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// Copyright (C) 2017- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics.h"
#include "RiaCurveMerger.h"
2021-06-09 09:13:15 -05:00
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaResultNames.h"
#include "RiaWeightedMeanCalculator.h"
2021-06-09 09:13:15 -05:00
#include "RiaWellLogUnitTools.h"
#include "RigStatisticsMath.h"
#include "RigWellLogFile.h"
#include "RigWellLogIndexDepthOffset.h"
#include "RimWellLogFile.h"
#include "cafAppEnum.h"
namespace caf
template <>
void caf::AppEnum<RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::StatisticsType>::setUp()
addItem( RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::StatisticsType::P10, "P10", "P10" );
addItem( RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::StatisticsType::P50, "P50", "P50" );
addItem( RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::StatisticsType::P90, "P90", "P90" );
addItem( RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::StatisticsType::MEAN, "MEAN", "Mean" );
setDefault( RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::StatisticsType::MEAN );
template <>
void caf::AppEnum<RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::DepthEqualization>::setUp()
addItem( RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::DepthEqualization::K_LAYER, "K_LAYER", "By K-Layer" );
addItem( RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::DepthEqualization::NONE, "NONE", "None" );
setDefault( RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::DepthEqualization::NONE );
}; // namespace caf
2021-06-09 09:13:15 -05:00
m_depthUnit = RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_NONE;
m_logChannelUnitString = RiaWellLogUnitTools<double>::noUnitString();
void RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::calculate( const std::vector<RimWellLogFile*>& wellLogFiles,
const QString& wellLogChannelName,
DepthEqualization depthEqualization )
if ( depthEqualization == DepthEqualization::NONE )
calculate( wellLogFiles, wellLogChannelName );
else if ( depthEqualization == DepthEqualization::K_LAYER )
calculateByKLayer( wellLogFiles, wellLogChannelName );
void RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::calculate( const std::vector<RimWellLogFile*>& wellLogFiles, const QString& wellLogChannelName )
RiaCurveMerger<double> curveMerger;
RiaCurveMerger<double> tvdCurveMerger;
RiaWeightedMeanCalculator<size_t> dataSetSizeCalc;
for ( RimWellLogFile* wellLogFile : wellLogFiles )
QString errorMessage;
if ( wellLogFile->readFile( &errorMessage ) )
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RigWellLogFile* fileData = wellLogFile->wellLogFileData();
RiaDefines::DepthUnitType depthUnitInFile = fileData->depthUnit();
if ( m_depthUnit != RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_NONE && m_depthUnit != depthUnitInFile )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Unexpected depth unit in file %1." ).arg( wellLogFile->fileName() ) );
m_depthUnit = depthUnitInFile;
QString logChannelUnitString = fileData->wellLogChannelUnitString( wellLogChannelName );
if ( m_logChannelUnitString != RiaWellLogUnitTools<double>::noUnitString() && m_logChannelUnitString != logChannelUnitString )
2021-06-09 09:13:15 -05:00
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Unexpected unit in file %1." ).arg( wellLogFile->fileName() ) );
m_logChannelUnitString = logChannelUnitString;
std::vector<double> depths = fileData->depthValues();
std::vector<double> tvdMslValues = fileData->tvdMslValues();
std::vector<double> values = fileData->values( wellLogChannelName );
if ( !depths.empty() && !values.empty() && !tvdMslValues.empty() )
dataSetSizeCalc.addValueAndWeight( depths.size(), 1.0 );
curveMerger.addCurveData( depths, values );
tvdCurveMerger.addCurveData( depths, tvdMslValues );
RiaLogging::error( errorMessage );
curveMerger.computeInterpolatedValues( true );
tvdCurveMerger.computeInterpolatedValues( true );
const std::vector<double>& allDepths = curveMerger.allXValues();
for ( size_t depthIdx = 0; depthIdx < allDepths.size(); depthIdx++ )
std::vector<double> valuesAtDepth;
valuesAtDepth.reserve( curveMerger.curveCount() );
for ( size_t curveIdx = 0; curveIdx < curveMerger.curveCount(); ++curveIdx )
