2023-10-23 04:18:20 -04:00

1925 lines
81 KiB

Copyright 2013--2018 James E. McClure, Virginia Polytechnic & State University
Copyright Equnior ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
// Created by James McClure
// Copyright 2008-2020
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <exception> // std::exception
#include <stdexcept>
#include "common/Domain.h"
#include "common/Array.h"
#include "common/Utilities.h"
#include "common/MPI.h"
#include "common/Communication.h"
// Inline function to read line without a return argument
static inline void fgetl(char *str, int num, FILE *stream) {
char *ptr = fgets(str, num, stream);
if (0) {
char *temp = (char *)&ptr;
void Domain::read_swc(const std::string &Filename) {
//...... READ IN SWC FILE...................................
int count = 0;
int number_of_lines = 0;
if (rank() == 0) {
cout << "Reading SWC file..." << endl;
std::string line;
std::ifstream myfile(Filename);
while (std::getline(myfile, line))
number_of_lines -= 1;
std::cout << " Number of lines in SWC file: " << number_of_lines
<< endl;
count = Comm.sumReduce(number_of_lines); // nonzero only for rank=0
number_of_lines = count;
// set up structures to read
double *List_cx = new double[number_of_lines];
double *List_cy = new double[number_of_lines];
double *List_cz = new double[number_of_lines];
double *List_rad = new double[number_of_lines];
int *List_index = new int[number_of_lines];
int *List_parent = new int[number_of_lines];
int *List_type = new int[number_of_lines];
if (rank() == 0) {
FILE *fid = fopen(Filename.c_str(), "rb");
INSIST(fid != NULL, "Error opening SWC file");
//.........Trash the header lines (x 1)..........
char line[100];
fgetl(line, 100, fid);
// the spheres..................
// We will read until a blank like or end-of-file is reached
count = 0;
while (!feof(fid) && fgets(line, 100, fid) != NULL) {
char *line2 = line;
List_index[count] = int(strtod(line2, &line2));
List_type[count] = int(strtod(line2, &line2));
List_cx[count] = strtod(line2, &line2);
List_cy[count] = strtod(line2, &line2);
List_cz[count] = strtod(line2, &line2);
List_rad[count] = strtod(line2, &line2);
List_parent[count] = int(strtod(line2, &line2));
cout << " Number of lines extracted is: " << count << endl;
INSIST(count == number_of_lines, "Problem reading swc file!");
double min_cx = List_cx[0] - List_rad[0];
double min_cy = List_cy[0] - List_rad[0];
double min_cz = List_cz[0] - List_rad[0];
for (count = 1; count < number_of_lines; count++) {
double value_x = List_cx[count] - List_rad[count];
double value_y = List_cy[count] - List_rad[count];
double value_z = List_cz[count] - List_rad[count];
if (value_x < min_cx)
min_cx = value_x;
if (value_y < min_cy)
min_cy = value_y;
if (value_z < min_cz)
min_cz = value_z;
/* shift the swc data */
printf(" shift swc data by %f, %f, %f \n", min_cx, min_cy, min_cz);
for (count = 0; count < number_of_lines; count++) {
List_cx[count] -= offset_x * voxel_length;
List_cy[count] -= offset_y * voxel_length;
List_cz[count] -= offset_z * voxel_length;
/* everybody gets the swc file */
Comm.bcast(List_cx, number_of_lines, 0);
Comm.bcast(List_cy, number_of_lines, 0);
Comm.bcast(List_cz, number_of_lines, 0);
Comm.bcast(List_rad, number_of_lines, 0);
Comm.bcast(List_index, number_of_lines, 0);
Comm.bcast(List_parent, number_of_lines, 0);
Comm.bcast(List_type, number_of_lines, 0);
/* units of swc file are in micron */
double start_x, start_y, start_z;
/* box owned by this rank */
start_x = rank_info.ix * (Nx - 2) * voxel_length;
start_y = rank_info.jy * (Ny - 2) * voxel_length;
start_z = * (Nz - 2) * voxel_length;
//finish_x = (rank_info.ix+1)*(Nx-2)*voxel_length;
//finish_y = (rank_info.jy+1)*(Ny-2)*voxel_length;
//finish_z = (*(Nz-2)*voxel_length;
for (int k = 0; k < Nz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
id[k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i] = 1;
/* Loop over SWC input and populate domain ID */
for (int idx = 0; idx < number_of_lines; idx++) {
/* get the object information */
int parent = List_parent[idx] - 1;
if (parent < 0)
parent = idx;
double xi = List_cx[idx];
double yi = List_cy[idx];
double zi = List_cz[idx];
double xp = List_cx[parent];
double yp = List_cy[parent];
double zp = List_cz[parent];
double ri = List_rad[idx];
double rp = List_rad[parent];
int radius_in_voxels = int(List_rad[idx] / voxel_length);
signed char label = char(List_type[idx]);
double xmin = min(((xi - start_x - List_rad[idx]) / voxel_length),
((xp - start_x - List_rad[parent]) / voxel_length));
double ymin = min(((yi - start_y - List_rad[idx]) / voxel_length),
((yp - start_y - List_rad[parent]) / voxel_length));
double zmin = min(((zi - start_z - List_rad[idx]) / voxel_length),
((zp - start_z - List_rad[parent]) / voxel_length));
double xmax = max(((xi - start_x + List_rad[idx]) / voxel_length),
((xp - start_x + List_rad[parent]) / voxel_length));
double ymax = max(((yi - start_y + List_rad[idx]) / voxel_length),
((yp - start_y + List_rad[parent]) / voxel_length));
double zmax = max(((zi - start_z + List_rad[idx]) / voxel_length),
((zp - start_z + List_rad[parent]) / voxel_length));
/* if (rank()==1){
printf("%i %f %f %f %f\n",label,xi,yi,zi,ri);
printf("parent %i %f %f %f %f\n",parent,xp,yp,zp,rp);
double length = sqrt((xi - xp) * (xi - xp) + (yi - yp) * (yi - yp) +
(zi - zp) * (zi - zp));
if (length == 0.0)
length = 1.0;
double alpha = (xi - xp) / length;
double beta = (yi - yp) / length;
double gamma = (zi - zp) / length;
int start_idx = int(xmin);
int start_idy = int(ymin);
int start_idz = int(zmin);
int finish_idx = int(xmax);
int finish_idy = int(ymax);
int finish_idz = int(zmax);
/* get the little box to loop over
int start_idx = int((List_cx[idx] - List_rad[idx] - start_x)/voxel_length) + 1;
int start_idy = int((List_cy[idx] - List_rad[idx] - start_y)/voxel_length) + 1;
int start_idz = int((List_cz[idx] - List_rad[idx] - start_z)/voxel_length) + 1;
int finish_idx = int((List_cx[idx] + List_rad[idx] - start_x)/voxel_length) + 1;
int finish_idy = int((List_cy[idx] + List_rad[idx] - start_y)/voxel_length) + 1;
int finish_idz = int((List_cz[idx] + List_rad[idx] - start_z)/voxel_length) + 1;
if (start_idx < 0)
start_idx = 0;
if (start_idy < 0)
start_idy = 0;
if (start_idz < 0)
start_idz = 0;
if (start_idx > Nx - 1)
start_idx = Nx;
if (start_idy > Ny - 1)
start_idy = Ny;
if (start_idz > Nz - 1)
start_idz = Nz;
if (finish_idx < 0)
finish_idx = 0;
if (finish_idy < 0)
finish_idy = 0;
if (finish_idz < 0)
finish_idz = 0;
if (finish_idx > Nx - 1)
finish_idx = Nx;
if (finish_idy > Ny - 1)
finish_idy = Ny;
if (finish_idz > Nz - 1)
finish_idz = Nz;
/* if (rank()==1) printf(" alpha = %f, beta = %f, gamma= %f\n",alpha, beta,gamma);
if (rank()==1) printf(" xi = %f, yi = %f, zi= %f, ri = %f \n",xi, yi, zi, ri);
if (rank()==1) printf(" xp = %f, yp = %f, zp= %f, rp = %f \n",xp, yp, zp, rp);
if (rank()==1) printf( "start: %i, %i, %i \n",start_idx,start_idy,start_idz);
if (rank()==1) printf( "finish: %i, %i, %i \n",finish_idx,finish_idy,finish_idz);
for (int k = start_idz; k < finish_idz; k++) {
for (int j = start_idy; j < finish_idy; j++) {
for (int i = start_idx; i < finish_idx; i++) {
double x = i * voxel_length + start_x;
double y = j * voxel_length + start_y;
double z = k * voxel_length + start_z;
double distance;
double s = ((x - xp) * alpha + (y - yp) * beta +
(z - zp) * gamma) /
(alpha * alpha + beta * beta + gamma * gamma);
double di =
ri - sqrt((x - xi) * (x - xi) + (y - yi) * (y - yi) +
(z - zi) * (z - zi));
double dp =
rp - sqrt((x - xp) * (x - xp) + (y - yp) * (y - yp) +
(z - zp) * (z - zp));
if (s > length) {
