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// Copyright (C) 2016- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
2021-03-25 06:56:09 -05:00
#include "RimSummaryCaseMainCollection.h"
#include "RiaEclipseFileNameTools.h"
2021-03-25 06:56:09 -05:00
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPreferencesSummary.h"
#include "RiaSummaryTools.h"
#include "RifCaseRealizationParametersReader.h"
#include "RifEclipseSummaryTools.h"
2021-03-25 06:56:09 -05:00
#include "RifOpmCommonSummary.h"
#include "RifSummaryCaseRestartSelector.h"
#ifdef USE_HDF5
#include "RifHdf5SummaryExporter.h"
#include "RimCaseDisplayNameTools.h"
#include "RimCsvSummaryCase.h"
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
#include "RimDerivedEnsembleCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimFileSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimOilField.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimSummaryCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryCurve.h"
#include "RimSummaryMultiPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryPlot.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
2021-03-25 06:56:09 -05:00
#include <QDir>
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimSummaryCaseMainCollection, "SummaryCaseCollection" );
/// Internal function
void addCaseRealizationParametersIfFound( RimSummaryCase& sumCase, const QString modelFolderOrFile )
std::shared_ptr<RigCaseRealizationParameters> parameters;
QString parametersFile = RifCaseRealizationParametersFileLocator::locate( modelFolderOrFile );
if ( !parametersFile.isEmpty() )
auto reader = RifCaseRealizationReader::createReaderFromFileName( parametersFile );
if ( reader )
// Try parse case realization parameters
parameters = reader->parameters();
catch ( ... )
parameters = std::shared_ptr<RigCaseRealizationParameters>( new RigCaseRealizationParameters() );
int realizationNumber = RifCaseRealizationParametersFileLocator::realizationNumber( modelFolderOrFile );
parameters->setRealizationNumber( realizationNumber );
parameters->addParameter( "RI:REALIZATION_NUM", realizationNumber );
sumCase.setCaseRealizationParameters( parameters );
: dataSourceHasChanged( this )
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Summary Cases", ":/SummaryCases16x16.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_cases, "SummaryCases", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_caseCollections, "SummaryCaseCollections", "" );
m_cases.uiCapability()->setUiTreeHidden( true );
m_caseCollections.uiCapability()->setUiTreeHidden( true );
RimSummaryCase* RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::findSummaryCaseFromEclipseResultCase( const RimEclipseResultCase* eclipseResultCase ) const
RiaEclipseFileNameTools helper( eclipseResultCase->gridFileName() );
auto summaryFileName = helper.findSummaryFileCandidates();
for ( const auto& candidateFileName : summaryFileName )
auto summaryCase = findTopLevelSummaryCaseFromFileName( candidateFileName );
if ( summaryCase )
return summaryCase;
return nullptr;
RimSummaryCase* RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::findTopLevelSummaryCaseFromFileName( const QString& fileName ) const
for ( const auto& summaryCase : topLevelSummaryCases() )
if ( summaryCase->summaryHeaderFilename() == fileName )
return summaryCase;
return nullptr;
2018-04-19 06:38:07 -05:00
2018-04-19 06:38:07 -05:00
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::addCases( const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> cases )
2018-04-19 06:38:07 -05:00
for ( RimSummaryCase* sumCase : cases )
2018-04-19 06:38:07 -05:00
m_cases.push_back( sumCase );
sumCase->nameChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::onCaseNameChanged );
2018-04-19 06:38:07 -05:00
2018-04-19 06:38:07 -05:00
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::addCase( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase )
m_cases.push_back( summaryCase );
summaryCase->nameChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::onCaseNameChanged );
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::removeCase( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase, bool notifyChange )
