::string_view &prefix )
char buf[32 + sizeof( stack_info )];
for ( const auto &tmp : stack ) {
tmp.print2( buf, 16, 20, 32 );
out << prefix << buf << std::endl;
void StackTrace::stack_info::print2( char *out, int w1, int w2, int w3 ) const
char tmp1[16], tmp2[16];
sprintf( tmp1, "0x%%0%illx: ", w1 );
sprintf( tmp2, "%%%is %%%is", w2, w3 );
size_t pos = 0;
pos += sprintf( &out[pos], tmp1, reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long int>( address ) );
pos += sprintf( &out[pos], tmp2, stripPath( ), );
if ( filename[0] != 0 && line > 0 ) {
pos += sprintf( &out[pos], " %s:%u", stripPath( ), line );
} else if ( filename[0] != 0 ) {
pos += sprintf( &out[pos], " %s", stripPath( ) );
} else if ( line > 0 ) {
pos += sprintf( &out[pos], " : %u", line );
NULL_USE( pos );
size_t StackTrace::stack_info::size() const { return sizeof( *this ); }
char *StackTrace::stack_info::pack( char *ptr ) const
memcpy( ptr, this, sizeof( *this ) );
return ptr + sizeof( *this );
const char *StackTrace::stack_info::unpack( const char *ptr )
memcpy( this, ptr, sizeof( *this ) );
return ptr + sizeof( *this );
* multi_stack_info *
StackTrace::multi_stack_info::multi_stack_info( const std::vector<stack_info> &rhs )
operator=( rhs );
StackTrace::multi_stack_info &StackTrace::multi_stack_info::operator=(
const std::vector<stack_info> &rhs )
if ( rhs.empty() )
return *this;
N = 1;
stack = rhs[0];
if ( rhs.size() > 1 )
add( rhs.size() - 1, &rhs[1] );
return *this;
void StackTrace::multi_stack_info::clear()
N = 0;
template<class FUN>
void StackTrace::multi_stack_info::print2( int Np, char *prefix, int w[3], bool c, FUN &fun ) const
if ( stack.address != 0 ) {
prefix[Np] = 0;
char line[4096];
int N2 = sprintf( line, "%s[%i] ", prefix, N );
stack.print2( &line[N2], w[0], w[1], w[2] );
fun( line );
prefix[Np++] = c ? '|' : ' ';
prefix[Np++] = ' ';
for ( size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++ ) {
bool c2 = children.size() > 1 && i < children.size() - 1 && stack.address != 0;
const auto &child = children[i];
child.print2( Np, prefix, w, c2, fun );
std::vector<std::string> StackTrace::multi_stack_info::print( const string_view &prefix ) const
std::vector<std::string> text;
int w[3] = { getAddressWidth(), getObjectWidth(), getFunctionWidth() };
char prefix2[1024];
memcpy( prefix2,, prefix.size() );
auto fun = [&text]( const char *line ) { text.push_back( line ); };
print2( prefix.size(), prefix2, w, false, fun );
return text;
void StackTrace::multi_stack_info::print( std::ostream &out, const string_view &prefix ) const
int w[3] = { getAddressWidth(), getObjectWidth(), getFunctionWidth() };
char prefix2[1024];
memcpy( prefix2,, prefix.size() );
auto fun = [&out]( const char *line ) { out << line << std::endl; };
print2( prefix.size(), prefix2, w, false, fun );
std::string StackTrace::multi_stack_info::printString( const string_view &prefix ) const
int w[3] = { getAddressWidth(), getObjectWidth(), getFunctionWidth() };
char prefix2[1024];
memcpy( prefix2,, prefix.size() );
std::string out;
out.reserve( 4096 );
auto fun = [&out]( const char *line ) {
out += line;
out += '\n';
print2( prefix.size(), prefix2, w, false, fun );
return out;
int StackTrace::multi_stack_info::getAddressWidth() const
int w = stack.getAddressWidth();
for ( const auto &child : children )
w = std::max( w, child.getAddressWidth() );
return w;
int StackTrace::multi_stack_info::getObjectWidth() const
int w = std::min<int>( stack.object.size() + 1, 20 );
for ( const auto &child : children )
w = std::max( w, child.getObjectWidth() );
return w;
int StackTrace::multi_stack_info::getFunctionWidth() const
int w = std::min<int>( stack.function.size() + 1, 40 );
for ( const auto &child : children )
w = std::max( w, child.getFunctionWidth() );
return w;
void StackTrace::multi_stack_info::add( size_t len, const stack_info *stack )
if ( len == 0 )
const auto &s = stack[len - 1];
for ( auto &i : children ) {
if ( i.stack == s ) {
if ( len > 1 )
i.add( len - 1, stack );
children.resize( children.size() + 1 );
children.back().N = 1;
children.back().stack = s;
if ( len > 1 )
children.back().add( len - 1, stack );
void StackTrace::multi_stack_info::add( const multi_stack_info &rhs )
N += rhs.N;
for ( const auto &x : rhs.children ) {
bool found = false;
for ( auto &tmp : children ) {
if ( tmp.stack == x.stack ) {
found = true;
tmp.add( x );
if ( !found )
children.push_back( x );
size_t StackTrace::multi_stack_info::size() const
size_t bytes = 2 * sizeof( int ) + stack.size();
for ( const auto &tmp : children )
bytes += tmp.size();
return bytes;
char *StackTrace::multi_stack_info::pack( char *ptr ) const
int N2 = N;
memcpy( ptr, &N2, sizeof( int ) );
ptr += sizeof( int );
ptr = stack.pack( ptr );
int Nc = children.size();
memcpy( ptr, &Nc, sizeof( int ) );
ptr += sizeof( int );
for ( const auto &tmp : children )
ptr = tmp.pack( ptr );
return ptr;
const char *StackTrace::multi_stack_info::unpack( const char *ptr )
int N2, Nc;
memcpy( &N2, ptr, sizeof( int ) );
ptr += sizeof( int );
N = N2;
ptr = stack.unpack( ptr );
memcpy( &Nc, ptr, sizeof( int ) );
ptr += sizeof( int );
children.resize( Nc );
for ( auto &tmp : children )
ptr = tmp.unpack( ptr );
return ptr;
* Function to get the executable name *
static std::array<char, 1000> getExecutableName()
std::array<char, 1000> exe;
try {
#ifdef USE_LINUX
char buf[0x10000] = { 0 };
int len = ::readlink( "/proc/self/exe", buf, 0x10000 );
if ( len != -1 ) {
buf[len] = '\0';
strcpy(, buf );
#elif defined( USE_MAC )
uint32_t size = 0x10000;
char buf[0x10000] = { 0 };
if ( _NSGetExecutablePath( buf, &size ) == 0 )
strcpy(, buf );
#elif defined( USE_WINDOWS )
DWORD size = 0x10000;
char buf[0x10000] = { 0 };
GetModuleFileName( nullptr, buf, size );
strcpy(, buf );
} catch ( ... ) {
return exe;
static const char *getExecutable2()
static auto execname = getExecutableName();
std::string StackTrace::getExecutable() { return std::string( getExecutable2() ); }
* Function to get symbols for the executable from nm (if availible) *
* Note: this function maintains an internal cached copy to prevent *
* exccessive calls to nm. This function also uses a lock to ensure *
* thread safety. *
static_assert( sizeof( StackTrace::symbols_struct ) <= 128, "Unexpected size for symbols_struct" );
std::vector<StackTrace::symbols_struct> global_symbols_data;
static bool global_symbols_loaded = false;
static std::vector<StackTrace::symbols_struct> getSymbolData()
std::vector<StackTrace::symbols_struct> data;
#ifdef USE_NM
try {
char cmd[1024];
#ifdef USE_LINUX
sprintf( cmd, "nm -n --demangle %s", getExecutable2() );
#elif defined( USE_MAC )
sprintf( cmd, "nm -n %s | c++filt", getExecutable2() );
#error Unknown OS using nm
// Function to process a line of nm output
auto fun = [&data]( char *line ) {
if ( line[0] == ' ' )
auto *a = line;
char *b = strchr( a, ' ' );
if ( b == nullptr )
b[0] = 0;
char *c = strchr( b, ' ' );
if ( c == nullptr )
c[0] = 0;
char *d = strchr( c, '\n' );
if ( d )
d[0] = 0;
size_t add = strtoul( a, nullptr, 16 );
size_t k = data.size();
data.resize( k + 1 );
data[k].address = reinterpret_cast<void *>( add );
data[k].type = b[0];
copy( c, data[k].obj, data[k].objPath );
// Call nm
exec3( cmd, fun );
} catch ( ... ) {
return data;
std::vector<StackTrace::symbols_struct> StackTrace::getSymbols()
if ( !global_symbols_loaded ) {
global_symbols_data = getSymbolData();
