2023-10-23 04:18:20 -04:00

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Copyright 2013--2018 James E. McClure, Virginia Polytechnic & State University
Copyright Equnior ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
// This file includes a wrapper class for MPI functions
// Note this is a modified version of the MPI class for the Advanced Multi-Physics Package
// Used with permission
#ifndef included_LBPM_MPI
#define included_LBPM_MPI
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <complex>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Include mpi.h (or define MPI objects)
// clang-format off
#ifdef USE_MPI
#include "mpi.h"
typedef int MPI_Comm;
typedef int MPI_Request;
typedef int MPI_Status;
typedef void *MPI_Errhandler;
#define MPI_COMM_WORLD ( (MPI_Comm) 0xF4000010 )
#define MPI_COMM_SELF ( (MPI_Comm) 0xF4000001 )
#define MPI_COMM_NULL ( (MPI_Comm) 0xF4000000 )
// clang-format on
namespace Utilities {
* \class MPI
* @brief Provides C++ wrapper around MPI routines.
* Class MPI groups common MPI routines into one globally-accessible
* location. It provides small, simple routines that are common in MPI code.
* In some cases, the calling syntax has been simplified for convenience.
* Moreover, there is no reason to include the preprocessor ifdef/endif
* guards around these calls, since the MPI libraries are not called in
* these routines if the MPI libraries are not being used (e.g., when
* writing serial code).
* Note: Many of the communication routines are templated on type. When using
* unknown types the reduce calls will fail, the send and gather calls should
* succeed provided that the size of the data type object is a fixed size on
* all processors. sizeof(type) must be the same for all elements and processors.
class MPI final {
enum class ThreadSupport : int { SINGLE, FUNNELED, SERIALIZED, MULTIPLE };
public: // Constructors
*\brief Is MPI active
*\details This returns true if MPI is initailized and not finalized
static bool MPI_active();
*\brief Empty constructor
*\details This creates an empty constructor that does not contain an MPI communicator.
//! Empty destructor
* \brief Constructor from existing MPI communicator
* \details This constructor creates a new communicator from an existing MPI communicator.
* This does not create a new internal MPI_Comm, but uses the existing comm.
* Note that by default, this will not free the MPI_Comm object and the user is
* responsible
* for free'ing the MPI_Comm when it is no longer used. This behavior is controlled by the
* optional manage argument.
* \param comm Existing MPI communicator
* \param manage Do we want to manage the comm (free the MPI_Comm when this object leaves
* scope)
MPI(MPI_Comm comm, bool manage = false);
* \brief Constructor from existing communicator
* \details This constructor creates a new communicator from an existing communicator.
* This does not create a new internal MPI_Comm, but uses the existing comm.
* \param comm Existing communicator
MPI(const MPI &comm);
* Move constructor
* @param rhs Communicator to copy
MPI(MPI &&rhs);
* \brief Assignment operator
* \details This operator overloads the assignment to correctly copy an communicator
* \param comm Existing MPI object
MPI &operator=(const MPI &comm);
* Move assignment operator
* @param rhs Communicator to copy
MPI &operator=(MPI &&rhs);
* \brief Reset the object
* \details This resets the object to the empty state without an MPI_Comm
void reset();
public: // Member functions
* \brief Get the node name
* \details This function returns a unique name for each node.
* It is a wrapper for MPI_Get_processor_name.
static std::string getNodeName();
//! Function to return the number of processors available
static int getNumberOfProcessors();
//! Function to return the affinity of the current process
static std::vector<int> getProcessAffinity();
//! Function to set the affinity of the current process
static void setProcessAffinity(const std::vector<int> &procs);
* \brief Load balance the processes within a node
* \details This function will redistribute the processes within a node using the
* process affinities to achieve the desired load balance.
* Note: this is a global operation on the given comm, and it is STRONGLY
* recommended to use COMM_WORLD.
* \param comm The communicator to use (Default is COMM_WORLD)
* \param method The desired load balance method to use:
* 1: Adjust the affinities so all processes share the given processors.
* This effectively allows the OS to handle the load balancing
* by migrating the processes as necessary. This is recommended
* for most users and use cases. (default)
* 2: Adjust the affinities so that the fewest number of processes overlap.
