2023-10-23 04:18:20 -04:00

375 lines
12 KiB

Copyright 2013--2018 James E. McClure, Virginia Polytechnic & State University
Copyright Equnior ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
#ifndef Domain_INC
#define Domain_INC
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "common/Array.h"
#include "common/Utilities.h"
#include "common/MPI.h"
#include "common/Communication.h"
#include "common/Database.h"
* @file Domain.h
* \brief Parallel Domain data structures and helper functions
* \class Box
* @details
* information about a box
class Box {
int ifirst[3];
int ilast[3];
class Patch;
* \class Domain
* @details
* the Domain class includes basic information to distribution 3D image data to multiple processes using MPI.
* A regular domain decomposision is performed, with each MPI process getting a [Nx,Ny,Nz] sub-domain.
* 8-bit image labels are retained internally.
* The domain class resides on the CPU and provides utilities to support CPU-based analysis.
* GPU-based data structures should be constructed separately but may utilize information that the Domain class provides.
class Domain {
* \brief Constructor
* @param db input database
* @param Communicator MPI communicator
Domain(std::shared_ptr<Database> db, const Utilities::MPI &Communicator);
* \brief Obsolete constructor
Domain(int nx, int ny, int nz, int rnk, int npx, int npy, int npz,
double lx, double ly, double lz, int BC);
* \brief Empty constructor
Domain() = delete;
* \brief Copy constructor
Domain(const Domain &) = delete;
* \brief Assignment operator
Domain &operator=(const Domain &) = delete;
* \brief Destructor
* \brief Get the database
inline std::shared_ptr<const Database> getDatabase() const { return d_db; }
* \brief Get the domain box
inline const Box &getBox() const { return d_box; }
* \brief Get local patch
inline const Patch &getLocalPatch() const { return *d_localPatch; }
* \brief Get all patches
inline const std::vector<Patch> &getAllPatch() const { return d_patches; }
* \brief initialize from database
void initialize(std::shared_ptr<Database> db);
std::shared_ptr<Database> d_db;
Box d_box;
Patch *d_localPatch;
std::vector<Patch> d_patches;
public: // Public variables (need to create accessors instead)
std::shared_ptr<Database> database;
double Lx, Ly, Lz, Volume, voxel_length;
int Nx, Ny, Nz, N;
int inlet_layers_x, inlet_layers_y, inlet_layers_z;
int outlet_layers_x, outlet_layers_y, outlet_layers_z;
int offset_x, offset_y, offset_z;
int inlet_layers_phase; //as usual: 1->n, 2->w
int outlet_layers_phase;
double porosity;
RankInfoStruct rank_info;
Utilities::MPI Comm; // MPI Communicator for this domain
int BoundaryCondition;
// MPI ranks for all 18 neighbors
* \brief Compute the porosity based on the current domain id file
inline double Porosity() const { return porosity; }
inline int iproc() const { return rank_info.ix; }
inline int jproc() const { return rank_info.jy; }
inline int kproc() const { return; }
inline int nprocx() const { return rank_info.nx; }
inline int nprocy() const { return rank_info.ny; }
inline int nprocz() const { return; }
inline int rank() const { return rank_info.rank[1][1][1]; }
inline int rank_X() const { return rank_info.rank[2][1][1]; }
inline int rank_x() const { return rank_info.rank[0][1][1]; }
inline int rank_Y() const { return rank_info.rank[1][2][1]; }
inline int rank_y() const { return rank_info.rank[1][0][1]; }
inline int rank_Z() const { return rank_info.rank[1][1][2]; }
inline int rank_z() const { return rank_info.rank[1][1][0]; }
inline int rank_XY() const { return rank_info.rank[2][2][1]; }
inline int rank_xy() const { return rank_info.rank[0][0][1]; }
inline int rank_Xy() const { return rank_info.rank[2][0][1]; }
inline int rank_xY() const { return rank_info.rank[0][2][1]; }
inline int rank_XZ() const { return rank_info.rank[2][1][2]; }
inline int rank_xz() const { return rank_info.rank[0][1][0]; }
inline int rank_Xz() const { return rank_info.rank[2][1][0]; }
inline int rank_xZ() const { return rank_info.rank[0][1][2]; }
inline int rank_YZ() const { return rank_info.rank[1][2][2]; }
inline int rank_yz() const { return rank_info.rank[1][0][0]; }
inline int rank_Yz() const { return rank_info.rank[1][2][0]; }
inline int rank_yZ() const { return rank_info.rank[1][0][2]; }
// Get the actual D3Q19 communication counts (based on location of solid phase)
// Discrete velocity set symmetry implies the sendcount = recvcount
inline int recvCount(const char *dir) const {
return getRecvList(dir).size();
inline int sendCount(const char *dir) const {
return getSendList(dir).size();
inline const int *recvList(const char *dir) const {
return getRecvList(dir).data();
inline const int *sendList(const char *dir) const {
return getSendList(dir).data();
// Solid indicator function
std::vector<signed char> id;
* \brief Read domain IDs from file
void ReadIDs();
* \brief Read domain IDs from SWC file
void read_swc(const std::string &Filename);
* \brief Compute the porosity
void ComputePorosity();
* \brief Read image and perform domain decomposition
* @param filename - name of file to read IDs
void Decomp(const std::string &filename);
* \brief Perform a halo exchange using MPI
* @param Mesh - array data that holds scalar values
void CommunicateMeshHalo(DoubleArray &Mesh);
* \brief Initialize communication data structures within Domain object.