distance = di;
} else if (s < 0.0) {
distance = dp;
} else {
// linear variation for radius
double radius = rp + (ri - rp) * s / length;
distance =
radius -
sqrt((x - xp - alpha * s) * (x - xp - alpha * s) +
(y - yp - beta * s) * (y - yp - beta * s) +
(z - zp - gamma * s) * (z - zp - gamma * s));
if (distance < di)
distance = di;
if (distance < dp)
distance = dp;
if (distance > 0.0) {
/* label the voxel */
//id[k*Nx*Ny + j*Nx + i] = label;
id[k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i] = 2;
//if (rank()==0) printf( "next line..\n");
delete[] List_cx;
delete[] List_cy;
delete[] List_cz;
delete[] List_rad;
delete[] List_index;
delete[] List_type;
delete[] List_parent;
* Constructors *
Domain::Domain(int nx, int ny, int nz, int rnk, int npx, int npy, int npz,
double lx, double ly, double lz, int BC)
: database(nullptr), Nx(0), Ny(0), Nz(0), Lx(0), Ly(0), Lz(0), Volume(0),
BoundaryCondition(0), voxel_length(1),
Comm(Utilities::MPI(MPI_COMM_WORLD).dup()), inlet_layers_x(0),
inlet_layers_y(0), inlet_layers_z(0), inlet_layers_phase(1),
outlet_layers_phase(2) {
// set up the neighbor ranks
int myrank = Comm.getRank();
rank_info =
RankInfoStruct(myrank, rank_info.nx, rank_info.ny,;
auto db = std::make_shared<Database>();
db->putScalar<int>("BC", BC);
db->putVector<int>("nproc", {npx, npx, npx});
db->putVector<int>("n", {nx, ny, nz});
db->putScalar<int>("nspheres", 0);
db->putVector<double>("L", {lx, ly, lz});
Domain::Domain(std::shared_ptr<Database> db, const Utilities::MPI &Communicator)
: database(db), Nx(0), Ny(0), Nz(0), Lx(0), Ly(0), Lz(0), Volume(0),
BoundaryCondition(0), inlet_layers_x(0), inlet_layers_y(0),
inlet_layers_z(0), outlet_layers_x(0), outlet_layers_y(0),
outlet_layers_z(0), inlet_layers_phase(1), outlet_layers_phase(2) {
Comm = Communicator.dup();
// set up the neighbor ranks
int myrank = Comm.getRank();
rank_info =
RankInfoStruct(myrank, rank_info.nx, rank_info.ny,;
* Destructor *
Domain::~Domain() {}
* Initialization *
void Domain::initialize(std::shared_ptr<Database> db) {
d_db = db;
auto nproc = d_db->getVector<int>("nproc");
auto n = d_db->getVector<int>("n");
ASSERT(n.size() == 3u);
ASSERT(nproc.size() == 3u);
int nx = n[0];
int ny = n[1];
int nz = n[2];
offset_x = offset_y = offset_z = 0;
if (d_db->keyExists("InletLayers")) {
auto InletCount = d_db->getVector<int>("InletLayers");
inlet_layers_x = InletCount[0];
inlet_layers_y = InletCount[1];
inlet_layers_z = InletCount[2];
if (d_db->keyExists("OutletLayers")) {
auto OutletCount = d_db->getVector<int>("OutletLayers");
outlet_layers_x = OutletCount[0];
outlet_layers_y = OutletCount[1];
outlet_layers_z = OutletCount[2];
if (d_db->keyExists("InletLayersPhase")) {
inlet_layers_phase = d_db->getScalar<int>("InletLayersPhase");
if (d_db->keyExists("OutletLayersPhase")) {
outlet_layers_phase = d_db->getScalar<int>("OutletLayersPhase");
voxel_length = 1.0;
if (d_db->keyExists("voxel_length")) {
voxel_length = d_db->getScalar<double>("voxel_length");
} else if (d_db->keyExists("L")) {
auto Length = d_db->getVector<double>("L");
Lx = Length[0];
Ly = Length[1];
Lz = Length[2];
voxel_length = Lx / (nx * nproc[0]);
Lx = nx * nproc[0] * voxel_length;
Ly = ny * nproc[1] * voxel_length;
Lz = nz * nproc[2] * voxel_length;
Nx = nx + 2;
Ny = ny + 2;
Nz = nz + 2;
// Initialize ranks
int myrank = Comm.getRank();
rank_info = RankInfoStruct(myrank, nproc[0], nproc[1], nproc[2]);
// Fill remaining variables
N = Nx * Ny * Nz;
Volume = nx * ny * nz * nproc[0] * nproc[1] * nproc[2] * 1.0;
if (myrank == 0)
printf("voxel length = %f micron \n", voxel_length);
id = std::vector<signed char>(N, 0);
BoundaryCondition = d_db->getScalar<int>("BC");
int nprocs = Comm.getSize();
INSIST(nprocs == nproc[0] * nproc[1] * nproc[2],
"Fatal error in processor count!");
* Get send/recv lists *
const std::vector<int> &Domain::getRecvList(const char *dir) const {
if (dir[0] == 'x') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return recvList_x;
else if (dir[1] == 'y')
return recvList_xy;
else if (dir[1] == 'Y')
return recvList_xY;
else if (dir[1] == 'z')
return recvList_xz;
else if (dir[1] == 'Z')
return recvList_xZ;
} else if (dir[0] == 'y') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return recvList_y;
else if (dir[1] == 'z')
return recvList_yz;
else if (dir[1] == 'Z')
return recvList_yZ;
} else if (dir[0] == 'z') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return recvList_z;
} else if (dir[0] == 'X') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return recvList_X;
else if (dir[1] == 'y')
return recvList_Xy;
else if (dir[1] == 'Y')
return recvList_XY;
else if (dir[1] == 'z')
return recvList_Xz;
else if (dir[1] == 'Z')
return recvList_XZ;
} else if (dir[0] == 'Y') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return recvList_Y;
else if (dir[1] == 'z')
return recvList_Yz;
else if (dir[1] == 'Z')
return recvList_YZ;
} else if (dir[0] == 'Z') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return recvList_Z;
throw std::logic_error("Internal error");
const std::vector<int> &Domain::getSendList(const char *dir) const {
if (dir[0] == 'x') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return sendList_x;
else if (dir[1] == 'y')
return sendList_xy;
else if (dir[1] == 'Y')
return sendList_xY;
else if (dir[1] == 'z')
return sendList_xz;
else if (dir[1] == 'Z')
return sendList_xZ;
} else if (dir[0] == 'y') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return sendList_y;
else if (dir[1] == 'z')
return sendList_yz;
else if (dir[1] == 'Z')
return sendList_yZ;
} else if (dir[0] == 'z') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return sendList_z;
} else if (dir[0] == 'X') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return sendList_X;
else if (dir[1] == 'y')
return sendList_Xy;
else if (dir[1] == 'Y')
return sendList_XY;
else if (dir[1] == 'z')
return sendList_Xz;
else if (dir[1] == 'Z')
return sendList_XZ;
} else if (dir[0] == 'Y') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return sendList_Y;
else if (dir[1] == 'z')
return sendList_Yz;
else if (dir[1] == 'Z')
return sendList_YZ;
} else if (dir[0] == 'Z') {
if (dir[1] == 0)
return sendList_Z;
throw std::logic_error("Internal error");
* Decomp *
void Domain::Decomp(const std::string &Filename) {
// Reading the domain information file
int rank_offset = 0;
int RANK = rank();
int nprocs, nprocx, nprocy, nprocz, nx, ny, nz;
int64_t global_Nx, global_Ny, global_Nz;
int64_t i, j, k, n;
int64_t xStart, yStart, zStart;
int checkerSize;
bool USE_CHECKER = false;
//int inlet_layers_x, inlet_layers_y, inlet_layers_z;
//int outlet_layers_x, outlet_layers_y, outlet_layers_z;
xStart = yStart = zStart = 0;
inlet_layers_x = 0;
inlet_layers_y = 0;
inlet_layers_z = 0;
outlet_layers_x = 0;
outlet_layers_y = 0;
outlet_layers_z = 0;
inlet_layers_phase = 1;
outlet_layers_phase = 2;
checkerSize = 32;
// Read domain parameters
//auto Filename = database->getScalar<std::string>( "Filename" );
//auto L = database->getVector<double>( "L" );
auto size = database->getVector<int>("n");
auto SIZE = database->getVector<int>("N");
auto nproc = database->getVector<int>("nproc");
if (database->keyExists("offset")) {
auto offset = database->getVector<int>("offset");
xStart = offset[0];
yStart = offset[1];
zStart = offset[2];
offset_x = xStart;
offset_y = yStart;
offset_z = zStart;
if (database->keyExists("InletLayers")) {
auto InletCount = database->getVector<int>("InletLayers");
inlet_layers_x = InletCount[0];
inlet_layers_y = InletCount[1];
inlet_layers_z = InletCount[2];
if (database->keyExists("OutletLayers")) {
auto OutletCount = database->getVector<int>("OutletLayers");
