
89 lines
1.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

syntax = "proto3";
import "CaseInfo.proto";
package rips;
service GridInfo
// This function returns a two dimensional matrix: One row for each grid, starting with the main grid.
rpc GetGridCount(Case) returns(GridCount) {}
rpc GetGridDimensions(Case) returns (GridDimensions) {}
rpc GetCellInfoForActiveCells(CellInfoRequest) returns (stream CellInfoArray) {}
rpc GetAllCoarseningInfoArray(Case) returns (CoarseningInfoArray) {}
rpc GetTimeSteps(Case) returns (TimeStepDates) {}
rpc GetTimeStepDaysSinceStart(Case) returns (DoubleDates) {}
message GridCount
int32 count = 1;
message GridDimensions
repeated Vec3i dimensions = 1;
message Vec3i {
int32 i = 1;
int32 j = 2;
int32 k = 3;
enum PorosityModelType
message CellInfoRequest
int32 case_id = 1;
PorosityModelType porosity_model = 2;
message CellInfoArray
repeated CellInfo data = 1;
message CellInfo
int32 grid_index = 1;
int32 parent_grid_index = 2;
int32 coarsening_box_index = 3;
Vec3i local_ijk = 4;
Vec3i parent_ijk = 5;
message CoarseningInfoArray
repeated CoarseningInfo data = 1;
message CoarseningInfo
Vec3i min = 1;
Vec3i max = 2;
message TimeStepDates
repeated TimeStepDate date = 1;
message TimeStepDate
int32 year = 1;
int32 month = 2;
int32 day = 3;
int32 hour = 4;
int32 minute = 5;
int32 second = 6;
message DoubleDates
repeated double date_decimal = 1;