* This will try to give each process a unique set of processors while
* ensuring that each process has at least N_min processes.
* \param procs An optional list of processors to use. By default, setting this to an
* empty vector will use all available processors on the given node.
* \param N_min The minimum number of processors for any process (-1 indicates all available
* processors).
* \param N_max The maximum number of processors for any process (-1 indicates all available
* processors).
static void
balanceProcesses(const MPI &comm = MPI(MPI_COMM_WORLD), int method = 1,
const std::vector<int> &procs = std::vector<int>(),
int N_min = 1, int N_max = -1);
//! Query the level of thread support
static ThreadSupport queryThreadSupport();
* \brief Generate a random number
* \details This generates a random number that is consistent across the comm
size_t rand() const;
* \brief Split an existing communicator
* \details This creates a new communicator by splitting an existing communicator.
* See MPI_Comm_split for information on how the underlying split will occur.
* Note: the underlying MPI_Comm object will be free'd automatically when it is no longer
* used by any MPI objects.
* \param color Control of subset assignment (nonnegative integer).
* Processes with the same color are in the same new communicator .
* -1: processor will not be a member of any object (NULL object will be returned)
* \param key Control of rank assignment (integer).
* Note that, for a fixed color, the keys need not be unique. The processes will
* be sorted
* in ascending order according to this key, then all the processes in a given
* color will
* have the relative rank order as they did in their parent group. (See
* MPI_Comm_split)
MPI split(int color, int key = -1) const;
* \brief Split an existing communicator by node
* \details This creates a new communicator by splitting an existing communicator
* by the node. This will result in a separate MPI_Comm for each physical node.
* Internally this will use MPI_Get_processor_name to identify the nodes.
* Note: the underlying MPI_Comm object will be free'd automatically when it is no longer
* used by any MPI objects)
* \param key Control of rank assignment (integer).
* Note that, for a fixed color, the keys need not be unique. The processes will
* be sorted
* in ascending order according to this key, then all the processes in a given
* color will
* have the relative rank order as they did in their parent group. (See
* MPI_Comm_split)
MPI splitByNode(int key = -1) const;
* \brief Duplicate an existing communicator
* \details This creates a new communicator by duplicating an existing communicator.
* The resulting communicator will exist over the same processes, but have a different
* context.
* Note: the underlying MPI_Comm object will be free'd automatically when it is no longer
* used by any MPI objects.
MPI dup() const;
* \brief Create a communicator from the intersection of two communicators
* \details This creates a new communicator by intersecting two existing communicators.
* Any processors that do not contain the both communicators will receive a NULL communicator.
* There are 3 possible cases:
* The communicators are disjoint (a null communicator will be returned on all processors).
* One communicator is a sub communicator of another. This will require communication on
* the smaller communicator only.
* The communicators partially overlap. This will require communication on the first
* communicator.
static MPI intersect(const MPI &comm1, const MPI &comm2);
* Check if the current communicator is NULL
bool isNull() const { return d_isNull; }
* \brief Return the global ranks for the comm
* \details This returns a vector which contains the global ranks for each
* member of the communicator. The global ranks are defined according to WORLD comm.
* Note: this function is a blocking collective on the current communicator
* (unless the current communicator is global, self, or null)
std::vector<int> globalRanks() const;
* Get the current MPI communicator.
* Note: The underlying MPI_Comm object may be free'd by the object when it is no
* longer used by any communicators. If the user has made a copy using the
* getCommunicator routine, then it may be free'd without user knowledge. The
* user is responsible for checking if the communicator is valid, or keeping a
* copy of the communicator that provided the MPI_Communicator.
const MPI_Comm &getCommunicator() const { return communicator; }
* \brief Overload operator ==
* \details Overload operator comm1 == comm2. Two MPI objects are == if they share the same
* communicator.
* Note: this is a local operation.
bool operator==(const MPI &) const;
* \brief Overload operator !=
* \details Overload operator comm1 != comm2. Two MPI objects are != if they
* do not share the same communicator.
