
893 lines
35 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RifCsvDataTableFormatter.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigFlowDiagResults.h"
#include "RimEclipseCellColors.h"
#include "RimEclipsePropertyFilter.h"
#include "RimEclipsePropertyFilterCollection.h"
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimFaultInViewCollection.h"
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
#include "RimFlowDiagSolution.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RicEclipsePropertyFilterFeatureImpl.h"
#include "RicSelectOrCreateViewFeatureImpl.h"
2017-03-28 02:47:06 -05:00
#include "RiuFlowCharacteristicsPlot.h"
#include "RiuMainWindow.h"
2017-03-28 02:47:06 -05:00
#include "cafPdmUiCheckBoxEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiListEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiPushButtonEditor.h"
#include "cafUtils.h"
2017-08-11 03:24:35 -05:00
#include <QDateTime>
2017-03-28 02:47:06 -05:00
#include <cmath> // Needed for HUGE_VAL on Linux
namespace caf
template <>
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void AppEnum<RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::TimeSelectionType>::setUp()
addItem( RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::ALL_AVAILABLE, "ALL_AVAILABLE", "All With Calculated Flow Diagnostics" );
addItem( RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::SELECTED, "SELECTED", "Selected" );
setDefault( RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::SELECTED );
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
} // namespace caf
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot, "FlowCharacteristicsPlot" );
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Flow Characteristics", ":/FlowCharPlot16x16.png", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_case, "FlowCase", "Case", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_flowDiagSolution, "FlowDiagSolution", "Flow Diag Solution", "", "", "" );
m_flowDiagSolution.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_timeStepSelectionType, "TimeSelectionType", "Time Steps", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_selectedTimeSteps, "SelectedTimeSteps", "", "", "", "" );
m_selectedTimeSteps.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_selectedTimeStepsUi, "SelectedTimeStepsUi", "", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_applyTimeSteps, "ApplyTimeSteps", "", "", "", "" );
caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::configureEditorForField( &m_applyTimeSteps );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_maxPvFraction,
"Aquifer Cell Threshold",
"Exclude Aquifer Effects by adding a Cell Pore Volume Threshold as Fraction of Total Pore "
"" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_showLegend, "ShowLegend", true, "Legend", "", "", "" );
// Region group
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_cellFilter, "CellFilter", "Cell Filter", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_cellFilterView, "CellFilterView", "View", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_tracerFilter, "TracerFilter", QString(), "Tracer Filter", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_selectedTracerNames, "SelectedTracerNames", " ", "", "", "" );
m_selectedTracerNames.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiListEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_showRegion, "ShowRegion", "", "", "", "" );
caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::configureEditorForField( &m_showRegion );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_minCommunication, "MinCommunication", 0.0, "Min Communication", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_maxTof, "MaxTof", 146000, "Max Time of Flight [days]", "", "", "" );
this->m_showWindow = false;
setDeletable( true );
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
if ( m_flowCharPlotWidget )
m_flowCharPlotWidget->setParent( nullptr );
delete m_flowCharPlotWidget;
m_flowCharPlotWidget = nullptr;
2019-11-14 13:48:11 -06:00
/// TODO: implement properly
int RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::id() const
return -1;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::setFromFlowSolution( RimFlowDiagSolution* flowSolution )
if ( !flowSolution )
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
m_case = nullptr;
m_cellFilterView = nullptr;
RimEclipseResultCase* eclCase;
flowSolution->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( eclCase );
m_case = eclCase;
if ( !eclCase->reservoirViews.empty() )
m_cellFilterView = eclCase->reservoirViews()[0];
