2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Statoil ASA, Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
# include "RifEclipseInputFileTools.h"
# include "RifReaderEclipseOutput.h"
# include "RigReservoirCellResults.h"
# include "RigReservoir.h"
# include "cafProgressInfo.h"
# include <vector>
# include <cmath>
# include <iostream>
# include <QFile>
# include <QTextStream>
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
# include <QDebug>
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
# include "ecl_grid.h"
# include "well_state.h"
# include "util.h"
# include <fstream>
2013-02-01 06:10:31 -06:00
# include "RigGridScalarDataAccess.h"
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
/// Constructor
RifEclipseInputFileTools : : RifEclipseInputFileTools ( )
/// Destructor
RifEclipseInputFileTools : : ~ RifEclipseInputFileTools ( )
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools : : openGridFile ( const QString & fileName , RigReservoir * reservoir )
CVF_ASSERT ( reservoir ) ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
qint64 coordPos = - 1 ;
qint64 zcornPos = - 1 ;
qint64 specgridPos = - 1 ;
qint64 actnumPos = - 1 ;
qint64 mapaxesPos = - 1 ;
findGridKeywordPositions ( fileName , & coordPos , & zcornPos , & specgridPos , & actnumPos , & mapaxesPos ) ;
2012-10-24 06:46:42 -05:00
if ( coordPos < 0 | | zcornPos < 0 | | specgridPos < 0 )
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
return false ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
FILE * gridFilePointer = util_fopen ( fileName . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( ) , " r " ) ;
if ( ! gridFilePointer ) return false ;
2012-08-31 12:12:47 -05:00
// Main grid dimensions
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// SPECGRID - This is whats normally available, but not really the input to Eclipse.
// DIMENS - Is what Eclipse expects and uses, but is not defined in the GRID section and is not (?) available normally
//ecl_kw_type * ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_grdecl_dynamic__( FILE * stream , const char * kw , bool strict , ecl_type_enum ecl_type);
//ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid_alloc_GRDECL_kw( int nx, int ny , int nz , const ecl_kw_type * zcorn_kw , const ecl_kw_type * coord_kw , const ecl_kw_type * actnum_kw , const ecl_kw_type * mapaxes_kw );
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
ecl_kw_type * specGridKw = NULL ;
ecl_kw_type * zCornKw = NULL ;
ecl_kw_type * coordKw = NULL ;
ecl_kw_type * actNumKw = NULL ;
ecl_kw_type * mapAxesKw = NULL ;
// Try to read all the needed keywords. Early exit if some are not found
caf : : ProgressInfo progress ( 7 , " Read Grid from Eclipse Input file " ) ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
bool allKwReadOk = true ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
bool continueReading = true ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
fseek ( gridFilePointer , specgridPos , SEEK_SET ) ;
allKwReadOk = allKwReadOk & & NULL ! = ( specGridKw = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_current_grdecl__ ( gridFilePointer , false , ECL_INT_TYPE ) ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
progress . setProgress ( 1 ) ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
fseek ( gridFilePointer , zcornPos , SEEK_SET ) ;
allKwReadOk = allKwReadOk & & NULL ! = ( zCornKw = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_current_grdecl__ ( gridFilePointer , false , ECL_FLOAT_TYPE ) ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
progress . setProgress ( 2 ) ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
fseek ( gridFilePointer , coordPos , SEEK_SET ) ;
allKwReadOk = allKwReadOk & & NULL ! = ( coordKw = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_current_grdecl__ ( gridFilePointer , false , ECL_FLOAT_TYPE ) ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
progress . setProgress ( 3 ) ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
2012-10-24 06:46:42 -05:00
// If ACTNUM is not defined, this pointer will be NULL, which is a valid condition
if ( actnumPos > = 0 )
fseek ( gridFilePointer , actnumPos , SEEK_SET ) ;
allKwReadOk = allKwReadOk & & NULL ! = ( actNumKw = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_current_grdecl__ ( gridFilePointer , false , ECL_INT_TYPE ) ) ;
progress . setProgress ( 4 ) ;
2012-09-11 06:04:24 -05:00
// If MAPAXES is not defined, this pointer will be NULL, which is a valid condition
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
if ( mapaxesPos > = 0 )
fseek ( gridFilePointer , mapaxesPos , SEEK_SET ) ;
mapAxesKw = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_current_grdecl__ ( gridFilePointer , false , ECL_FLOAT_TYPE ) ;
2012-09-11 06:04:24 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
if ( ! allKwReadOk )
if ( specGridKw ) ecl_kw_free ( specGridKw ) ;
if ( zCornKw ) ecl_kw_free ( zCornKw ) ;
if ( coordKw ) ecl_kw_free ( coordKw ) ;
if ( actNumKw ) ecl_kw_free ( actNumKw ) ;
if ( mapAxesKw ) ecl_kw_free ( mapAxesKw ) ;
return false ;
progress . setProgress ( 5 ) ;
int nx = ecl_kw_iget_int ( specGridKw , 0 ) ;
int ny = ecl_kw_iget_int ( specGridKw , 1 ) ;
int nz = ecl_kw_iget_int ( specGridKw , 2 ) ;
ecl_grid_type * inputGrid = ecl_grid_alloc_GRDECL_kw ( nx , ny , nz , zCornKw , coordKw , actNumKw , mapAxesKw ) ;