outlet_layers_x = OutletCount[0];
outlet_layers_y = OutletCount[1];
outlet_layers_z = OutletCount[2];
if (database->keyExists("checkerSize")) {
checkerSize = database->getScalar<int>("checkerSize");
} else {
checkerSize = SIZE[0];
if (database->keyExists("InletLayersPhase")) {
inlet_layers_phase = database->getScalar<int>("InletLayersPhase");
if (database->keyExists("OutletLayersPhase")) {
outlet_layers_phase = database->getScalar<int>("OutletLayersPhase");
auto ReadValues = database->getVector<int>("ReadValues");
auto WriteValues = database->getVector<int>("WriteValues");
auto ReadType = database->getScalar<std::string>("ReadType");
if (ReadType == "8bit") {
} else if (ReadType == "16bit") {
} else if (ReadType == "swc") {
} else {
//printf("INPUT ERROR: Valid ReadType are 8bit, 16bit \n");
ReadType = "8bit";
/* swc format for neurons */
if (ReadType == "swc") {
} else {
nx = size[0];
ny = size[1];
nz = size[2];
nprocx = nproc[0];
nprocy = nproc[1];
nprocz = nproc[2];
global_Nx = SIZE[0];
global_Ny = SIZE[1];
global_Nz = SIZE[2];
nprocs = nprocx * nprocy * nprocz;
char *SegData = NULL;
if (RANK == 0) {
printf("Input media: %s\n", Filename.c_str());
printf("Relabeling %lu values\n", ReadValues.size());
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < ReadValues.size(); idx++) {
int oldvalue = ReadValues[idx];
int newvalue = WriteValues[idx];
printf("oldvalue=%d, newvalue =%d \n", oldvalue, newvalue);
// Rank=0 reads the entire segmented data and distributes to worker processes
printf("Dimensions of segmented image: %ld x %ld x %ld \n",
global_Nx, global_Ny, global_Nz);
int64_t SIZE = global_Nx * global_Ny * global_Nz;
SegData = new char[SIZE];
if (ReadType == "8bit") {
printf("Reading 8-bit input data \n");
FILE *SEGDAT = fopen(Filename.c_str(), "rb");
ERROR("Domain.cpp: Error reading segmented data");
size_t ReadSeg;
ReadSeg = fread(SegData, 1, SIZE, SEGDAT);
if (ReadSeg != size_t(SIZE))
printf("Domain.cpp: Error reading segmented data \n");
} else if (ReadType == "16bit") {
printf("Reading 16-bit input data \n");
short int *InputData;
InputData = new short int[SIZE];
FILE *SEGDAT = fopen(Filename.c_str(), "rb");
ERROR("Domain.cpp: Error reading segmented data");
size_t ReadSeg;
ReadSeg = fread(InputData, 2, SIZE, SEGDAT);
if (ReadSeg != size_t(SIZE))
printf("Domain.cpp: Error reading segmented data \n");
for (int n = 0; n < SIZE; n++) {
SegData[n] = char(InputData[n]);
} else if (ReadType == "SWC") {
printf("Read segmented data from %s \n", Filename.c_str());
// relabel the data
std::vector<long int> LabelCount(ReadValues.size(), 0);
for (int k = 0; k < global_Nz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < global_Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < global_Nx; i++) {
n = k * global_Nx * global_Ny + j * global_Nx + i;
//char locval = loc_id[n];
signed char locval = SegData[n];
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < ReadValues.size(); idx++) {
signed char oldvalue = ReadValues[idx];
signed char newvalue = WriteValues[idx];
if (locval == oldvalue) {
SegData[n] = newvalue;
idx = ReadValues.size();
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < ReadValues.size(); idx++) {
long int label = ReadValues[idx];
long int count = LabelCount[idx];
printf("Label=%ld, Count=%ld \n", label, count);
if (inlet_layers_x > 0) {
// use checkerboard pattern
printf("Checkerboard pattern at x inlet for %i layers \n",
for (int k = 0; k < global_Nz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < global_Ny; j++) {
for (int i = xStart; i < xStart + inlet_layers_x;
i++) {
if ((j / checkerSize + k / checkerSize) % 2 ==
0) {
// void checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 2;
} else {
// solid checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 0;
if (inlet_layers_y > 0) {
printf("Checkerboard pattern at y inlet for %i layers \n",
// use checkerboard pattern
for (int k = 0; k < global_Nz; k++) {
for (int j = yStart; j < yStart + inlet_layers_y; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < global_Nx; i++) {
if ((i / checkerSize + k / checkerSize) % 2 ==
0) {
// void checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 2;
} else {
// solid checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 0;
if (inlet_layers_z > 0) {
printf("Checkerboard pattern at z inlet for %i layers, "
"saturated with phase label=%i \n",
inlet_layers_z, inlet_layers_phase);
// use checkerboard pattern
for (int k = zStart; k < zStart + inlet_layers_z; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < global_Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < global_Nx; i++) {
if ((i / checkerSize + j / checkerSize) % 2 ==
0) {
// void checkers
//SegData[k*global_Nx*global_Ny+j*global_Nx+i] = 2;
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] =
} else {
// solid checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 0;
if (outlet_layers_x > 0) {
// use checkerboard pattern
printf("Checkerboard pattern at x outlet for %i layers \n",
for (int k = 0; k < global_Nz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < global_Ny; j++) {
for (int i = xStart + nx * nprocx - outlet_layers_x;
i < xStart + nx * nprocx; i++) {
if ((j / checkerSize + k / checkerSize) % 2 ==
0) {
// void checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 2;
} else {
// solid checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 0;
if (outlet_layers_y > 0) {
printf("Checkerboard pattern at y outlet for %i layers \n",
// use checkerboard pattern
for (int k = 0; k < global_Nz; k++) {
for (int j = yStart + ny * nprocy - outlet_layers_y;
j < yStart + ny * nprocy; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < global_Nx; i++) {
if ((i / checkerSize + k / checkerSize) % 2 ==
0) {
// void checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 2;
} else {
// solid checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 0;
if (outlet_layers_z > 0) {
printf("Checkerboard pattern at z outlet for %i layers, "
"saturated with phase label=%i \n",
outlet_layers_z, outlet_layers_phase);
// use checkerboard pattern
for (int k = zStart + nz * nprocz - outlet_layers_z;
k < zStart + nz * nprocz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < global_Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < global_Nx; i++) {
if ((i / checkerSize + j / checkerSize) % 2 ==
0) {
// void checkers
//SegData[k*global_Nx*global_Ny+j*global_Nx+i] = 2;
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] =
} else {
// solid checkers
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = 0;
} else {
if (inlet_layers_z > 0) {
printf("Mixed reflection pattern at z inlet for %i layers, "
"saturated with phase label=%i \n",
inlet_layers_z, inlet_layers_phase);
for (int k = zStart; k < zStart + inlet_layers_z; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < global_Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < global_Nx; i++) {
signed char local_id =
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i];
signed char reflection_id =
SegData[(zStart + nz * nprocz - 1) *
global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i];
if (local_id < 1 && reflection_id > 0) {
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = reflection_id;
if (outlet_layers_z > 0) {
"Mixed reflection pattern at z outlet for %i layers, "
"saturated with phase label=%i \n",
outlet_layers_z, outlet_layers_phase);
for (int k = zStart + nz * nprocz - outlet_layers_z;
k < zStart + nz * nprocz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < global_Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < global_Nx; i++) {
