
1501 lines
58 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-09-23 08:04:57 -05:00
// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RiuViewer.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaBaseDefs.h"
#include "RiaColorTools.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RiaRegressionTestRunner.h"
#include "RimCase.h"
#include "RimGridView.h"
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimViewController.h"
#include "RimViewLinker.h"
#include "RivGridBoxGenerator.h"
#include "RivTernarySaturationOverlayItem.h"
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
#include "WindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem/RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem.h"
#include "RiuCadNavigation.h"
#include "RiuComparisonViewMover.h"
#include "RiuGeoQuestNavigation.h"
#include "RiuGuiTheme.h"
#include "RiuRmsNavigation.h"
#include "RiuSimpleHistogramWidget.h"
#include "RiuViewerCommands.h"
#include "cafPdmUiSelection3dEditorVisualizer.h"
#include "cafCategoryLegend.h"
#include "cafCeetronPlusNavigation.h"
#include "cafDisplayCoordTransform.h"
#include "cafEffectGenerator.h"
#include "cafFrameAnimationControl.h"
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
#include "cafOverlayScalarMapperLegend.h"
#include "cafOverlayScaleLegend.h"
2019-04-05 12:10:46 -05:00
#include "cafQStyledProgressBar.h"
#include "cafStyleSheetTools.h"
#include "cafTitledOverlayFrame.h"
2015-11-16 14:17:12 -06:00
#include "cvfCamera.h"
#include "cvfFont.h"
#include "cvfOpenGLResourceManager.h"
#include "cvfOverlayAxisCross.h"
#include "cvfOverlayItem.h"
#include "cvfPartRenderHintCollection.h"
#include "cvfRenderQueueSorter.h"
#include "cvfRenderSequence.h"
#include "cvfRendering.h"
#include "cvfScene.h"
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMouseEvent>
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
#include <algorithm>
using cvf::ManipulatorTrackball;
const double RI_MIN_NEARPLANE_DISTANCE = 0.1;
std::unique_ptr<QCursor> RiuViewer::s_hoverCursor;
/// \class RiuViewer
/// \ingroup ResInsight
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
RiuViewer::RiuViewer( const QGLFormat& format, QWidget* parent )
: caf::Viewer( format, parent )
, m_isNavigationRotationEnabled( true )
, m_zScale( 1.0 )
cvf::Font* standardFont = RiaGuiApplication::instance()->defaultSceneFont();
QFont font = RiaGuiApplication::instance()->font();
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
auto viewFontSize = RiaPreferences::current()->defaultSceneFontSize();
font.setPointSize( caf::FontTools::absolutePointSize( viewFontSize ) );
m_axisCross = new cvf::OverlayAxisCross( m_mainCamera.p(), standardFont );
m_axisCross->setAxisLabels( "X", "Y", "Z" );
m_axisCross->setLayout( cvf::OverlayItem::VERTICAL, cvf::OverlayItem::BOTTOM_RIGHT );
overlayItemsRendering()->addOverlayItem( m_axisCross.p() );
m_showAxisCross = true;
this->enableOverlayPainting( true );
this->setReleaseOGLResourcesEachFrame( true );
// Info Text
m_infoLabel = new QLabel();
m_infoLabel->setObjectName( "InfoLabel" );
m_infoLabel->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box );
m_infoLabel->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
m_infoLabel->setMinimumWidth( 275 );
m_infoLabel->setFont( font );
m_showInfoText = true;
m_shortInfoLabel = new QLabel();
m_shortInfoLabel->setObjectName( "ShortInfoLabel" );
m_shortInfoLabel->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box );
m_shortInfoLabel->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
m_shortInfoLabel->setMinimumWidth( 100 );
m_shortInfoLabel->setFont( font );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView = new QLabel();
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setObjectName( "ShortInfoLabelCompView" );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setMinimumWidth( 100 );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setFont( font );
// Version info label
m_versionInfoLabel = new QLabel();
m_versionInfoLabel->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
m_versionInfoLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
m_versionInfoLabel->setObjectName( "VersionInfo" );
QString( "%1 v%2" ).arg( RI_APPLICATION_NAME, RiaApplication::getVersionStringApp( false ) ) );
m_versionInfoLabel->setFont( font );
m_showVersionInfo = true;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
// Z scale label
m_zScaleLabel = new QLabel();
m_zScaleLabel->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
m_zScaleLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
m_zScaleLabel->setObjectName( "ZScaleLabel" );
m_zScaleLabel->setText( QString( "Z: " ) );
m_zScaleLabel->setFont( font );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
m_showZScaleLabel = true;
m_hideZScaleCheckbox = false;
// Animation progress bar
m_animationProgress = new caf::QStyledProgressBar( "AnimationProgress" );
m_animationProgress->setFormat( "Time Step: %v/%m" );
m_animationProgress->setTextVisible( true );
m_animationProgress->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
m_animationProgress->setObjectName( "AnimationProgress" );
m_animationProgress->setFont( font );
m_animationProgressCompView = new caf::QStyledProgressBar( "AnimationProgress" );
m_animationProgressCompView->setFormat( "Time Step: %v/%m" );
m_animationProgressCompView->setTextVisible( true );
m_animationProgressCompView->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
m_animationProgressCompView->setObjectName( "AnimationProgress" );
m_animationProgressCompView->setFont( font );
m_showAnimProgress = false;
// Histogram
m_histogramWidget = new RiuSimpleHistogramWidget( "HistogramWidget" );
m_showHistogram = false;
m_viewerCommands = new RiuViewerCommands( this );
if ( RiaRegressionTestRunner::instance()->isRunningRegressionTests() )
