2020-01-22 12:01:29 -05:00

356 lines
9.7 KiB

* Pre-processor to generate signed distance function from segmented data
* segmented data should be stored in a raw binary file as 1-byte integer (type char)
* will output distance functions for phases
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "common/Array.h"
#include "common/Domain.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int rank=0;
/* bool MULTINPUT=false;
int NWP,SOLID,rank_offset;
if (rank==0){
printf("Solid Label: %i \n",SOLID);
printf("NWP Label: %i \n",NWP);
if (argc > 3){
rank_offset = atoi(argv[3]);
string filename;
if (argc > 1)
ERROR("lbpm_serial_decomp: no in put database provided \n");
int rank_offset=0;
// Reading the domain information file
int64_t i,j,k,n;
int64_t xStart,yStart,zStart;
int checkerSize;
int inlet_count_x, inlet_count_y, inlet_count_z;
int outlet_count_x, outlet_count_y, outlet_count_z;
// char fluidValue,solidValue;
inlet_count_x = 0;
inlet_count_y = 0;
inlet_count_z = 0;
outlet_count_x = 0;
outlet_count_y = 0;
outlet_count_z = 0;
checkerSize = 32;
// read the input database
auto db = std::make_shared<Database>( filename );
auto domain_db = db->getDatabase( "Domain" );
// Read domain parameters
auto Filename = domain_db->getScalar<std::string>( "Filename" );
//auto L = domain_db->getVector<double>( "L" );
auto size = domain_db->getVector<int>( "n" );
auto SIZE = domain_db->getVector<int>( "N" );
auto nproc = domain_db->getVector<int>( "nproc" );
if (domain_db->keyExists( "offset" )){
auto offset = domain_db->getVector<int>( "offset" );
xStart = offset[0];
yStart = offset[1];
zStart = offset[2];
if (domain_db->keyExists( "InletLayers" )){
auto InletCount = domain_db->getVector<int>( "InletLayers" );
inlet_count_x = InletCount[0];
inlet_count_y = InletCount[1];
inlet_count_z = InletCount[2];
if (domain_db->keyExists( "OutletLayers" )){
auto OutletCount = domain_db->getVector<int>( "OutletLayers" );
outlet_count_x = OutletCount[0];
outlet_count_y = OutletCount[1];
outlet_count_z = OutletCount[2];
if (domain_db->keyExists( "checkerSize" )){
checkerSize = domain_db->getScalar<int>( "checkerSize" );
else {
checkerSize = SIZE[0];
auto ReadValues = domain_db->getVector<int>( "ReadValues" );
auto WriteValues = domain_db->getVector<int>( "WriteValues" );
auto ReadType = domain_db->getScalar<std::string>( "ReadType" );
if (ReadType == "8bit"){
else if (ReadType == "16bit"){
printf("INPUT ERROR: Valid ReadType are 8bit, 16bit \n");
ReadType = "8bit";
int nx = size[0];
int ny = size[1];
int nz = size[2];
int nprocx = nproc[0];
int nprocy = nproc[1];
int nprocz = nproc[2];
long int Nx = SIZE[0];
long int Ny = SIZE[1];
long int Nz = SIZE[2];
printf("Input media: %s\n",Filename.c_str());
printf("Relabeling %lu values\n",ReadValues.size());
for (size_t idx=0; idx<ReadValues.size(); idx++){
int oldvalue=ReadValues[idx];
int newvalue=WriteValues[idx];
printf("oldvalue=%d, newvalue =%d \n",oldvalue,newvalue);
int nprocs=nprocx*nprocy*nprocz;
char *SegData = NULL;
// Rank=0 reads the entire segmented data and distributes to worker processes
if (rank==0){
printf("Dimensions of segmented image: %ld x %ld x %ld \n",Nx,Ny,Nz);
int64_t SIZE = Nx*Ny*Nz;
SegData = new char[SIZE];
if (ReadType == "8bit"){
printf("Reading 8-bit input data \n");
FILE *SEGDAT = fopen(Filename.c_str(),"rb");
if (SEGDAT==NULL) ERROR("Error reading segmented data");
size_t ReadSeg;
if (ReadSeg != size_t(SIZE)) printf("lbpm_segmented_decomp: Error reading segmented data (rank=%i)\n",rank);
else if (ReadType == "16bit"){
printf("Reading 16-bit input data \n");
short int *InputData;
InputData = new short int[SIZE];
FILE *SEGDAT = fopen(Filename.c_str(),"rb");
if (SEGDAT==NULL) ERROR("Error reading segmented data");
size_t ReadSeg;
if (ReadSeg != size_t(SIZE)) printf("lbpm_segmented_decomp: Error reading segmented data (rank=%i)\n",rank);
for (int n=0; n<SIZE; n++){
SegData[n] = char(InputData[n]);
printf("Read segmented data from %s \n",Filename.c_str());
// relabel the data
std::vector<long int> LabelCount(ReadValues.size(),0);
for (int k = 0; k<Nz; k++){
for (int j = 0; j<Ny; j++){
for (int i = 0; i<Nx; i++){
n = k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i;
//char locval = loc_id[n];
char locval = SegData[n];
for (size_t idx=0; idx<ReadValues.size(); idx++){