global_symbols_loaded = true;
auto data = global_symbols_data;
return data;
void StackTrace::clearSymbols()
if ( global_symbols_loaded ) {
global_symbols_data = std::vector<StackTrace::symbols_struct>();
global_symbols_loaded = false;
* Function to get call stack info *
#ifdef USE_MAC
static void *loadAddress( const uint32_t &obj_hash )
static std::map<uint32_t, void *> obj_map;
if ( obj_map.empty() ) {
uint32_t numImages = _dyld_image_count();
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < numImages; i++ ) {
auto header = _dyld_get_image_header( i );
auto name = _dyld_get_image_name( i );
auto p = strrchr( name, '/' );
auto address = const_cast<struct mach_header *>( header );
auto hash = hashString( p + 1 );
obj_map.insert( std::make_pair( hash, address ) );
auto it = obj_map.find( obj_hash );
void *address = 0;
if ( it != obj_map.end() ) {
address = it->second;
} else {
it = obj_map.find( obj_hash );
if ( it != obj_map.end() )
address = it->second;
return address;
static auto split_atos( const std::string &buf )
int line = 0;
std::array<char, 2048> fun;
std::array<char, 64> obj, file, objPath, filePath;
if ( buf.empty() )
return std::tie( fun, obj, objPath, file, filePath, line );
// Get the function
size_t index = buf.find( " (in " );
if ( index == std::string::npos ) {
copy( buf.c_str(), fun );
cleanupFunctionName( fun );
return std::tie( fun, obj, objPath, file, filePath, line );
copy( buf.substr( 0, index ).c_str(), fun );
cleanupFunctionName( fun );
std::string tmp = buf.substr( index + 5 );
// Get the object
index = tmp.find( ')' );
copy( tmp.substr( 0, index ).c_str(), obj, objPath );
tmp = tmp.substr( index + 1 );
// Get the filename and line number
size_t p1 = tmp.find( '(' );
size_t p2 = tmp.find( ')' );
tmp = tmp.substr( p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1 );
index = tmp.find( ':' );
if ( index != std::string::npos ) {
copy( tmp.substr( 0, index ).c_str(), file, filePath );
line = std::stoi( tmp.substr( index + 1 ) );
} else if ( p1 != std::string::npos ) {
copy( tmp.c_str(), file, filePath );
return std::tie( fun, obj, objPath, file, filePath, line );
// clang-format off
template<std::size_t blockSize>
static void getFileAndLineObject( staticVector<StackTrace::stack_info*,blockSize> &info )
if ( info.empty() )
// This gets the file and line numbers for multiple stack lines in the same object
#if defined( USE_LINUX )
// Create the call command
uint32_t N;
char cmd[4096];
static_assert( sizeof(unsigned long) == sizeof(size_t), "Unxpected size for ul" );
if ( info[0]->objectPath[0] == 0 )
N = sprintf(cmd,"addr2line -C -e %s -f",info[0]->;
N = sprintf(cmd,"addr2line -C -e %s/%s -f",info[0]->,info[0]->;
for (size_t i=0; i<info.size() && N < sizeof(cmd) - 32; i++) {
N += sprintf(&cmd[N]," %lx %lx",
reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>( info[i]->address ),
reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>( info[i]->address2 ) );
N += sprintf(&cmd[N]," 2> /dev/null");
// Get the function/line/file
staticVector<std::array<char, 1024>,4*blockSize> output;
exec2( cmd, output );
if ( output.size() != 4*info.size() )
// Add the results to info
for (size_t i=0; i<info.size(); i++) {
char *tmp1 = output[4*i+0].data();
char *tmp2 = output[4*i+1].data();
if ( tmp1[0] == '?' && tmp1[1] == '?' ) {
tmp1 = output[4*i+2].data();
tmp2 = output[4*i+3].data();
if ( tmp1[0] == '?' && tmp1[1] == '?' ) {
// get function name
if ( info[i]->function.empty() ) {
cleanupFunctionName( tmp1 );
copy( tmp1, info[i]->function );
// get file and line
char *buf = tmp2;
if ( buf[0] != '?' && buf[0] != 0 ) {
size_t j = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < 1024 && buf[j] != ':'; j++ ) {
buf[j] = 0;
copy( buf, info[i]->filename, info[i]->filenamePath );
info[i]->line = atoi( &buf[j + 1] );
#elif defined( USE_MAC )
// Create the call command
void* load_address = loadAddress( hashString( info[0]-> ) );
if ( load_address == nullptr )
// Call atos to get the object info
uint32_t N;
char cmd[4096];
static_assert( sizeof(unsigned long) == sizeof(size_t), "Unxpected size for ul" );
auto addr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>( load_address );
if ( info[0]->objectPath[0] == 0 )
N = sprintf( cmd, "atos -o %s -f -l %lx", info[0]->, addr );
N = sprintf( cmd, "atos -o %s/%s -f -l %lx", info[0]->, info[0]->, addr );
for (size_t i=0; i<info.size() && N < sizeof(cmd) - 32; i++)
N += sprintf( &cmd[N], " %lx", reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>( info[i]->address ) );
N += sprintf(&cmd[N]," 2> /dev/null");
// Get the function/line/file
staticVector<std::array<char, 1024>,blockSize> output;
exec2( cmd, output );
if ( output.size() != info.size() )
// Parse the output for function, file and line info
for ( size_t i=0; i<info.size(); i++) {
auto data = split_atos( output[2*i].data() );
if ( info[i]->function.empty() )
info[i]->function = std::get<0>(data);
if ( info[i]->object.empty() ) {
info[i]->object = std::get<1>(data);
info[i]->objectPath = std::get<2>(data);
if ( info[i]->filename.empty() ) {
info[i]->filename = std::get<3>(data);
info[i]->filenamePath = std::get<4>(data);
if ( info[i]->line==0 )
info[i]->line = std::get<5>(data);
static void getFileAndLine( size_t N, StackTrace::stack_info *info )
constexpr size_t blockSize = 1024;
// Operate on blocks
size_t i0 = 0;
while ( i0 < N ) {
// Get a list of objects
staticVector<uint64_t,blockSize> objectHash;
for ( size_t i = i0; i<N && i-i0 < blockSize; i++)
objectHash.insert( objHash( info[i].object, info[i].objectPath ) );
// For each object, get the file/line numbers for all entries
for ( const auto & hash : objectHash ) {
staticVector<StackTrace::stack_info*,blockSize> list;
for ( size_t i = i0; i<N && i-i0 < blockSize; i++) {
if ( objHash( info[i].object, info[i].objectPath ) == hash )
list.push_back( &info[i] );
getFileAndLineObject( list );
i0 = std::min( N, i0 + blockSize );
// Try to use the global symbols to decode info about the stack
static void getDataFromGlobalSymbols( StackTrace::stack_info &info )
if ( !global_symbols_loaded ) {
global_symbols_data = getSymbolData();
global_symbols_loaded = true;
const auto &data = global_symbols_data;
if ( !data.empty() ) {
// Find the closest address
size_t lower = 0;
size_t upper = data.size() - 1;
while ( ( upper - lower ) != 1 ) {
size_t value = ( upper + lower ) / 2;
if ( data[value].address >= info.address )
upper = value;
lower = value;
if ( upper > 0 ) {
copy( data[lower].obj, info.object );
copy( data[lower].objPath, info.objectPath );
} else {
copy( getExecutable2(), info.object, info.objectPath );
static void signal_handler( int sig )
printf("Signal caught acquiring stack (%i)\n",sig);
StackTrace::setErrorHandler( [](const StackTrace::abort_error &err) { std::cerr << err.what(); exit( -1 ); } );
static void getStackInfo2( size_t N, void* const* address, StackTrace::stack_info *info )
// Temporarily handle signals to prevent recursion on the stack
auto prev_handler = signal( SIGINT, signal_handler );
// Get the detailed stack info
try {
memset( pSym, 0, sizeof( pSym ) );
pSym->SizeOfStruct = sizeof( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 );
pSym->MaxNameLength = 1024;
memset( &Module, 0, sizeof( Module ) );
Module.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( Module );
HANDLE pid = GetCurrentProcess();
for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