QFont regTestFont = m_infoLabel->font();
regTestFont.setPixelSize( 11 );
m_infoLabel->setFont( regTestFont );
m_shortInfoLabel->setFont( regTestFont );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setFont( regTestFont );
m_versionInfoLabel->setFont( regTestFont );
m_animationProgress->setFont( regTestFont );
m_histogramWidget->setFont( regTestFont );
m_zScaleLabel->setFont( regTestFont );
// When a context menu is created in the viewer is, and the action triggered is displaying a dialog,
// the context menu of QMainWindow is displayed after the action has finished
// Setting this policy will make sure the handling is not deferred to the widget's parent,
// which solves the problem
setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::PreventContextMenu );
m_gridBoxGenerator = new RivGridBoxGenerator;
m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator = new RivGridBoxGenerator;
m_cursorPositionDomainCoords = cvf::Vec3d::UNDEFINED;
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay = new RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem( standardFont );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
m_showWindowEdgeAxes = false;
auto backgroundColor = RiuGuiTheme::getColorByVariableName( "backgroundColor1" );
auto textColor = RiuGuiTheme::getColorByVariableName( "textColor" );
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setFrameColor( cvf::Color4f( RiaColorTools::fromQColorTo3f( backgroundColor ) ) );
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setTextColor( RiaColorTools::fromQColorTo3f( textColor ) );
m_selectionVisualizerManager = new caf::PdmUiSelection3dEditorVisualizer( this );
m_scaleLegend = new caf::OverlayScaleLegend( standardFont );
m_scaleLegend->setOrientation( caf::OverlayScaleLegend::HORIZONTAL );
m_comparisonWindowMover = new RiuComparisonViewMover( this );
this->setComparisonViewToFollowAnimation( false );
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
m_fontPointSize = caf::FontTools::absolutePointSize( RiaPreferences::current()->defaultSceneFontSize() );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
if ( m_rimView )
2015-04-21 01:37:32 -05:00
m_rimView->setCameraPosition( m_mainCamera->viewMatrix() );
m_rimView->setCameraPointOfInterest( pointOfInterest() );
2015-04-21 01:37:32 -05:00
delete m_infoLabel;
delete m_shortInfoLabel;
delete m_shortInfoLabelCompView;
2012-10-23 03:42:46 -05:00
delete m_animationProgress;
delete m_animationProgressCompView;
2012-10-23 03:42:46 -05:00
delete m_histogramWidget;
delete m_gridBoxGenerator;
delete m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator;
2018-11-27 10:04:55 -06:00
void RiuViewer::clearRimView()
m_rimView = nullptr;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setDefaultView()
cvf::BoundingBox bb = m_mainRendering->boundingBox();
if ( !bb.isValid() )
bb.add( cvf::Vec3d( -1, -1, -1 ) );
bb.add( cvf::Vec3d( 1, 1, 1 ) );
if ( m_mainCamera->projection() == cvf::Camera::PERSPECTIVE )
m_mainCamera->setProjectionAsPerspective( 40.0, RI_MIN_NEARPLANE_DISTANCE, 1000 );
if ( bb.isValid() )
m_mainCamera->setProjectionAsOrtho( bb.extent().length(), RI_MIN_NEARPLANE_DISTANCE, 1000 );
m_mainCamera->fitView( bb, -cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS, cvf::Vec3d::Y_AXIS );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
if ( !this->canRender() ) return;
if ( event->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
QPoint diffPoint = event->pos() - m_lastMousePressPosition;
if ( diffPoint.manhattanLength() > 3 )
// We are possibly in navigation mode, only clean press event will launch
if ( !m_infoPickArea.isNull() )
if ( m_infoPickArea.contains( event->x(), event->y() ) )
if ( !m_infoPickAreaCompView.isNull() )
if ( m_infoPickAreaCompView.contains( event->x(), event->y() ) )
Rim3dView* compView = dynamic_cast<Rim3dView*>( m_rimView.p() )->activeComparisonView();
if ( compView ) compView->selectOverlayInfoConfig();
m_viewerCommands->handlePickAction( event->x(), event->y(), event->modifiers() );
else if ( event->button() == Qt::RightButton )
QPoint diffPoint = event->pos() - m_lastMousePressPosition;
if ( diffPoint.manhattanLength() > 3 )
// We are possibly in navigation mode, only clean press event will launch
m_viewerCommands->displayContextMenu( event );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::slotEndAnimation()
CVF_ASSERT( m_mainRendering.notNull() );
if ( m_rimView ) m_rimView->endAnimation();
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
2012-08-31 12:12:47 -05:00
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::slotSetCurrentFrame( int frameIndex )
setCurrentFrame( frameIndex );
if ( m_rimView )
RimViewLinker* viewLinker = m_rimView->assosiatedViewLinker();
if ( viewLinker )
viewLinker->updateTimeStep( dynamic_cast<RimGridView*>( m_rimView.p() ), frameIndex );
// Update views using this as comparison
Rim3dView* view = dynamic_cast<Rim3dView*>( m_rimView.p() );
if ( view )
std::set<Rim3dView*> containingViews = view->viewsUsingThisAsComparisonView();
for ( auto contView : containingViews )
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
cvf::Vec3d RiuViewer::pointOfInterest()
return m_navigationPolicy->pointOfInterest();
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setPointOfInterest( cvf::Vec3d poi )
m_navigationPolicy->setPointOfInterest( poi );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setOwnerReservoirView( RiuViewerToViewInterface* owner )
m_rimView = owner;
2015-11-23 00:24:50 -06:00
m_viewerCommands->setOwnerView( dynamic_cast<Rim3dView*>( owner ) );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::paintOverlayItems( QPainter* painter )
// Update the legend layout on every redraw as the legends stores their own position,
// and when they are shared between views the positions are overwritten.
