
199 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2018- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "RimCheckableNamedObject.h"
#include "RimRegularLegendConfig.h"
#include "cafDisplayCoordTransform.h"
#include "cafPdmChildField.h"
#include "cafPdmField.h"
#include "cafPdmObject.h"
#include "cvfBoundingBox.h"
#include "cvfGeometryBuilderFaceList.h"
#include "cvfString.h"
#include "cvfVector2.h"
class RimGridView;
class RimContourMapProjection : public RimCheckableNamedObject
typedef std::pair<size_t, double> CellIndexAndResult;
struct ContourPolygon
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> vertices;
double value;
cvf::BoundingBox bbox;
enum ResultAggregationEnum
typedef caf::AppEnum<ResultAggregationEnum> ResultAggregation;
typedef std::vector<ContourPolygon> ContourPolygons;
~RimContourMapProjection() override;
void generateResultsIfNecessary(int timeStep);
void generateGeometryIfNecessary();
void clearGeometry();
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> generatePickPointPolygon();
const std::vector<ContourPolygons>& contourPolygons() const;
const std::vector<cvf::Vec4d>& trianglesWithVertexValues();
ResultAggregation resultAggregation() const;
double sampleSpacing() const;
double sampleSpacingFactor() const;
bool showContourLines() const;
bool showContourLabels() const;
QString resultAggregationText() const;
double maxValue() const;
double minValue() const;
double meanValue() const;
double sumAllValues() const;
cvf::Vec2ui numberOfElementsIJ() const;
cvf::Vec2ui numberOfVerticesIJ() const;
bool isColumnResult() const;
double valueAtVertex(uint i, uint j) const;
bool hasResultAtVertex(uint i, uint j) const;
uint numberOfCells() const;
uint numberOfValidCells() const;
size_t numberOfVertices() const;
bool checkForMapIntersection(const cvf::Vec3d& localPoint3d, cvf::Vec2d* contourMapPoint, double* valueAtPoint) const;
void setPickPoint(cvf::Vec2d globalPickPoint);
cvf::Vec3d origin3d() const;
// Pure-virtual public methods which should be overridden by Eclipse and Geo-mechanical contour map implementations
virtual QString resultDescriptionText() const = 0;
virtual RimRegularLegendConfig* legendConfig() const = 0;
virtual void updateLegend() = 0;
// Protected virtual methods to be overridden by Eclipse and Geo-mechanical contour map implementations
virtual void updateGridInformation() = 0;
virtual void generateGridMapping() = 0;
virtual void generateResults(int timeStep) = 0;
virtual bool gridMappingImplNeedsUpdating() const = 0;
virtual bool resultsImplNeedsUpdating() const = 0;
virtual void clearImplSpecificResultData() = 0;
virtual RimGridView* baseView() const = 0;
// Keep track of whether cached data needs updating
bool gridMappingNeedsUpdating() const;
bool resultsNeedsUpdating(int timeStep) const;
bool geometryNeedsUpdating() const;
void clearGridMapping();
void clearResults();
void generateTrianglesWithVertexValues();
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> generateVertices() const;
void generateContourPolygons();
void smoothContourPolygons(ContourPolygons* contourPolygons, const ContourPolygons* clipBy, bool favourExpansion);
bool isMeanResult() const;
bool isSummationResult() const;
bool isStraightSummationResult() const;
static bool isStraightSummationResult(ResultAggregationEnum aggregationType);
double interpolateValue(const cvf::Vec2d& gridPosition2d) const;
double valueInCell(uint i, uint j) const;
bool hasResultInCell(uint i, uint j) const;
double calculateValueAtVertex(uint i, uint j) const;
// Cell index and position conversion
std::vector<CellIndexAndResult> cellsAtIJ(uint i, uint j) const;
size_t cellIndexFromIJ(uint i, uint j) const;
size_t vertexIndexFromIJ(uint i, uint j) const;
cvf::Vec2ui ijFromVertexIndex(size_t gridIndex) const;
cvf::Vec2ui ijFromCellIndex(size_t mapIndex) const;
cvf::Vec2ui ijFromLocalPos(const cvf::Vec2d& localPos2d) const;
cvf::Vec2d cellCenterPosition(uint i, uint j) const;
cvf::Vec2d origin2d() const;
std::vector<double> xVertexPositions() const;
std::vector<double> yVertexPositions() const;
bool use2dMapLegendRange() const;
bool use3dGridLegendRange() const;
cvf::Vec2ui calculateMapSize() const;
double gridEdgeOffset() const;
// Framework overrides
void fieldChangedByUi(const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue) override;
void defineEditorAttribute(const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field,
QString uiConfigName,
caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute) override;
void defineUiOrdering(QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering) override;
void defineUiTreeOrdering(caf::PdmUiTreeOrdering& uiTreeOrdering, QString uiConfigName = "") override;
void initAfterRead() override;
caf::PdmField<double> m_relativeSampleSpacing;
caf::PdmField<ResultAggregation> m_resultAggregation;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_showContourLines;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_showContourLabels;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_smoothContourLines;
std::vector<double> m_aggregatedResults;
std::vector<double> m_aggregatedVertexResults;
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<size_t, double>>> m_projected3dGridIndices;
cvf::Vec2d m_pickPoint;
cvf::Vec2ui m_mapSize;
cvf::BoundingBox m_expandedBoundingBox;
cvf::BoundingBox m_gridBoundingBox;
double m_sampleSpacing;
std::vector<ContourPolygons> m_contourPolygons;
std::vector<cvf::Vec4d> m_trianglesWithVertexValues;
int m_currentResultTimestep;