2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RifOpmGridTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaWeightedMeanCalculator.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseOutput.h"
2023-08-28 05:17:34 -05:00
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
2024-03-25 09:14:04 -05:00
#include "cafAssert.h"
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
#include "opm/io/eclipse/EGrid.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
2024-03-25 09:14:04 -05:00
#include <cmath>
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
void RifOpmGridTools::importCoordinatesForRadialGrid( const std::string& gridFilePath, RigMainGrid* riMainGrid )
CAF_ASSERT( riMainGrid );
bool isRadialGridPresent = false;
// Open the file and only check "GRIDHEAD" to be able to do an early return if no radial grids are present
Opm::EclIO::EclFile gridFile( gridFilePath );
auto arrays = gridFile.getList();
int index = 0;
for ( const auto& [name, arrayType, arraySize] : arrays )
if ( name == "GRIDHEAD" )
auto gridhead = gridFile.get<int>( index );
if ( gridhead.size() > 26 && gridhead[26] > 0 )
isRadialGridPresent = true;
if ( !isRadialGridPresent ) return;
Opm::EclIO::EGrid opmMainGrid( gridFilePath );
if ( opmMainGrid.is_radial() )
transferCoordinates( opmMainGrid, opmMainGrid, riMainGrid, riMainGrid );
auto lgrNames = opmMainGrid.list_of_lgrs();
for ( const auto& lgrName : lgrNames )
Opm::EclIO::EGrid opmLgrGrid( gridFilePath, lgrName );
if ( opmLgrGrid.is_radial() )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < riMainGrid->gridCount(); i++ )
auto riLgrGrid = riMainGrid->gridByIndex( i );
if ( riLgrGrid->gridName() == lgrName )
transferCoordinates( opmMainGrid, opmLgrGrid, riMainGrid, riLgrGrid );
catch ( ... )
2023-02-26 03:48:40 -06:00
QString( "Failed to open grid case for import of radial coordinates : %1" ).arg( QString::fromStdString( gridFilePath ) ) );
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
2023-08-28 05:17:34 -05:00
size_t RifOpmGridTools::cellCount( const std::string& gridFilePath )
Opm::EclIO::EGrid opmGrid( gridFilePath );
return opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
bool RifOpmGridTools::importGrid( const std::string& gridFilePath, RigMainGrid* mainGrid, RigEclipseCaseData* caseData )
Opm::EclIO::EGrid opmGrid( gridFilePath );
auto dims = opmGrid.dimension();
mainGrid->setGridPointDimensions( cvf::Vec3st( dims[0] + 1, dims[1] + 1, dims[2] + 1 ) );
RigCell defaultCell;
defaultCell.setHostGrid( mainGrid );
auto cellCount = opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
mainGrid->globalCellArray().resize( cellCount, defaultCell );
mainGrid->nodes().resize( 8 * cellCount );
transferCoordinatesCartesian( opmGrid, opmGrid, mainGrid, mainGrid, caseData );
2023-09-04 05:51:17 -05:00
auto opmMapAxes = opmGrid.get_mapaxes();
if ( opmMapAxes.size() == 6 )
std::array<double, 6> mapAxes;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < opmMapAxes.size(); ++i )
mapAxes[i] = opmMapAxes[i];
// Set the map axes transformation matrix on the main grid
mainGrid->setMapAxes( mapAxes );
mainGrid->setUseMapAxes( true );
auto transform = mainGrid->mapAxisTransform();
// Invert the transformation matrix to convert from file coordinates to domain coordinates
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( long i = 0; i < static_cast<long>( mainGrid->nodes().size() ); i++ )
auto& n = mainGrid->nodes()[i];
n.transformPoint( transform );
2023-08-28 05:17:34 -05:00
return true;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> RifOpmGridTools::activeCellsFromActnumKeyword( Opm::EclIO::EGrid& grid )
auto arrayNames = grid.arrayNames();
int actnumArrayIndex = -1;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < arrayNames.size(); i++ )
if ( arrayNames[i] == "ACTNUM" )
actnumArrayIndex = static_cast<int>( i );
if ( actnumArrayIndex < 0 ) return {};
auto actnumMainGrid = grid.get<int>( actnumArrayIndex );
return { actnumMainGrid };
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
// A radial grid is defined by a center point and a set of cylindrical coordinates. The coordinates at the
// outer edge of the grid are defined as a circle, and nodes do not match the geometry of the host cell.