int columnWidth = 200;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
int edgeAxisFrameBorderWidth = m_showWindowEdgeAxes ? m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->frameBorderWidth() : 0;
int edgeAxisFrameBorderHeight = m_showWindowEdgeAxes ? m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->frameBorderHeight() : 0;
int margin = 5;
int startYPos = margin + edgeAxisFrameBorderHeight;
int yPos = startYPos;
bool showAnimBar = false;
if ( isAnimationActive() && frameCount() > 1 ) showAnimBar = true;
if ( m_showInfoText ) columnWidth = std::max( columnWidth, m_infoLabel->sizeHint().width() );
int columnPos = this->width() - columnWidth - margin - edgeAxisFrameBorderWidth;
if ( this->isComparisonViewActive() )
Rim3dView* compView = dynamic_cast<Rim3dView*>( m_rimView.p() )->activeComparisonView();
if ( compView )
columnWidth = 200;
// int sliderPos = this->width() * this->comparisonViewVisibleNormalizedRect().min().x();
int sliderPos = 0.5 * this->width();
int compViewItemsXPos = sliderPos + 0.5 * ( this->width() - sliderPos ) - 0.5 * columnWidth;
columnPos = 0.5 * sliderPos - 0.5 * columnWidth;
if ( m_showInfoText )
Rim3dView* view = dynamic_cast<Rim3dView*>( m_rimView.p() );
m_shortInfoLabel->setText( "<center>" + view->ownerCase()->caseUserDescription() + "</center>" );
QPoint topLeft = QPoint( columnPos, yPos );
m_shortInfoLabel->resize( columnWidth, m_shortInfoLabel->sizeHint().height() );
m_shortInfoLabel->render( painter, topLeft );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setText( "<center>" + compView->ownerCase()->caseUserDescription() +
"</center>" );
QPoint topLeft = QPoint( compViewItemsXPos, yPos );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->resize( columnWidth, m_shortInfoLabelCompView->sizeHint().height() );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->render( painter, topLeft );
yPos += m_shortInfoLabel->height();
int pickAreaHeight = yPos - startYPos;
if ( m_showAnimProgress && isAnimationActive( true ) && compView->timeStepCount() > 1 )
QString stepName = compView->timeStepName( compView->currentTimeStep() );
m_animationProgressCompView->setFormat( "Time Step: %v/%m " + stepName );
m_animationProgressCompView->setMinimum( 0 );
m_animationProgressCompView->setMaximum( static_cast<int>( compView->timeStepCount() ) - 1 );
m_animationProgressCompView->setValue( compView->currentTimeStep() );
m_animationProgressCompView->resize( columnWidth, m_animationProgressCompView->sizeHint().height() );
m_animationProgressCompView->render( painter, QPoint( compViewItemsXPos, yPos ) );
pickAreaHeight += m_animationProgressCompView->height();
m_infoPickArea.setLeft( columnPos );
m_infoPickArea.setWidth( columnWidth );
m_infoPickArea.setHeight( pickAreaHeight );
m_infoPickArea.setTop( startYPos );
m_infoPickAreaCompView.setLeft( compViewItemsXPos );
m_infoPickAreaCompView.setWidth( columnWidth );
m_infoPickAreaCompView.setHeight( pickAreaHeight );
m_infoPickAreaCompView.setTop( startYPos );
if ( showAnimBar && m_showAnimProgress )
Rim3dView* view = dynamic_cast<Rim3dView*>( m_rimView.p() );
QString stepName = view->timeStepName( view->currentTimeStep() );
m_animationProgress->setFormat( "Time Step: %v/%m " + stepName );
m_animationProgress->setMinimum( 0 );
m_animationProgress->setMaximum( static_cast<int>( view->timeStepCount() ) - 1 );
m_animationProgress->setValue( view->currentTimeStep() );
m_animationProgress->resize( columnWidth, m_animationProgress->sizeHint().height() );
m_animationProgress->render( painter, QPoint( columnPos, yPos ) );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
yPos += m_animationProgress->height() + margin;
if ( m_showInfoText && !this->isComparisonViewActive() )
QPoint topLeft = QPoint( columnPos, yPos );
m_infoLabel->resize( columnWidth, m_infoLabel->sizeHint().height() );
m_infoLabel->render( painter, topLeft );
m_infoPickArea.setTopLeft( topLeft );
m_infoPickArea.setBottom( yPos + m_infoLabel->height() );
m_infoPickArea.setRight( columnPos + columnWidth );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
yPos += m_infoLabel->height() + margin;
else if ( !this->isComparisonViewActive() )
m_infoPickArea = QRect();
if ( m_showHistogram && !this->isComparisonViewActive() )
m_histogramWidget->resize( columnWidth, 40 );
m_histogramWidget->render( painter, QPoint( columnPos, yPos ) );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
// yPos += m_histogramWidget->height() + margin;
if ( m_showVersionInfo ) // Version Label
QSize size( m_versionInfoLabel->sizeHint().width(), m_versionInfoLabel->sizeHint().height() );
QPoint pos( this->width() - size.width() - margin - edgeAxisFrameBorderWidth,
this->height() - size.height() - margin - edgeAxisFrameBorderHeight );
m_versionInfoLabel->resize( size.width(), size.height() );
m_versionInfoLabel->render( painter, pos );
if ( m_showZScaleLabel ) // Z scale Label
QSize size( m_zScaleLabel->sizeHint().width(), m_zScaleLabel->sizeHint().height() );