progress . setProgress ( 6 ) ;
RifReaderEclipseOutput : : transferGeometry ( inputGrid , reservoir ) ;
progress . setProgress ( 7 ) ;
progress . setProgressDescription ( " Cleaning up ... " ) ;
ecl_kw_free ( specGridKw ) ;
ecl_kw_free ( zCornKw ) ;
ecl_kw_free ( coordKw ) ;
2012-10-24 06:46:42 -05:00
if ( actNumKw ) ecl_kw_free ( actNumKw ) ;
2012-09-11 06:04:24 -05:00
if ( mapAxesKw ) ecl_kw_free ( mapAxesKw ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
ecl_grid_free ( inputGrid ) ;
util_fclose ( gridFilePointer ) ;
return true ;
/// Read known properties from the input file
std : : map < QString , QString > RifEclipseInputFileTools : : readProperties ( const QString & fileName , RigReservoir * reservoir )
CVF_ASSERT ( reservoir ) ;
std : : set < QString > knownKeywordSet ;
const std : : vector < QString > & knownKeywords = RifEclipseInputFileTools : : knownPropertyKeywords ( ) ;
for ( size_t fkIt = 0 ; fkIt < knownKeywords . size ( ) ; + + fkIt ) knownKeywordSet . insert ( knownKeywords [ fkIt ] ) ;
caf : : ProgressInfo mainProgress ( 2 , " Reading Eclipse Input properties " ) ;
caf : : ProgressInfo startProgress ( knownKeywordSet . size ( ) , " Scanning for known properties " ) ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
std : : vector < RifKeywordAndFilePos > fileKeywords = RifEclipseInputFileTools : : findKeywordsOnFile ( fileName ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
mainProgress . setProgress ( 1 ) ;
caf : : ProgressInfo progress ( fileKeywords . size ( ) , " Reading properties " ) ;
FILE * gridFilePointer = util_fopen ( fileName . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( ) , " r " ) ;
if ( ! gridFilePointer | | ! fileKeywords . size ( ) )
return std : : map < QString , QString > ( ) ;
bool isSomethingRead = false ;
std : : map < QString , QString > newResults ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < fileKeywords . size ( ) ; + + i )
2012-10-25 00:39:42 -05:00
//std::cout << fileKeywords[i].keyword.toLatin1().data() << std::endl;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
if ( knownKeywordSet . count ( fileKeywords [ i ] . keyword ) )
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
fseek ( gridFilePointer , fileKeywords [ i ] . filePos , SEEK_SET ) ;
ecl_kw_type * eclKeyWordData = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_current_grdecl__ ( gridFilePointer , false , ECL_FLOAT_TYPE ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
if ( eclKeyWordData )
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
QString newResultName = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > makeResultNameUnique ( fileKeywords [ i ] . keyword ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
size_t resultIndex = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > addEmptyScalarResult ( RimDefines : : INPUT_PROPERTY , newResultName ) ; // Should really merge with inputProperty object information because we need to use PropertyName, and not keyword
std : : vector < std : : vector < double > > & newPropertyData = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > cellScalarResults ( resultIndex ) ;
newPropertyData . push_back ( std : : vector < double > ( ) ) ;
newPropertyData [ 0 ] . resize ( ecl_kw_get_size ( eclKeyWordData ) , HUGE_VAL ) ;
ecl_kw_get_data_as_double ( eclKeyWordData , newPropertyData [ 0 ] . data ( ) ) ;
ecl_kw_free ( eclKeyWordData ) ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
newResults [ newResultName ] = fileKeywords [ i ] . keyword ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
progress . setProgress ( i ) ;
util_fclose ( gridFilePointer ) ;
return newResults ;
/// Read all the keywords from a file
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
// This code was originally written using QTextStream, but due to a bug in Qt version up to 4.8.0
// we had to implement the reading using QFile and QFile::readLine
// See:
// https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-9814
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
std : : vector < RifKeywordAndFilePos > RifEclipseInputFileTools : : findKeywordsOnFile ( const QString & fileName )
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
std : : vector < RifKeywordAndFilePos > keywords ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
char buf [ 1024 ] ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
QFile data ( fileName ) ;
data . open ( QFile : : ReadOnly ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
QString line ;
qint64 filepos = - 1 ;
qint64 lineLength = - 1 ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
lineLength = data . readLine ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
if ( lineLength > 0 )
line = QString : : fromAscii ( buf ) ;
if ( line . size ( ) & & line [ 0 ] . isLetter ( ) )
RifKeywordAndFilePos keyPos ;
filepos = data . pos ( ) - lineLength ;
keyPos . filePos = filepos ;
keyPos . keyword = line . left ( 8 ) . trimmed ( ) ;
keywords . push_back ( keyPos ) ;
//qDebug() << keyPos.keyword << " - " << keyPos.filePos;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
while ( lineLength ! = - 1 ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
return keywords ;
/// Reads the property data requested into the \a reservoir, overwriting any previous
/// propeties with the same name.