* Note: this is a local operation.
bool operator!=(const MPI &) const;
* \brief Overload operator <
* \details Overload operator comm1 < comm2. One MPI object is < another iff all the
* processors in the first object are also in the second. Additionally, the second
* object must contain at least one processor that is not in the first object.
* This is a collective operation, based on the first communicator.
* As a result all processors on the first communicator will return the same value,
* while any processors that are not on the first communicator will return an unknown value.
* Additionally, all processors on the first object MUST call this routine and will be
* synchronized through this call (there is an internalallReduce).
bool operator<(const MPI &) const;
* \brief Overload operator <=
* \details Overload operator comm1 <= comm2. One MPI object is <= another iff all the
* processors in the first object are also in the second. This is a collective operation,
* based on the first communicator. As a result all processors on the first communicator
* will return the same value, while any processors that are not on the first communicator
* will return an unknown value. Additionally, all processors on the first object MUST
* call this routine and will be synchronized through this call (there is an internal
* allReduce).
bool operator<=(const MPI &) const;
* \brief Overload operator >
* \details Overload operator comm1 > comm2. One MPI object is > another iff all the
* processors in the second object are also in the first. Additionally, the first object
* must contain at least one processor that is not in the second object.
* This is a collective operation, based on the first communicator.
* As a result all processors on the first communicator will return the same value,
* while any processors that are not on the first communicator will return an unknown value.
* Additionally, all processors on the first object MUST call this routine and will be
* synchronized through this call (there is an internal allReduce).
bool operator>(const MPI &) const;
* \brief Overload operator >=
* \details Overload operator comm1 >= comm2. One MPI object is > another iff all the
* processors in the second object are also in the first. Additionally, the first object
* must contain at least one processor that is not in the second object.
* This is a collective operation, based on the first communicator.
* As a result all processors on the first communicator will return the same value, while any
* processors that are not on the first communicator will return an unknown value.
* Additionally, all processors on the first object MUST call this routine and will be
* synchronized through this call (there is an internal allReduce).
bool operator>=(const MPI &) const;
* \brief Compare to another communicator
* \details This compares the current communicator to another communicator.
* This returns 1 if the two communicators are equal (they share the same MPI communicator),
* 2 if the contexts and groups are the same, 3 if different contexts but identical groups,
* 4 if different contexts but similar groups, and 0 otherwise.
* Note: this is a local operation.
int compare(const MPI &) const;
* Return the processor rank (identifier) from 0 through the number of
* processors minus one.
int getRank() const { return comm_rank; }
* Return the number of processors.
int getSize() const { return comm_size; }
* Return the maximum tag
int maxTag() const { return d_maxTag; }
* \brief Return a new tag
* \details This routine will return an unused tag for communication.
* Note that this tag may match a user tag, but this function will
* not return two duplicate tags. This is a global operation.
int newTag();
* Call MPI_Abort or exit depending on whether running with one or more
* processes and value set by function above, if called. The default is
* to call exit(-1) if running with one processor and to call MPI_Abort()
* otherwise. This function avoids having to guard abort calls in
* application code.
void abort() const;
* Set boolean flag indicating whether exit or abort is called when running
* with one processor. Calling this function influences the behavior of
* calls to abort(). By default, the flag is true meaning that
* abort() will be called. Passing false means exit(-1) will be called.
void setCallAbortInSerialInsteadOfExit(bool flag = true);
* \brief Boolean all reduce
* \details This function performs a boolean all reduce across all processors.
* It returns true iff all processor are true;
* \param value The input value for the all reduce
bool allReduce(const bool value) const;
* \brief Boolean any reduce
* \details This function performs a boolean any reduce across all processors.
* It returns true if any processor is true;
* \param value The input value for the all reduce
bool anyReduce(const bool value) const;
* \brief Sum Reduce
* \details This function performs a sum all reduce across all processor.
* It returns the sum across all processors;
* \param value The input value for the all reduce
template <class type> type sumReduce(const type value) const;
* \brief Sum Reduce
* \details Perform an array sum Reduce across all nodes. Each
* processor contributes an array of values, and the
* element-wise sum is returned in the same array.
* \param x The input/output array for the reduce
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
template <class type> void sumReduce(type *x, int n = 1) const;
* \brief Sum Reduce
* \details Perform an array sum Reduce across all nodes. Each
* processor contributes an array of values, and the
* element-wise sum is returned in the same array.