// Adjust the coordinates for these cells to make sure the grid is continuous
// Cylindrical coordinates from file gives grid cell with a radial grid in center
// -------------
// | /---- \ |
// | / - \ |
// || | | ||
// | \ - / |
// | \-----/ |
// -------------
// Adjusted coordinates to match the grid geometry of host cell. The coordinates for the inner nodes are
// unchanged.
// -------------
// ||---------||
// || - ||
// || | | ||
// || - ||
// ||---------||
// -------------
// 1. If the node is at the outer edge of the radial grid, find the host cell
// 2. Find the closest point on the pillars of the host cell
// 3. Find the closest point on this pillar, and use this point as the adjusted coordinate for the node
2023-02-26 03:48:40 -06:00
void RifOpmGridTools::transferCoordinates( Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmMainGrid, Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmGrid, RigMainGrid* riMainGrid, RigGridBase* riGrid )
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
size_t cellCount = opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
if ( cellCount != riGrid->cellCount() ) return;
// Read out the corner coordinates from the EGRID file using radial coordinates.
// Prefix OPM structures with _opm_and ResInsight structures with _ri_
// Compute the center of the LGR radial grid cells for each K layer
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std::map<int, std::pair<double, double>> radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm = computeXyCenterForTopOfCells( opmMainGrid, opmGrid, riGrid );
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std::array<double, 8> opmX{};
std::array<double, 8> opmY{};
std::array<double, 8> opmZ{};
const auto hostCellGlobalIndices = opmGrid.hostCellsGlobalIndex();
const size_t* cellMappingECLRi = RifReaderEclipseOutput::eclipseCellIndexMapping();
const auto gridDimension = opmGrid.dimension();
auto& riNodes = riMainGrid->nodes();
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> snapToCoordinatesFromMainGrid;
2023-04-17 08:57:39 -05:00
for ( int opmCellIndex = 0; opmCellIndex < static_cast<int>( cellCount ); opmCellIndex++ )
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
opmGrid.getCellCorners( opmCellIndex, opmX, opmY, opmZ );
// Each cell has 8 nodes, use reservoir cell index and multiply to find first node index for cell
auto riNodeStartIndex = riGrid->reservoirCellIndex( opmCellIndex ) * 8;
auto ijkCell = opmGrid.ijk_from_global_index( opmCellIndex );
double xCenterCoordOpm = 0.0;
double yCenterCoordOpm = 0.0;
if ( radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm.count( ijkCell[2] ) > 0 )
const auto& [xCenter, yCenter] = radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm[ijkCell[2]];
xCenterCoordOpm = xCenter;
yCenterCoordOpm = yCenter;
for ( size_t opmNodeIndex = 0; opmNodeIndex < 8; opmNodeIndex++ )
size_t riNodeIndex = riNodeStartIndex + cellMappingECLRi[opmNodeIndex];
// The radial grid is specified with (0,0) as center, add grid center to get correct global coordinates
auto& riNode = riNodes[riNodeIndex];
riNode.x() = opmX[opmNodeIndex] + xCenterCoordOpm;
riNode.y() = opmY[opmNodeIndex] + yCenterCoordOpm;
riNode.z() = -opmZ[opmNodeIndex];
// First grid dimension is radius, check if cell has are at the outer-most slice
if ( !hostCellGlobalIndices.empty() && ( gridDimension[0] - 1 == ijkCell[0] ) )
std::array<double, 8> cellRadius{};
std::array<double, 8> cellTheta{};
std::array<double, 8> cellZ{};
opmGrid.getRadialCellCorners( ijkCell, cellRadius, cellTheta, cellZ );
double maxRadius = *std::max_element( cellRadius.begin(), cellRadius.end() );
// Check if the radius is at the outer surface of the radial grid
// Adjust the outer nodes to match the corner pillars of the host cell
const double epsilon = 0.15;
if ( fabs( maxRadius - cellRadius[opmNodeIndex] ) < epsilon * cellRadius[opmNodeIndex] )
const auto hostCellIndex = hostCellGlobalIndices[opmCellIndex];
double closestPillarDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
int closestPillarIndex = -1;
const auto cylinderCoordX = opmX[opmNodeIndex] + xCenterCoordOpm;