info[i].address = address[i];
DWORD64 address2 = reinterpret_cast<DWORD64>( address[i] );
DWORD64 offsetFromSymbol;
if ( SymGetSymFromAddr( pid, address2, &offsetFromSymbol, pSym ) != FALSE ) {
char name[8192]={0};
DWORD rtn = UnDecorateSymbolName( pSym->Name, name, sizeof(name)-1, UNDNAME_COMPLETE );
if ( rtn == 0 ) {
cleanupFunctionName( pSym->Name );
copy( pSym->Name, info[i].function );
} else {
info[i].function.fill( 0 );
} else {
printf( "ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr (%d,%p)\n", GetLastError(), address2 );
// Get line number
memset( &Line, 0, sizeof( Line ) );
Line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( Line );
DWORD offsetFromLine;
if ( SymGetLineFromAddr64( pid, address2, &offsetFromLine, &Line ) != FALSE ) {
info[i].line = Line.LineNumber;
copy( Line.FileName, info[i].filename, info[i].filenamePath );
} else {
info[i].line = 0;
copy( nullptr, info[i].filename, info[i].filenamePath );
// Get the object
if ( SymGetModuleInfo64( pid, address2, &Module ) != FALSE ) {
copy( Module.LoadedImageName, info[i].object, info[i].objectPath );
for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
info[i].address = address[i];
#if defined(_GNU_SOURCE) || defined(USE_MAC)
Dl_info dlinfo;
if ( !dladdr( info[i].address, &dlinfo ) ) {
getDataFromGlobalSymbols( info[i] );
info[i].address2 = subtractAddress( info[i].address, dlinfo.dli_fbase );
copy( dlinfo.dli_fname, info[i].object, info[i].objectPath );
#if defined( USE_ABI )
int status;
char *demangled = abi::__cxa_demangle( dlinfo.dli_sname, nullptr, nullptr, &status );
if ( status == 0 && demangled != nullptr ) {
cleanupFunctionName( demangled );
copy( demangled, info[i].function );
} else if ( dlinfo.dli_sname != nullptr ) {
copy( dlinfo.dli_sname, info[i].function );
free( demangled );
if ( dlinfo.dli_sname != nullptr && info[i].function[0] == 0 ) {
std::array<char,4096> tmp;
copy( dlinfo.dli_sname, tmp );
cleanupFunctionName( );
copy( tmp, info[i].function );
getDataFromGlobalSymbols( info[i] );
// Get the filename / line numbers for each item on the stack
getFileAndLine( N, info );
} catch ( ... ) {
signal( SIGINT, prev_handler ) ;
StackTrace::stack_info StackTrace::getStackInfo( void *address )
StackTrace::stack_info info;
getStackInfo2( 1, &address, &info );
return info;
std::vector<StackTrace::stack_info> StackTrace::getStackInfo( const std::vector<void*>& address )
std::vector<StackTrace::stack_info> info( address.size() );
getStackInfo2( address.size(),, );
return info;
* Helper functions for controlling interal signals *
static int backtrace_thread( const std::thread::native_handle_type&, void**, size_t );
#if defined( USE_LINUX ) || defined( USE_MAC )
static int global_thread_backtrace_count;
static void* global_thread_backtrace[1000];
static void _callstack_signal_handler( int, siginfo_t*, void* )
global_thread_backtrace_count = backtrace_thread( StackTrace::thisThread(), global_thread_backtrace, 1000 );
static int get_thread_callstack_signal()
if ( 39 >= SIGRTMIN && 39 <= SIGRTMAX )
return 39;
return std::min<int>( SIGRTMIN+4, SIGRTMAX );
static int thread_callstack_signal = get_thread_callstack_signal();
* Function to get the list of all active threads *
#if defined( USE_LINUX ) || defined( USE_MAC )
static std::thread::native_handle_type thread_handle;
static bool thread_id_finished;
static void _activeThreads_signal_handler( int )
auto handle = StackTrace::thisThread( );
thread_handle = handle;
thread_id_finished = true;
#ifdef USE_LINUX
static constexpr int get_tid( int pid, const char *line )
char buf2[128]={0};
int i1 = 0;
while ( line[i1]==' ' ) { i1++; }
int i2 = i1;
while ( line[i2]!=' ' ) { i2++; }
buf2[i2-i1+1] = 0;
int pid2 = atoi(buf2);
if ( pid2 != pid )
return -1;
i1 = i2;
while ( line[i1]==' ' ) { i1++; }
i2 = i1;
while ( line[i2]!=' ' ) { i2++; }
buf2[i2-i1+1] = 0;
int tid = atoi(buf2);
return tid;
std::thread::native_handle_type StackTrace::thisThread( )
#if defined( USE_LINUX ) || defined( USE_MAC )
return pthread_self();
#elif defined( USE_WINDOWS )
return GetCurrentThread();
#warning Stack trace is not supported on this compiler/OS
return std::thread::native_handle_type();
static staticVector<std::thread::native_handle_type,1024> getActiveThreads( )
staticVector<std::thread::native_handle_type,1024> threads;
#if defined( USE_LINUX )
int N_tid = 0, tid[1024];
int pid = getpid();
char cmd[128];
sprintf( cmd, "ps -T -p %i", pid );
auto fun = [&N_tid,&tid,pid]( const char* line ) {
int id = get_tid( pid, line );
if ( id != -1 && N_tid < 1024 )
tid[N_tid++] = id;
exec3( cmd, fun );
int myid = syscall(SYS_gettid);
for ( int i=0; i<N_tid; i++) {
if ( tid[i] == myid )
std::swap( tid[i], tid[--N_tid] );
auto old = signal( thread_callstack_signal, _activeThreads_signal_handler );
for ( int i=0; i<N_tid; i++) {
thread_id_finished = false;
thread_handle = StackTrace::thisThread();
syscall( SYS_tgkill, pid, tid[i], thread_callstack_signal );
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while ( !thread_id_finished && std::chrono::duration<double>(t2-t1).count()<0.1 ) {
t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
threads.push_back( thread_handle );
signal( thread_callstack_signal, old );
#elif defined( USE_MAC )
thread_act_port_array_t thread_list;
mach_msg_type_number_t thread_count = 0;
task_threads(mach_task_self(), &thread_list, &thread_count);
auto old = signal( thread_callstack_signal, _activeThreads_signal_handler );
for ( int i=0; i<thread_count; i++) {
if ( thread_list[i] == mach_thread_self() )
static bool called = false;
if ( !called ) {
called = true;
std::cerr << "activeThreads not finished for MAC\n";
thread_id_finished = false;
thread_handle = thisThread();
x86_thread_state64_t state;
unsigned int count = MACHINE_THREAD_STATE_COUNT;
thread_abort( thread_list[i] ); // Abort system calls
thread_suspend( thread_list[i] );
thread_get_state( thread_list[i], MACHINE_THREAD_STATE, (thread_state_t) &state, &count );
state.__rip = (uint64_t) _activeThreads2;
thread_set_state( thread_list[i], MACHINE_THREAD_STATE, (thread_state_t) &state, MACHINE_THREAD_STATE_COUNT );
thread_resume( thread_list[i] );
//pthread_kill( thread_list[i], CALLSTACK_SIG );
//syscall( SYS___pthread_kill, getpid(), thread_list[i], CALLSTACK_SIG );
//syscall( SYS_kill, thread_list[i], CALLSTACK_SIG );
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while ( !thread_id_finished && std::chrono::duration<double>(t2-t1).count()<0.1 ) {
t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
threads.push_back( thread_handle );
signal( thread_callstack_signal, old );
#elif defined( USE_WINDOWS )
HANDLE hThreadSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0 );
if( hThreadSnap != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
// Fill in the size of the structure before using it
te32.dwSize = sizeof(THREADENTRY32 );
// Retrieve information about the first thread, and exit if unsuccessful
if( !Thread32First( hThreadSnap, &te32 ) ) {
printError( TEXT("Thread32First") ); // Show cause of failure
CloseHandle( hThreadSnap ); // Must clean up the snapshot object!
return( FALSE );
// Now walk the thread list of the system
do {
if ( te32.th32OwnerProcessID == dwOwnerPID )
threads.push_back( te32.th32ThreadID );
} while( Thread32Next(hThreadSnap, &te32 ) );
CloseHandle( hThreadSnap ); // Must clean up the snapshot object!