signed char local_id =
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i];
signed char reflection_id =
SegData[zStart * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i];
if (local_id < 1 && reflection_id > 0) {
SegData[k * global_Nx * global_Ny +
j * global_Nx + i] = reflection_id;
// Get the rank info
int64_t N = (nx + 2) * (ny + 2) * (nz + 2);
// number of sites to use for periodic boundary condition transition zone
int64_t z_transition_size = (nprocz * nz - (global_Nz - zStart)) / 2;
if (z_transition_size < 0)
z_transition_size = 0;
// Set up the sub-domains
if (RANK == 0) {
printf("Distributing subdomains across %i processors \n", nprocs);
printf("Process grid: %i x %i x %i \n", nprocx, nprocy, nprocz);
printf("Subdomain size: %i x %i x %i \n", nx, ny, nz);
printf("Size of transition region: %ld \n", z_transition_size);
auto loc_id = new char[(nx + 2) * (ny + 2) * (nz + 2)];
for (int kp = 0; kp < nprocz; kp++) {
for (int jp = 0; jp < nprocy; jp++) {
for (int ip = 0; ip < nprocx; ip++) {
// rank of the process that gets this subdomain
int rnk = kp * nprocx * nprocy + jp * nprocx + ip;
// Pack and send the subdomain for rnk
for (k = 0; k < nz + 2; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < ny + 2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < nx + 2; i++) {
int64_t x = xStart + ip * nx + i - 1;
int64_t y = yStart + jp * ny + j - 1;
// int64_t z = zStart + kp*nz + k-1;
int64_t z = zStart + kp * nz + k - 1 -
if (x < xStart)
x = xStart;
if (!(x < global_Nx))
x = global_Nx - 1;
if (y < yStart)
y = yStart;
if (!(y < global_Ny))
y = global_Ny - 1;
if (z < zStart)
z = zStart;
if (!(z < global_Nz))
z = global_Nz - 1;
int64_t nlocal = k * (nx + 2) * (ny + 2) +
j * (nx + 2) + i;
int64_t nglobal =
z * global_Nx * global_Ny +
y * global_Nx + x;
loc_id[nlocal] = SegData[nglobal];
if (rnk == 0) {
for (k = 0; k < nz + 2; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < ny + 2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < nx + 2; i++) {
int nlocal = k * (nx + 2) * (ny + 2) +
j * (nx + 2) + i;
id[nlocal] = loc_id[nlocal];
} else {
//printf("Sending data to process %i \n", rnk);
Comm.send(loc_id, N, rnk, 15);
// Write the data for this rank data
char LocalRankFilename[40];
sprintf(LocalRankFilename, "ID.%05i",
rnk + rank_offset);
FILE *ID = fopen(LocalRankFilename, "wb");
fwrite(loc_id, 1, (nx + 2) * (ny + 2) * (nz + 2), ID);
delete[] loc_id;
} else {
// Recieve the subdomain from rank = 0
//printf("Ready to recieve data %i at process %i \n", N,rank);
Comm.recv(, N, 0, 15);
delete[] SegData;
// inlet layers only apply to lower part of domain
if (rank_info.ix > 0)
inlet_layers_x = 0;
if (rank_info.jy > 0)
inlet_layers_y = 0;
if ( > 0)
inlet_layers_z = 0;
// outlet layers only apply to top part of domain
if (rank_info.ix < nproc[0] - 1)
outlet_layers_x = 0;
if (rank_info.jy < nproc[1] - 1)
outlet_layers_y = 0;
if ( < nproc[2] - 1)
outlet_layers_z = 0;
void Domain::ComputePorosity() {
// Compute the porosity
double sum;
double sum_local = 0.0;
double iVol_global = 1.0 / (1.0 * (Nx - 2) * (Ny - 2) * (Nz - 2) *
nprocx() * nprocy() * nprocz());
if (BoundaryCondition > 0 && BoundaryCondition != 5)
iVol_global =
1.0 / (1.0 * (Nx - 2) * nprocx() * (Ny - 2) * nprocy() *
((Nz - 2) * nprocz() - inlet_layers_z - outlet_layers_z));
for (int k = inlet_layers_z + 1; k < Nz - outlet_layers_z - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
int n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (id[n] > 0) {
sum_local += 1.0;
sum = Comm.sumReduce(sum_local);
porosity = sum * iVol_global;
if (rank() == 0)
printf("Media porosity = %f \n", porosity);
void Domain::AggregateLabels(const std::string &filename) {
int nx = Nx;
int ny = Ny;
int nz = Nz;
int npx = nprocx();
int npy = nprocy();
int npz = nprocz();
int ipx = iproc();
int ipy = jproc();
int ipz = kproc();
int nprocs = nprocx() * nprocy() * nprocz();
int full_nx = npx * (nx - 2);
int full_ny = npy * (ny - 2);
int full_nz = npz * (nz - 2);
int local_size = (nx - 2) * (ny - 2) * (nz - 2);
long int full_size = long(full_nx) * long(full_ny) * long(full_nz);
auto LocalID = new signed char[local_size];
//printf("aggregate labels: local size=%i, global size = %i",local_size, full_size);
// assign the ID for the local sub-region
for (int k = 1; k < nz - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) {
int n = k * nx * ny + j * nx + i;
signed char local_id_val = id[n];
LocalID[(k - 1) * (nx - 2) * (ny - 2) + (j - 1) * (nx - 2) + i -
1] = local_id_val;
// populate the FullID
if (rank() == 0) {
auto FullID = new signed char[full_size];
// first handle local ID for rank 0
for (int k = 1; k < nz - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) {
int x = i - 1;
int y = j - 1;
int z = k - 1;
int n_local = (k - 1) * (nx - 2) * (ny - 2) +
(j - 1) * (nx - 2) + i - 1;
int n_full = z * full_nx * full_ny + y * full_nx + x;
FullID[n_full] = LocalID[n_local];
// next get the local ID from the other ranks
for (int rnk = 1; rnk < nprocs; rnk++) {
ipz = rnk / (npx * npy);
ipy = (rnk - ipz * npx * npy) / npx;
ipx = (rnk - ipz * npx * npy - ipy * npx);
//printf("ipx=%i ipy=%i ipz=%i\n", ipx, ipy, ipz);
int tag = 15 + rnk;
Comm.recv(LocalID, local_size, rnk, tag);
for (int k = 1; k < nz - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) {
int x = i - 1 + ipx * (nx - 2);
int y = j - 1 + ipy * (ny - 2);
int z = k - 1 + ipz * (nz - 2);
int n_local = (k - 1) * (nx - 2) * (ny - 2) +
(j - 1) * (nx - 2) + i - 1;
int n_full = z * full_nx * full_ny + y * full_nx + x;
FullID[n_full] = LocalID[n_local];
// write the output
FILE *OUTFILE = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
fwrite(FullID, 1, full_size, OUTFILE);
delete[] FullID;
} else {
// send LocalID to rank=0
int tag = 15 + rank();
int dstrank = 0;
Comm.send(LocalID, local_size, dstrank, tag);
delete[] LocalID;
* Initialize communication *
void Domain::CommInit() {
int i, j, k, n;
int sendtag = 21;
int recvtag = 21;
int sendCount_x, sendCount_y, sendCount_z, sendCount_X, sendCount_Y,
int sendCount_xy, sendCount_yz, sendCount_xz, sendCount_Xy, sendCount_Yz,
int sendCount_xY, sendCount_yZ, sendCount_Xz, sendCount_XY, sendCount_YZ,
sendCount_x = sendCount_y = sendCount_z = sendCount_X = sendCount_Y =
sendCount_Z = 0;
sendCount_xy = sendCount_yz = sendCount_xz = sendCount_Xy = sendCount_Yz =
sendCount_xZ = 0;
sendCount_xY = sendCount_yZ = sendCount_Xz = sendCount_XY = sendCount_YZ =
sendCount_XZ = 0;
for (k = 1; k < Nz - 1; k++) {
for (j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
// Check the phase ID
if (id[k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i] > 0) {
// Counts for the six faces
if (i == 1)
if (j == 1)
if (k == 1)
if (i == Nx - 2)
if (j == Ny - 2)
if (k == Nz - 2)
// Counts for the twelve edges
if (i == 1 && j == 1)
if (i == 1 && j == Ny - 2)
if (i == Nx - 2 && j == 1)
if (i == Nx - 2 && j == Ny - 2)
if (i == 1 && k == 1)
if (i == 1 && k == Nz - 2)
if (i == Nx - 2 && k == 1)
if (i == Nx - 2 && k == Nz - 2)
if (j == 1 && k == 1)
if (j == 1 && k == Nz - 2)
if (j == Ny - 2 && k == 1)
if (j == Ny - 2 && k == Nz - 2)
// allocate send lists
sendList_x.resize(sendCount_x, 0);
sendList_y.resize(sendCount_y, 0);
sendList_z.resize(sendCount_z, 0);
sendList_X.resize(sendCount_X, 0);
sendList_Y.resize(sendCount_Y, 0);
sendList_Z.resize(sendCount_Z, 0);
sendList_xy.resize(sendCount_xy, 0);
sendList_yz.resize(sendCount_yz, 0);
sendList_xz.resize(sendCount_xz, 0);
sendList_Xy.resize(sendCount_Xy, 0);
sendList_Yz.resize(sendCount_Yz, 0);
sendList_xZ.resize(sendCount_xZ, 0);
sendList_xY.resize(sendCount_xY, 0);
sendList_yZ.resize(sendCount_yZ, 0);