QPoint pos( margin + edgeAxisFrameBorderWidth, margin + edgeAxisFrameBorderHeight );
m_zScaleLabel->resize( size.width(), size.height() );
m_zScaleLabel->render( painter, pos );
if ( !m_cursorPositionDomainCoords.isUndefined() )
if ( mainCamera() )
cvf::ref<caf::DisplayCoordTransform> trans = m_rimView->displayCoordTransform();
cvf::Vec3d displayCoord = trans->transformToDisplayCoord( m_cursorPositionDomainCoords );
cvf::Vec3d screenCoords;
if ( mainCamera()->project( displayCoord, &screenCoords ) )
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
int translatedMousePosY = height() - screenCoords.y();
QPoint centerPos( screenCoords.x(), translatedMousePosY );
// Draw a cross hair marker
int markerHalfLength = 6;
painter->drawLine( centerPos.x(),
centerPos.y() - markerHalfLength,
centerPos.y() + markerHalfLength );
painter->drawLine( centerPos.x() - markerHalfLength,
centerPos.x() + markerHalfLength,
centerPos.y() );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
m_comparisonWindowMover->paintMoverHandles( painter );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setInfoText( QString text )
m_infoLabel->setText( text );
void RiuViewer::hideZScaleCheckbox( bool hide )
m_hideZScaleCheckbox = hide;
void RiuViewer::showZScaleLabel( bool enable )
m_showZScaleLabel = enable;
void RiuViewer::setZScale( int scale )
bool isScaleChanged = m_zScale != scale;
m_zScale = scale;
m_zScaleLabel->setText( QString( "Z: %1" ).arg( scale ) );
if ( isScaleChanged ) m_selectionVisualizerManager->updateVisibleEditors();
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::showInfoText( bool enable )
m_showInfoText = enable;
void RiuViewer::showVersionInfo( bool enable )
m_showVersionInfo = enable;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setHistogram( double min, double max, const std::vector<size_t>& histogram )
m_histogramWidget->setHistogramData( min, max, histogram );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setHistogramPercentiles( double pmin, double pmax, double mean )
m_histogramWidget->setPercentiles( pmin, pmax );
m_histogramWidget->setMean( mean );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::showGridBox( bool enable )
if ( enable )
this->addStaticModelOnce( m_gridBoxGenerator->model(), false );
this->addStaticModelOnce( m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator->model(), true );
this->removeStaticModel( m_gridBoxGenerator->model() );
this->removeStaticModel( m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator->model() );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::showAnimationProgress( bool enable )
m_showAnimProgress = enable;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::showHistogram( bool enable )
m_showHistogram = enable;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
m_lastMousePressPosition = event->pos();
2014-04-07 06:18:39 -05:00
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
2014-04-07 06:18:39 -05:00
void RiuViewer::removeAllColorLegends()
2014-04-07 06:18:39 -05:00
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_visibleLegends.size(); i++ )
overlayItemsRendering()->removeOverlayItem( m_visibleLegends[i].p() );
for ( auto legend : m_visibleComparisonLegends )
overlayItemsRendering()->removeOverlayItem( legend.p() );
2014-04-07 06:18:39 -05:00
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::addColorLegendToBottomLeftCorner( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* addedLegend, bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !addedLegend || m_visibleLegends.contains( addedLegend ) ) return;
RiaGuiApplication* app = RiaGuiApplication::instance();
cvf::Rendering* overlayRendering = overlayItemsRendering();
CVF_ASSERT( overlayRendering );
cvf::Color4f backgroundColor = mainCamera()->viewport()->clearColor();
backgroundColor.a() = 0.8f;
cvf::Color3f backgroundColor3f( backgroundColor.r(), backgroundColor.g(), backgroundColor.b() );
cvf::Color4f frameColor = cvf::Color4f( RiaColorTools::computeOffsetColor( backgroundColor3f, 0.3f ), 0.9f );
updateLegendTextAndTickMarkColor( addedLegend );
addedLegend->enableBackground( RiaPreferences::current()->showLegendBackground() );
addedLegend->setBackgroundColor( backgroundColor );
addedLegend->setBackgroundFrameColor( frameColor );
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
addedLegend->setFont( app->sceneFont( m_fontPointSize ) );
overlayRendering->addOverlayItem( addedLegend );
if ( isForComparisonView )
m_visibleComparisonLegends.push_back( addedLegend );
m_visibleLegends.push_back( addedLegend );
void RiuViewer::removeColorLegend( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* legend )
overlayItemsRendering()->removeOverlayItem( legend );
m_visibleLegends.erase( legend );
m_visibleComparisonLegends.erase( legend );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::updateLegendLayout()
int viewPortHeight = static_cast<int>( m_mainCamera->viewport()->height() );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
const float maxFreeLegendHeight = 0.7f * viewPortHeight;