#warning activeThreads is not yet supported on this compiler/OS
// Add the current thread
threads.push_back( StackTrace::thisThread() );
// Remove the globalMonitorThread
if ( globalMonitorThread ) {
auto globalThreadId = globalMonitorThread->native_handle();
for ( int i = threads.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( threads[i] == globalThreadId ) {
std::swap( threads[i], threads.back() );
// Sort the threads, remove any duplicates and remove the globalMonitorThread
std::sort( threads.begin(), threads.end() );
return threads;
// clang-format on
std::vector<std::thread::native_handle_type> StackTrace::activeThreads()
auto threads = getActiveThreads();
std::sort( threads.begin(), threads.end() );
return std::vector<std::thread::native_handle_type>( threads.begin(), threads.end() );
* Function to get the backtrace *
static int backtrace_thread(
const std::thread::native_handle_type &tid, void **buffer, size_t size )
int count = 0;
#if defined( USE_LINUX ) || defined( USE_MAC )
// Get the trace
if ( tid == pthread_self() ) {
count = ::backtrace( buffer, size );
} else {
// Send a signal to the desired thread to get the call stack
struct sigaction sa;
sigfillset( &sa.sa_mask );
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sa.sa_sigaction = _callstack_signal_handler;
sigaction( thread_callstack_signal, &sa, nullptr );
global_thread_backtrace_count = -1;
pthread_kill( tid, thread_callstack_signal );
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while ( global_thread_backtrace_count == -1 &&
std::chrono::duration<double>( t2 - t1 ).count() < 0.15 ) {
t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
count = std::max( global_thread_backtrace_count, 0 );
memcpy( buffer, global_thread_backtrace, count * sizeof( void * ) );
global_thread_backtrace_count = -1;
#elif defined( USE_WINDOWS )
#if defined( DBGHELP )
// Load the modules for the stack trace
// Initialize stackframe for first call
::CONTEXT context;
memset( &context, 0, sizeof( context ) );
context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
RtlCaptureContext( &context );
STACKFRAME64 frame; // in/out stackframe
memset( &frame, 0, sizeof( frame ) );
#ifdef _M_IX86
frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip;
frame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp;
frame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp;
frame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
#elif _M_X64
frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.Rip;
frame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Rsp;
frame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.Rsp;
frame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
#elif _M_IA64
frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.StIIP;
frame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.IntSp;
frame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.AddrBStore.Offset = context.RsBSP;
frame.AddrBStore.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.IntSp;
frame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
#error "Platform not supported!"
auto pid = GetCurrentProcess();
for ( int frameNum = 0; frameNum < 1024; ++frameNum ) {
BOOL rtn = StackWalk64( imageType, pid, tid, &frame, &context, readProcMem,
SymFunctionTableAccess, SymGetModuleBase64, NULL );
if ( !rtn ) {
printf( "ERROR: StackWalk64 (%p)\n", frame.AddrPC.Offset );
if ( frame.AddrPC.Offset != 0 ) {
buffer[count] = reinterpret_cast<void*>( frame.AddrPC.Offset ) );
if ( frame.AddrReturn.Offset == 0 )
SetLastError( ERROR_SUCCESS );
#warning Stack trace is not supported on this compiler/OS
return count;
std::vector<void *> StackTrace::backtrace( std::thread::native_handle_type tid )
std::vector<void *> trace( 1000, nullptr );
size_t count = backtrace_thread( tid,, trace.size() );
trace.resize( count );
return trace;
std::vector<void *> StackTrace::backtrace()
std::vector<void *> trace( 1000, nullptr );
size_t count = backtrace_thread( thisThread(),, trace.size() );
trace.resize( count );
return trace;
std::vector<std::vector<void *>> StackTrace::backtraceAll()
// Get the list of threads
auto threads = getActiveThreads();
// Get the backtrace of each thread
std::vector<std::vector<void *>> trace( threads.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++ ) {
trace[i].resize( 1000 );
size_t count = backtrace_thread( threads[i], trace[i].data(), trace[i].size() );
trace[i].resize( count );
return trace;
* Function to get the current call stack *
std::vector<StackTrace::stack_info> StackTrace::getCallStack()
void *trace[1000];
size_t count = backtrace_thread( thisThread(), trace, 1000 );
std::vector<StackTrace::stack_info> info( count );
getStackInfo2( count, trace, );
return info;
std::vector<StackTrace::stack_info> StackTrace::getCallStack( std::thread::native_handle_type id )
void *trace[1000];
size_t count = backtrace_thread( id, trace, 1000 );
std::vector<StackTrace::stack_info> info( count );
getStackInfo2( count, trace, );
return info;
static std::vector<std::vector<StackTrace::stack_info>> generateStacks(
const std::vector<std::vector<void *>> &trace )
// Function to find an address
auto find = []( const auto &data, auto x ) {
for ( size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++ ) {
if ( data[i] == x )
return static_cast<int>( i );
return -1;
// Get the stack data for all pointers
std::vector<void *> addresses;
addresses.reserve( 1024 );
for ( const auto &tmp : trace ) {
for ( auto ptr : tmp ) {
if ( find( addresses, ptr ) == -1 )
addresses.push_back( ptr );
auto stack_data = StackTrace::getStackInfo( addresses );
// Create the stack traces
std::vector<std::vector<StackTrace::stack_info>> stack( trace.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < trace.size(); i++ ) {
// Create the stack for the given thread trace
stack[i].resize( trace[i].size() );
for ( size_t j = 0; j < trace[i].size(); j++ ) {
int k = find( addresses, trace[i][j] );
stack[i][j] = stack_data[k];
return stack;
static StackTrace::multi_stack_info generateMultiStack(
const std::vector<std::vector<void *>> &trace )
// Get the stack data for all pointers
auto stack = generateStacks( trace );
// Create the multi-stack trace
StackTrace::multi_stack_info multistack;
multistack.N = stack.size();
for ( const auto &tmp : stack )
multistack.add( tmp.size(), );
return multistack;
static StackTrace::multi_stack_info generateMultiStack(
const staticVector<std::thread::native_handle_type, 1024> &threads )
// Get the stack data for all pointers
std::vector<std::vector<void *>> trace( threads.size() );
auto it = threads.begin();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++, ++it )
trace[i] = StackTrace::backtrace( *it );
// Create the multi-stack trace
return generateMultiStack( trace );
StackTrace::multi_stack_info StackTrace::getAllCallStacks()
// Get the list of active thread
auto threads = getActiveThreads();
// Create the multi-stack strucutre
auto stack = generateMultiStack( threads );
return stack;
* Function to get system search paths *
std::string StackTrace::getSymPaths()
std::string paths;
// Create the path list (seperated by ';' )
paths = std::string( ".;" );
paths.reserve( 1000 );
// Add the current directory
paths += getCurrentDirectory() + ";";
// Now add the path for the main-module:
char temp[1024];
memset( temp, 0, sizeof( temp ) );
if ( GetModuleFileNameA( nullptr, temp, sizeof( temp ) - 1 ) > 0 ) {
for ( char *p = ( temp + strlen( temp ) - 1 ); p >= temp; --p ) {
// locate the rightmost path separator
if ( ( *p == '\\' ) || ( *p == '/' ) || ( *p == ':' ) ) {
*p = 0;
if ( strlen( temp ) > 0 ) {
paths += temp;
paths += ";";
memset( temp, 0, sizeof( temp ) );
if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "_NT_SYMBOL_PATH", temp, sizeof( temp ) - 1 ) > 0 ) {
paths += temp;
paths += ";";
memset( temp, 0, sizeof( temp ) );
if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "_NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH", temp, sizeof( temp ) - 1 ) > 0 ) {
paths += temp;
paths += ";";
memset( temp, 0, sizeof( temp ) );
if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "SYSTEMROOT", temp, sizeof( temp ) - 1 ) > 0 ) {
paths += temp;
paths += ";";
// also add the "system32"-directory:
paths += temp;
paths += "\\system32;";
memset( temp, 0, sizeof( temp ) );
if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "SYSTEMDRIVE", temp, sizeof( temp ) - 1 ) > 0 ) {
paths += "SRV*;" + std::string( temp ) +
} else {
paths += "SRV*c:\\websymbols*;";
return paths;
* Load modules for windows *
BOOL StackTrace::GetModuleListTH32( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD pid )
// CreateToolhelp32Snapshot()
typedef HANDLE( __stdcall * tCT32S )( DWORD dwFlags, DWORD th32ProcessID );
// Module32First()
typedef BOOL( __stdcall * tM32F )( HANDLE hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme );
// Module32Next()
typedef BOOL( __stdcall * tM32N )( HANDLE hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme );
// try both dlls...