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
std::vector<RimDerivedEnsembleCaseCollection*> derivedEnsembles;
// Build a list of derived ensembles that must be updated after delete
for ( auto group : summaryCaseCollections() )
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
auto derEnsemble = dynamic_cast<RimDerivedEnsembleCaseCollection*>( group );
if ( derEnsemble )
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
if ( derEnsemble->hasCaseReference( summaryCase ) )
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
derivedEnsembles.push_back( derEnsemble );
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
m_cases.removeChild( summaryCase );
for ( RimSummaryCaseCollection* summaryCaseCollection : m_caseCollections )
summaryCaseCollection->removeCase( summaryCase, notifyChange );
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
// Update derived ensemble cases (if any)
for ( auto derEnsemble : derivedEnsembles )
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
if ( notifyChange ) dataSourceHasChanged.send();
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::removeCases( std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& cases )
for ( auto sumCase : cases )
removeCase( sumCase, false );
for ( RimSummaryCaseCollection* summaryCaseCollection : m_caseCollections )
RimSummaryCaseCollection* RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::addCaseCollection( std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> summaryCases,
const QString& collectionName,
bool isEnsemble,
std::function<RimSummaryCaseCollection*()> allocator )
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
RimSummaryCaseCollection* summaryCaseCollection = allocator();
if ( !collectionName.isEmpty() ) summaryCaseCollection->setName( collectionName );
if ( summaryCaseCollection->ensembleId() == -1 )
RimProject* project = RimProject::current();
project->assignIdToEnsemble( summaryCaseCollection );
for ( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase : summaryCases )
auto currentSummaryCaseCollection = summaryCase->firstAncestorOrThisOfType<RimSummaryCaseCollection>();
if ( currentSummaryCaseCollection )
currentSummaryCaseCollection->removeCase( summaryCase );
m_cases.removeChild( summaryCase );
summaryCaseCollection->addCase( summaryCase );
if ( isEnsemble )
summaryCase->setDisplayNameOption( RimCaseDisplayNameTools::DisplayName::SHORT_CASE_NAME );
summaryCaseCollection->setAsEnsemble( isEnsemble );
summaryCaseCollection->caseNameChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::onCaseNameChanged );
m_caseCollections.push_back( summaryCaseCollection );
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
return summaryCaseCollection;
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::removeCaseCollection( RimSummaryCaseCollection* caseCollection )
m_caseCollections.removeChild( caseCollection );
RimSummaryCase* RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::summaryCase( size_t idx )
return m_cases[idx];
size_t RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::summaryCaseCount() const
return m_cases.size();
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::allSummaryCases() const
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> cases;
if ( !m_cases.empty() ) cases.insert( cases.end(), m_cases.begin(), m_cases.end() );
for ( auto& coll : m_caseCollections )
auto collCases = coll->allSummaryCases();
if ( collCases.empty() ) continue;
cases.insert( cases.end(), collCases.begin(), collCases.end() );
return cases;
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::topLevelSummaryCases() const
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> cases;
for ( const auto& sumCase : m_cases )
cases.push_back( sumCase );
return cases;
std::vector<RimSummaryCaseCollection*> RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::summaryCaseCollections() const
std::vector<RimSummaryCaseCollection*> summaryCaseCollections;
for ( const auto& caseColl : m_caseCollections )
summaryCaseCollections.push_back( caseColl );
return summaryCaseCollections;
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::loadAllSummaryCaseData()
