2023-10-22 09:53:45 -04:00

249 lines
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// GPU Functions for D3Q7 Lattice Boltzmann Methods
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"
#define NBLOCKS 560
#define NTHREADS 128
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_Scalar_Pack(int *list, int count, double *sendbuf, double *Data, int N){
// Pack distribution q into the send buffer for the listed lattice sites
// dist may be even or odd distributions stored by stream layout
int idx,n;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<count){
n = list[idx];
sendbuf[idx] = Data[n];
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_Scalar_Unpack(int *list, int count, double *recvbuf, double *Data, int N){
// Pack distribution q into the send buffer for the listed lattice sites
// dist may be even or odd distributions stored by stream layout
int idx,n;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<count){
n = list[idx];
Data[n] = recvbuf[idx];
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_PackDenD3Q7(int *list, int count, double *sendbuf, int number, double *Data, int N){
// Pack distribution into the send buffer for the listed lattice sites
int idx,n,component;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<count){
for (component=0; component<number; component++){
n = list[idx];
sendbuf[idx*number+component] = Data[number*n+component];
Data[number*n+component] = 0.0; // Set the data value to zero once it's in the buffer!
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_UnpackDenD3Q7(int *list, int count, double *recvbuf, int number, double *Data, int N){
// Unack distribution from the recv buffer
// Sum to the existing density value
int idx,n,component;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<count){
for (component=0; component<number; component++){
n = list[idx];
Data[number*n+component] += recvbuf[idx*number+component];
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q7_Unpack(int q, int *list, int start, int count,
double *recvbuf, double *dist, int N){
// Unpack distribution from the recv buffer
// Distribution q matche Cqx, Cqy, Cqz
// swap rule means that the distributions in recvbuf are OPPOSITE of q
// dist may be even or odd distributions stored by stream layout
int n,idx;
idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<count){
// Get the value from the list -- note that n is the index is from the send (non-local) process
n = list[idx];
// unpack the distribution to the proper location
if (!(n<0)) { dist[q*N+n] = recvbuf[start+idx];
//printf("%f \n",,dist[q*N+n]);
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q7_Init(char *ID, double *f_even, double *f_odd, double *Den, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
int n,N;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
double value;
char id;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<N){
id = ID[n];
if (id > 0){
value = Den[n];
f_even[n] = 0.3333333333333333*value;
f_odd[n] = 0.1111111111111111*value; //double(100*n)+1.f;
f_even[N+n] = 0.1111111111111111*value; //double(100*n)+2.f;
f_odd[N+n] = 0.1111111111111111*value; //double(100*n)+3.f;
f_even[2*N+n] = 0.1111111111111111*value; //double(100*n)+4.f;
f_odd[2*N+n] = 0.1111111111111111*value; //double(100*n)+5.f;
f_even[3*N+n] = 0.1111111111111111*value; //double(100*n)+6.f;
for(int q=0; q<3; q++){
f_even[q*N+n] = -1.0;
f_odd[q*N+n] = -1.0;
f_even[3*N+n] = -1.0;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q7_Swap(char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
int i,j,k,n,nn,N;
// distributions
double f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6;
char id;
N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<N ){
id = ID[n];
if (id > 0){
//.......Back out the 3-D indices for node n..............
k = n/(Nx*Ny);
j = (n-Nx*Ny*k)/Nx;
i = n-Nx*Ny*k-Nx*j;
// Retrieve even distributions from the local node (swap convention)
// f0 = disteven[n]; // Does not particupate in streaming
f1 = distodd[n];
f3 = distodd[N+n];
f5 = distodd[2*N+n];
// Retrieve odd distributions from neighboring nodes (swap convention)
nn = n+1; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(i+1<Nx)) nn -= Nx; // periodic BC along the x-boundary
//if (i+1<Nx){
f2 = disteven[N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 2
if (!(f2 < 0.0)){
distodd[n] = f2;
disteven[N+nn] = f1;
nn = n+Nx; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(j+1<Ny)) nn -= Nx*Ny; // Perioidic BC along the y-boundary
//if (j+1<Ny){
f4 = disteven[2*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 4
if (!(f4 < 0.0)){
distodd[N+n] = f4;
disteven[2*N+nn] = f3;
nn = n+Nx*Ny; // neighbor index (pull convention)
if (!(k+1<Nz)) nn -= Nx*Ny*Nz; // Perioidic BC along the z-boundary
//if (k+1<Nz){
f6 = disteven[3*N+nn]; // pull neighbor for distribution 6
if (!(f6 < 0.0)){
distodd[2*N+n] = f6;
disteven[3*N+nn] = f5;
__global__ void dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q7_Density(char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, double *Den,
int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
char id;
int n;
double f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6;
int N = Nx*Ny*Nz;
for (int s=0; s<S; s++){
//........Get 1-D index for this thread....................
n = S*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + s*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (n<N){
id = ID[n];
if (id > 0 ){
// Read the distributions
f0 = disteven[n];
f2 = disteven[N+n];
f4 = disteven[2*N+n];
f6 = disteven[3*N+n];
f1 = distodd[n];
f3 = distodd[N+n];
f5 = distodd[2*N+n];
// Compute the density
Den[n] = f0+f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6;
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q7_Unpack(int q, int *list, int start, int count, double *recvbuf, double *dist, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q7_Unpack <<<GRID,512 >>>(q, list, start, count, recvbuf, dist, N);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_Scalar_Pack(int *list, int count, double *sendbuf, double *Data, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_Scalar_Pack <<<GRID,512 >>>(list, count, sendbuf, Data, N);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_Scalar_Unpack(int *list, int count, double *recvbuf, double *Data, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_Scalar_Unpack <<<GRID,512 >>>(list, count, recvbuf, Data, N);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_PackDenD3Q7(int *list, int count, double *sendbuf, int number, double *Data, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_PackDenD3Q7 <<<GRID,512 >>>(list, count, sendbuf, number, Data, N);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_UnpackDenD3Q7(int *list, int count, double *recvbuf, int number, double *Data, int N){
int GRID = count / 512 + 1;
dvc_ScaLBL_UnpackDenD3Q7 <<<GRID,512 >>>(list, count, recvbuf, number, Data, N);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q7_Init(char *ID, double *f_even, double *f_odd, double *Den, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz){
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q7_Init <<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(ID, f_even, f_odd, Den, Nx, Ny, Nz);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q7_Swap(char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, int Nx, int Ny, int Nz){
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q7_Swap <<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(ID, disteven, distodd, Nx, Ny, Nz);
extern "C" void ScaLBL_D3Q7_Density(char *ID, double *disteven, double *distodd, double *Den,
int Nx, int Ny, int Nz){
dvc_ScaLBL_D3Q7_Density <<<NBLOCKS,NTHREADS >>>(ID, disteven, distodd, Den, Nx, Ny, Nz);