const TCHAR *dllname[] = { _T("kernel32.dll"), _T("tlhelp32.dll") };
HINSTANCE hToolhelp = nullptr;
tCT32S pCT32S = nullptr;
tM32F pM32F = nullptr;
tM32N pM32N = nullptr;
me.dwSize = sizeof( me );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ( sizeof( dllname ) / sizeof( dllname[0] ) ); i++ ) {
hToolhelp = LoadLibrary( dllname[i] );
if ( hToolhelp == nullptr )
pCT32S = (tCT32S) GetProcAddress( hToolhelp, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" );
pM32F = (tM32F) GetProcAddress( hToolhelp, "Module32First" );
pM32N = (tM32N) GetProcAddress( hToolhelp, "Module32Next" );
if ( ( pCT32S != nullptr ) && ( pM32F != nullptr ) && ( pM32N != nullptr ) )
break; // found the functions!
FreeLibrary( hToolhelp );
hToolhelp = nullptr;
if ( hToolhelp == nullptr )
return FALSE;
hSnap = pCT32S( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pid );
if ( hSnap == (HANDLE) -1 ) {
FreeLibrary( hToolhelp );
return FALSE;
bool keepGoing = !!pM32F( hSnap, &me );
int cnt = 0;
while ( keepGoing ) {
LoadModule( hProcess, me.szExePath, me.szModule, (DWORD64) me.modBaseAddr, me.modBaseSize );
keepGoing = !!pM32N( hSnap, &me );
CloseHandle( hSnap );
FreeLibrary( hToolhelp );
if ( cnt <= 0 )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
DWORD StackTrace::LoadModule(
HANDLE hProcess, LPCSTR img, LPCSTR mod, DWORD64 baseAddr, DWORD size )
CHAR *szImg = _strdup( img );
CHAR *szMod = _strdup( mod );
if ( ( szImg == nullptr ) || ( szMod == nullptr ) ) {
} else {
if ( SymLoadModule( hProcess, 0, szImg, szMod, baseAddr, size ) == 0 )
result = GetLastError();
ULONGLONG fileVersion = 0;
if ( szImg != nullptr ) {
// try to retrive the file-version:
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *fInfo = nullptr;
DWORD dwHandle;
DWORD dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSizeA( szImg, &dwHandle );
if ( dwSize > 0 ) {
LPVOID vData = malloc( dwSize );
if ( vData != nullptr ) {
if ( GetFileVersionInfoA( szImg, dwHandle, dwSize, vData ) != 0 ) {
UINT len;
TCHAR szSubBlock[] = _T("\\");
if ( VerQueryValue( vData, szSubBlock, (LPVOID *) &fInfo, &len ) == 0 ) {
fInfo = nullptr;
} else {
fileVersion = ( (ULONGLONG) fInfo->dwFileVersionLS ) +
( (ULONGLONG) fInfo->dwFileVersionMS << 32 );
free( vData );
// Retrive some additional-infos about the module
Module.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( IMAGEHLP_MODULE64 );
SymGetModuleInfo64( hProcess, baseAddr, &Module );
LPCSTR pdbName = Module.LoadedImageName;
if ( Module.LoadedPdbName[0] != 0 )
pdbName = Module.LoadedPdbName;
if ( szImg != nullptr )
free( szImg );
if ( szMod != nullptr )
free( szMod );
return result;
BOOL StackTrace::GetModuleListPSAPI( HANDLE hProcess )
DWORD cbNeeded;
HMODULE hMods[1024];
char tt[8192];
char tt2[8192];
if ( !EnumProcessModules( hProcess, hMods, sizeof( hMods ), &cbNeeded ) ) {
return false;
if ( cbNeeded > sizeof( hMods ) ) {
printf( "Insufficient memory allocated in GetModuleListPSAPI\n" );
return false;
int cnt = 0;
for ( DWORD i = 0; i < cbNeeded / sizeof( hMods[0] ); i++ ) {
// base address, size
GetModuleInformation( hProcess, hMods[i], &mi, sizeof( mi ) );
// image file name
tt[0] = 0;
GetModuleFileNameExA( hProcess, hMods[i], tt, sizeof( tt ) );
// module name
tt2[0] = 0;
GetModuleBaseNameA( hProcess, hMods[i], tt2, sizeof( tt2 ) );
DWORD dwRes = LoadModule( hProcess, tt, tt2, (DWORD64) mi.lpBaseOfDll, mi.SizeOfImage );
if ( dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS )
printf( "ERROR: LoadModule (%d)\n", dwRes );
return cnt != 0;
void StackTrace::LoadModules()
static bool modules_loaded = false;
if ( !modules_loaded ) {
modules_loaded = true;
// Get the search paths for symbols
std::string paths = StackTrace::getSymPaths();
// Initialize the symbols
if ( SymInitialize( GetCurrentProcess(), paths.c_str(), FALSE ) == FALSE )
printf( "ERROR: SymInitialize (%d)\n", GetLastError() );
DWORD symOptions = SymGetOptions();
symOptions = SymSetOptions( symOptions );
char buf[1024] = { 0 };
if ( SymGetSearchPath( GetCurrentProcess(), buf, sizeof( buf ) ) == FALSE )
printf( "ERROR: SymGetSearchPath (%d)\n", GetLastError() );
// First try to load modules from toolhelp32
BOOL loaded = StackTrace::GetModuleListTH32( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId() );
// Try to load from Psapi
if ( !loaded )
loaded = StackTrace::GetModuleListPSAPI( GetCurrentProcess() );
* Get the signal name *
static char signalNames[128][32];
const char *StackTrace::signalName( int sig )
static bool initialized = false;
if ( !initialized ) {
memset( signalNames, 0, sizeof( signalNames ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < 128; i++ )
strcpy( signalNames[i], strsignal( i + 1 ) );
initialized = true;
bool valid = sig > 0 && sig <= 128;
return valid ? signalNames[sig - 1] : nullptr;
std::vector<int> StackTrace::allSignalsToCatch()
std::vector<int> signals;
signals.reserve( SIGRTMAX );
for ( int i = 1; i < 32; i++ ) {
if ( i == SIGKILL || i == SIGSTOP )
signals.push_back( i );
for ( int i = SIGRTMIN; i <= SIGRTMAX; i++ ) {
if ( i == SIGKILL || i == SIGSTOP )
signals.push_back( i );
return signals;
template<class TYPE>
static inline void erase( std::vector<TYPE> &x, TYPE y )
x.erase( std::find( x.begin(), x.end(), y ) );
std::vector<int> StackTrace::defaultSignalsToCatch()
auto signals = allSignalsToCatch();
erase( signals, SIGWINCH ); // Don't catch window changed by default
erase( signals, SIGCONT ); // Don't catch continue by default
erase( signals, SIGCHLD ); // Don't catch child exited by default
return signals;
* Set the signal handlers *
static std::function<void( const StackTrace::abort_error &err )> abort_fun;
StackTrace::abort_error rethrow()
StackTrace::abort_error error;
#ifdef USE_LINUX
try {
static int tried_throw = 0;
if ( tried_throw == 0 ) {
tried_throw = 1;
// No active exception
} catch ( const StackTrace::abort_error &err ) {
// Caught a std::runtime_error
error = err;
} catch ( const std::exception &err ) {
// Caught a std::runtime_error
error.message = err.what();
} catch ( ... ) {
// Caught an unknown exception
error.message = "Unknown exception";
error.message = "Unknown exception";
if ( error.type == StackTrace::terminateType::unknown )
error.type = StackTrace::terminateType::exception;
if ( error.bytes == 0 )
error.bytes = StackTrace::Utilities::getMemoryUsage();
if ( error.stack.empty() ) {
error.stackType = StackTrace::printStackType::local;
error.stack = StackTrace::backtrace();
return error;
void StackTrace::terminateFunctionSignal( int sig )
StackTrace::abort_error err;
err.type = StackTrace::terminateType::signal;
err.signal = sig;
err.bytes = StackTrace::Utilities::getMemoryUsage();
err.stack = StackTrace::backtrace();
err.stackType = StackTrace::getDefaultStackType();
abort_fun( err );
static bool signals_set[256] = { false };
static void term_func()
auto err = rethrow();
abort_fun( err );
static void null_term_func() {}
void StackTrace::clearSignal( int sig )
if ( signals_set[sig] ) {
signal( sig, SIG_DFL );
signals_set[sig] = false;
void StackTrace::clearSignals( const std::vector<int> &signals )
for ( auto sig : signals ) {
signal( sig, SIG_DFL );
signals_set[sig] = false;
void StackTrace::clearSignals()
for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof( signals_set ); i++ ) {
if ( signals_set[i] ) {
signal( i, SIG_DFL );
signals_set[i] = false;
void StackTrace::setSignals( const std::vector<int> &signals, void ( *handler )( int ) )
for ( auto sig : signals ) {
signal( sig, handler );
signals_set[sig] = true;
void StackTrace::raiseSignal( int signal ) { std::raise( signal ); }
void StackTrace::setErrorHandler( std::function<void( const StackTrace::abort_error & )> abort )
abort_fun = abort;
std::set_terminate( term_func );
setSignals( defaultSignalsToCatch(), &terminateFunctionSignal );
std::set_unexpected( term_func );