std::vector<double> valuesAtDepth;
valuesAtDepth.reserve( curveMerger.curveCount() );
for ( size_t curveIdx = 0; curveIdx < curveMerger.curveCount(); ++curveIdx )
const std::vector<double>& curveValues = curveMerger.interpolatedYValuesForAllXValues( curveIdx );
valuesAtDepth.push_back( curveValues[depthIdx] );
double p10, p50, p90, mean;
RigStatisticsMath::calculateStatisticsCurves( valuesAtDepth, &p10, &p50, &p90, &mean, RigStatisticsMath::PercentileStyle::SWITCHED );
// TVD is the mean TVD at a given MD
std::vector<double> tvdsAtDepth;
tvdsAtDepth.reserve( tvdCurveMerger.curveCount() );
for ( size_t curveIdx = 0; curveIdx < tvdCurveMerger.curveCount(); ++curveIdx )
const std::vector<double>& curveValues = tvdCurveMerger.interpolatedYValuesForAllXValues( curveIdx );
tvdsAtDepth.push_back( curveValues[depthIdx] );
double sumTvds = 0.0;
int numTvds = 0;
for ( auto tvd : tvdsAtDepth )
if ( !std::isinf( tvd ) )
sumTvds += tvd;
double meanTvd = sumTvds / numTvds;
m_tvDepths.push_back( meanTvd );
m_measuredDepths.push_back( allDepths[depthIdx] );
m_p10Data.push_back( p10 );
m_p50Data.push_back( p50 );
m_p90Data.push_back( p90 );
m_meanData.push_back( mean );
void RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::calculateByKLayer( const std::vector<RimWellLogFile*>& wellLogFiles, const QString& wellLogChannelName )
std::shared_ptr<RigWellLogIndexDepthOffset> offsets = RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::calculateIndexDepthOffset( wellLogFiles );
if ( !offsets ) return;
std::map<int, std::vector<double>> topValues;
std::map<int, std::vector<double>> bottomValues;
for ( RimWellLogFile* wellLogFile : wellLogFiles )
QString errorMessage;
if ( wellLogFile->readFile( &errorMessage ) )
RigWellLogFile* fileData = wellLogFile->wellLogFileData();
std::vector<double> kIndexValues = fileData->values( RiaResultNames::indexKResultName() );
std::vector<double> values = fileData->values( wellLogChannelName );
if ( values.size() == kIndexValues.size() )
std::set<int> seenTopIndexes;
std::set<int> seenBottomIndexes;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++ )
int kLayer = static_cast<int>( kIndexValues[i] );
if ( seenTopIndexes.count( kLayer ) == 0 )
seenTopIndexes.insert( kLayer );
topValues[kLayer].push_back( values[i] );
for ( int i = static_cast<int>( values.size() ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
int kLayer = static_cast<int>( kIndexValues[i] );
if ( seenBottomIndexes.count( kLayer ) == 0 )
seenBottomIndexes.insert( kLayer );
bottomValues[kLayer].push_back( values[i] );
std::vector<int> kIndexes = offsets->sortedIndexes();
for ( auto kIndex : kIndexes )
double topMean = 0.0;
double bottomMean = 0.0;
// Top first
std::vector<double> valuesAtDepth = topValues[kIndex];
double p10, p50, p90, mean;
RigStatisticsMath::calculateStatisticsCurves( valuesAtDepth, &p10, &p50, &p90, &mean, RigStatisticsMath::PercentileStyle::SWITCHED );
m_measuredDepths.push_back( offsets->getTopMd( kIndex ) );
m_tvDepths.push_back( offsets->getTopTvd( kIndex ) );
m_p10Data.push_back( p10 );
m_p50Data.push_back( p50 );
m_p90Data.push_back( p90 );
m_meanData.push_back( mean );
topMean = mean;
// Then bottom of k-layer
std::vector<double> valuesAtDepth = bottomValues[kIndex];
double p10, p50, p90, mean;
RigStatisticsMath::calculateStatisticsCurves( valuesAtDepth, &p10, &p50, &p90, &mean, RigStatisticsMath::PercentileStyle::SWITCHED );
m_measuredDepths.push_back( offsets->getBottomMd( kIndex ) );
m_tvDepths.push_back( offsets->getBottomTvd( kIndex ) );
m_p10Data.push_back( p10 );
m_p50Data.push_back( p50 );
m_p90Data.push_back( p90 );
m_meanData.push_back( mean );
bottomMean = mean;
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "[%1] top: %2 bttom: %3 %4 %5" )
.arg( kIndex )
.arg( offsets->getTopMd( kIndex ) )
.arg( offsets->getBottomMd( kIndex ) )
.arg( topMean )
.arg( bottomMean ) );
RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::calculateIndexDepthOffset( const std::vector<RimWellLogFile*>& wellLogFiles )
std::map<int, double> sumTopMds;
std::map<int, double> sumTopTvds;
std::map<int, int> numTopMds;
std::map<int, double> sumBottomMds;
std::map<int, double> sumBottomTvds;
std::map<int, int> numBottomMds;