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools : : readProperty ( const QString & fileName , RigReservoir * reservoir , const QString & eclipseKeyWord , const QString & resultName )
CVF_ASSERT ( reservoir ) ;
FILE * filePointer = util_fopen ( fileName . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( ) , " r " ) ;
if ( ! filePointer ) return false ;
ecl_kw_type * eclKeyWordData = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_grdecl_dynamic__ ( filePointer , eclipseKeyWord . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( ) , false , ECL_FLOAT_TYPE ) ;
bool isOk = false ;
if ( eclKeyWordData )
QString newResultName = resultName ;
size_t resultIndex = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > findScalarResultIndex ( newResultName ) ;
if ( resultIndex = = cvf : : UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
resultIndex = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > addEmptyScalarResult ( RimDefines : : INPUT_PROPERTY , newResultName ) ;
std : : vector < std : : vector < double > > & newPropertyData = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > cellScalarResults ( resultIndex ) ;
newPropertyData . resize ( 1 ) ;
newPropertyData [ 0 ] . resize ( ecl_kw_get_size ( eclKeyWordData ) , HUGE_VAL ) ;
ecl_kw_get_data_as_double ( eclKeyWordData , newPropertyData [ 0 ] . data ( ) ) ;
isOk = true ;
ecl_kw_free ( eclKeyWordData ) ;
util_fclose ( filePointer ) ;
return isOk ;
const std : : vector < QString > & RifEclipseInputFileTools : : knownPropertyKeywords ( )
static std : : vector < QString > knownKeywords ;
static bool isInitialized = false ;
if ( ! isInitialized )
knownKeywords . push_back ( " AQUIFERA " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " ACTNUM " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " EQLNUM " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " FIPNUM " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " KRG " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " KRGR " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " KRO " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " KRORG " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " KRORW " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " KRW " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " KRWR " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " MINPVV " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " MULTPV " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " MULTX " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " MULTX- " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " MULTY " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " MULTY- " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " MULTZ " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " NTG " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " PCG " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " PCW " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " PERMX " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " PERMY " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " PERMZ " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " PORO " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " PVTNUM " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SATNUM " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SGCR " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SGL " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SGLPC " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SGU " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SGWCR " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SWATINIT " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SWCR " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SWGCR " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SWL " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " SWLPC " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " TRANX " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " TRANY " ) ;
knownKeywords . push_back ( " TRANZ " ) ;
isInitialized = true ;
return knownKeywords ;
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools : : writePropertyToTextFile ( const QString & fileName , RigReservoir * reservoir , size_t timeStep , const QString & resultName , const QString & eclipseKeyWord )
CVF_ASSERT ( reservoir ) ;
size_t resultIndex = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > findScalarResultIndex ( resultName ) ;
if ( resultIndex = = cvf : : UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
return false ;
QFile file ( fileName ) ;
if ( ! file . open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly | QIODevice : : Text ) )
return false ;
std : : vector < std : : vector < double > > & resultData = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > cellScalarResults ( resultIndex ) ;
if ( resultData . size ( ) = = 0 )
return false ;
std : : vector < double > & singleTimeStepData = resultData [ timeStep ] ;
writeDataToTextFile ( & file , eclipseKeyWord , singleTimeStepData ) ;
return true ;
/// Create and write a result vector with values for all cells.