* \param x The input array for the reduce
* \param y The output array for the reduce
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
template <class type>
void sumReduce(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1) const;
* \brief Min Reduce
* \details This function performs a min all reduce across all processor.
* It returns the minimum value across all processors;
* \param value The input value for the all reduce
template <class type> type minReduce(const type value) const;
* \brief Sum Reduce
* \details Perform an array min Reduce across all nodes. Each
* processor contributes an array of values, and the
* element-wise minimum is returned in the same array.
* If a 'rank_of_min' argument is provided, it will set the array to the
* rank of process holding the minimum value. Like the double argument,
* the size of the supplied 'rank_of_min' array should be n.
* \param x The input/output array for the reduce
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
* \param rank_of_min Optional array indicating the rank of the processor containing the
* minimum value
template <class type>
void minReduce(type *x, int n = 1, int *rank_of_min = nullptr) const;
* \brief Sum Reduce
* \details Perform an array min Reduce across all nodes. Each
* processor contributes an array of values, and the
* element-wise minimum is returned in the same array.
* If a 'rank_of_min' argument is provided, it will set the array to the
* rank of process holding the minimum value. Like the double argument,
* the size of the supplied 'rank_of_min' array should be n.
* \param x The input array for the reduce
* \param y The output array for the reduce
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
* \param rank_of_min Optional array indicating the rank of the processor containing the
* minimum value
template <class type>
void minReduce(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1,
int *rank_of_min = nullptr) const;
* \brief Max Reduce
* \details This function performs a max all reduce across all processor.
* It returns the maximum value across all processors;
* \param value The input value for the all reduce
template <class type> type maxReduce(const type value) const;
* \brief Sum Reduce
* \details Perform an array max Reduce across all nodes. Each
* processor contributes an array of values, and the
* element-wise maximum is returned in the same array.
* If a 'rank_of_min' argument is provided, it will set the array to the
* rank of process holding the minimum value. Like the double argument,
* the size of the supplied 'rank_of_min' array should be n.
* \param x The input/output array for the reduce
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
* \param rank_of_max Optional array indicating the rank of the processor containing the
* minimum value
template <class type>
void maxReduce(type *x, int n = 1, int *rank_of_max = nullptr) const;
* \brief Sum Reduce
* \details Perform an array max Reduce across all nodes. Each
* processor contributes an array of values, and the
* element-wise maximum is returned in the same array.
* If a 'rank_of_min' argument is provided, it will set the array to the
* rank of process holding the minimum value. Like the double argument,
* the size of the supplied 'rank_of_min' array should be n.
* \param x The input array for the reduce
* \param y The output array for the reduce
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
* \param rank_of_max Optional array indicating the rank of the processor containing the
* minimum value
template <class type>
void maxReduce(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1,
int *rank_of_max = nullptr) const;
* \brief Scan Sum Reduce
* \details Computes the sum scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes.
* See MPI_Scan for more information.
* \param x The input array for the scan
* \param y The output array for the scan
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
template <class type> void sumScan(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1) const;
* \brief Scan Min Reduce
* \details Computes the min scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes.
* See MPI_Scan for more information.
* \param x The input array for the scan
* \param y The output array for the scan
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
template <class type> void minScan(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1) const;
* \brief Scan Max Reduce
* \details Computes the max scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes.
* See MPI_Scan for more information.
* \param x The input array for the scan
* \param y The output array for the scan
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
template <class type> void maxScan(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1) const;
* \brief Broadcast
* \details This function broadcasts a value from root to all processors
* \param value The input value for the broadcast.
* \param root The processor performing the broadcast
template <class type> type bcast(const type &value, int root) const;
* \brief Broadcast
* \details This function broadcasts an array from root to all processors
* \param value The input/output array for the broadcast
* \param n The number of values in the array (must match on all nodes)
* \param root The processor performing the broadcast
template <class type> void bcast(type *value, int n, int root) const;
* Perform a global barrier across all processors.
void barrier() const;
* @brief This function sends an MPI message with an array to another processor.