const int border = 3;
int edgeAxisBorderWidth = m_showWindowEdgeAxes ? m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->frameBorderWidth() : 0;
int edgeAxisBorderHeight = m_showWindowEdgeAxes ? m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->frameBorderHeight() : 0;
// Place the main view legends from left to right
int xPos = border + edgeAxisBorderWidth;
int yPos = border + edgeAxisBorderHeight;
std::vector<caf::TitledOverlayFrame*> standardHeightLegends;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
// Place the legends needing the full height, and sort out the standard height legends
for ( cvf::ref<caf::TitledOverlayFrame> legend : m_visibleLegends )
cvf::Vec2ui prefSize = legend->preferredSize();
if ( prefSize.y() > maxFreeLegendHeight )
int legendWidth = prefSize.x();
legend->setLayoutFixedPosition( cvf::Vec2i( xPos, yPos ) );
legend->setRenderSize( cvf::Vec2ui( legendWidth, viewPortHeight - 2 * border - 2 * edgeAxisBorderHeight ) );
xPos += legendWidth + border;
standardHeightLegends.push_back( legend.p() );
// Place the rest of the legends in columns that fits within the screen height
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
int maxColumnWidht = 0;
std::vector<caf::TitledOverlayFrame*> columnLegends;
for ( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* legend : standardHeightLegends )
cvf::Vec2ui prefSize = legend->preferredSize();
// Check if we need a new column
if ( ( yPos + (int)prefSize.y() + border ) > viewPortHeight )
xPos += border + maxColumnWidht;
yPos = border + edgeAxisBorderHeight;
// Set same width to all legends in the column
for ( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* columnLegend : columnLegends )
columnLegend->setRenderSize( cvf::Vec2ui( maxColumnWidht, columnLegend->renderSize().y() ) );
maxColumnWidht = 0;
legend->setLayoutFixedPosition( cvf::Vec2i( xPos, yPos ) );
legend->setRenderSize( cvf::Vec2ui( prefSize.x(), prefSize.y() ) );
columnLegends.push_back( legend );
yPos += legend->renderSize().y() + border;
maxColumnWidht = std::max( maxColumnWidht, (int)prefSize.x() );
// Set same width to all legends in the last column
for ( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* legend : columnLegends )
legend->setRenderSize( cvf::Vec2ui( maxColumnWidht, legend->renderSize().y() ) );
// Place the comparison view legends from right to left
int viewPortWidth = static_cast<int>( m_mainCamera->viewport()->width() );
int xPos = viewPortWidth - border + edgeAxisBorderWidth;
int yPosStart = border + edgeAxisBorderHeight + m_versionInfoLabel->sizeHint().height() + 5;
int yPos = yPosStart;
std::vector<caf::TitledOverlayFrame*> standardHeightLegends;
// Place the legends needing the full height, and sort out the standard height legends
for ( cvf::ref<caf::TitledOverlayFrame> legend : m_visibleComparisonLegends )
cvf::Vec2ui prefSize = legend->preferredSize();
if ( prefSize.y() > maxFreeLegendHeight )
int legendWidth = prefSize.x();
legend->setLayoutFixedPosition( cvf::Vec2i( xPos - legendWidth, yPos ) );
cvf::Vec2ui( legendWidth, viewPortHeight - yPosStart - border - edgeAxisBorderHeight ) );
xPos -= legendWidth + border;
standardHeightLegends.push_back( legend.p() );
// Place the rest of the legends in columns that fits within the screen height
std::vector<caf::TitledOverlayFrame*> columnLegends;
int maxColumnWidht = 0;
for ( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* legend : standardHeightLegends )
cvf::Vec2ui prefSize = legend->preferredSize();
// Check if we need a new column
if ( ( yPos + (int)prefSize.y() + border ) > viewPortHeight )
// Finish the previous column setting same width to all legends and correcting the xposition accordingly
for ( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* columnLegend : columnLegends )
columnLegend->setRenderSize( cvf::Vec2ui( maxColumnWidht, columnLegend->renderSize().y() ) );
cvf::Vec2i( xPos - maxColumnWidht, columnLegend->fixedPosition().y() ) );
// Increment to make ready for a new column
xPos -= border + maxColumnWidht;
yPos = yPosStart;
maxColumnWidht = 0;
legend->setLayoutFixedPosition( cvf::Vec2i( xPos - prefSize.x(), yPos ) );
legend->setRenderSize( cvf::Vec2ui( prefSize.x(), prefSize.y() ) );
columnLegends.push_back( legend );
yPos += legend->renderSize().y() + border;
maxColumnWidht = std::max( maxColumnWidht, (int)prefSize.x() );
// Finish the last column setting same width to all legends and correcting the xposition accordingly
for ( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* columnLegend : columnLegends )
columnLegend->setRenderSize( cvf::Vec2ui( maxColumnWidht, columnLegend->renderSize().y() ) );
columnLegend->setLayoutFixedPosition( cvf::Vec2i( xPos - maxColumnWidht, columnLegend->fixedPosition().y() ) );
xPos -= maxColumnWidht;
// Set axis cross position at the bottom besides the last column
cvf::Vec2i( xPos + border - m_axisCross->sizeHint().x(), edgeAxisBorderHeight ) );
// Set the position of the scale bar used in contour map views