sendList_Xz.resize(sendCount_Xz, 0);
sendList_XY.resize(sendCount_XY, 0);
sendList_YZ.resize(sendCount_YZ, 0);
sendList_XZ.resize(sendCount_XZ, 0);
// Populate the send list
sendCount_x = sendCount_y = sendCount_z = sendCount_X = sendCount_Y =
sendCount_Z = 0;
sendCount_xy = sendCount_yz = sendCount_xz = sendCount_Xy = sendCount_Yz =
sendCount_xZ = 0;
sendCount_xY = sendCount_yZ = sendCount_Xz = sendCount_XY = sendCount_YZ =
sendCount_XZ = 0;
for (k = 1; k < Nz - 1; k++) {
for (j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
// Local value to send
n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (id[n] > 0) {
// Counts for the six faces
if (i == 1)
sendList_x[sendCount_x++] = n;
if (j == 1)
sendList_y[sendCount_y++] = n;
if (k == 1)
sendList_z[sendCount_z++] = n;
if (i == Nx - 2)
sendList_X[sendCount_X++] = n;
if (j == Ny - 2)
sendList_Y[sendCount_Y++] = n;
if (k == Nz - 2)
sendList_Z[sendCount_Z++] = n;
// Counts for the twelve edges
if (i == 1 && j == 1)
sendList_xy[sendCount_xy++] = n;
if (i == 1 && j == Ny - 2)
sendList_xY[sendCount_xY++] = n;
if (i == Nx - 2 && j == 1)
sendList_Xy[sendCount_Xy++] = n;
if (i == Nx - 2 && j == Ny - 2)
sendList_XY[sendCount_XY++] = n;
if (i == 1 && k == 1)
sendList_xz[sendCount_xz++] = n;
if (i == 1 && k == Nz - 2)
sendList_xZ[sendCount_xZ++] = n;
if (i == Nx - 2 && k == 1)
sendList_Xz[sendCount_Xz++] = n;
if (i == Nx - 2 && k == Nz - 2)
sendList_XZ[sendCount_XZ++] = n;
if (j == 1 && k == 1)
sendList_yz[sendCount_yz++] = n;
if (j == 1 && k == Nz - 2)
sendList_yZ[sendCount_yZ++] = n;
if (j == Ny - 2 && k == 1)
sendList_Yz[sendCount_Yz++] = n;
if (j == Ny - 2 && k == Nz - 2)
sendList_YZ[sendCount_YZ++] = n;
int recvCount_x, recvCount_y, recvCount_z, recvCount_X, recvCount_Y,
int recvCount_xy, recvCount_yz, recvCount_xz, recvCount_Xy, recvCount_Yz,
int recvCount_xY, recvCount_yZ, recvCount_Xz, recvCount_XY, recvCount_YZ,
req1[0] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_x, 1, rank_x(), sendtag + 0);
req2[0] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_X, 1, rank_X(), recvtag + 0);
req1[1] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_X, 1, rank_X(), sendtag + 1);
req2[1] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_x, 1, rank_x(), recvtag + 1);
req1[2] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_y, 1, rank_y(), sendtag + 2);
req2[2] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_Y, 1, rank_Y(), recvtag + 2);
req1[3] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_Y, 1, rank_Y(), sendtag + 3);
req2[3] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_y, 1, rank_y(), recvtag + 3);
req1[4] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_z, 1, rank_z(), sendtag + 4);
req2[4] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_Z, 1, rank_Z(), recvtag + 4);
req1[5] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_Z, 1, rank_Z(), sendtag + 5);
req2[5] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_z, 1, rank_z(), recvtag + 5);
req1[6] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_xy, 1, rank_xy(), sendtag + 6);
req2[6] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_XY, 1, rank_XY(), recvtag + 6);
req1[7] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_XY, 1, rank_XY(), sendtag + 7);
req2[7] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_xy, 1, rank_xy(), recvtag + 7);
req1[8] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_Xy, 1, rank_Xy(), sendtag + 8);
req2[8] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_xY, 1, rank_xY(), recvtag + 8);
req1[9] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_xY, 1, rank_xY(), sendtag + 9);
req2[9] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_Xy, 1, rank_Xy(), recvtag + 9);
req1[10] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_xz, 1, rank_xz(), sendtag + 10);
req2[10] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_XZ, 1, rank_XZ(), recvtag + 10);
req1[11] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_XZ, 1, rank_XZ(), sendtag + 11);
req2[11] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_xz, 1, rank_xz(), recvtag + 11);
req1[12] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_Xz, 1, rank_Xz(), sendtag + 12);
req2[12] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_xZ, 1, rank_xZ(), recvtag + 12);
req1[13] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_xZ, 1, rank_xZ(), sendtag + 13);
req2[13] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_Xz, 1, rank_Xz(), recvtag + 13);
req1[14] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_yz, 1, rank_yz(), sendtag + 14);
req2[14] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_YZ, 1, rank_YZ(), recvtag + 14);
req1[15] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_YZ, 1, rank_YZ(), sendtag + 15);
req2[15] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_yz, 1, rank_yz(), recvtag + 15);
req1[16] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_Yz, 1, rank_Yz(), sendtag + 16);
req2[16] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_yZ, 1, rank_yZ(), recvtag + 16);
req1[17] = Comm.Isend(&sendCount_yZ, 1, rank_yZ(), sendtag + 17);
req2[17] = Comm.Irecv(&recvCount_Yz, 1, rank_Yz(), recvtag + 17);
Comm.waitAll(18, req1);
Comm.waitAll(18, req2);
// allocate recv lists
recvList_x.resize(recvCount_x, 0);
recvList_y.resize(recvCount_y, 0);
recvList_z.resize(recvCount_z, 0);
recvList_X.resize(recvCount_X, 0);
recvList_Y.resize(recvCount_Y, 0);
recvList_Z.resize(recvCount_Z, 0);
recvList_xy.resize(recvCount_xy, 0);
recvList_yz.resize(recvCount_yz, 0);
recvList_xz.resize(recvCount_xz, 0);
recvList_Xy.resize(recvCount_Xy, 0);
recvList_Yz.resize(recvCount_Yz, 0);
recvList_xZ.resize(recvCount_xZ, 0);
recvList_xY.resize(recvCount_xY, 0);
recvList_yZ.resize(recvCount_yZ, 0);
recvList_Xz.resize(recvCount_Xz, 0);
recvList_XY.resize(recvCount_XY, 0);
recvList_YZ.resize(recvCount_YZ, 0);
recvList_XZ.resize(recvCount_XZ, 0);
req1[0] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_x, rank_x(), sendtag);
req2[0] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_X, rank_X(), recvtag);
req1[1] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_X, rank_X(), sendtag);
req2[1] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_x, rank_x(), recvtag);
req1[2] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_y, rank_y(), sendtag);
req2[2] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_Y, rank_Y(), recvtag);
req1[3] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_Y, rank_Y(), sendtag);
req2[3] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_y, rank_y(), recvtag);
req1[4] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_z, rank_z(), sendtag);
req2[4] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_Z, rank_Z(), recvtag);
req1[5] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_Z, rank_Z(), sendtag);
req2[5] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_z, rank_z(), recvtag);
req1[6] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_xy, rank_xy(), sendtag);
req2[6] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_XY, rank_XY(), recvtag);
req1[7] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_XY, rank_XY(), sendtag);
req2[7] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_xy, rank_xy(), recvtag);
req1[8] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_Xy, rank_Xy(), sendtag);
req2[8] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_xY, rank_xY(), recvtag);
req1[9] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_xY, rank_xY(), sendtag);
req2[9] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_Xy, rank_Xy(), recvtag);