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> sumCases = allSummaryCases();
RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::loadSummaryCaseData( sumCases );
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::initAfterRead()
for ( auto sumCase : topLevelSummaryCases() )
sumCase->nameChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::onCaseNameChanged );
for ( auto caseCollection : summaryCaseCollections() )
caseCollection->caseNameChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::onCaseNameChanged );
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::loadSummaryCaseData( std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> summaryCases )
std::vector<RimFileSummaryCase*> fileSummaryCases;
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> otherSummaryCases;
RiaPreferencesSummary* prefs = RiaPreferencesSummary::current();
if ( prefs->useMultipleThreadsWhenLoadingSummaryData() )
for ( auto c : summaryCases )
auto fileCase = dynamic_cast<RimFileSummaryCase*>( c );
if ( fileCase )
fileSummaryCases.push_back( fileCase );
otherSummaryCases.push_back( c );
otherSummaryCases = summaryCases;
if ( !fileSummaryCases.empty() )
loadFileSummaryCaseData( fileSummaryCases );
if ( !otherSummaryCases.empty() )
caf::ProgressInfo progInfo( otherSummaryCases.size(), "Loading Summary Cases" );
for ( int cIdx = 0; cIdx < static_cast<int>( otherSummaryCases.size() ); ++cIdx )
RimSummaryCase* sumCase = otherSummaryCases[cIdx];
if ( sumCase )
addCaseRealizationParametersIfFound( *sumCase, sumCase->summaryHeaderFilename() );
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::loadFileSummaryCaseData( std::vector<RimFileSummaryCase*> fileSummaryCases )
RiaPreferencesSummary* prefs = RiaPreferencesSummary::current();
// If h5 mode, check all summary files and create or recreate h5 files if required
#ifdef USE_HDF5
if ( prefs->summaryDataReader() == RiaPreferencesSummary::SummaryReaderMode::HDF5_OPM_COMMON && prefs->createH5SummaryDataFiles() )
int threadCount = 1;
threadCount = prefs->createH5SummaryDataThreadCount();
std::vector<std::string> headerFileNames;
std::vector<std::string> h5FileNames;
for ( const auto fileSummaryCase : fileSummaryCases )
auto headerFileName = fileSummaryCase->summaryHeaderFilename();
QFileInfo fi( headerFileName );
// NB! Use canonicalPath to make sure any symlinks are resolved to absolute file paths
QString h5FilenameCandidate = fi.canonicalPath() + "/" + fi.baseName() + ".h5";
headerFileNames.push_back( headerFileName.toStdString() );
h5FileNames.push_back( h5FilenameCandidate.toStdString() );
RifHdf5SummaryExporter::ensureHdf5FileIsCreatedMultithreaded( headerFileNames, h5FileNames, threadCount );
// Use openMP when reading file summary case meta data. Avoid using the virtual interface of base class
// RimSummaryCase, as it is difficult to make sure all variants of the leaf classes are thread safe.
// Only open the summary file reader in parallel loop to reduce risk of multi threading issues
caf::ProgressInfo progInfo( fileSummaryCases.size(), "Loading Summary Cases" );
2021-03-25 06:56:09 -05:00
RiaThreadSafeLogger threadSafeLogger;
QCoreApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );
// The HDF5 reader requires a special configuration to be thread safe. Disable threading for HDF reader.
bool canUseMultipleTreads = ( prefs->summaryDataReader() != RiaPreferencesSummary::SummaryReaderMode::HDF5_OPM_COMMON );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule( dynamic ) if ( canUseMultipleTreads )
for ( int cIdx = 0; cIdx < static_cast<int>( fileSummaryCases.size() ); ++cIdx )
RimFileSummaryCase* fileSummaryCase = fileSummaryCases[cIdx];
if ( fileSummaryCase )
fileSummaryCase->createSummaryReaderInterfaceThreadSafe( &threadSafeLogger );
progInfo.setProgress( cIdx );
for ( const auto& txt : threadSafeLogger.messages() )
RiaLogging::info( txt );
auto numberOfEsmryFilesCreated = RifOpmCommonEclipseSummary::numberOfEnhancedSummaryFileCreated();
if ( numberOfEsmryFilesCreated > 0 )
2021-03-25 06:56:09 -05:00
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Summary Files : Converted and created %1 '*.ESMRY' files on disk." ).arg( numberOfEsmryFilesCreated ) );