* If the receiving processor knows in advance the length
* of the array, use "send_length = false;" otherwise,
* this processor will first send the length of the array,
* then send the data. This call must be paired with a
* matching call to recv.
* @param buf Pointer to array buffer with length integers.
* @param length Number of integers in buf that we want to send.
* @param recv Receiving processor number.
* @param tag Optional integer argument specifying an integer tag
* to be sent with this message. Default tag is 0.
* The matching recv must share this tag.
template <class type>
void send(const type *buf, int length, int recv, int tag = 0) const;
* @brief This function sends an MPI message with an array of bytes
* (MPI_BYTES) to receiving_proc_number.
* This call must be paired with a matching call to recvBytes.
* @param buf Void pointer to an array of number_bytes bytes to send.
* @param N_bytes Integer number of bytes to send.
* @param recv Receiving processor number.
* @param tag Optional integer argument specifying an integer tag
* to be sent with this message. Default tag is 0.
* The matching recv must share this tag.
void sendBytes(const void *buf, int N_bytes, int recv, int tag = 0) const;
* @brief This function sends an MPI message with an array
* to another processor using a non-blocking call.
* The receiving processor must know the length of the array.
* This call must be paired with a matching call to Irecv.
* @param buf Pointer to array buffer with length integers.
* @param length Number of integers in buf that we want to send.
* @param recv_proc Receiving processor number.
* @param tag Integer argument specifying an integer tag
* to be sent with this message.
template <class type>
MPI_Request Isend(const type *buf, int length, int recv_proc,
int tag) const;
* @brief This function sends an MPI message with an array of bytes
* (MPI_BYTES) to receiving_proc_number using a non-blocking call.
* The receiving processor must know the number of bytes to receive.
* This call must be paired with a matching call to IrecvBytes.
* @param buf Void pointer to an array of number_bytes bytes to send.
* @param N_bytes Integer number of bytes to send.
* @param recv_proc Receiving processor number.
* @param tag Integer argument specifying an integer tag
* to be sent with this message.
MPI_Request IsendBytes(const void *buf, int N_bytes, int recv_proc,
int tag) const;
* @brief This function receives an MPI message with a data
* array from another processor.
* If this processor knows in advance the length of the array,
* use "get_length = false;" otherwise we will get the return size.
* This call must be paired with a matching call to send.
* @param buf Pointer to integer array buffer with capacity of length integers.
* @param length If get_length==true: The number of elements to be received, otherwise
* the maximum number of values that can be stored in buf.
* On output the number of received elements.
* @param send Processor number of sender.
* @param tag Optional integer argument specifying a tag which must be matched
* by the tag of the incoming message. Default tag is 0.
template <class type>
inline void recv(type *buf, int length, int send, int tag) const {
int length2 = length;
recv(buf, length2, send, false, tag);
* @brief This function receives an MPI message with a data
* array from another processor.
* If this processor knows in advance the length of the array,
* use "get_length = false;" otherwise we will get the return size.
* This call must be paired with a matching call to send.
* @param buf Pointer to integer array buffer with capacity of length integers.
* @param length If get_length==true: The number of elements to be received, otherwise
* the maximum number of values that can be stored in buf.
* On output the number of received elements.
* @param send Processor number of sender.
* @param get_length Optional boolean argument specifying if we first
* need to check the message size to get the size of the array.
* Default value is true.
* @param tag Optional integer argument specifying a tag which must be matched
* by the tag of the incoming message. Default tag is 0.
template <class type>
void recv(type *buf, int &length, int send, const bool get_length,
int tag) const;
* @brief This function receives an MPI message with an array of
* max size number_bytes (MPI_BYTES) from any processor.
* This call must be paired with a matching call to sendBytes.
* @param buf Void pointer to a buffer of size number_bytes bytes.
* @param N_bytes Integer number specifying size of buf in bytes.
* @param send Integer number specifying size of buf in bytes.
* @param tag Optional integer argument specifying a tag which
* must be matched by the tag of the incoming message. Default
* tag is 0.
void recvBytes(void *buf, int &N_bytes, int send, int tag = 0) const;
* @brief This function receives an MPI message with a data
* array from another processor using a non-blocking call.
* @param buf Pointer to integer array buffer with capacity of length integers.
