2015-07-09 11:59:36 -04:00

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2.1 KiB

To compile the visit plug-in and run in parallel on computational back-end:
Checkout code and create a cmake script to compile plug-in.
Example commands for Rhea:
Load the proper modules
module unload intel gcc
module load gcc/4.8.2
module load cmake
Configure cmake to build the plug-in
cmake \
-D USE_MPI=false \
-D USE_CUDA=false \
-D USE_VISIT=true \
-D VISIT_ROOT_DIR=/sw/redhat6/visit \
-D USE_TIMER=false \
Build the visit plug-in
make install -j 8
make visit
Check that the visit plug-in installed in ~/.visit/2.9.0/linux-x86_64/plugins/databases
where 2.9.0 is the current version of visit on rhea
It should have created several shared libraries:
Install visit on local machine (2.9.0)
Start visit on local machine
First time:
Go to: Options - Host profiles
Click Remote Profiles - Update
After list populates, drag host_ornl_rhea.xml to Hosts
Select ORNL_Rhea from Hosts, click on Machines
Set account username
Click on Launch Profiles tab
Change profile name and timeout if desired
Click on Parallel tab
Add Default Bank / Account with project number, set default nodes/processors if desired
Click Apply, then close window
Go to: Options - Save Settings
Open remote file / launch parallel job
Click Open file
Change Host to ORNL_Rhea, enter passcode when prompted
Open visualization file
New window will open prompting for # of nodes, processors, Bank (project number) and time limit
Rhea as 16 physical-cores/node and 64 GB/node
for example file above I used 1 node, 16 cores
Visit will call qsub and submit a parallel job that will start when ready
Visualize desired quantities