int margin = 5;
auto scaleLegendSize = m_scaleLegend->renderSize();
auto otherItemsHeight = m_versionInfoLabel->sizeHint().height();
const int xPos = width() - (int)scaleLegendSize.x() - margin - edgeAxisBorderWidth;
const int yPos = margin + edgeAxisBorderHeight + margin + otherItemsHeight;
2020-11-09 06:44:29 -06:00
m_scaleLegend->setLayoutFixedPosition( { xPos, yPos } );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::enableNavigationRotation( bool enable )
auto tbNavPol = dynamic_cast<caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation*>( m_navigationPolicy.p() );
m_isNavigationRotationEnabled = enable;
if ( tbNavPol ) tbNavPol->enableRotation( m_isNavigationRotationEnabled );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::updateNavigationPolicy()
switch ( RiaGuiApplication::instance()->navigationPolicy() )
case RiaDefines::RINavigationPolicy::NAVIGATION_POLICY_CAD:
setNavigationPolicy( new RiuCadNavigation );
case RiaDefines::RINavigationPolicy::NAVIGATION_POLICY_CEETRON:
setNavigationPolicy( new caf::CeetronPlusNavigation );
case RiaDefines::RINavigationPolicy::NAVIGATION_POLICY_GEOQUEST:
setNavigationPolicy( new RiuGeoQuestNavigation );
case RiaDefines::RINavigationPolicy::NAVIGATION_POLICY_RMS:
setNavigationPolicy( new RiuRmsNavigation );
enableNavigationRotation( m_isNavigationRotationEnabled );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::navigationPolicyUpdate()
2015-09-23 05:50:06 -05:00
if ( m_rimView )
RimViewLinker* viewLinker = m_rimView->assosiatedViewLinker();
if ( viewLinker )
viewLinker->updateCamera( dynamic_cast<RimGridView*>( m_rimView.p() ) );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setCurrentFrame( int frameIndex )
CVF_ASSERT( m_mainRendering.notNull() );
if ( m_rimView ) m_rimView->setCurrentTimeStepAndUpdate( frameIndex );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
animationControl()->setCurrentFrameOnly( frameIndex );
caf::Viewer::slotSetCurrentFrame( frameIndex );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::showAxisCross( bool enable )
overlayItemsRendering()->removeOverlayItem( m_axisCross.p() );
if ( enable )
overlayItemsRendering()->addOverlayItem( m_axisCross.p() );
m_showAxisCross = enable;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
RiuViewerToViewInterface* RiuViewer::ownerReservoirView()
return m_rimView;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
RimViewWindow* RiuViewer::ownerViewWindow() const
return dynamic_cast<RimViewWindow*>( m_rimView.p() );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::optimizeClippingPlanes()
if ( m_showWindowEdgeAxes )
2018-02-12 02:05:58 -06:00
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setDisplayCoordTransform( m_rimView->displayCoordTransform().p() );
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->updateFromCamera( this->mainCamera() );
2018-02-12 02:05:58 -06:00
m_gridBoxGenerator->updateFromCamera( mainCamera() );
m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator->updateFromCamera( comparisonMainCamera() );
m_scaleLegend->setDisplayCoordTransform( m_rimView->displayCoordTransform().p() );
m_scaleLegend->updateFromCamera( mainCamera() );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::resizeGL( int width, int height )
caf::Viewer::resizeGL( width, height );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* mouseEvent )
if ( m_rimView )
2016-12-15 12:00:36 -06:00
RimViewLinker* viewLinker = m_rimView->assosiatedViewLinker();
if ( viewLinker )
2016-12-15 12:00:36 -06:00
int translatedMousePosX = mouseEvent->pos().x();
int translatedMousePosY = height() - mouseEvent->pos().y();
cvf::Vec3d displayCoord( 0, 0, 0 );
if ( mainCamera()->unproject( cvf::Vec3d( static_cast<double>( translatedMousePosX ),
static_cast<double>( translatedMousePosY ),
0 ),
&displayCoord ) )
if ( m_cursorPositionDomainCoords != cvf::Vec3d::UNDEFINED )
2016-12-15 12:00:36 -06:00
// Reset the extra cursor if the view currently is receiving mouse cursor events
// Set undefined and redraw to remove the previously displayed cursor
m_cursorPositionDomainCoords = cvf::Vec3d::UNDEFINED;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
cvf::ref<caf::DisplayCoordTransform> trans = m_rimView->displayCoordTransform();
cvf::Vec3d domainCoord = trans->transformToDomainCoord( displayCoord );
viewLinker->updateCursorPosition( dynamic_cast<RimGridView*>( m_rimView.p() ), domainCoord );
caf::Viewer::mouseMoveEvent( mouseEvent );
void RiuViewer::enterEvent( QEvent* e )
if ( s_hoverCursor )
QApplication::setOverrideCursor( *s_hoverCursor );
caf::Viewer::enterEvent( e );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::leaveEvent( QEvent* )
if ( m_rimView && m_rimView->assosiatedViewLinker() )
RimViewLinker* viewLinker = m_rimView->assosiatedViewLinker();
viewLinker->updateCursorPosition( dynamic_cast<RimGridView*>( m_rimView.p() ), cvf::Vec3d::UNDEFINED );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
void RiuViewer::updateGridBoxData( double scaleZ,