* @param length Maximum number of values that can be stored in buf.
* @param send_proc Processor number of sender.
* @param tag Optional integer argument specifying a tag which must
* be matched by the tag of the incoming message.
template <class type>
MPI_Request Irecv(type *buf, int length, int send_proc, int tag) const;
* @brief This function receives an MPI message with an array of
* max size number_bytes (MPI_BYTES) from any processor.
* This call must be paired with a matching call to sendBytes.
* @param buf Void pointer to a buffer of size number_bytes bytes.
* @param N_bytes Integer number specifying size of buf in bytes.
* @param send_proc Processor number of sender.
* @param tag Integer argument specifying a tag which must
* be matched by the tag of the incoming message.
MPI_Request IrecvBytes(void *buf, int N_bytes, int send_proc,
int tag) const;
* @brief This function sends and recieves data using a blocking call
template <class type>
void sendrecv(const type *sendbuf, int sendcount, int dest, int sendtag,
type *recvbuf, int recvcount, int source, int recvtag) const;
* @brief This function sets up an Isend call (see MPI_Send_init)
* @param buf Pointer to array buffer with length integers.
* @param length Number of integers in buf that we want to send.
* @param recv_proc Receiving processor number.
* @param tag Tag to send
* @return Returns an MPI_Request.
* Note this returns a unique pointer so the user does not
* need to manually free the request
template <class type>
std::shared_ptr<MPI_Request> Isend_init(const type *buf, int length,
int recv_proc, int tag) const;
* @brief This function sets up an Irecv call (see MPI_Recv_init)
* @param buf Pointer to integer array buffer with capacity of length integers.
* @param length Maximum number of values that can be stored in buf.
* @param send_proc Processor number of sender.
* @param tag Tag to match
* @return Returns an MPI_Request.
* Note this returns a unique pointer so the user does not
* need to manually free the request
template <class type>
std::shared_ptr<MPI_Request> Irecv_init(type *buf, int length,
int send_proc, int tag) const;
* @brief Start the MPI communication
* @param request Request to start
void Start(MPI_Request &request);
* Each processor sends every other processor a single value.
* @param[in] x Input value for allGather
* @return Output array for allGather
template <class type> std::vector<type> allGather(const type &x) const;
* Each processor sends every other processor an array
* @param[in] x Input array for allGather
* @return Output array for allGather
template <class type>
std::vector<type> allGather(const std::vector<type> &x) const;
* Each processor sends every other processor a single value.
* The x_out array should be preallocated to a length equal
* to the number of processors.
* @param x_in Input value for allGather
* @param x_out Output array for allGather (must be preallocated to the size of the
* communicator)
template <class type> void allGather(const type &x_in, type *x_out) const;
* Each processor sends an array of data to all other processors.
* Each processor receives the values from all processors and gathers them
* to a single array. If successful, the total number of received
* elements will be returned.
* @param send_data Input array
* @param send_cnt The number of values to send
* @param recv_data Output array of received values
* @param recv_cnt The number of values to receive from each processor (N).
* If known, this should be provided as an input. Otherwise
* it is an optional output that will return the number of
* received values from each processor.
* @param recv_disp The displacement (relative to the start of the array)
* from which to store the data received from processor i.
* If known, this should be provided as an input. Otherwise
* it is an optional output that will return the starting location
* (relative to the start of the array) for the received data from
* processor i.
* @param known_recv Are the received counts and displacements known.
* If the received sizes are known, then they must be provided,
* and an extra communication step is not necessary. If the received
* sizes are not known, then an extra communication step will occur
* internally
* and the sizes and displacements will be returned (if desired).
template <class type>
int allGather(const type *send_data, int send_cnt, type *recv_data,
int *recv_cnt = nullptr, int *recv_disp = nullptr,
bool known_recv = false) const;
* This function combines sets from different processors to create a single master set
* @param set Input/Output std::set for the gather.
template <class type> void setGather(std::set<type> &set) const;
* This function combines std::maps from different processors to create a single master std::map
* If two or more ranks share the same key, the lowest rank will be used
* @param map Input/Output std::map for the gather.
template <class KEY, class DATA>
void mapGather(std::map<KEY, DATA> &map) const;
* Each processor sends an array of n values to each processor.
