Split fem part results collection 5785 (#5871)
* #5785 Extract RigFemClosestResultIndexCalculator class to separate file.
* #5785 Move method implementation of RigFemClosestResutIndexCalculator to cpp file.
Also improve const correctness.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating normal SE, ie. SE:11/22/33.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating shear SE, ie. SE:12/13/23.
* #5785 Create a list of result calculators.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating timelapse, normalized, and gamma results.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating normal ST, ie. ST:11/22/33.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating shear ST, ie. ST:12/13/23.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating surface angles and aligned stress.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating principal strain and stress.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating FOS, SFI and DSM for SE.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating NE.EV, NE.ED, ST.Q and ST.STM.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating compaction.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating stress gradients.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating SE.SEM.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating NE.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating formation indices.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating nodal graidents, bar conversions, and EnIpPorBar.
* #5785 Use std::unique_ptr to calculators.
* Use std::vector<unique_ptr>
Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <magne.sjaastad@ceetronsolutions.com>
2020-05-09 01:57:07 -05:00
// Copyright (C) 2020- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorSurfaceAlignedStress.h"
#include "RigFemPart.h"
#include "RigFemPartCollection.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultsCollection.h"
#include "RigFemResultAddress.h"
#include "RigFemScalarResultFrames.h"
#include "cvfGeometryTools.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include <QString>
RigFemPartResultsCollection& collection )
: RigFemPartResultCalculator( collection )
bool RigFemPartResultCalculatorSurfaceAlignedStress::isMatching( const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr ) const
return ( resVarAddr.resultPosType == RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL_FACE && resVarAddr.componentName != "Pazi" &&
resVarAddr.componentName != "Pinc" && !resVarAddr.componentName.empty() );
RigFemPartResultCalculatorSurfaceAlignedStress::calculate( int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr )
CVF_ASSERT( resVarAddr.componentName == "STH" || resVarAddr.componentName == "STQV" ||
resVarAddr.componentName == "SN" || resVarAddr.componentName == "TPH" ||
resVarAddr.componentName == "TPQV" || resVarAddr.componentName == "THQV" ||
resVarAddr.componentName == "TP" || resVarAddr.componentName == "TPinc" ||
resVarAddr.componentName == "FAULTMOB" || resVarAddr.componentName == "PCRIT" );
caf::ProgressInfo frameCountProgress( m_resultCollection->frameCount() * 7, "" );
"Calculating " + QString::fromStdString( resVarAddr.fieldName + ": " + resVarAddr.componentName ) );
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* s11Frames =
m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, resVarAddr.fieldName, "S11" ) );
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* s22Frames =
m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, resVarAddr.fieldName, "S22" ) );
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* s33Frames =
m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, resVarAddr.fieldName, "S33" ) );
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* s12Frames =
m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, resVarAddr.fieldName, "S12" ) );
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* s23Frames =
m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, resVarAddr.fieldName, "S23" ) );
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* s13Frames =
m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, resVarAddr.fieldName, "S13" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* SNFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "SN" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* STHFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "STH" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* STQVFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "STQV" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* TNHFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "TPH" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* TNQVFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "TPQV" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* THQVFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "THQV" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* TPFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "TP" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* TPincFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "TPinc" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* FAULTMOBFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType,
RigFemScalarResultFrames* PCRITFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "PCRIT" ) );
const RigFemPart* femPart = m_resultCollection->parts()->part( partIndex );
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3f>& nodeCoordinates = femPart->nodes().coordinates;
float tanFricAng = tan( m_resultCollection->parameterFrictionAngleRad() );
float cohPrTanFricAngle = (float)( m_resultCollection->parameterCohesion() / tanFricAng );
int frameCount = s11Frames->frameCount();
for ( int fIdx = 0; fIdx < frameCount; ++fIdx )
const std::vector<float>& s11 = s11Frames->frameData( fIdx );
const std::vector<float>& s22 = s22Frames->frameData( fIdx );
const std::vector<float>& s33 = s33Frames->frameData( fIdx );
const std::vector<float>& s12 = s12Frames->frameData( fIdx );
const std::vector<float>& s23 = s23Frames->frameData( fIdx );
const std::vector<float>& s13 = s13Frames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& SNDat = SNFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& STHDat = STHFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& STQVDat = STQVFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& TNHDat = TNHFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& TNQVDat = TNQVFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& THQVDat = THQVFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& TPDat = TPFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& TincDat = TPincFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& FAULTMOBDat = FAULTMOBFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& PCRITDat = PCRITFrames->frameData( fIdx );
// HACK ! Todo : make it robust against other elements than Hex8
size_t valCount = s11.size() * 3; // Number of Elm Node Face results 24 = 4 * num faces = 3* numElmNodes
SNDat.resize( valCount );
STHDat.resize( valCount );
STQVDat.resize( valCount );
TNHDat.resize( valCount );
TNQVDat.resize( valCount );
THQVDat.resize( valCount );
TPDat.resize( valCount );
TincDat.resize( valCount );
FAULTMOBDat.resize( valCount );
PCRITDat.resize( valCount );
int elementCount = femPart->elementCount();
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int elmIdx = 0; elmIdx < elementCount; ++elmIdx )
RigElementType elmType = femPart->elementType( elmIdx );
2020-06-03 15:31:58 -05:00
int faceCount = RigFemTypes::elementFaceCount( elmType );
Split fem part results collection 5785 (#5871)
* #5785 Extract RigFemClosestResultIndexCalculator class to separate file.