req1[10] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_xz, rank_xz(), sendtag);
req2[10] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_XZ, rank_XZ(), recvtag);
req1[11] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_XZ, rank_XZ(), sendtag);
req2[11] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_xz, rank_xz(), recvtag);
req1[12] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_Xz, rank_Xz(), sendtag);
req2[12] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_xZ, rank_xZ(), recvtag);
req1[13] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_xZ, rank_xZ(), sendtag);
req2[13] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_Xz, rank_Xz(), recvtag);
req1[14] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_yz, rank_yz(), sendtag);
req2[14] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_YZ, rank_YZ(), recvtag);
req1[15] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_YZ, rank_YZ(), sendtag);
req2[15] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_yz, rank_yz(), recvtag);
req1[16] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_Yz, rank_Yz(), sendtag);
req2[16] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_yZ, rank_yZ(), recvtag);
req1[17] = Comm.Isend(, sendCount_yZ, rank_yZ(), sendtag);
req2[17] = Comm.Irecv(, recvCount_Yz, rank_Yz(), recvtag);
Comm.waitAll(18, req1);
Comm.waitAll(18, req2);
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_x; idx++)
recvList_x[idx] -= (Nx - 2);
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_X; idx++)
recvList_X[idx] += (Nx - 2);
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_y; idx++)
recvList_y[idx] -= (Ny - 2) * Nx;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_Y; idx++)
recvList_Y[idx] += (Ny - 2) * Nx;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_z; idx++)
recvList_z[idx] -= (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_Z; idx++)
recvList_Z[idx] += (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_xy; idx++)
recvList_xy[idx] -= (Nx - 2) + (Ny - 2) * Nx;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_XY; idx++)
recvList_XY[idx] += (Nx - 2) + (Ny - 2) * Nx;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_xY; idx++)
recvList_xY[idx] -= (Nx - 2) - (Ny - 2) * Nx;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_Xy; idx++)
recvList_Xy[idx] += (Nx - 2) - (Ny - 2) * Nx;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_xz; idx++)
recvList_xz[idx] -= (Nx - 2) + (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_XZ; idx++)
recvList_XZ[idx] += (Nx - 2) + (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_xZ; idx++)
recvList_xZ[idx] -= (Nx - 2) - (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_Xz; idx++)
recvList_Xz[idx] += (Nx - 2) - (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_yz; idx++)
recvList_yz[idx] -= (Ny - 2) * Nx + (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_YZ; idx++)
recvList_YZ[idx] += (Ny - 2) * Nx + (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_yZ; idx++)
recvList_yZ[idx] -= (Ny - 2) * Nx - (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
for (int idx = 0; idx < recvCount_Yz; idx++)
recvList_Yz[idx] += (Ny - 2) * Nx - (Nz - 2) * Nx * Ny;
void Domain::ReadIDs() {
// Read the IDs from input file
int nprocs = nprocx() * nprocy() * nprocz();
size_t readID;
char LocalRankString[8];
char LocalRankFilename[40];
if (rank() == 0)
printf("Read input media... \n");
sprintf(LocalRankString, "%05d", rank());
sprintf(LocalRankFilename, "%s%s", "ID.", LocalRankString);
// .......... READ THE INPUT FILE .......................................
if (rank() == 0)
printf("Initialize from segmented data: solid=0, NWP=1, WP=2 \n");
sprintf(LocalRankFilename, "ID.%05i", rank());
FILE *IDFILE = fopen(LocalRankFilename, "rb");
if (!IDFILE)
ERROR("Domain::ReadIDs -- Error opening file: ID.xxxxx");
readID = fread(, 1, N, IDFILE);
if (readID != size_t(N))
printf("Domain::ReadIDs -- Error reading ID (rank=%i) \n", rank());
// Compute the porosity
double sum;
double sum_local = 0.0;
double iVol_global = 1.0 / (1.0 * (Nx - 2) * (Ny - 2) * (Nz - 2) * nprocs);
if (BoundaryCondition > 0)
iVol_global = 1.0 / (1.0 * (Nx - 2) * nprocx() * (Ny - 2) * nprocy() *
((Nz - 2) * nprocz() - 6));
// If external boundary conditions are applied remove solid
if (BoundaryCondition > 0 && kproc() == 0) {
if (inlet_layers_z < 4)
inlet_layers_z = 4;
for (int k = 0; k < inlet_layers_z; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
int n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
id[n] = 1;
if (BoundaryCondition > 0 && kproc() == nprocz() - 1) {
if (outlet_layers_z < 4)
outlet_layers_z = 4;
for (int k = Nz - outlet_layers_z; k < Nz; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
int n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
id[n] = 2;
for (int k = inlet_layers_z + 1; k < Nz - outlet_layers_z - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
int n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (id[n] > 0) {
sum_local += 1.0;
sum = Comm.sumReduce(sum_local);
porosity = sum * iVol_global;
if (rank() == 0)
printf("Media porosity = %f \n", porosity);
int Domain::PoreCount() {
* count the number of nodes occupied by mobile phases
int Npore = 0; // number of local pore nodes
for (int k = 1; k < Nz - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++) {
int n = k * Nx * Ny + j * Nx + i;
if (id[n] > 0) {
return Npore;
void Domain::CommunicateMeshHalo(DoubleArray &Mesh) {
int sendtag, recvtag;
sendtag = recvtag = 7;
double *MeshData =;
// send buffers
auto sendData_x = new double[sendCount("x")];
auto sendData_y = new double[sendCount("y")];
auto sendData_z = new double[sendCount("z")];
auto sendData_X = new double[sendCount("X")];
auto sendData_Y = new double[sendCount("Y")];
auto sendData_Z = new double[sendCount("Z")];
auto sendData_xy = new double[sendCount("xy")];
auto sendData_yz = new double[sendCount("yz")];
auto sendData_xz = new double[sendCount("xz")];
auto sendData_Xy = new double[sendCount("Xy")];
auto sendData_Yz = new double[sendCount("Yz")];
auto sendData_xZ = new double[sendCount("xZ")];
auto sendData_xY = new double[sendCount("xY")];
auto sendData_yZ = new double[sendCount("yZ")];
auto sendData_Xz = new double[sendCount("Xz")];
auto sendData_XY = new double[sendCount("XY")];
auto sendData_YZ = new double[sendCount("YZ")];
auto sendData_XZ = new double[sendCount("XZ")];
// recv buffers
auto recvData_x = new double[recvCount("x")];
auto recvData_y = new double[recvCount("y")];
auto recvData_z = new double[recvCount("z")];
auto recvData_X = new double[recvCount("X")];
auto recvData_Y = new double[recvCount("Y")];
auto recvData_Z = new double[recvCount("Z")];
auto recvData_xy = new double[recvCount("xy")];
auto recvData_yz = new double[recvCount("yz")];
auto recvData_xz = new double[recvCount("xz")];
auto recvData_Xy = new double[recvCount("Xy")];
auto recvData_xZ = new double[recvCount("xZ")];
auto recvData_xY = new double[recvCount("xY")];
auto recvData_yZ = new double[recvCount("yZ")];
auto recvData_Yz = new double[recvCount("Yz")];
auto recvData_Xz = new double[recvCount("Xz")];
auto recvData_XY = new double[recvCount("XY")];
auto recvData_YZ = new double[recvCount("YZ")];
auto recvData_XZ = new double[recvCount("XZ")];
// Pack data