2021-03-25 06:56:09 -05:00
// This loop is not thread safe, use serial loop
for ( RimFileSummaryCase* fileSummaryCase : fileSummaryCases )
if ( fileSummaryCase )
addCaseRealizationParametersIfFound( *fileSummaryCase, fileSummaryCase->summaryHeaderFilename() );
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
2018-06-25 08:14:47 -05:00
RimSummaryCaseCollection* RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::defaultAllocator()
return new RimSummaryCaseCollection();
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::onCaseNameChanged( const SignalEmitter* emitter )
RimSummaryMultiPlotCollection* summaryPlotColl = RiaSummaryTools::summaryMultiPlotCollection();
2018-04-19 06:38:07 -05:00
2018-04-19 06:38:07 -05:00
RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::createSummaryCasesFromFileInfos( const std::vector<RifSummaryCaseFileResultInfo>& summaryHeaderFileInfos,
bool showProgress )
RimProject* project = RimProject::current();
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> sumCases;
// Split into two stages to be able to use multi threading
// First stage : Create summary case objects
// Second stage : Load data
std::unique_ptr<caf::ProgressInfo> progress;
if ( showProgress )
progress.reset( new caf::ProgressInfo( summaryHeaderFileInfos.size(), "Creating summary cases" ) );
for ( const RifSummaryCaseFileResultInfo& fileInfo : summaryHeaderFileInfos )
QCoreApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );
auto existingSummaryCase = findTopLevelSummaryCaseFromFileName( fileInfo.summaryFileName() );
if ( !existingSummaryCase )
const QString& smspecFileName = fileInfo.summaryFileName();
if ( !smspecFileName.isEmpty() )
RimSummaryCase* newSumCase = nullptr;
if ( fileInfo.fileType() == RiaDefines::FileType::SMSPEC )
auto sumCase = new RimFileSummaryCase();
sumCase->setIncludeRestartFiles( fileInfo.includeRestartFiles() );
newSumCase = sumCase;
auto sumCase = new RimCsvSummaryCase();
if ( fileInfo.fileType() == RiaDefines::FileType::STIMPLAN_SUMMARY )
sumCase->setFileType( RimCsvSummaryCase::FileType::STIMPLAN );
sumCase->setFileType( RimCsvSummaryCase::FileType::REVEAL );
newSumCase = sumCase;
newSumCase->setSummaryHeaderFileName( smspecFileName );
project->assignCaseIdToSummaryCase( newSumCase );
sumCases.push_back( newSumCase );
QString txt = QString( "No UNSMRY file found for %1" ).arg( smspecFileName );
RiaLogging::warning( txt );
if ( progress != nullptr ) progress->incrementProgress();
QCoreApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );
RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::loadSummaryCaseData( sumCases );
return sumCases;
2016-10-06 03:33:57 -05:00
QString RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::uniqueShortNameForCase( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase )
std::set<QString> allAutoShortNames;
for ( RimSummaryCase* sumCase : m_cases )
if ( sumCase && sumCase != summaryCase )
allAutoShortNames.insert( sumCase->displayCaseName() );
bool foundUnique = false;
QString caseName = summaryCase->nativeCaseName();
QString shortName;
if ( caseName.size() > 2 )
2016-08-05 05:33:09 -05:00
QString candidate;
candidate += caseName[0];
for ( int i = 1; i < caseName.size(); ++i )
if ( allAutoShortNames.count( candidate + caseName[i] ) == 0 )
shortName = candidate + caseName[i];
foundUnique = true;
shortName = caseName.left( 2 );
if ( allAutoShortNames.count( shortName ) == 0 )
foundUnique = true;
int autoNumber = 0;
while ( !foundUnique )
QString candidate = shortName + QString::number( autoNumber++ );
if ( allAutoShortNames.count( candidate ) == 0 )
shortName = candidate;
foundUnique = true;
return shortName;
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::updateAutoShortName()
// This update is required if the file path for the summary case is updated. To be able to produce plots
// automatically, the short name must be generated on load
for ( auto s : allSummaryCases() )
void RimSummaryCaseMainCollection::onProjectBeingSaved()
auto sumCases = allSummaryCases();
for ( auto s : sumCases )
auto fileSumCase = dynamic_cast<RimFileSummaryCase*>( s );
if ( fileSumCase )