* #5785 Move method implementation of RigFemClosestResutIndexCalculator to cpp file.
Also improve const correctness.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating normal SE, ie. SE:11/22/33.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating shear SE, ie. SE:12/13/23.
* #5785 Create a list of result calculators.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating timelapse, normalized, and gamma results.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating normal ST, ie. ST:11/22/33.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating shear ST, ie. ST:12/13/23.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating surface angles and aligned stress.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating principal strain and stress.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating FOS, SFI and DSM for SE.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating NE.EV, NE.ED, ST.Q and ST.STM.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating compaction.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating stress gradients.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating SE.SEM.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating NE.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating formation indices.
* #5785 Extract method for calculating nodal graidents, bar conversions, and EnIpPorBar.
* #5785 Use std::unique_ptr to calculators.
* Use std::vector<unique_ptr>
Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <magne.sjaastad@ceetronsolutions.com>
2020-05-09 01:57:07 -05:00
const int* elmNodeIndices = femPart->connectivities( elmIdx );
int elmNodFaceResIdxElmStart = elmIdx * 24; // HACK should get from part
for ( int lfIdx = 0; lfIdx < faceCount; ++lfIdx )
int faceNodeCount = 0;
const int* localElmNodeIndicesForFace =
RigFemTypes::localElmNodeIndicesForFace( elmType, lfIdx, &faceNodeCount );
if ( faceNodeCount == 4 )
int elmNodFaceResIdxFaceStart = elmNodFaceResIdxElmStart + lfIdx * 4; // HACK
cvf::Vec3f quadVxs[4];
quadVxs[0] = ( nodeCoordinates[elmNodeIndices[localElmNodeIndicesForFace[0]]] );
quadVxs[1] = ( nodeCoordinates[elmNodeIndices[localElmNodeIndicesForFace[1]]] );
quadVxs[2] = ( nodeCoordinates[elmNodeIndices[localElmNodeIndicesForFace[2]]] );
quadVxs[3] = ( nodeCoordinates[elmNodeIndices[localElmNodeIndicesForFace[3]]] );
cvf::Mat3f rotMx = cvf::GeometryTools::computePlaneHorizontalRotationMx( quadVxs[2] - quadVxs[0],
quadVxs[3] - quadVxs[1] );
size_t qElmNodeResIdx[4];
qElmNodeResIdx[0] = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, localElmNodeIndicesForFace[0] );
qElmNodeResIdx[1] = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, localElmNodeIndicesForFace[1] );
qElmNodeResIdx[2] = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, localElmNodeIndicesForFace[2] );
qElmNodeResIdx[3] = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, localElmNodeIndicesForFace[3] );
for ( int qIdx = 0; qIdx < 4; ++qIdx )
size_t elmNodResIdx = qElmNodeResIdx[qIdx];
float t11 = s11[elmNodResIdx];
float t22 = s22[elmNodResIdx];
float t33 = s33[elmNodResIdx];
float t12 = s12[elmNodResIdx];
float t23 = s23[elmNodResIdx];
float t13 = s13[elmNodResIdx];
caf::Ten3f tensor( t11, t22, t33, t12, t23, t13 );
caf::Ten3f xfTen = tensor.rotated( rotMx );
int elmNodFaceResIdx = elmNodFaceResIdxFaceStart + qIdx;
float szx = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SZX];
float syz = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SYZ];
float szz = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SZZ];
STHDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SXX];
STQVDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SYY];
SNDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SZZ];
TNHDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SZX];
TNQVDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SYZ];
THQVDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = xfTen[caf::Ten3f::SXY];
float TP = sqrt( szx * szx + syz * syz );
TPDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = TP;
if ( TP > 1e-5 )
TincDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = cvf::Math::toDegrees( acos( syz / TP ) );
TincDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
FAULTMOBDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = TP / ( tanFricAng * ( szz + cohPrTanFricAngle ) );
PCRITDat[elmNodFaceResIdx] = szz - TP / tanFricAng;
RigFemScalarResultFrames* requestedSurfStress = m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex, resVarAddr );
return requestedSurfStress;