PackMeshData(sendList("x"), sendCount("x"), sendData_x, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("X"), sendCount("X"), sendData_X, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("y"), sendCount("y"), sendData_y, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("Y"), sendCount("Y"), sendData_Y, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("z"), sendCount("z"), sendData_z, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("Z"), sendCount("Z"), sendData_Z, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("xy"), sendCount("xy"), sendData_xy, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("Xy"), sendCount("Xy"), sendData_Xy, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("xY"), sendCount("xY"), sendData_xY, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("XY"), sendCount("XY"), sendData_XY, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("xz"), sendCount("xz"), sendData_xz, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("Xz"), sendCount("Xz"), sendData_Xz, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("xZ"), sendCount("xZ"), sendData_xZ, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("XZ"), sendCount("XZ"), sendData_XZ, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("yz"), sendCount("yz"), sendData_yz, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("Yz"), sendCount("Yz"), sendData_Yz, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("yZ"), sendCount("yZ"), sendData_yZ, MeshData);
PackMeshData(sendList("YZ"), sendCount("YZ"), sendData_YZ, MeshData);
// send/recv
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_x, sendCount("x"), rank_x(), sendtag, recvData_X,
recvCount("X"), rank_X(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_X, sendCount("X"), rank_X(), sendtag, recvData_x,
recvCount("x"), rank_x(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_y, sendCount("y"), rank_y(), sendtag, recvData_Y,
recvCount("Y"), rank_Y(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_Y, sendCount("Y"), rank_Y(), sendtag, recvData_y,
recvCount("y"), rank_y(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_z, sendCount("z"), rank_z(), sendtag, recvData_Z,
recvCount("Z"), rank_Z(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_Z, sendCount("Z"), rank_Z(), sendtag, recvData_z,
recvCount("z"), rank_z(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_xy, sendCount("xy"), rank_xy(), sendtag, recvData_XY,
recvCount("XY"), rank_XY(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_XY, sendCount("XY"), rank_XY(), sendtag, recvData_xy,
recvCount("xy"), rank_xy(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_Xy, sendCount("Xy"), rank_Xy(), sendtag, recvData_xY,
recvCount("xY"), rank_xY(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_xY, sendCount("xY"), rank_xY(), sendtag, recvData_Xy,
recvCount("Xy"), rank_Xy(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_xz, sendCount("xz"), rank_xz(), sendtag, recvData_XZ,
recvCount("XZ"), rank_XZ(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_XZ, sendCount("XZ"), rank_XZ(), sendtag, recvData_xz,
recvCount("xz"), rank_xz(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_Xz, sendCount("Xz"), rank_Xz(), sendtag, recvData_xZ,
recvCount("xZ"), rank_xZ(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_xZ, sendCount("xZ"), rank_xZ(), sendtag, recvData_Xz,
recvCount("Xz"), rank_Xz(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_yz, sendCount("yz"), rank_yz(), sendtag, recvData_YZ,
recvCount("YZ"), rank_YZ(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_YZ, sendCount("YZ"), rank_YZ(), sendtag, recvData_yz,
recvCount("yz"), rank_yz(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_Yz, sendCount("Yz"), rank_Yz(), sendtag, recvData_yZ,
recvCount("yZ"), rank_yZ(), recvtag);
Comm.sendrecv(sendData_yZ, sendCount("yZ"), rank_yZ(), sendtag, recvData_Yz,
recvCount("Yz"), rank_Yz(), recvtag);
// unpack data
UnpackMeshData(recvList("x"), recvCount("x"), recvData_x, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("X"), recvCount("X"), recvData_X, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("y"), recvCount("y"), recvData_y, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("Y"), recvCount("Y"), recvData_Y, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("z"), recvCount("z"), recvData_z, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("Z"), recvCount("Z"), recvData_Z, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("xy"), recvCount("xy"), recvData_xy, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("Xy"), recvCount("Xy"), recvData_Xy, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("xY"), recvCount("xY"), recvData_xY, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("XY"), recvCount("XY"), recvData_XY, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("xz"), recvCount("xz"), recvData_xz, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("Xz"), recvCount("Xz"), recvData_Xz, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("xZ"), recvCount("xZ"), recvData_xZ, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("XZ"), recvCount("XZ"), recvData_XZ, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("yz"), recvCount("yz"), recvData_yz, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("Yz"), recvCount("Yz"), recvData_Yz, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("yZ"), recvCount("yZ"), recvData_yZ, MeshData);
UnpackMeshData(recvList("YZ"), recvCount("YZ"), recvData_YZ, MeshData);
// Free sendData
delete[] sendData_x;
delete[] sendData_y;
delete[] sendData_z;
delete[] sendData_X;
delete[] sendData_Y;
delete[] sendData_Z;
delete[] sendData_xy;
delete[] sendData_xY;
delete[] sendData_Xy;
delete[] sendData_XY;
delete[] sendData_xz;
delete[] sendData_xZ;
delete[] sendData_Xz;
delete[] sendData_XZ;
delete[] sendData_yz;
delete[] sendData_yZ;
delete[] sendData_Yz;
delete[] sendData_YZ;
// Free recvData
delete[] recvData_x;
delete[] recvData_y;
delete[] recvData_z;
delete[] recvData_X;
delete[] recvData_Y;
delete[] recvData_Z;
delete[] recvData_xy;
delete[] recvData_xY;
delete[] recvData_Xy;
delete[] recvData_XY;
delete[] recvData_xz;
delete[] recvData_xZ;
delete[] recvData_Xz;
delete[] recvData_XZ;
delete[] recvData_yz;
delete[] recvData_yZ;
delete[] recvData_Yz;
delete[] recvData_YZ;
// Ideally stuff below here should be moved somewhere else -- doesn't really belong here
void WriteCheckpoint(const char *FILENAME, const double *cDen,
const double *cfq, size_t Np) {
double value;
ofstream File(FILENAME, ios::binary);
for (size_t n = 0; n < Np; n++) {
// Write the two density values
value = cDen[n];
File.write((char *)&value, sizeof(value));
value = cDen[Np + n];
File.write((char *)&value, sizeof(value));
// Write the even distributions
for (size_t q = 0; q < 19; q++) {
value = cfq[q * Np + n];
File.write((char *)&value, sizeof(value));
void ReadCheckpoint(char *FILENAME, double *cPhi, double *cfq, size_t Np) {
double value = 0;
ifstream File(FILENAME, ios::binary);
for (size_t n = 0; n < Np; n++) { *)&value, sizeof(value));
cPhi[n] = value;
// Read the distributions
for (size_t q = 0; q < 19; q++) { *)&value, sizeof(value));
cfq[q * Np + n] = value;
void ReadBinaryFile(char *FILENAME, double *Data, size_t N) {
double value;
ifstream File(FILENAME, ios::binary);
if (File.good()) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) {
// Write the two density values *)&value, sizeof(value));
Data[n] = value;
} else {
for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++)
Data[n] = 1.2e-34;
void Domain::ReadFromFile(const std::string &Filename,
const std::string &Datatype, double *UserData) {
// Reading the user-defined input file
// NOTE: so far it only supports BC=0 (periodic) and BC=5 (mixed reflection)
// because if checkerboard or inlet/outlet buffer layers are added, the
// value of the void space is undefined.