m_flowDiagSolution = flowSolution;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
m_showWindow = true;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::deleteViewWidget()
if ( m_flowCharPlotWidget )
m_flowCharPlotWidget->setParent( nullptr );
delete m_flowCharPlotWidget;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
m_flowCharPlotWidget = nullptr;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::updateCurrentTimeStep()
if ( m_timeStepSelectionType() != ALL_AVAILABLE ) return;
if ( !m_flowDiagSolution() ) return;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
RigFlowDiagResults* flowResult = m_flowDiagSolution->flowDiagResults();
std::vector<int> calculatedTimesteps = flowResult->calculatedTimeSteps( RigFlowDiagResultAddress::PHASE_ALL );
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
if ( m_currentlyPlottedTimeSteps == calculatedTimesteps ) return;
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::setTimeSteps( const std::vector<int>& timeSteps )
m_selectedTimeSteps = timeSteps;
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::setInjectorsAndProducers( const std::vector<QString>& injectors,
const std::vector<QString>& producers )
std::vector<QString> allTracers;
allTracers = producers;
allTracers.insert( allTracers.end(), injectors.begin(), injectors.end() );
if ( producers.empty() && !injectors.empty() )
m_cellFilter = RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_FLOODED;
else if ( !producers.empty() && injectors.empty() )
m_cellFilter = RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_DRAINED;
else if ( !producers.empty() && !injectors.empty() )
m_cellFilter = RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_COMMUNICATION;
m_selectedTracerNames = allTracers;
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::setMinimumCommunication( double minimumCommunication )
m_minCommunication = minimumCommunication;
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::setAquiferCellThreshold( double aquiferCellThreshold )
m_maxPvFraction = aquiferCellThreshold;
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
int RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::fontSize() const
2020-06-08 04:09:11 -05:00
return caf::FontTools::absolutePointSize( RiaPreferences::current()->defaultPlotFontSize() );
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::updateFonts()
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions, bool* useOptionsOnly )
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> options;
if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_case )
RimProject* proj = nullptr;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( proj );
if ( proj )
std::vector<RimEclipseResultCase*> cases;
proj->descendantsIncludingThisOfType( cases );
for ( RimEclipseResultCase* c : cases )
if ( c->defaultFlowDiagSolution() )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( c->caseUserDescription(), c, false, c->uiIconProvider() ) );
else if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_cellFilterView )
if ( m_case )
for ( RimEclipseView* view : m_case()->reservoirViews() )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( view->name(), view, false, view->uiIconProvider() ) );
else if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_flowDiagSolution )
if ( m_case )
std::vector<RimFlowDiagSolution*> flowSols = m_case->flowDiagSolutions();
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "None", nullptr ) );
for ( RimFlowDiagSolution* flowSol : flowSols )
caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( flowSol->userDescription(), flowSol, false, flowSol->uiIconProvider() ) );
else if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_selectedTimeStepsUi )
if ( m_flowDiagSolution && m_case )
QStringList timeStepDates = m_case->timeStepStrings();
std::vector<int> calculatedTimeSteps =
m_flowDiagSolution()->flowDiagResults()->calculatedTimeSteps( RigFlowDiagResultAddress::PHASE_ALL );
for ( int tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < timeStepDates.size(); ++tsIdx )
auto it = std::find( calculatedTimeSteps.begin(), calculatedTimeSteps.end(), tsIdx );
QString itemText = timeStepDates[tsIdx];
if ( it != calculatedTimeSteps.end() )
itemText = itemText + " *";
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( itemText, tsIdx ) );
else if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_selectedTracerNames )
if ( m_flowDiagSolution )
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
std::vector<QString> tracerNames = m_flowDiagSolution->tracerNames();
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> sortedTracerNames;