signed char oldvalue=ReadValues[idx];
signed char newvalue=WriteValues[idx];
if (locval == oldvalue){
SegData[n] = newvalue;
idx = ReadValues.size();
if (rank==0){
for (size_t idx=0; idx<ReadValues.size(); idx++){
long int label=ReadValues[idx];
long int count=LabelCount[idx];
printf("Label=%ld, Count=%ld \n",label,count);
if (inlet_count_x > 0){
// use checkerboard pattern
printf("Checkerboard pattern at x inlet for %i layers \n",inlet_count_x);
for (int k = 0; k<Nz; k++){
for (int j = 0; j<Ny; j++){
for (int i = xStart; i < xStart+inlet_count_x; i++){
if ( (j/checkerSize + k/checkerSize)%2 == 0){
// void checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 2;
// solid checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 0;
if (inlet_count_y > 0){
printf("Checkerboard pattern at y inlet for %i layers \n",inlet_count_y);
// use checkerboard pattern
for (int k = 0; k<Nz; k++){
for (int j = yStart; j < yStart+inlet_count_y; j++){
for (int i = 0; i<Nx; i++){
if ( (i/checkerSize + k/checkerSize)%2 == 0){
// void checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 2;
// solid checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 0;
if (inlet_count_z > 0){
printf("Checkerboard pattern at z inlet for %i layers \n",inlet_count_z);
// use checkerboard pattern
for (int k = zStart; k < zStart+inlet_count_z; k++){
for (int j = 0; j<Ny; j++){
for (int i = 0; i<Nx; i++){
if ( (i/checkerSize+j/checkerSize)%2 == 0){
// void checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 2;
// solid checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 0;
if (outlet_count_x > 0){
// use checkerboard pattern
printf("Checkerboard pattern at x outlet for %i layers \n",outlet_count_x);
for (int k = 0; k<Nz; k++){
for (int j = 0; j<Ny; j++){
for (int i = xStart + nx*nprocx - outlet_count_x; i < xStart + nx*nprocx; i++){
if ( (j/checkerSize + k/checkerSize)%2 == 0){
// void checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 2;
// solid checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 0;
if (outlet_count_y > 0){
printf("Checkerboard pattern at y outlet for %i layers \n",outlet_count_y);
// use checkerboard pattern
for (int k = 0; k<Nz; k++){
for (int j = yStart + ny*nprocy - outlet_count_y; j < yStart + ny*nprocy; j++){
for (int i = 0; i<Nx; i++){
if ( (i/checkerSize + k/checkerSize)%2 == 0){
// void checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 2;
// solid checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 0;
if (outlet_count_z > 0){
printf("Checkerboard pattern at z outlet for %i layers \n",outlet_count_z);
// use checkerboard pattern
for (int k = zStart + nz*nprocz - outlet_count_z; k < zStart + nz*nprocz; k++){
for (int j = 0; j<Ny; j++){
for (int i = 0; i<Nx; i++){
if ( (i/checkerSize+j/checkerSize)%2 == 0){
// void checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 2;
// solid checkers
SegData[k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i] = 0;
// number of sites to use for periodic boundary condition transition zone
int64_t z_transition_size = (nprocz*nz - (Nz - zStart))/2;
if (z_transition_size < 0) z_transition_size=0;
char LocalRankFilename[40];
char *loc_id;
loc_id = new char [(nx+2)*(ny+2)*(nz+2)];
// Set up the sub-domains
if (rank==0){
printf("Distributing subdomains across %i processors \n",nprocs);
printf("Process grid: %i x %i x %i \n",nprocx,nprocy,nprocz);
printf("Subdomain size: %i x %i x %i \n",nx,ny,nz);
printf("Size of transition region: %ld \n", z_transition_size);
for (int kp=0; kp<nprocz; kp++){
for (int jp=0; jp<nprocy; jp++){
for (int ip=0; ip<nprocx; ip++){
// rank of the process that gets this subdomain
int rnk = kp*nprocx*nprocy + jp*nprocx + ip;
// Pack and send the subdomain for rnk
for (k=0;k<nz+2;k++){
for (j=0;j<ny+2;j++){
for (i=0;i<nx+2;i++){
int64_t x = xStart + ip*nx + i-1;
int64_t y = yStart + jp*ny + j-1;
// int64_t z = zStart + kp*nz + k-1;
int64_t z = zStart + kp*nz + k-1 - z_transition_size;
if (x<xStart) x=xStart;
if (!(x<Nx)) x=Nx-1;
if (y<yStart) y=yStart;
if (!(y<Ny)) y=Ny-1;
if (z<zStart) z=zStart;
if (!(z<Nz)) z=Nz-1;
int64_t nlocal = k*(nx+2)*(ny+2) + j*(nx+2) + i;
int64_t nglobal = z*Nx*Ny+y*Nx+x;
loc_id[nlocal] = SegData[nglobal];
// Write the data for this rank data
FILE *ID = fopen(LocalRankFilename,"wb");