// NOTE: if BC=5 is used, where the inlet and outlet layers of the domain are modified,
// user needs to modify the input file accordingly before LBPM simulator read
// the input file.
int RANK = rank();
int nprocs, nprocx, nprocy, nprocz, nx, ny, nz;
int64_t global_Nx, global_Ny, global_Nz;
int64_t i, j, k;
//TODO These offset we may still need them
int64_t xStart, yStart, zStart;
xStart = yStart = zStart = 0;
// Read domain parameters
// TODO currently the size of the data is still read from Domain{};
// but user may have a user-specified size
auto size = database->getVector<int>("n");
auto SIZE = database->getVector<int>("N");
auto nproc = database->getVector<int>("nproc");
//TODO currently the funcationality "offset" is disabled as the user-defined input data may have a different size from that of the input domain
if (database->keyExists("offset")) {
auto offset = database->getVector<int>("offset");
xStart = offset[0];
yStart = offset[1];
zStart = offset[2];
nx = size[0];
ny = size[1];
nz = size[2];
nprocx = nproc[0];
nprocy = nproc[1];
nprocz = nproc[2];
global_Nx = SIZE[0];
global_Ny = SIZE[1];
global_Nz = SIZE[2];
nprocs = nprocx * nprocy * nprocz;
double *SegData = NULL;
if (RANK == 0) {
printf("User-defined input file: %s (data type: %s)\n",
Filename.c_str(), Datatype.c_str());
printf("NOTE: currently only BC=0 or 5 supports user-defined input "
// Rank=0 reads the entire segmented data and distributes to worker processes
printf("Dimensions of the user-defined input file: %ld x %ld x %ld \n",
global_Nx, global_Ny, global_Nz);
int64_t SIZE = global_Nx * global_Ny * global_Nz;
if (Datatype == "double") {
printf("Reading input data as double precision floating number\n");
SegData = new double[SIZE];
FILE *SEGDAT = fopen(Filename.c_str(), "rb");
ERROR("Domain.cpp: Error reading user-defined file!\n");
size_t ReadSeg;
ReadSeg = fread(SegData, 8, SIZE, SEGDAT);
if (ReadSeg != size_t(SIZE))
printf("Domain.cpp: Error reading file: %s\n",
} else {
ERROR("Error: User-defined input file only supports "
"double-precision floating number!\n");
printf("Read file successfully from %s \n", Filename.c_str());
// Get the rank info
int64_t N = (nx + 2) * (ny + 2) * (nz + 2);
// number of sites to use for periodic boundary condition transition zone
//int64_t z_transition_size = (nprocz*nz - (global_Nz - zStart))/2;
//if (z_transition_size < 0) z_transition_size=0;
int64_t z_transition_size = 0;
//char LocalRankFilename[1000];//just for debug
double *loc_id;
loc_id = new double[(nx + 2) * (ny + 2) * (nz + 2)];
// Set up the sub-domains
if (RANK == 0) {
printf("Decomposing user-defined input file\n");
printf("Distributing subdomains across %i processors \n", nprocs);
printf("Process grid: %i x %i x %i \n", nprocx, nprocy, nprocz);
printf("Subdomain size: %i x %i x %i \n", nx, ny, nz);
printf("Size of transition region: %ld \n", z_transition_size);
for (int kp = 0; kp < nprocz; kp++) {
for (int jp = 0; jp < nprocy; jp++) {
for (int ip = 0; ip < nprocx; ip++) {
// rank of the process that gets this subdomain
int rnk = kp * nprocx * nprocy + jp * nprocx + ip;
// Pack and send the subdomain for rnk
for (k = 0; k < nz + 2; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < ny + 2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < nx + 2; i++) {
int64_t x = xStart + ip * nx + i - 1;
int64_t y = yStart + jp * ny + j - 1;
// int64_t z = zStart + kp*nz + k-1;
int64_t z = zStart + kp * nz + k - 1 -
if (x < xStart)
x = xStart;
if (!(x < global_Nx))
x = global_Nx - 1;
if (y < yStart)
y = yStart;
if (!(y < global_Ny))
y = global_Ny - 1;
if (z < zStart)
z = zStart;
if (!(z < global_Nz))
z = global_Nz - 1;
int64_t nlocal =
k * (nx + 2) * (ny + 2) + j * (nx + 2) + i;
int64_t nglobal = z * global_Nx * global_Ny +
y * global_Nx + x;
loc_id[nlocal] = SegData[nglobal];
if (rnk == 0) {
for (k = 0; k < nz + 2; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < ny + 2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < nx + 2; i++) {
int nlocal = k * (nx + 2) * (ny + 2) +
j * (nx + 2) + i;
UserData[nlocal] = loc_id[nlocal];
} else {
//printf("Sending data to process %i \n", rnk);
Comm.send(loc_id, N, rnk, 15);
} else {
// Recieve the subdomain from rank = 0
//printf("Ready to recieve data %i at process %i \n", N,rank);
Comm.recv(UserData, N, 0, 15);
void Domain::AggregateLabels(const std::string &filename,
DoubleArray &UserData) {
int nx = Nx;
int ny = Ny;
int nz = Nz;
int npx = nprocx();
int npy = nprocy();
int npz = nprocz();
int ipx = iproc();
int ipy = jproc();
int ipz = kproc();
int nprocs = nprocx() * nprocy() * nprocz();
int full_nx = npx * (nx - 2);
int full_ny = npy * (ny - 2);
int full_nz = npz * (nz - 2);
int local_size = (nx - 2) * (ny - 2) * (nz - 2);
unsigned long int full_size = long(full_nx) * long(full_ny) * long(full_nz);
double *LocalID;
LocalID = new double[local_size];
//printf("aggregate labels: local size=%i, global size = %i",local_size, full_size);
// assign the ID for the local sub-region
for (int k = 1; k < nz - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) {
double local_id_val = UserData(i, j, k);
LocalID[(k - 1) * (nx - 2) * (ny - 2) + (j - 1) * (nx - 2) + i -
1] = local_id_val;
// populate the FullID
if (rank() == 0) {
double *FullID;
FullID = new double[full_size];
// first handle local ID for rank 0
for (int k = 1; k < nz - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) {
int x = i - 1;
int y = j - 1;
int z = k - 1;
int n_local = (k - 1) * (nx - 2) * (ny - 2) +
(j - 1) * (nx - 2) + i - 1;
unsigned long int n_full =
z * long(full_nx) * long(full_ny) + y * long(full_nx) +
FullID[n_full] = LocalID[n_local];
// next get the local ID from the other ranks
for (int rnk = 1; rnk < nprocs; rnk++) {
ipz = rnk / (npx * npy);
ipy = (rnk - ipz * npx * npy) / npx;
ipx = (rnk - ipz * npx * npy - ipy * npx);
//printf("ipx=%i ipy=%i ipz=%i\n", ipx, ipy, ipz);
int tag = 15 + rnk;
Comm.recv(LocalID, local_size, rnk, tag);
for (int k = 1; k < nz - 1; k++) {
for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) {
int x = i - 1 + ipx * (nx - 2);
int y = j - 1 + ipy * (ny - 2);
int z = k - 1 + ipz * (nz - 2);
int n_local = (k - 1) * (nx - 2) * (ny - 2) +
(j - 1) * (nx - 2) + i - 1;
unsigned long int n_full =
z * long(full_nx) * long(full_ny) +
y * long(full_nx) + x;
FullID[n_full] = LocalID[n_local];
// write the output
FILE *OUTFILE = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
fwrite(FullID, 8, full_size, OUTFILE);
} else {
// send LocalID to rank=0
int tag = 15 + rank();
int dstrank = 0;
Comm.send(LocalID, local_size, dstrank, tag);