const auto cylinderCoordY = opmY[opmNodeIndex] + yCenterCoordOpm;
const auto cylinderCoordZ = opmZ[opmNodeIndex];
const cvf::Vec3d coordinateOnCylinder = cvf::Vec3d( cylinderCoordX, cylinderCoordY, cylinderCoordZ );
const auto candidates = computeSnapToCoordinates( opmMainGrid, opmGrid, hostCellIndex, opmCellIndex );
for ( int pillarIndex = 0; pillarIndex < static_cast<int>( candidates.size() ); pillarIndex++ )
for ( const auto& c : candidates[pillarIndex] )
double distance = coordinateOnCylinder.pointDistance( c );
if ( distance < closestPillarDistance )
closestPillarDistance = distance;
closestPillarIndex = pillarIndex;
if ( closestPillarDistance < std::numeric_limits<double>::max() )
const auto& pillarCordinates = candidates[closestPillarIndex];
2023-04-17 08:57:39 -05:00
int layerCount = static_cast<int>( pillarCordinates.size() / 2 );
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
int layerIndexInMainGridCell = ijkCell[2] % layerCount;
int localNodeIndex = opmNodeIndex % 8;
cvf::Vec3d closestPillarCoord;
if ( localNodeIndex < 4 )
// Top of cell
int pillarCoordIndex = layerIndexInMainGridCell * 2;
closestPillarCoord = pillarCordinates[pillarCoordIndex];
// Bottom of cell
int pillarCoordIndex = layerIndexInMainGridCell * 2 + 1;
closestPillarCoord = pillarCordinates[pillarCoordIndex];
riNode.x() = closestPillarCoord.x();
riNode.y() = closestPillarCoord.y();
riNode.z() = -closestPillarCoord.z();
2023-08-28 05:17:34 -05:00
void RifOpmGridTools::transferCoordinatesCartesian( Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmMainGrid,
Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmGrid,
RigMainGrid* riMainGrid,
RigGridBase* riGrid,
RigEclipseCaseData* caseData )
// Prefix OPM structures with _opm_and ResInsight structures with _ri_
auto& riNodes = riMainGrid->nodes();
auto riActiveCells = caseData->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
auto riActiveCellsFrac = caseData->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL );
riActiveCellsFrac->setGridCount( 1 );
riActiveCellsFrac->setGridActiveCellCounts( 0, 0 );
riActiveCells->setReservoirCellCount( riMainGrid->cellCount() );
// same mapping as libecl
const size_t cellMappingECLRi[8] = { 0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6 };
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int opmCellIndex = 0; opmCellIndex < static_cast<int>( riMainGrid->cellCount() ); opmCellIndex++ )
auto opmIJK = opmGrid.ijk_from_global_index( opmCellIndex );
auto riReservoirIndex = riGrid->cellIndexFromIJK( opmIJK[0], opmIJK[1], opmIJK[2] );
RigCell& cell = riMainGrid->globalCellArray()[riReservoirIndex];
cell.setGridLocalCellIndex( riReservoirIndex );
std::array<double, 8> opmX{};
std::array<double, 8> opmY{};
std::array<double, 8> opmZ{};
opmGrid.getCellCorners( opmCellIndex, opmX, opmY, opmZ );
// Each cell has 8 nodes, use reservoir cell index and multiply to find first node index for cell
auto riNodeStartIndex = riReservoirIndex * 8;
for ( size_t opmNodeIndex = 0; opmNodeIndex < 8; opmNodeIndex++ )
auto riCornerIndex = cellMappingECLRi[opmNodeIndex];
size_t riNodeIndex = riNodeStartIndex + riCornerIndex;
auto& riNode = riNodes[riNodeIndex];
riNode.x() = opmX[opmNodeIndex];
riNode.y() = opmY[opmNodeIndex];
riNode.z() = -opmZ[opmNodeIndex];
cell.cornerIndices()[riCornerIndex] = riNodeIndex;
if ( riActiveCells )
auto activeIndex = opmGrid.active_index( opmIJK[0], opmIJK[1], opmIJK[2] );
if ( activeIndex > -1 )
riActiveCells->setCellResultIndex( riReservoirIndex, activeIndex );
riActiveCells->setGridCount( 1 );
riActiveCells->setGridActiveCellCounts( 0, opmGrid.activeCells() );
2023-02-26 03:48:40 -06:00
std::map<int, std::pair<double, double>>
RifOpmGridTools::computeXyCenterForTopOfCells( Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmMainGrid, Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmGrid, RigGridBase* riGrid )
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
if ( !riGrid || riGrid->isMainGrid() ) return {};
size_t cellCount = opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
if ( cellCount != riGrid->cellCount() ) return {};
// Read out the corner coordinates from the EGRID file using radial coordinates.
