2022-03-22 20:03:34 -04:00

76 lines
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MultiphysController {
timestepMax = 60
num_iter_Ion_List = 2
analysis_interval = 50
tolerance = 1.0e-9
visualization_interval = 100 // Frequency to write visualization data
analysis_interval = 50 // Frequency to perform analysis
Stokes {
tau = 1.0
F = 0, 0, 0
ElectricField = 0, 0, 0 //body electric field; user-input unit: [V/m]
nu_phys = 0.889e-6 //fluid kinematic viscosity; user-input unit: [m^2/sec]
Ions {
IonConcentrationFile = "cell_concentration_K_40x40x40.raw", "double", "cell_concentration_Na_40x40x40.raw", "double", "cell_concentration_Cl_40x40x40.raw", "double", "cell_concentration_HCO3_40x40x40.raw", "double", "cell_concentration_anion_40x40x40.raw", "double", "cell_concentration_cation_40x40x40.raw", "double"
temperature = 293.15 //unit [K]
number_ion_species = 6 //number of ions
tauList = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
IonDiffusivityList = 1.0e-9, 1.0e-9, 1.0e-9, 1.0e-9, 1.0e-9, 1.0e-9 //user-input unit: [m^2/sec]
IonValenceList = 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1 //valence charge of ions; dimensionless; positive/negative integer
IonConcentrationList = 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6 //user-input unit: [mol/m^3]
BC_Solid = 0 //solid boundary condition; 0=non-flux BC; 1=surface ion concentration
//SolidLabels = 0 //solid labels for assigning solid boundary condition; ONLY for BC_Solid=1
//SolidValues = 1.0e-5 // user-input surface ion concentration unit: [mol/m^2]; ONLY for BC_Solid=1
FluidVelDummy = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0e-2 // dummy fluid velocity for debugging
Poisson {
epsilonR = 78.5 //fluid dielectric constant [dimensionless]
BC_Inlet = 0 // ->1: fixed electric potential; ->2: sine/cosine periodic electric potential
BC_Outlet = 0 // ->1: fixed electric potential; ->2: sine/cosine periodic electric potential
BC_Solid = 2 //solid boundary condition; 1=surface potential; 2=surface charge density
SolidLabels = 0 //solid labels for assigning solid boundary condition
SolidValues = 0 //if surface potential, unit=[V]; if surface charge density, unit=[C/m^2]
WriteLog = true //write convergence log for LB-Poisson solver
// ------------------------------- Testing Utilities ----------------------------------------
// ONLY for code debugging; the followings test sine/cosine voltage BCs; disabled by default
TestPeriodic = false
TestPeriodicTime = 1.0 //unit:[sec]
TestPeriodicTimeConv = 0.01 //unit:[sec]
TestPeriodicSaveInterval = 0.2 //unit:[sec]
//------------------------------ advanced setting ------------------------------------
timestepMax = 100000 //max timestep for obtaining steady-state electrical potential
analysis_interval = 200 //timestep checking steady-state convergence
tolerance = 1.0e-6 //stopping criterion for steady-state solution
Domain {
Filename = "cell_40x40x40.raw"
nproc = 1, 1, 1 // Number of processors (Npx,Npy,Npz)
n = 40, 40, 40 // Size of local domain (Nx,Ny,Nz)
N = 40, 40, 40 // size of the input image
voxel_length = 1.0 //resolution; user-input unit: [um]
BC = 0 // Boundary condition type
ReadType = "8bit"
ReadValues = 0, 1, 2
WriteValues = 0, 1, 2
Analysis {
analysis_interval = 100
subphase_analysis_interval = 50 // Frequency to perform analysis
restart_interval = 5000 // Frequency to write restart data
restart_file = "Restart" // Filename to use for restart file (will append rank)
N_threads = 4 // Number of threads to use
load_balance = "independent" // Load balance method to use: "none", "default", "independent"
Visualization {
save_electric_potential = true
save_concentration = true
save_velocity = true
Membrane {
MembraneLabels = 2