This function returns a two dimensional matrix: [numSelectedCells][numTimestepsRequested] containing the requested property data from the case with CaseId.
If the CaseId is not defined, ResInsight's Current Case is used.
The RequestedTimeSteps must contain a list of 1-based indices to the requested time steps. If not defined, all the time steps are returned.
This function returns a two dimensional matrix: [Num Connections][Num Time Steps Requested] containing the value of the requested property from the case with CaseId. The order of connections is the same as the order from `riGetNNCConnectio
If the CaseId is not defined, ResInsight's Current Case is used.
The RequestedTimeSteps must contain a list of indices to the requested time steps. If not defined, all the timesteps are returned.
This function returns a vector of values for the requested static property for each NNC connection. The order of connections is the same as the order from `riGetNNCConnections`.
If the CaseId is not defined, ResInsight's Current Case is used.
Interprets the supplied matrix as a property set defined for the NNC connections in the case, and puts the data into ResInsight as a "Generated" property with the name "PropertyName".
The "TimeStepIndices" argument is used to "label" all the steps present in the supplied data matrix and must thus be complete.
The time step data will then be put into ResInsight at the time steps requested.
If the CaseId is not defined, ResInsight's Current Case is used.