int minLayerK = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int maxLayerK = -std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
std::vector<std::vector<double>> topValues;
for ( RimWellLogFile* wellLogFile : wellLogFiles )
QString errorMessage;
if ( wellLogFile->readFile( &errorMessage ) )
RigWellLogFile* fileData = wellLogFile->wellLogFileData();
std::vector<double> depths = fileData->depthValues();
std::vector<double> tvdDepths = fileData->tvdMslValues();
std::vector<double> kIndexValues = fileData->values( RiaResultNames::indexKResultName() );
std::set<int> seenTopIndexes;
std::set<int> seenBottomIndexes;
if ( !depths.empty() && !tvdDepths.empty() && !kIndexValues.empty() )
// Find top indexes
for ( size_t i = 0; i < kIndexValues.size(); i++ )
int kLayer = static_cast<int>( kIndexValues[i] );
if ( seenTopIndexes.count( kLayer ) == 0 )
// Only use the first value encountered per index per file.
// This is depth of the top of the index since the file is
// sorted by increasing depth.
seenTopIndexes.insert( kLayer );
sumTopMds[kLayer] += depths[i];
sumTopTvds[kLayer] += tvdDepths[i];
numTopMds[kLayer] += 1;
minLayerK = std::min( minLayerK, kLayer );
maxLayerK = std::max( maxLayerK, kLayer );
// Find bottom indexes
for ( int i = static_cast<int>( kIndexValues.size() ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
int kLayer = static_cast<int>( kIndexValues[i] );
if ( seenBottomIndexes.count( kLayer ) == 0 )
// Only use the last value encountered per index per file.
// This is depth of the bottom of the index since the file is
// sorted by increasing depth.
seenBottomIndexes.insert( kLayer );
sumBottomMds[kLayer] += depths[i];
sumBottomTvds[kLayer] += tvdDepths[i];
numBottomMds[kLayer] += 1;
RiaLogging::error( errorMessage );
if ( minLayerK > maxLayerK )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Invalid K layers found. Minimum: %1 > Maximum : %2" ).arg( minLayerK ).arg( maxLayerK ) );
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<RigWellLogIndexDepthOffset> offset = std::make_shared<RigWellLogIndexDepthOffset>();
for ( int kLayer = minLayerK; kLayer <= maxLayerK; kLayer++ )
if ( numTopMds[kLayer] > 0 && numBottomMds[kLayer] > 0 )
double topMd = sumTopMds[kLayer] / numTopMds[kLayer];
double bottomMd = sumBottomMds[kLayer] / numBottomMds[kLayer];
double topTvd = sumTopTvds[kLayer] / numBottomMds[kLayer];
double bottomTvd = sumBottomTvds[kLayer] / numBottomMds[kLayer];
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "K: %1 mean depth range: %2 - %3 Samples: %4 - %5" )
.arg( kLayer )
.arg( topMd )
.arg( bottomMd )
.arg( numTopMds[kLayer] )
.arg( numBottomMds[kLayer] ) );
offset->setIndexOffsetDepth( kLayer, topMd, bottomMd, topTvd, bottomTvd );
return offset;
const std::vector<double>& RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::measuredDepths() const
return m_measuredDepths;
const std::vector<double>& RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::tvDepths() const
return m_tvDepths;
const std::vector<double>& RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::p10() const
return m_p10Data;
const std::vector<double>& RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::p50() const
return m_p50Data;
const std::vector<double>& RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::p90() const
return m_p90Data;
const std::vector<double>& RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::mean() const
return m_meanData;
bool RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::hasP10Data() const
return !m_p10Data.empty();
bool RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::hasP50Data() const
return !m_p50Data.empty();
bool RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::hasP90Data() const
return !m_p90Data.empty();
bool RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::hasMeanData() const
return !m_meanData.empty();
void RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::clearData()
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RiaDefines::DepthUnitType RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::depthUnitType() const
return m_depthUnit;
QString RimEnsembleWellLogStatistics::logChannelUnitString() const
return m_logChannelUnitString;