/// undefinedValue is used for cells with no result
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools : : writeBinaryResultToTextFile ( const QString & fileName , RigReservoir * reservoir , size_t timeStep , const QString & resultName , const QString & eclipseKeyWord , const double undefinedValue )
CVF_ASSERT ( reservoir ) ;
size_t resultIndex = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > findScalarResultIndex ( resultName ) ;
if ( resultIndex = = cvf : : UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
return false ;
QFile file ( fileName ) ;
if ( ! file . open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly | QIODevice : : Text ) )
return false ;
2013-02-01 06:10:31 -06:00
cvf : : ref < RigGridScalarDataAccess > dataAccessObject = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > dataAccessObject ( timeStep , resultIndex ) ;
if ( dataAccessObject . isNull ( ) )
return false ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
std : : vector < double > resultData ;
size_t i , j , k ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > cellCountK ( ) ; k + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > cellCountJ ( ) ; j + + )
for ( i = 0 ; i < reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > cellCountI ( ) ; i + + )
2013-02-01 06:10:31 -06:00
double resultValue = dataAccessObject - > cellScalar ( i , j , k ) ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
if ( resultValue = = HUGE_VAL )
resultValue = undefinedValue ;
resultData . push_back ( resultValue ) ;
writeDataToTextFile ( & file , eclipseKeyWord , resultData ) ;
return true ;
void RifEclipseInputFileTools : : writeDataToTextFile ( QFile * file , const QString & eclipseKeyWord , const std : : vector < double > & resultData )
QTextStream out ( file ) ;
out < < " \n " ;
out < < " -- Exported from ResInsight " < < " \n " ;
out < < eclipseKeyWord < < " \n " < < right < < qSetFieldWidth ( 16 ) ;
caf : : ProgressInfo pi ( resultData . size ( ) , QString ( " Writing data to file %1 " ) . arg ( file - > fileName ( ) ) ) ;
2013-01-23 03:56:09 -06:00
size_t progressSteps = resultData . size ( ) / 20 ;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
size_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < resultData . size ( ) ; i + + )
out < < resultData [ i ] ;
if ( ( i + 1 ) % 5 = = 0 )
out < < " \n " ;
if ( i % progressSteps = = 0 )
pi . setProgress ( i ) ;
out < < " \n " < < " / " < < " \n " ;
2012-10-08 12:44:10 -05:00
void RifEclipseInputFileTools : : findGridKeywordPositions ( const QString & filename , qint64 * coordPos , qint64 * zcornPos , qint64 * specgridPos , qint64 * actnumPos , qint64 * mapaxesPos )
CVF_ASSERT ( coordPos & & zcornPos & & specgridPos & & actnumPos & & mapaxesPos ) ;
std : : vector < RifKeywordAndFilePos > keywordsAndFilePos = findKeywordsOnFile ( filename ) ;
size_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < keywordsAndFilePos . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . keyword = = " COORD " )
* coordPos = keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . filePos ;
else if ( keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . keyword = = " ZCORN " )
* zcornPos = keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . filePos ;
else if ( keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . keyword = = " SPECGRID " )
* specgridPos = keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . filePos ;
else if ( keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . keyword = = " ACTNUM " )
* actnumPos = keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . filePos ;
else if ( keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . keyword = = " MAPAXES " )
* mapaxesPos = keywordsAndFilePos [ i ] . filePos ;
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools : : readPropertyAtFilePosition ( const QString & fileName , RigReservoir * reservoir , const QString & eclipseKeyWord , qint64 filePos , const QString & resultName )
CVF_ASSERT ( reservoir ) ;
FILE * filePointer = util_fopen ( fileName . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( ) , " r " ) ;
if ( ! filePointer ) return false ;
fseek ( filePointer , filePos , SEEK_SET ) ;
ecl_kw_type * eclKeyWordData = ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_current_grdecl__ ( filePointer , false , ECL_FLOAT_TYPE ) ;
bool isOk = false ;
if ( eclKeyWordData )
QString newResultName = resultName ;
size_t resultIndex = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > findScalarResultIndex ( newResultName ) ;
if ( resultIndex = = cvf : : UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
resultIndex = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > addEmptyScalarResult ( RimDefines : : INPUT_PROPERTY , newResultName ) ;
std : : vector < std : : vector < double > > & newPropertyData = reservoir - > mainGrid ( ) - > results ( ) - > cellScalarResults ( resultIndex ) ;
newPropertyData . resize ( 1 ) ;
newPropertyData [ 0 ] . resize ( ecl_kw_get_size ( eclKeyWordData ) , HUGE_VAL ) ;
ecl_kw_get_data_as_double ( eclKeyWordData , newPropertyData [ 0 ] . data ( ) ) ;
isOk = true ;
ecl_kw_free ( eclKeyWordData ) ;
util_fclose ( filePointer ) ;
return isOk ;