2021-09-10 04:41:29 -05:00
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
#include "RiaRftDefines.h"
2021-09-10 04:41:29 -05:00
#include "RiaTestDataDirectory.h"
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
2021-09-10 04:41:29 -05:00
#include "RifOpmCommonSummary.h"
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
#include "RifReaderOpmRft.h"
2021-09-10 04:41:29 -05:00
2022-07-07 09:42:06 -05:00
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Disable warning from external library to make sure treat warnings as error works
#pragma warning( disable : 4267 )
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
#include "opm/io/eclipse/EGrid.hpp"
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ERft.hpp"
2021-09-10 04:41:29 -05:00
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ESmry.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ExtESmry.hpp"
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
#include <QDebug>
2023-12-08 06:40:16 -06:00
#include <QFile>
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
2021-09-10 04:41:29 -05:00
static const QString H5_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY = QString( "%1/h5-file/" ).arg( TEST_DATA_DIR );
2021-09-13 01:36:51 -05:00
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, ReadOpmSummaryDataListContent )
2021-09-10 04:41:29 -05:00
std::vector<std::string> esmryKeywords;
Opm::EclIO::ESmry eSmry( filePath.toStdString() );
esmryKeywords = eSmry.keywordList();
std::vector<std::string> extEsmryKeywords;
Opm::EclIO::ExtESmry extEsmry( filePath.toStdString() );
extEsmryKeywords = extEsmry.keywordList();
EXPECT_EQ( esmryKeywords.size(), extEsmryKeywords.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < esmryKeywords.size(); i++ )
auto s1 = esmryKeywords[i];
auto s2 = extEsmryKeywords[i];
EXPECT_STREQ( s1.c_str(), s2.c_str() );
2021-09-13 04:37:55 -05:00
RifEclipseSummaryAddress eclAdr = RifEclipseSummaryAddress::fromEclipseTextAddressParseErrorTokens( s1 );
2021-09-10 04:41:29 -05:00
EXPECT_TRUE( eclAdr.isValid() );
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, DISABLED_OpmImportRftData )
std::vector<std::string> esmryKeywords;
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/model1/opm-simulation-reference/flow/MSW_MODEL_1.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/norne/ECL.2014.2/NORNE_ATW2013.RFT";
// QString filePath = "d:/Models/Statoil/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
Opm::EclIO::ERft eRft( filePath.toStdString() );
auto wells = eRft.listOfWells();
auto dates = eRft.listOfdates();
auto reports = eRft.listOfRftReports();
std::cout << "\nWells:\n";
for ( const auto& w : wells )
std::cout << w << "\n";
std::cout << "\nDates:\n";
for ( const auto& date : dates )
auto [year, month, day] = date;
std::cout << year << ", " << month << ", " << day << "\n";
std::cout << "\nReports:\n";
for ( const auto& report : reports )
auto [text, date, floatValue] = report;
std::cout << text << ", " << floatValue << "\n";
std::cout << "\nRFT Arrays:\n";
for ( int i = 0; i < eRft.numberOfReports(); i++ )
std::cout << "\n";
2022-10-27 04:17:41 -05:00
auto results = eRft.listOfRftArrays( i );
for ( const auto& [name, arrayType, size] : results )
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
2022-10-27 04:17:41 -05:00
std::cout << name << ", " << size << "\n";
2022-02-23 06:57:02 -06:00
// std::vector<int> getValues(Opm::EclIO::ERft& fileReader, std::)
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, DISABLED_OpmComputeSegmentTopology )
std::vector<std::string> esmryKeywords;
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/model1/opm-simulation-reference/flow/MSW_MODEL_1.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/norne/ECL.2014.2/NORNE_ATW2013.RFT";
// QString filePath = "d:/Models/Statoil/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSWRFT_toCS/MSWLOOPED_UN_RFT.RFT";
Opm::EclIO::ERft eRft( filePath.toStdString() );
auto wells = eRft.listOfWells();
auto dates = eRft.listOfdates();
class RftSegmentData
RftSegmentData( int segnxt, int brno, int brnst, int brnen, int segNo )
: m_segNext( segnxt )
, m_segbrno( brno )
, m_brnst( brnst )
, m_brnen( brnen )
, m_segmentNo( segNo )
int segNext() const { return m_segNext; }
int segBrno() const { return m_segbrno; }
int segBrnst() const { return m_brnst; }
int segBrnen() const { return m_brnen; }
int segNo() const { return m_segmentNo; }
int m_segNext;
int m_segbrno;
int m_brnst;
int m_brnen;
int m_segmentNo;
using RftSegmentKey = std::pair<std::string, Opm::EclIO::ERft::RftDate>;
std::map<RftSegmentKey, std::vector<RftSegmentData>> rftWellDateSegments;
for ( const auto& well : wells )
