2016-11-07 13:04:38 -05:00

94 lines
3.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from glob import glob
from PIL import Image # import Python Imaging Library (PIL)
import sys
from SegmentMicromodelTiff_utils import *
# Check if there is a proper command line argument
if len(sys.argv) !=2:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <Input parameter file>\n')
print 'Input parameter file: '
print 'line 0: the base name of the experimental images\n',\
'line 1: imin imax\n',\
'line 2: imin_b imax_b\n',\
'line 3: top_layer bottom_layer DEPTH\n',\
'line 4: threshold_nw threshold_s'
# end if
input_parameter_file = sys.argv[1] # Give the name of the input parameter file
BaseName_output_init_config = '_InitConfig_segmented.raw'# The string will be appended at the end of the
# name of the input image as an output file name
BaseName_output_domain = '_segmented.raw'# The string will be appended at the end of the
# name of the input image as an output file name
image_format = '.tiff' # format of experimental images
# Read other input parameters to get NX, NY and NZ
Para = read_input_parameters(input_parameter_file)
NY = Para['imax'] - Para['imin']
NX = Para['DEPTH']+Para['top_layer']+Para['bot_layer']
# Load a group of image files with 'base_name' in the names of files
# e.g. 'Micromodel_1.tiff' etc.
file_input_group = glob('*'+Para['base_name']+'*'+image_format) # need to match the image format
# Process all imported experimental images
if not file_input_group:
print 'Error: Input files cannot be found ! '
for ii in range(len(file_input_group)):
file_input_single = file_input_group[ii]
print "Processing image "+file_input_single+" now..."
print "------ Micromodel dimensions (NX, NY, NZ) are (%i, %i, %i) ------" % (NX,NY,NZ)
# Get an array from the input .tiff image
im_array = convert_image_to_array(file_input_single,Para['imin'],Para['imax'])
# Get initial fluid configuration shown in the *.Tiff image
ID = get_initial_config(im_array,Para,NX,NY,NZ)
# Get only the domain (0: solid, 1: fluid)
PorousMedium = get_porous_medium(im_array,Para,NX,NY,NZ)
# Calculate the porosity
POROSITY = 1.0 - 1.0*ID[ID==0].size/ID.size
print "Porosity of the micromodel is: "+str(POROSITY)
# Write the segmeted data to the output
# set the output file names (need to chop off say the '.tiff' part)
output_file_name_domain = file_input_single[:file_input_single.find('.')]+BaseName_output_domain
output_file_name_init_config = file_input_single[:file_input_single.find('.')]+BaseName_output_init_config
# Write out the segmented data (in binary format)
print "The segmented fluid configuration is written to "+output_file_name_init_config+" now..."
print "The segmented porous domain is written to "+output_file_name_domain+" now..."
# NOTE when you want to load the binary file
# Do as follows:
# ID_reload = np.fromfile(file_name,dtype=np.uint8)
#end for
#end if
### In case you want to test the segmentation
#plt.title('original RGB figure')
#plt.title('Segmented image')
### This will show the last-processed segmented image
#cmap ='hot',3) #Plot 3 discrete colors for NW, W and Solids
#cbar = plt.colorbar(cax,ticks=[0,1,2])