const cvf::Vec3d& displayModelOffset,
const cvf::Color3f& backgroundColor,
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
const cvf::BoundingBox& domainCoordBoundingBox,
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
int fontPointSize )
m_gridBoxGenerator->setScaleZ( scaleZ );
m_gridBoxGenerator->setDisplayModelOffset( displayModelOffset );
m_gridBoxGenerator->updateFromBackgroundColor( backgroundColor );
m_gridBoxGenerator->setGridBoxDomainCoordBoundingBox( domainCoordBoundingBox );
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
m_gridBoxGenerator->setGridLabelFontSize( fontPointSize );
m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator->setScaleZ( scaleZ );
cvf::Vec3d unscaledComparisonOffset = comparisonViewEyePointOffset();
unscaledComparisonOffset.z() /= scaleZ;
m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator->setDisplayModelOffset( displayModelOffset - unscaledComparisonOffset );
m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator->updateFromBackgroundColor( backgroundColor );
m_comparisonGridBoxGenerator->setGridBoxDomainCoordBoundingBox( domainCoordBoundingBox );
void RiuViewer::showEdgeTickMarksXY( bool enable, bool showAxisLines )
overlayItemsRendering()->removeOverlayItem( m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay.p() );
if ( enable )
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setDomainAxes( RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::XY_AXES );
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setIsSwitchingYAxisSign( false );
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setShowAxisLines( showAxisLines );
overlayItemsRendering()->addOverlayItem( m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay.p() );
m_showWindowEdgeAxes = enable;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::showEdgeTickMarksXZ( bool enable, bool showAxisLines )
overlayItemsRendering()->removeOverlayItem( m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay.p() );
if ( enable )
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setDomainAxes( RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::XZ_AXES );
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setIsSwitchingYAxisSign( true );
m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay->setShowAxisLines( showAxisLines );
overlayItemsRendering()->addOverlayItem( m_windowEdgeAxisOverlay.p() );
m_showWindowEdgeAxes = enable;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::updateAnnotationItems()
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setAxisLabels( const cvf::String& xLabel, const cvf::String& yLabel, const cvf::String& zLabel )
m_axisCross->setAxisLabels( xLabel, yLabel, zLabel );
RiuViewerCommands* RiuViewer::viewerCommands() const
return m_viewerCommands;
2016-10-17 04:51:25 -05:00
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
2016-10-17 04:51:25 -05:00
cvf::OverlayItem* RiuViewer::pickFixedPositionedLegend( int winPosX, int winPosY )
2016-10-17 04:51:25 -05:00
int translatedMousePosX = winPosX;
int translatedMousePosY = height() - winPosY;
for ( auto overlayItem : m_visibleLegends )
2016-10-17 04:51:25 -05:00
if ( overlayItem->layoutScheme() == cvf::OverlayItem::FIXED_POSITION &&
overlayItem->pick( translatedMousePosX,
overlayItem->renderSize() ) )
2016-10-17 04:51:25 -05:00
return overlayItem.p();
for ( auto overlayItem : m_visibleComparisonLegends )
if ( overlayItem->layoutScheme() == cvf::OverlayItem::FIXED_POSITION &&
overlayItem->pick( translatedMousePosX,
overlayItem->renderSize() ) )
return overlayItem.p();
2016-10-17 04:51:25 -05:00
return nullptr;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::setCursorPosition( const cvf::Vec3d& domainCoord )
if ( m_cursorPositionDomainCoords != domainCoord )
m_cursorPositionDomainCoords = domainCoord;
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
std::vector<cvf::ref<cvf::Part>> RiuViewer::visibleParts()
std::vector<cvf::ref<cvf::Part>> partsMatchingEnableMask;
if ( m_mainRendering.notNull() )
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
auto enableMask = m_mainRendering->enableMask();
cvf::Scene* scene = currentScene();
for ( cvf::uint i = 0; i < scene->modelCount(); i++ )
cvf::Model* model = scene->model( i );
if ( enableMask & model->partEnableMask() )
cvf::Collection<cvf::Part> partCollection;
model->allParts( &partCollection );
for ( const auto& p : partCollection )
if ( enableMask & p->enableMask() )
partsMatchingEnableMask.push_back( p );
return partsMatchingEnableMask;
void RiuViewer::showScaleLegend( bool show )
if ( show )
if ( m_scaleLegend->orientation() == caf::OverlayScaleLegend::HORIZONTAL )
2020-11-09 06:44:29 -06:00
m_scaleLegend->setRenderSize( { 280, 45 } );
2020-11-09 06:44:29 -06:00
m_scaleLegend->setRenderSize( { 50, 280 } );
overlayItemsRendering()->addOverlayItem( m_scaleLegend.p() );
overlayItemsRendering()->removeOverlayItem( m_scaleLegend.p() );
void RiuViewer::setHoverCursor( const QCursor& cursor )