for ( const auto& date : dates )
std::vector<RftSegmentData> segmentsForWellDate;
std::vector<int> segnxt;
std::vector<int> segbrno;
std::vector<int> brnstValues;
std::vector<int> brnenValues;
std::vector<int> segNo;
std::string resultName = "SEGNXT";
if ( eRft.hasArray( resultName, well, date ) )
segnxt = eRft.getRft<int>( resultName, well, date );
std::string resultName = "SEGBRNO";
if ( eRft.hasArray( resultName, well, date ) )
segbrno = eRft.getRft<int>( resultName, well, date );
std::string resultName = "BRNST";
if ( eRft.hasArray( resultName, well, date ) )
brnstValues = eRft.getRft<int>( resultName, well, date );
std::string resultName = "BRNEN";
if ( eRft.hasArray( resultName, well, date ) )
brnenValues = eRft.getRft<int>( resultName, well, date );
if ( segnxt.empty() ) continue;
if ( segnxt.size() != segbrno.size() ) continue;
if ( brnenValues.empty() || brnstValues.empty() ) continue;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < segnxt.size(); i++ )
int branchIndex = segbrno[i] - 1;
int nextBranchIndex = -1;
if ( i + 1 < segbrno.size() ) nextBranchIndex = segbrno[i + 1] - 1;
bool isLastSegmentOnBranch = branchIndex != nextBranchIndex;
int brnst = brnstValues[branchIndex];
int brnen = brnenValues[branchIndex];
int segmentId = -1;
if ( !isLastSegmentOnBranch )
if ( i + 1 < segnxt.size() ) segmentId = segnxt[i + 1];
segmentId = brnen;
segNo.push_back( segmentId );
segmentsForWellDate.emplace_back( RftSegmentData( segnxt[i], segbrno[i], brnst, brnen, segmentId ) );
auto wellDateKey = std::make_pair( well, date );
rftWellDateSegments[wellDateKey] = segmentsForWellDate;
for ( const auto& a : rftWellDateSegments )
auto [wellName, date] = a.first;
auto segmentData = a.second;
std::cout << "\nWell: " << wellName << "Date : " << std::get<0>( date ) << " " << std::get<1>( date ) << " "
<< std::get<2>( date ) << " \n";
for ( const auto& r : segmentData )
std::cout << "SEGNXT " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segNext() << ", ";
std::cout << "SEGBRNO " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrno() << ", ";
std::cout << "BNRST " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrnst() << ", ";
std::cout << "BRNEN " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrnen() << ", ";
std::cout << "SEGNO " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segNo() << "\n";
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, OpmComputeSegmentTopology )
std::vector<std::string> esmryKeywords;
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/model1/opm-simulation-reference/flow/MSW_MODEL_1.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/norne/ECL.2014.2/NORNE_ATW2013.RFT";
// QString filePath = "d:/Models/Statoil/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSWRFT_toCS/MSWLOOPED_UN_RFT.RFT";
RifReaderOpmRft reader( filePath );
auto adresses = reader.eclipseRftAddresses();
std::vector<float> segStartDepth;
std::vector<float> segEndDepth;
std::vector<float> segNumber;
std::set<RifEclipseRftAddress> segmentAdresses;
for ( const auto& adr : adresses )
if ( adr.wellLogChannel() == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SEGMENT_VALUES )
segmentAdresses.insert( adr );
for ( const auto& adr : segmentAdresses )
qDebug() << adr.timeStep().toString( "YYYY MM dd" ) << " " << adr.segmentResultName();
if ( adr.segmentResultName() == RiaDefines::segmentNumberResultName() )
std::vector<double> values;
reader.values( adr, &values );
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
2023-12-08 06:40:16 -06:00
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, OpenEmptySummaryFile )
QString SUMMARY_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY = QString( "%1/SummaryData/empty-file/" ).arg( TEST_DATA_DIR );
QString smspecFilePath = rootPath + ".SMSPEC";
Opm::EclIO::ESmry eSmry( smspecFilePath.toStdString() );
// Test to verify that is is possible to read an empty summary file
// eSmry.make_esmry_file() will fail if the summary file is empty
EXPECT_TRUE( eSmry.numberOfTimeSteps() == 0 );
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, DISABLED_ReadOpmRadialGrid )
QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/2021.10.1-Radial-testcase/global-radial/GLOBAL-RADIAL.EGRID";
Opm::EclIO::EGrid eGrid( filePath.toStdString() );
auto dims = eGrid.dimension();
size_t cellCount = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2];
std::array<double, 8> X{};
std::array<double, 8> Y{};
std::array<double, 8> Z{};
for ( size_t cidx = 0; cidx < cellCount; cidx++ )
eGrid.getCellCorners( cidx, X, Y, Z );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
std::cout << X[i] << " " << Y[i] << " " << Z[i] << "\n";