2022-07-29 18:11:32 -04:00

214 lines
8.3 KiB

#include "models/MultiPhysController.h"
int RANK, int NP, const Utilities::MPI &COMM)
: rank(RANK), nprocs(NP), Restart(0), timestepMax(0), num_iter_Stokes(0),
num_iter_Ion(0), analysis_interval(0), visualization_interval(0),
tolerance(0), time_conv_max(0), time_conv_MainLoop(0), comm(COMM) {}
ScaLBL_Multiphys_Controller::~ScaLBL_Multiphys_Controller() {}
void ScaLBL_Multiphys_Controller::ReadParams(string filename) {
// read the input database
db = std::make_shared<Database>(filename);
study_db = db->getDatabase("MultiphysController");
// Default parameters
timestepMax = 10000;
Restart = false;
restart_interval = 100000;
num_iter_Stokes = 1;
analysis_interval = 500;
visualization_interval = 10000;
tolerance = 1.0e-6;
time_conv_max = 0.0;
time_conv_MainLoop = 0.0;
// load input parameters
if (study_db->keyExists("timestepMax")) {
timestepMax = study_db->getScalar<int>("timestepMax");
if (study_db->keyExists("analysis_interval")) {
analysis_interval = study_db->getScalar<int>("analysis_interval");
if (study_db->keyExists("visualization_interval")) {
visualization_interval =
if (study_db->keyExists("restart_interval")) {
restart_interval = study_db->getScalar<int>("restart_interval");
if (study_db->keyExists("tolerance")) {
tolerance = study_db->getScalar<double>("tolerance");
//if (study_db->keyExists( "time_conv" )){
// time_conv = study_db->getScalar<double>( "time_conv" );
//if (study_db->keyExists( "Schmidt_Number" )){
// SchmidtNum = study_db->getScalar<double>( "Schmidt_Number" );
// recalculate relevant parameters
//if (SchmidtNum>1){
// num_iter_Stokes = int(round(SchmidtNum/2)*2);
// num_iter_Ion = 1;
//else if (SchmidtNum>0 && SchmidtNum<1){
// num_iter_Ion = int(round((1.0/SchmidtNum)/2)*2);
// num_iter_Stokes = 1;
//else if (SchmidtNum==1){
// num_iter_Stokes = 1;
// num_iter_Ion = 1;
// ERROR("Error: SchmidtNum (Schmidt number) must be a positive number! \n");
// load input parameters
// in case user wants to have an absolute control over the iternal iteration
if (study_db->keyExists("num_iter_Ion_List")) {
num_iter_Ion = study_db->getVector<int>("num_iter_Ion_List");
if (study_db->keyExists("num_iter_Stokes")) {
num_iter_Stokes = study_db->getScalar<int>("num_iter_Stokes");
int ScaLBL_Multiphys_Controller::getStokesNumIter_PNP_coupling(
double StokesTimeConv, const vector<double> &IonTimeConv) {
//Return number of internal iterations for the Stokes solver
int num_iter_stokes;
vector<double> TimeConv;
TimeConv.assign(IonTimeConv.begin(), IonTimeConv.end());
TimeConv.insert(TimeConv.begin(), StokesTimeConv);
vector<double>::iterator it_max =
max_element(TimeConv.begin(), TimeConv.end());
int idx_max = distance(TimeConv.begin(), it_max);
if (idx_max == 0) {
num_iter_stokes = 2;
} else {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
StokesTimeConv; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_stokes = int(round(temp / 2) * 2);
return num_iter_stokes;
vector<int> ScaLBL_Multiphys_Controller::getIonNumIter_PNP_coupling(
double StokesTimeConv, const vector<double> &IonTimeConv) {
//Return number of internal iterations for the Ion transport solver
vector<int> num_iter_ion;
vector<double> TimeConv;
TimeConv.assign(IonTimeConv.begin(), IonTimeConv.end());
TimeConv.insert(TimeConv.begin(), StokesTimeConv);
vector<double>::iterator it_max =
max_element(TimeConv.begin(), TimeConv.end());
unsigned int idx_max = distance(TimeConv.begin(), it_max);
if (idx_max == 0) {
for (unsigned int idx = 1; idx < TimeConv.size(); idx++) {
double temp =
2 * StokesTimeConv /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
} else if (idx_max == 1) {
for (unsigned int idx = 2; idx < TimeConv.size(); idx++) {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
} else if (idx_max == TimeConv.size() - 1) {
for (unsigned int idx = 1; idx < TimeConv.size() - 1; idx++) {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
} else {
for (unsigned int idx = 1; idx < idx_max; idx++) {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
for (unsigned int idx = idx_max + 1; idx < TimeConv.size(); idx++) {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
return num_iter_ion;
vector<int> ScaLBL_Multiphys_Controller::getIonNumIter_NernstPlanck_coupling(
const vector<double> &IonTimeConv) {
//Return number of internal iterations for the Ion transport solver
vector<double> TimeConv;
TimeConv.assign(IonTimeConv.begin(), IonTimeConv.end());
vector<int> num_iter_ion;
vector<double>::iterator it_max = max_element(TimeConv.begin(), TimeConv.end());
unsigned int idx_max = distance(TimeConv.begin(), it_max);
if (idx_max == 0) {
for (unsigned int idx = 1; idx < TimeConv.size(); idx++) {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
} else if (idx_max == TimeConv.size() - 1) {
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < TimeConv.size() - 1; idx++) {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
} else {
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < idx_max; idx++) {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
for (unsigned int idx = idx_max + 1; idx < TimeConv.size(); idx++) {
double temp =
2 * TimeConv[idx_max] /
[idx]; //the factor 2 is the number of iterations for the element has max time_conv
num_iter_ion.push_back(int(round(temp / 2) * 2));
return num_iter_ion;
void ScaLBL_Multiphys_Controller::getTimeConvMax_PNP_coupling(
double StokesTimeConv, const vector<double> &IonTimeConv) {
//Return maximum of the time converting factor from Stokes and ion solvers
vector<double> TimeConv;
TimeConv.assign(IonTimeConv.begin(), IonTimeConv.end());
TimeConv.insert(TimeConv.begin(), StokesTimeConv);
time_conv_max = *max_element(TimeConv.begin(), TimeConv.end());