* Each processor sends an array of n values to each processor.
* The jth block of data is sent from processor i to processor j and placed
* in the ith block on the receiving processor. In the variable
* description, N is the size of the communicator. Note that this is a
* blocking global communication.
* @param n The number of elements in each data block to send.
* @param send_data Input array (nxN)
* @param recv_data Output array of received values (nxN)
template <class type>
void allToAll(int n, const type *send_data, type *recv_data) const;
* Each processor sends an array of data to the different processors.
* Each processor may send any size array to any processor. In the variable
* description, N is the size of the communicator. Note that this is a
* blocking global communication. If successful, the total number of received
* elements will be returned.
* @param send_data Input array
* @param send_cnt The number of values to send to each processor (N)
* @param send_disp The displacement (relative to the start of the array)
* from which to send to processor i
* @param recv_data Output array of received values
* @param recv_cnt The number of values to receive from each processor (N).
* If known, this should be provided as an input. Otherwise
* it is an optional output that will return the number of
* received values from each processor.
* @param recv_disp The displacement (relative to the start of the array)
* from which to send to processor i.
* If known, this should be provided as an input. Otherwise
* it is an optional output that will return the starting location
* (relative to the start of the array) for the received data from
* processor i.
* @param known_recv Are the received counts and displacements known.
* If the received sizes are known, then they must be provided,
* and an extra communication step is not necessary. If the received
* sizes are not know, then an extra communication step will occur
* internally
* and the sizes and displacements will be returned (if desired).
template <class type>
int allToAll(const type *send_data, const int send_cnt[],
const int send_disp[], type *recv_data,
int *recv_cnt = nullptr, int *recv_disp = nullptr,
bool known_recv = false) const;
* \brief Send a list of proccesor ids to communicate
* \details This function communicates a list of proccesors to communicate.
* Given a list of ranks that we want to send/receieve data to/from, this routine
* will communicate that set to the other ranks returning the list of processors
* that want to communication with the current rank.
* Note: this routine will involved global communication
* \param ranks List of ranks that the current rank wants to communicate with
* \return List of ranks that want to communicate with the current processor
std::vector<int> commRanks(const std::vector<int> &ranks) const;
* \brief Wait for a communication to finish
* \details Wait for a communication to finish.
* Note: this does not require a communicator.
* \param request Communication request to wait for (returned for Isend or Irecv)
static void wait(MPI_Request request);
* \brief Wait for any communication to finish.
* \details This function waits for any of the given communication requests to finish.
* It returns the index of the communication request that finished.
* Note: this does not require a communicator.
* \param count Number of communications to check
* \param request Array of communication requests to wait for (returned for Isend or Irecv)
static int waitAny(int count, MPI_Request *request);
* \brief Wait for all communications to finish.
* \details This function waits for all of the given communication requests to finish.
* Note: this does not require a communicator.
* \param count Number of communications to check
* \param request Array of communication requests to wait for (returned for Isend or Irecv)
static void waitAll(int count, MPI_Request *request);
* \brief Wait for some communications to finish.
* \details This function waits for one (or more) communications to finish.
* It returns an array of the indicies that have finished.
* Note: this does not require a communicator.
* \param count Number of communications to check
* \param request Array of communication requests to wait for (returned for Isend or Irecv)
static std::vector<int> waitSome(int count, MPI_Request *request);
* \brief Nonblocking test for a message
* \details This function performs a non-blocking test for a message.
* It will return the number of bytes in the message if a message with
* the specified source and tag (on the current communicator) is available.
* Otherwise it will return -1.
* \param source source rank (-1: any source)
* \param tag tag (-1: any tag)
int Iprobe(int source = -1, int tag = -1) const;
* \brief Blocking test for a message
* \details This function performs a blocking test for a message.
* It will return the number of bytes in the message when a message with
* the specified source and tag (on the current communicator) is available
* \param source source rank (-1: any source)
* \param tag tag (-1: any tag)
int probe(int source = -1, int tag = -1) const;
* \brief Start a serial region
* \details This function will serialize MPI processes so that they run
* one at a time. A call to serializeStart must be followed by a call
* to serializeStop after the commands to be executed.