s_hoverCursor.reset( new QCursor( cursor ) );
void RiuViewer::clearHoverCursor()
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
void RiuViewer::updateFonts( int fontPointSize )
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
m_fontPointSize = fontPointSize;
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
auto defaultFontSize = RiaApplication::instance()->preferences()->defaultSceneFontSize();
cvf::Font* axisFont = RiaGuiApplication::instance()->defaultSceneFont();
QFont font = QApplication::font();
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
font.setPixelSize( caf::FontTools::pointSizeToPixelSize( m_fontPointSize ) );
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
if ( caf::FontTools::absolutePointSize( defaultFontSize ) != m_fontPointSize )
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
axisFont = RiaFontCache::getFont( m_fontPointSize ).p();
overlayItemsRendering()->removeOverlayItem( m_axisCross.p() );
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
m_axisCross = new cvf::OverlayAxisCross( m_mainCamera.p(), axisFont );
m_axisCross->setAxisLabels( "X", "Y", "Z" );
m_axisCross->setLayout( cvf::OverlayItem::VERTICAL, cvf::OverlayItem::BOTTOM_RIGHT );
overlayItemsRendering()->addOverlayItem( m_axisCross.p() );
m_showAxisCross = true;
m_zScaleLabel->setFont( font );
m_infoLabel->setFont( font );
m_shortInfoLabel->setFont( font );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setFont( font );
m_animationProgress->setFont( font );
m_animationProgressCompView->setFont( font );
m_versionInfoLabel->setFont( font );
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
m_gridBoxGenerator->setGridLabelFontSize( m_fontPointSize );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::updateLegendTextAndTickMarkColor( cvf::OverlayItem* legend )
if ( m_rimView.isNull() ) return;
cvf::Color3f contrastColor = computeContrastColor();
caf::OverlayScalarMapperLegend* scalarMapperLegend = dynamic_cast<caf::OverlayScalarMapperLegend*>( legend );
if ( scalarMapperLegend )
scalarMapperLegend->setTextColor( contrastColor );
scalarMapperLegend->setLineColor( contrastColor );
caf::CategoryLegend* categoryLegend = dynamic_cast<caf::CategoryLegend*>( legend );
if ( categoryLegend )
categoryLegend->setTextColor( contrastColor );
categoryLegend->setLineColor( contrastColor );
RivTernarySaturationOverlayItem* ternaryItem = dynamic_cast<RivTernarySaturationOverlayItem*>( legend );
if ( ternaryItem )
ternaryItem->setAxisLabelsColor( contrastColor );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::updateTextAndTickMarkColorForOverlayItems()
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_visibleLegends.size(); i++ )
updateLegendTextAndTickMarkColor( i ) );
for ( auto legend : m_visibleComparisonLegends )
updateLegendTextAndTickMarkColor( legend.p() );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
void RiuViewer::updateAxisCrossTextColor()
cvf::Color3f contrastColor = computeContrastColor();
m_axisCross->setAxisLabelsColor( contrastColor );
void RiuViewer::updateOverlayItemsStyle()
QColor backgroundColor;
QColor backgroundFrameColor;
QColor contrastColor;
cvf::Color4f cvf_backgroundColor = mainCamera()->viewport()->clearColor();
cvf_backgroundColor.a() = 0.65f;
cvf::Color4f cvf_backgroundFrameColor =
cvf::Color4f( RiaColorTools::computeOffsetColor( cvf_backgroundColor.toColor3f(), 0.3f ), 0.9f );
cvf::Color3f cvf_contrastColor = computeContrastColor();
backgroundColor = RiaColorTools::toQColor( cvf_backgroundColor );
backgroundFrameColor = RiaColorTools::toQColor( cvf_backgroundFrameColor );
contrastColor = RiaColorTools::toQColor( cvf_contrastColor );
m_infoLabel->setStyleSheet( caf::StyleSheetTools::createFrameStyleSheet( "QLabel",
backgroundFrameColor ) );
m_shortInfoLabel->setStyleSheet( caf::StyleSheetTools::createFrameStyleSheet( "QLabel",
backgroundFrameColor ) );
m_shortInfoLabelCompView->setStyleSheet( caf::StyleSheetTools::createFrameStyleSheet( "QLabel",
backgroundFrameColor ) );
caf::StyleSheetTools::createFrameStyleSheet( "QLabel", "VersionInfo", contrastColor, backgroundColor, backgroundColor ) );
caf::StyleSheetTools::createFrameStyleSheet( "QLabel", "ZScaleLabel", contrastColor, backgroundColor, backgroundColor ) );
m_histogramWidget->setStyleSheet( caf::StyleSheetTools::createFrameStyleSheet( "QWidget",
backgroundFrameColor ) );
QColor progressColor( Qt::green );
progressColor.setAlphaF( 0.8f );
backgroundColor.setAlphaF( 0.8f );
m_animationProgress->setTextBackgroundAndProgressColor( contrastColor, backgroundColor, backgroundFrameColor, progressColor );
m_animationProgressCompView->setTextBackgroundAndProgressColor( contrastColor,
progressColor );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
cvf::Color3f RiuViewer::computeContrastColor() const
cvf::Color3f contrastColor = RiaColorTools::brightContrastColor();
if ( m_rimView.notNull() )
contrastColor = RiaColorTools::contrastColor( m_rimView->backgroundColor() );
2019-01-02 02:45:48 -06:00
return contrastColor;