* This routine needs to be called before the communication functionality will work
void CommInit();
* \brief Count number of pore nodes (labels > 1)
int PoreCount();
* \brief Read array data from a file and distribute to local arrays for each MPI process
* @param Filename - name of the file to read the data
* @param Datatype - data type to use
* @param UserData - Array to store the values that are read
void ReadFromFile(const std::string &Filename, const std::string &Datatype,
double *UserData);
* \brief Aggregate labels from all MPI processes and write to a file
* @param filename - name of the file to write
void AggregateLabels(const std::string &filename);
* \brief Aggregate user provided array from all MPI processes and write to a single file
* @param filename - name of the file to write
* @param UserData - array data to aggregate and write
void AggregateLabels(const std::string &filename, DoubleArray &UserData);
* \brief Pack halo data for 8-bit integer
* @param list - list of values in the halo
* @param count - count of values in the halo
* @param sendbuf - memory buffer to use to pack values for MPI
* @param ID - 8-bit values on mesh [Nx, Ny, Nz]
void PackID(int *list, int count, signed char *sendbuf, signed char *ID);
* \brief Unpack halo data for 8-bit integer
* @param list - list of values in the halo
* @param count - count of values in the halo
* @param recvbuf - memory buffer containing values recieved by MPI
* @param ID - 8-bit values on mesh [Nx, Ny, Nz]
void UnpackID(int *list, int count, signed char *recvbuf, signed char *ID);
MPI_Request req1[18], req2[18];
std::vector<int> sendList_x, sendList_y, sendList_z, sendList_X, sendList_Y,
std::vector<int> sendList_xy, sendList_yz, sendList_xz, sendList_Xy,
sendList_Yz, sendList_xZ;
std::vector<int> sendList_xY, sendList_yZ, sendList_Xz, sendList_XY,
sendList_YZ, sendList_XZ;
std::vector<int> recvList_x, recvList_y, recvList_z, recvList_X, recvList_Y,
std::vector<int> recvList_xy, recvList_yz, recvList_xz, recvList_Xy,
recvList_Yz, recvList_xZ;
std::vector<int> recvList_xY, recvList_yZ, recvList_Xz, recvList_XY,
recvList_YZ, recvList_XZ;
const std::vector<int> &getRecvList(const char *dir) const;
const std::vector<int> &getSendList(const char *dir) const;
template <class TYPE> class PatchData;
enum class DataLocation { CPU, DEVICE };
* \class Patch
* @details
* store patch data
class Patch {
//! Empty constructor
Patch() = delete;
//! Copy constructor
Patch(const Patch &) = delete;
//! Assignment operator
Patch &operator=(const Patch &) = delete;
//! Return the box for the patch
inline const Box &getBox() const { return d_box; }
//! Create patch data
template <class TYPE>
createPatchData(DataLocation location) const;
Box d_box;
int d_owner;
Domain *d_domain;
// Class to hold data on a patch
template <class TYPE> class PatchData {
//! Get the raw data pointer
TYPE *data() { return d_data; }
//! Get the raw data pointer
const TYPE *data() const { return d_data; }
//! Get the patch
const Patch &getPatch() const { return *d_patch; }
//! Start communication
void beginCommunication();
//! End communication
void endCommunication();
//! Access ghost values
TYPE operator()(int, int, int) const;
//! Copy data from another PatchData
void copy(const PatchData &rhs);
DataLocation d_location;
const Patch *d_patch;
TYPE *d_data;
TYPE *d_gcw;
void WriteCheckpoint(const char *FILENAME, const double *cDen,
const double *cfq, size_t Np);
void ReadCheckpoint(char *FILENAME, double *cDen, double *cfq, size_t Np);
void ReadBinaryFile(char *FILENAME, double *Data, size_t N);