void StackTrace::clearErrorHandler()
abort_fun = []( const StackTrace::abort_error & ) {};
std::set_terminate( null_term_func );
std::set_unexpected( null_term_func );
* Functions to handle MPI errors *
#ifdef USE_MPI
static bool MPI_Initialized()
int initialized = 0, finalized = 0;
MPI_Initialized( &initialized );
MPI_Finalized( &finalized );
return initialized != 0 && finalized == 0;
static std::shared_ptr<MPI_Errhandler> mpierr;
static void MPI_error_handler_fun( MPI_Comm *comm, int *err, ... )
if ( *err == MPI_ERR_COMM && *comm == MPI_COMM_WORLD ) {
// Special error handling for an invalid MPI_COMM_WORLD
std::cerr << "Error invalid MPI_COMM_WORLD";
exit( -1 );
int msg_len = 0;
char message[1000] = { 0 };
MPI_Error_string( *err, message, &msg_len );
StackTrace::abort_error error;
error.message = std::string( message );
error.type = StackTrace::terminateType::MPI;
error.bytes = StackTrace::Utilities::getMemoryUsage();
error.stack = StackTrace::backtrace();
error.stackType = StackTrace::printStackType::global;
throw error;
void StackTrace::setMPIErrorHandler( MPI_Comm comm )
if ( !MPI_Initialized() )
if ( mpierr.get() == nullptr ) {
mpierr = std::make_shared<MPI_Errhandler>();
MPI_Comm_create_errhandler( MPI_error_handler_fun, mpierr.get() );
MPI_Comm_set_errhandler( comm, *mpierr );
void StackTrace::clearMPIErrorHandler( MPI_Comm comm )
if ( !MPI_Initialized() )
if ( mpierr.get() != nullptr )
MPI_Errhandler_free( mpierr.get() ); // Delete the error handler
MPI_Comm_set_errhandler( comm, MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL );
void StackTrace::setMPIErrorHandler( MPI_Comm ) {}
void StackTrace::clearMPIErrorHandler( MPI_Comm ) {}
* Global call stack functionallity *
#ifdef USE_MPI
static MPI_Comm globalCommForGlobalCommStack = MPI_COMM_NULL;
static volatile int globalMonitorThreadStatus = -1;
static void runGlobalMonitorThread()
int rank = 0;
int size = 1;
MPI_Comm_size( globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &size );
MPI_Comm_rank( globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &rank );
while ( globalMonitorThreadStatus == 1 ) {
// Check for any messages
int flag = 0;
MPI_Status status;
int err = MPI_Iprobe( MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1, globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &flag, &status );
if ( err != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
printf( "Internal error in StackTrace::getGlobalCallStacks::runGlobalMonitorThread\n" );
} else if ( flag != 0 ) {
// We received a request
int src_rank = status.MPI_SOURCE;
int tag;
MPI_Recv( &tag, 1, MPI_INT, src_rank, 1, globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &status );
// Get the list of threads (except this)
auto threads = getActiveThreads();
if ( threads.empty() )
// Get the stack info for the threads
auto multistack = generateMultiStack( threads );
// Pack and send the data
size_t bytes = multistack.size();
char *data = new char[bytes];
multistack.pack( data );
MPI_Send( data, bytes, MPI_CHAR, src_rank, tag, globalCommForGlobalCommStack );
delete[] data;
} else {
// No requests recieved
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 50 ) );
void StackTrace::globalCallStackInitialize( MPI_Comm comm )
globalMonitorThreadStatus = 3;
// Check that we have the necessary MPI thread support
if ( !MPI_Initialized() ) {
printf( "Warning: MPI not initialized before calling globalCallStackInitialize\n" );
int rank = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
int provided;
MPI_Query_thread( &provided );
if ( provided != MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE ) {
if ( rank == 0 )
printf( "Warning: getGlobalCallStacks requires support for MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE\n" );
// Check that we have support to get call stacks from threads
int N_threads = 0;
if ( rank == 0 ) {
std::thread thread( StackTrace::Utilities::sleep_ms, 200 );
auto thread_ids = getActiveThreads();
N_threads = thread_ids.size();
MPI_Bcast( &N_threads, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm );
if ( N_threads == 1 ) {
if ( rank == 0 )
printf( "Warning: getAllCallStacks not supported on this OS\n" );
// Create the communicator and initialize the helper thread
globalMonitorThreadStatus = 1;
MPI_Comm_dup( comm, &globalCommForGlobalCommStack );
globalMonitorThread.reset( new std::thread( runGlobalMonitorThread ) );
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 50 ) );
void StackTrace::globalCallStackFinalize()
if ( globalMonitorThread ) {
globalMonitorThreadStatus = 2;
if ( globalCommForGlobalCommStack != MPI_COMM_NULL )
MPI_Comm_free( &globalCommForGlobalCommStack );
globalCommForGlobalCommStack = MPI_COMM_NULL;
StackTrace::multi_stack_info getRemoteCallStacks()
if ( globalMonitorThreadStatus == -1 ) {
// User did not call globalCallStackInitialize
printf( "Warning: getGlobalCallStacks called without call to globalCallStackInitialize\n" );
return StackTrace::multi_stack_info();
} else if ( globalMonitorThreadStatus != 1 ) {
// globalCallStackInitialize is not supported
return StackTrace::multi_stack_info();
// Signal all processes that we want their stack for all threads
int rank = 0;
int size = 1;
MPI_Comm_size( globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &size );
MPI_Comm_rank( globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &rank );
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen( rd() );
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis( 2, 0x7FFF );
int tag = dis( gen );
std::vector<MPI_Request> sendRequest( size );
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
if ( i == rank )
MPI_Isend( &tag, 1, MPI_INT, i, 1, globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &sendRequest[i] );
// Recieve the backtrace for all remote processes/threads
int N_finished = 1;
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
double time = 0;
const double max_time = 10.0 + size * 20e-3;
StackTrace::multi_stack_info multistack;
while ( N_finished < size && time < max_time ) {
int flag = 0;
MPI_Status status;
int err = MPI_Iprobe( MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &flag, &status );
if ( err != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
printf( "Internal error in StackTrace::getGlobalCallStacks\n" );
} else if ( flag != 0 ) {
// We recieved a response
int src_rank = status.MPI_SOURCE;
int count;
MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_CHAR, &count );
char *data = new char[count];
MPI_Recv( data, count, MPI_CHAR, src_rank, tag, globalCommForGlobalCommStack, &status );
StackTrace::multi_stack_info tmp;
tmp.unpack( data );
delete[] data;
multistack.add( tmp );
} else {
auto stop = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>( stop - start ).count();
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
if ( i == rank )
MPI_Request_free( &sendRequest[i] );
return multistack;
void StackTrace::globalCallStackInitialize( MPI_Comm ) {}
void StackTrace::globalCallStackFinalize() {}
StackTrace::multi_stack_info getRemoteCallStacks() { return StackTrace::multi_stack_info(); }
StackTrace::multi_stack_info StackTrace::getGlobalCallStacks()
auto threads = getActiveThreads();
auto multistack = generateMultiStack( threads );
multistack.add( getRemoteCallStacks() );
return multistack;
* Cleanup the call stack *
static constexpr size_t findMatching( const char *str, size_t N, size_t pos ) noexcept
size_t pos2 = pos + 1;
int count = 1;
while ( count != 0 && pos2 < N ) {
if ( str[pos2] == '<' )
if ( str[pos2] == '>' )
return pos2;
template<std::size_t N>
static constexpr size_t findMatching( const std::array<char, N> &str, size_t pos ) noexcept
return findMatching(, N );
static void cleanupFunctionName( char *function )
constexpr size_t npos = std::string::npos;
// First find the string length