for ( QString tracerName : tracerNames )
if ( !caf::Utils::isStringMatch( m_tracerFilter, tracerName ) ) continue;
RimFlowDiagSolution::TracerStatusType tracerStatus = m_flowDiagSolution->tracerStatusOverall( tracerName );
if ( tracerStatus == RimFlowDiagSolution::CLOSED ) continue;
if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_FLOODED )
if ( tracerStatus == RimFlowDiagSolution::INJECTOR || tracerStatus == RimFlowDiagSolution::VARYING )
sortedTracerNames.push_back( std::make_pair( tracerName, tracerName ) );
else if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_DRAINED )
if ( tracerStatus == RimFlowDiagSolution::PRODUCER || tracerStatus == RimFlowDiagSolution::VARYING )
sortedTracerNames.push_back( std::make_pair( tracerName, tracerName ) );
else if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_COMMUNICATION )
QString prefix;
switch ( tracerStatus )
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
case RimFlowDiagSolution::INJECTOR:
prefix = "I : ";
case RimFlowDiagSolution::PRODUCER:
prefix = "P : ";
case RimFlowDiagSolution::VARYING:
prefix = "I/P: ";
case RimFlowDiagSolution::UNDEFINED:
prefix = "U : ";
sortedTracerNames.push_back( std::make_pair( prefix + tracerName, tracerName ) );
std::sort( sortedTracerNames.begin(),
[]( const std::pair<QString, QString>& a, const std::pair<QString, QString>& b ) -> bool {
return a.first < b.first;
} );
for ( auto& tracer : sortedTracerNames )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( tracer.first, tracer.second ) );
return options;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
// Ensure a case is selected if one is available
RimProject* proj = nullptr;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( proj );
if ( proj )
std::vector<RimEclipseResultCase*> cases;
proj->descendantsIncludingThisOfType( cases );
RimEclipseResultCase* defaultCase = nullptr;
for ( RimEclipseResultCase* c : cases )
if ( c->defaultFlowDiagSolution() )
if ( !defaultCase ) defaultCase = c; // Select first
if ( !m_case() && defaultCase )
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
m_case = defaultCase;
m_flowDiagSolution = m_case->defaultFlowDiagSolution();
if ( !m_case()->reservoirViews.empty() )
m_cellFilterView = m_case()->reservoirViews()[0];
uiOrdering.add( &m_case );
caf::PdmUiGroup* timeStepsGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Time Steps" );
timeStepsGroup->add( &m_timeStepSelectionType );
if ( m_timeStepSelectionType == SELECTED )
timeStepsGroup->add( &m_selectedTimeStepsUi );
timeStepsGroup->add( &m_applyTimeSteps );
caf::PdmUiGroup* regionGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Region" );
regionGroup->add( &m_cellFilter );
if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_COMMUNICATION ||
m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_DRAINED || m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_FLOODED )
regionGroup->add( &m_tracerFilter );
regionGroup->add( &m_selectedTracerNames );
regionGroup->add( &m_showRegion );
else if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_VISIBLE )
regionGroup->add( &m_cellFilterView );
if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_COMMUNICATION )
regionGroup->add( &m_minCommunication );
else if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_DRAINED || m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_FLOODED )
regionGroup->add( &m_maxTof );
caf::PdmUiGroup* optionsGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Options" );
optionsGroup->add( &m_flowDiagSolution );
optionsGroup->add( &m_showLegend );
optionsGroup->add( &m_maxPvFraction );
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::defineEditorAttribute( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field,
QString uiConfigName,
caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
if ( field == &m_applyTimeSteps )
caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditorAttribute* attrib = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditorAttribute*>( attribute );
if ( attrib )
attrib->m_buttonText = "Apply";
else if ( field == &m_showRegion )
caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditorAttribute* attrib = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditorAttribute*>( attribute );
if ( attrib )
attrib->m_buttonText = "Show Region";
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
QWidget* RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::viewWidget()
return m_flowCharPlotWidget;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::zoomAll()
if ( m_flowCharPlotWidget ) m_flowCharPlotWidget->zoomAll();