// Prefix OPM structures with _opm_and ResInsight structures with _ri_
// Compute the center of the LGR radial grid cells for each K layer
std::map<int, std::pair<double, double>> radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm;
std::array<double, 8> opmX{};
std::array<double, 8> opmY{};
std::array<double, 8> opmZ{};
std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>> xyCenterPerLayer;
auto hostCellGlobalIndices = opmGrid.hostCellsGlobalIndex();
for ( size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < cellCount; cIdx++ )
auto mainGridCellIndex = hostCellGlobalIndices[cIdx];
opmMainGrid.getCellCorners( mainGridCellIndex, opmX, opmY, opmZ );
2023-04-17 08:57:39 -05:00
auto ijkLocalGrid = opmGrid.ijk_from_global_index( static_cast<int>( cIdx ) );
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
auto layer = ijkLocalGrid[2];
// Four corners for top
for ( size_t i = 4; i < 8; i++ )
auto& xyCoords = xyCenterPerLayer[layer];
xyCoords.emplace_back( opmX[i], opmY[i] );
for ( const auto& [k, xyCoords] : xyCenterPerLayer )
RiaWeightedMeanCalculator<double> xCoord;
RiaWeightedMeanCalculator<double> yCoord;
for ( const auto& [x, y] : xyCoords )
xCoord.addValueAndWeight( x, 1.0 );
yCoord.addValueAndWeight( y, 1.0 );
radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm[k] = { xCoord.weightedMean(), yCoord.weightedMean() };
return radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm;
2023-02-26 03:48:40 -06:00
RifOpmGridTools::computeSnapToCoordinates( Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmMainGrid, Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmGrid, int mainGridCellIndex, int lgrCellIndex )
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
auto hostCellIndices = opmGrid.hostCellsGlobalIndex();
auto lgrIjk = opmGrid.ijk_from_global_index( lgrCellIndex );
std::vector<double> zDistanceAlongPillar;
for ( int gridCellIndex = 0; gridCellIndex < opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells(); gridCellIndex++ )
if ( hostCellIndices[gridCellIndex] == mainGridCellIndex )
auto ijk = opmGrid.ijk_from_global_index( gridCellIndex );
// Find all LGR cells for the same IJ column
if ( ijk[0] == lgrIjk[0] && ijk[1] == lgrIjk[1] )
std::array<double, 8> cellX{};
std::array<double, 8> cellY{};
std::array<double, 8> cellZ{};
opmGrid.getCellCorners( gridCellIndex, cellX, cellY, cellZ );
// Get top and bottom of one pillar
zDistanceAlongPillar.push_back( cellZ[0] );
zDistanceAlongPillar.push_back( cellZ[4] );
if ( zDistanceAlongPillar.size() < 2 ) return {};
std::sort( zDistanceAlongPillar.begin(), zDistanceAlongPillar.end() );
2023-04-13 00:05:53 -05:00
auto normalize = []( const std::vector<double>& values ) -> std::vector<double>
2023-02-10 05:39:13 -06:00
if ( values.size() < 2 ) return {};
std::vector<double> normalizedValues;
double firstValue = values.front();
double lastValue = values.back();
double range = lastValue - firstValue;
// Normalize values to range [0..1]
for ( const auto& value : values )
normalizedValues.emplace_back( ( value - firstValue ) / range );
return normalizedValues;
auto normalizedZValues = normalize( zDistanceAlongPillar );
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> allCoords;
std::array<double, 8> hostCellX{};
std::array<double, 8> hostCellY{};
std::array<double, 8> hostCellZ{};
opmMainGrid.getCellCorners( mainGridCellIndex, hostCellX, hostCellY, hostCellZ );
for ( int pillarIndex = 0; pillarIndex < 4; pillarIndex++ )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> pillarCoords;
const cvf::Vec3d p1( hostCellX[0 + pillarIndex], hostCellY[0 + pillarIndex], hostCellZ[0 + pillarIndex] );
const cvf::Vec3d p2( hostCellX[4 + pillarIndex], hostCellY[4 + pillarIndex], hostCellZ[4 + pillarIndex] );
for ( auto t : normalizedZValues )
cvf::Vec3d pillarCoord = p1 * ( 1.0 - t ) + t * p2;
pillarCoords.push_back( pillarCoord );
allCoords.push_back( pillarCoords );
return allCoords;