size_t N = strlen( function );
// Cleanup template space
strrep( function, N, " >", ">" );
strrep( function, N, "< ", "<" );
// Remove std::__1::
strrep( function, N, "std::__1::", "std::" );
// Replace std::ratio with abbriviated version
auto find = [&function, &N]( const string_view &str, size_t pos = 0 ) {
return string_view( function, N ).find( str, pos );
if ( find( "std::ratio<" ) != npos ) {
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1000000000000000000000000l>", "std::yocto" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1000000000000000000000l>", "std::zepto" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1000000000000000000l>", "std::atto" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1000000000000000l>", "std::femto" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1000000000000l>", "std::pico" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l>", "std::nano" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1000000l>", "std::micro" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1000l>", "std::milli" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 100l>", "std::centi" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 10l>", "std::deci" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1l, 1l>", "" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<10l, 1l>", "std::deca" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<60l, 1l>", "std::ratio<60>" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<100l, 1l>", "std::hecto" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1000l, 1l>", "std::kilo" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<3600l, 1l>", "std::ratio<3600>" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1000000l, 1l>", "std::mega" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1000000000l, 1l>", "std::giga" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1000000000000l, 1l>", "std::tera" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1000000000000000l, 1l>", "std::peta" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1000000000000000000l, 1l>", "std::exa" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1000000000000000000000l, 1l>", "std::zetta" );
strrep( function, N, "std::ratio<1000000000000000000000000l, 1l>", "std::yotta" );
strrep( function, N, " >", ">" );
strrep( function, N, "< ", "<" );
// Replace std::chrono::duration with abbriviated version
if ( find( "std::chrono::duration<" ) != npos ) {
// clang-format off
strrep( function, N, "std::chrono::duration<long, std::nano>", "std::chrono::nanoseconds" );
strrep( function, N, "std::chrono::duration<long, std::micro>", "std::chrono::microseconds" );
strrep( function, N, "std::chrono::duration<long, std::milli>", "std::chrono::milliseconds" );
strrep( function, N, "std::chrono::duration<long>", "std::chrono::seconds" );
strrep( function, N, "std::chrono::duration<long,>", "std::chrono::seconds" );
strrep( function, N, "std::chrono::duration<long, std::ratio<60>>", "std::chrono::minutes" );
strrep( function, N, "std::chrono::duration<long, std::ratio<3600>>", "std::chrono::hours" );
strrep( function, N, " >", ">" );
strrep( function, N, "< ", "<" );
// clang-format on
// Replace std::this_thread::sleep_for with abbriviated version.
if ( find( "::sleep_for<" ) != npos ) {
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<long, std::nano>", "::sleep_for<nanoseconds>" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<long, std::micro>", "::sleep_for<microseconds>" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<long, std::milli>", "::sleep_for<milliseconds>" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<long>", "::sleep_for<seconds>" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<long,>", "::sleep_for<seconds>" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<long, std::ratio<60>>", "::sleep_for<minutes>" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<long, std::ratio<3600>>", "::sleep_for<hours>" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<nanoseconds>(std::chrono::nanoseconds",
"::sleep_for(std::chrono::nanoseconds" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<microseconds>(std::chrono::microseconds",
"::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<milliseconds>(std::chrono::milliseconds",
"::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<seconds>(std::chrono::seconds",
"::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<milliseconds>(std::chrono::minutes",
"::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds" );
strrep( function, N, "::sleep_for<milliseconds>(std::chrono::hours",
"::sleep_for(std::chrono::hours" );
// Replace std::basic_string with abbriviated version
strrep( function, N, "std::__cxx11::basic_string<", "std::basic_string<" );
size_t pos = 0;
while ( pos < N ) {
// Find next instance of std::basic_string
pos = find( "std::basic_string<", pos );
if ( pos == npos )
// Find the matching >
size_t pos1 = pos + 17;
size_t pos2 = findMatching( function, N, pos1 );
if ( pos2 == pos1 )
if ( strncmp( &function[pos1 + 1], "char", 4 ) == 0 )
N = replace( function, N, pos, pos2 - pos, "std::string" );
else if ( strncmp( &function[pos1 + 1], "wchar_t", 7 ) == 0 )
N = replace( function, N, pos, pos2 - pos, "std::wstring" );
else if ( strncmp( &function[pos1 + 1], "char16_t", 8 ) == 0 )
N = replace( function, N, pos, pos2 - pos, "std::u16string" );
else if ( strncmp( &function[pos1 + 1], "char32_t", 8 ) == 0 )
N = replace( function, N, pos, pos2 - pos, "std::u32string" );
// Replace std::make_shared with abbriviated version
if ( find( "std::make_shared<" ) != npos ) {
size_t pos1 = find( "std::make_shared<" );
size_t pos2 = find( ",", pos1 );
size_t pos3 = find( "(", pos1 );
N = replace( function, N, pos2, pos3 - pos2, ">" );
// Remove std::allocator in std::vector
if ( find( "std::vector<" ) != npos ) {
size_t pos1 = find( "std::vector<" );
size_t pos2 = find( ", std::allocator", pos1 );
size_t pos3 = findMatching( function, N, pos1 + 11 );
N = replace( function, N, pos2, pos3 - pos2, ">" );
void StackTrace::cleanupStackTrace( multi_stack_info &stack )
auto it = stack.children.begin();
const size_t npos = std::string::npos;
while ( it != stack.children.end() ) {
string_view object( it-> );
string_view function( it-> );
string_view filename( it-> );
bool remove_entry = false;
// Remove StackTrace functions
if ( filename == "StackTrace.cpp" ) {
// Remove callstack (and all children) for threads that are just contributing
bool test = function.find( "_callstack_signal_handler" ) != npos ||
function.find( "getGlobalCallStacks" ) != npos ||
function.find( "backtrace" ) != npos || function.find( "(" ) == npos;
if ( test ) {
it = stack.children.erase( it );
// Remove backtrace_thread
if ( function.find( "backtrace_thread" ) != npos )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove libc functions
if ( object.find( "" ) != npos ) {
// Remove __libc_start_main
if ( function.find( "__libc_start_main" ) != npos )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove libc fgets children
if ( function.find( "fgets" ) != npos )
// Remove libc++ functions
if ( object.find( "libstdc++" ) != npos ) {
// Remove std::this_thread::__sleep_for
if ( function.find( "std::this_thread::__sleep_for(" ) != npos )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove pthread functions
if ( object.find( "libpthread" ) != npos ) {
// Remove __restore_rt
if ( function.find( "__restore_rt" ) != npos && object.find( "libpthread" ) != npos )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove condition_variable functions
if ( filename == "condition_variable" ) {
// Remove std::condition_variable::__wait_until_impl
if ( function.find( "std::condition_variable::__wait_until_impl" ) != npos )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove std::function references