* Note: the ranks will be run in order.
void serializeStart();
* \brief Stop a serial region
* \details Stop a serial region. See serializeStart for more information.
void serializeStop();
* \brief Elapsed time
* \details This function returns the elapsed time on the calling processor
* since an arbitrary point in the past (seconds). It is a wrapper to MPI_Wtime.
* See "tick" for the timer resolution in seconds.
* The time may or may not be synchronized across processors depending on the MPI
* implementation. Refer to MPI documentation for the desired platform for more information.
static double time();
* \brief Timer resolution
* \details This function returns the timer resolution used by "time"
static double tick();
* \brief Change the level of the internal timers
* \details This function changes the level of the timers used to profile MPI
* \param level New level of the timers
static void changeProfileLevel(int level) { profile_level = level; }
//! Return the total number of MPI_Comm objects that have been created
static size_t MPI_Comm_created() { return N_MPI_Comm_created; }
//! Return the total number of MPI_Comm objects that have been destroyed
static size_t MPI_Comm_destroyed() { return N_MPI_Comm_destroyed; }
//! Return details about MPI
static std::string info();
//! Return the MPI version number { major, minor }
static std::array<int, 2> version();
//! Check if MPI is active
static bool MPI_Active();
//! Start MPI
static void start_MPI(int argc_in, char *argv_in[], int profile_level = 0);
//! Stop MPI
static void stop_MPI();
* \brief Load balance
* \details This function will return a new communicator in which the ranks match
* the performance and the work load.
MPI loadBalance(double localPerformance, std::vector<double> work);
private: // Private helper functions for templated MPI operations;
template <class type> void call_sumReduce(type *x, int n = 1) const;
template <class type>
void call_sumReduce(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1) const;
template <class type>
void call_minReduce(type *x, int n = 1, int *rank_of_min = nullptr) const;
template <class type>
void call_minReduce(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1,
int *rank_of_min = nullptr) const;
template <class type>
void call_maxReduce(type *x, int n = 1, int *rank_of_max = nullptr) const;
template <class type>
void call_maxReduce(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1,
int *rank_of_max = nullptr) const;
template <class type> void call_bcast(type *x, int n, int root) const;
template <class type>
void call_allGather(const type &x_in, type *x_out) const;
template <class type>
void call_allGather(const type *x_in, int size_in, type *x_out,
int *size_out, int *disp_out) const;
template <class type>
void call_sumScan(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1) const;
template <class type>
void call_minScan(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1) const;
template <class type>
void call_maxScan(const type *x, type *y, int n = 1) const;
template <class type>
void call_allToAll(const type *send_data, const int send_cnt[],
const int send_disp[], type *recv_data,
const int *recv_cnt, const int *recv_disp) const;
private: // data members
// The internal MPI communicator
MPI_Comm communicator;
// Is the communicator NULL
bool d_isNull;
// Do we want to manage this communicator
bool d_manage;
// Do we want to call MPI_abort instead of exit
bool d_call_abort;
// The level for the profiles of MPI
static short profile_level;
// The rank and size of the communicator
int comm_rank, comm_size;
// Some attributes
int d_maxTag;
int *volatile d_currentTag;
/* How many objects share the same underlying MPI communicator.
* When the count goes to 0, the MPI comm will be free'd (assuming it was created
* by an communicator). This may not be perfect, but is likely to be good enough.
* Note that for thread safety, any access to this variable should be blocked for thread safety.
* The value of count MUST be volatile to ensure the correct value is always used.
std::atomic_int *volatile d_count;
// Add a variable for data alignment (necessary for some Intel builds)
double tmp_alignment;
/* We want to keep track of how many MPI_Comm objects we have created over time.
* Like the count, for thread safety this should be blocked, however the most likely error
* caused by not blocking is a slight error in the MPI count. Since this is just for reference
* we do not need to block (recognizing that the value may not be 100% accurate).
static volatile unsigned int N_MPI_Comm_created;
static volatile unsigned int N_MPI_Comm_destroyed;
} // namespace Utilities
// Include the default instantiations
#include "common/MPI.I"
// \endcond