if ( filename == "functional" ) {
remove_entry = remove_entry || function.find( "std::_Function_handler<" ) != npos;
remove_entry = remove_entry || function.find( "std::_Bind_simple<" ) != npos;
remove_entry = remove_entry || function.find( "_M_invoke" ) != npos;
// Remove std::thread::_Impl
if ( filename == "thread" ) {
if ( function.find( "std::thread::_Impl<" ) != npos ||
function.find( "std::thread::_Invoker<" ) != npos )
remove_entry = true;
if ( filename == "invoke.h" ) {
remove_entry = remove_entry || function.find( "std::__invoke_impl" ) != npos;
remove_entry = remove_entry || function.find( "std::__invoke_result" ) != npos;
// Remove pthread internals
if ( function == "__GI___pthread_timedjoin_ex" )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove MPI internal routines
if ( function == "MPIR_Barrier_impl" || function == "MPIR_Barrier_intra" ||
function == "MPIC_Sendrecv" )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove OpenMPI specific internal routines
if ( function == "opal_libevent2022_event_set_log_callback" ||
function == "opal_libevent2022_event_base_loop" )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove MATLAB internal routines
if ( object == "" || object == "" || object == "" ||
object == "" )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove std::shared_ptr functions
if ( filename == "shared_ptr.h" ) {
if ( function.find( "> std::allocate_shared<" ) != npos ||
function.find( "std::_Sp_make_shared_tag," ) != npos )
remove_entry = true;
if ( filename == "shared_ptr_base.h" )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove new_allocator functions
if ( filename == "new_allocator.h" )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove alloc_traits functions
if ( filename == "alloc_traits.h" )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove gthr-default functions
if ( filename == "gthr-default.h" )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove entries with no useful information
if ( function.empty() && filename.empty() )
remove_entry = true;
// Remove the desired entry
if ( remove_entry ) {
if ( it->children.empty() ) {
it = stack.children.erase( it );
} else if ( it->children.size() == 1 ) {
*it = it->children[0];
// Cleanup the children
cleanupStackTrace( *it );
// Combine any children with the same address (can occur when we remove items)
bool remove = false;
for ( auto it2 = stack.children.begin(); it2 != it; it2++ ) {
if ( it->stack == it2->stack ) {
remove = true;
it2->N += it->N;
for ( auto &tmp : it->children )
it2->children.push_back( tmp );
cleanupStackTrace( *it2 );
if ( remove ) {
it = stack.children.erase( it );
* Generate stack from string *
static StackTrace::stack_info parseLine( const char *str )
char tmp[1000];
StackTrace::stack_info stack;
// Load the address
const char *p0 = strchr( str, 0 );
const char *p1 = strchr( str, 'x' );
const char *p2 = strchr( str, ':' );
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
memcpy( tmp, p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1 );
uint64_t address = strtol( tmp, nullptr, 16 );
stack.address = reinterpret_cast<void *>( address );
stack.address2 = stack.address;
// Load object, function, file
const char *p3 = p2 + 1;
while ( *p3 == ' ' )
if ( *p3 == 0 )
return stack;
const char *p4 = strstr( p3, " " );
const char *p5 = nullptr;
if ( p4 != nullptr ) {
while ( *p4 == ' ' )
p5 = strstr( p4, " " );
if ( p5 != nullptr ) {
while ( *p5 == ' ' )
if ( p5 == nullptr ) {
if ( p3 - p2 > 20 ) {
p5 = p4;
p4 = p3;
if ( p4 == nullptr )
p4 = p0;
if ( p5 == nullptr )
p5 = p0;
// Load line
const char *p6 = strchr( p5, ':' );
if ( p6 == nullptr )
p6 = p0;
// Store the results
auto copyField = []( const char *p1, const char *p2, auto &field ) {
field.fill( 0 );
memcpy(, p1, std::min<int>( p2 - p1, field.size() ) );
for ( int i = field.size() - 1; i > 0 && ( field[i] == ' ' || field[i] == 0 ); i-- )
field[i] = 0;
copyField( p3, p4, stack.object );
copyField( p4, p5, stack.function );
copyField( p5, p6, stack.filename );
if ( p6 != p0 )
stack.line = atoi( p6 + 1 );
return stack;
StackTrace::multi_stack_info StackTrace::generateFromString( const std::string &str )
// Break the string according to line breaks
std::vector<std::string> data;
size_t p1 = 0;
size_t p2 = str.find( '\n' );
while ( p2 != std::string::npos ) {
data.push_back( str.substr( p1, p2 - p1 ) );
p1 = p2 + 1;
p2 = str.find( '\n', p1 );
data.push_back( str.substr( p1 ) );
// Generate the stack
return generateFromString( data );
StackTrace::multi_stack_info StackTrace::generateFromString( const std::vector<std::string> &text )
// Get the data from the text
std::vector<int> indent;
std::vector<multi_stack_info> stack;
for ( const auto &str : text ) {
auto p1 = str.find( '[' );
auto p2 = str.find( ']' );
auto p3 = str.find( 'x' );
if ( p3 == std::string::npos )
multi_stack_info tmp;
tmp.N = 1;
if ( p1 < p2 && p1 < p3 )
tmp.N = std::stoi( str.substr( p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1 ) );
tmp.stack = parseLine( &str[p3 - 1] );
indent.push_back( std::min( p1, p3 - 1 ) );
stack.push_back( tmp );
// Generate the stack hierarchy
multi_stack_info stack2;
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<multi_stack_info> *>> map;
map.emplace_back( 0, &stack2.children );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++ ) {
while ( indent[i] < map.back().first )
map.resize( map.size() - 1 );
if ( indent[i] == map.back().first ) {
map.back().second->push_back( stack[i] );
} else {
map.back().second->back().children.push_back( stack[i] );
map.emplace_back( indent[i], &map.back().second->back().children );
return stack2;
* abort_error *
: type( terminateType::unknown ), signal( 0 ), line( -1 ), bytes( 0 )
const char *StackTrace::abort_error::what() const noexcept
if ( type == terminateType::abort ) {
d_msg += "Program abort called";
} else if ( type == terminateType::signal ) {
d_msg += "Unhandled signal (" + std::to_string( signal ) + ") caught";
} else if ( type == terminateType::exception ) {
d_msg += "Unhandled exception caught";
} else if ( type == terminateType::MPI ) {
d_msg += "Error calling MPI routine";
} else {
d_msg += "Unknown error called";
if ( !filename.empty() ) {
d_msg += " in file '" + filename + "'";
if ( line > 0 ) {
d_msg += " at line " + std::to_string( line );
d_msg += ":\n";
d_msg += " " + message + "\n";
if ( bytes > 0 ) {
d_msg += "Bytes used = " + std::to_string( bytes ) + "\n";
if ( !stack.empty() ) {
d_msg += "Stack Trace:\n";
if ( stackType == printStackType::local ) {
for ( const auto &item : getStackInfo( stack ) ) {
char txt[1000];
item.print2( txt );
d_msg += " \n";
d_msg += txt;
} else if ( stackType == printStackType::threaded || stackType == printStackType::global ) {
// Get the call stack
std::vector<std::vector<void *>> trace;
trace.push_back( stack );
// Get the call stack for all threads except the current one
auto threads = getActiveThreads();
threads.erase( thisThread() );
for ( auto tid : threads )
trace.push_back( backtrace( tid ) );
// Generate call stack
auto multistack = generateMultiStack( trace );
// Add remote call stack info
if ( stackType == printStackType::global )
multistack.add( getRemoteCallStacks() );
// Cleanup call stack
cleanupStackTrace( multistack );
// Print the results
d_msg += multistack.printString( " " );
} else {
d_msg += "Unknown value for stackType\n";
for ( size_t i = 0; i < d_msg.size(); i++ )
if ( d_msg[i] == 0 )
d_msg.erase( i, 1 );
return d_msg.c_str();
* Get/Set default stack type *
static StackTrace::printStackType abort_stackType = StackTrace::printStackType::global;
void StackTrace::setDefaultStackType( StackTrace::printStackType type ) { abort_stackType = type; }
StackTrace::printStackType StackTrace::getDefaultStackType() { return abort_stackType; }