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
RimViewWindow::fieldChangedByUi( changedField, oldValue, newValue );
if ( &m_case == changedField )
m_flowDiagSolution = m_case->defaultFlowDiagSolution();
if ( !m_case()->reservoirViews.empty() )
m_cellFilterView = m_case()->reservoirViews()[0];
else if ( &m_applyTimeSteps == changedField )
if ( m_flowDiagSolution )
// Compute any missing time steps from selected
for ( int tsIdx : m_selectedTimeStepsUi() )
m_flowDiagSolution()->flowDiagResults()->maxAbsPairFlux( tsIdx );
m_selectedTimeSteps = m_selectedTimeStepsUi;
m_applyTimeSteps = false;
else if ( &m_showRegion == changedField )
if ( m_case )
if ( m_cellFilter() != RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_ACTIVE )
RimEclipseView* view =
RicSelectOrCreateViewFeatureImpl::showViewSelection( m_case,
"Show Region in View" );
if ( view != nullptr )
view->faultCollection()->showFaultCollection = false;
2020-04-23 16:25:22 -05:00
view->cellResult()->setResultType( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::FLOW_DIAGNOSTICS );
view->cellResult()->setFlowDiagTracerSelectionType( RimEclipseResultDefinition::FLOW_TR_BY_SELECTION );
view->cellResult()->setSelectedTracers( m_selectedTracerNames );
if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_COMMUNICATION )
view->cellResult()->setResultVariable( RIG_FLD_COMMUNICATION_RESNAME );
view->cellResult()->setResultVariable( RIG_FLD_TOF_RESNAME );
int timeStep = 0;
if ( m_timeStepSelectionType() == ALL_AVAILABLE )
if ( m_flowDiagSolution )
std::vector<int> timeSteps = m_flowDiagSolution()->flowDiagResults()->calculatedTimeSteps(
RigFlowDiagResultAddress::PHASE_ALL );
if ( !timeSteps.empty() )
timeStep = timeSteps[0];
if ( !m_selectedTimeStepsUi().empty() )
timeStep = m_selectedTimeStepsUi()[0];
// Ensure selected time step has computed results
m_flowDiagSolution()->flowDiagResults()->maxAbsPairFlux( timeStep );
view->setCurrentTimeStep( timeStep );
for ( RimEclipsePropertyFilter* f : view->eclipsePropertyFilterCollection()->propertyFilters() )
f->setActive( false );
RicEclipsePropertyFilterFeatureImpl::addPropertyFilter( view->eclipsePropertyFilterCollection() );
RicSelectOrCreateViewFeatureImpl::focusView( view );
else if ( changedField == &m_cellFilter )
m_selectedTracerNames = std::vector<QString>();
// All fields update plot
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
QImage RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::snapshotWindowContent()
QImage image;
if ( m_flowCharPlotWidget )
QPixmap pix = m_flowCharPlotWidget->grab();
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
image = pix.toImage();
return image;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::onLoadDataAndUpdate()
if ( m_flowDiagSolution && m_flowCharPlotWidget )
RigFlowDiagResults* flowResult = m_flowDiagSolution->flowDiagResults();
if ( !flowResult ) return;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
std::vector<int> calculatedTimesteps = flowResult->calculatedTimeSteps( RigFlowDiagResultAddress::PHASE_ALL );
if ( m_timeStepSelectionType == SELECTED )
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
for ( int tsIdx : m_selectedTimeSteps() )
m_flowDiagSolution()->flowDiagResults()->maxAbsPairFlux( tsIdx );
calculatedTimesteps = m_selectedTimeSteps();
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
m_currentlyPlottedTimeSteps = calculatedTimesteps;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
std::vector<QDateTime> timeStepDates = m_case->timeStepDates();
QStringList timeStepStrings = m_case->timeStepStrings();
std::vector<double> lorenzVals( timeStepDates.size(), HUGE_VAL );
std::vector<QString> selectedTracerNames = m_selectedTracerNames();
if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_ACTIVE )
if ( m_flowDiagSolution )
selectedTracerNames = m_flowDiagSolution->tracerNames();
std::map<int, RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::FlowCharacteristicsResultFrame> timeStepToFlowResultMap;
for ( int timeStepIdx : m_currentlyPlottedTimeSteps )
if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_VISIBLE )
cvf::UByteArray visibleCells;
2020-04-23 23:53:06 -05:00
m_case()->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
if ( m_cellFilterView )
m_cellFilterView()->calculateCurrentTotalCellVisibility( &visibleCells, timeStepIdx );
2020-04-23 23:53:06 -05:00
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo =
m_case()->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
std::vector<char> visibleActiveCells( activeCellInfo->reservoirActiveCellCount(), 0 );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < visibleCells.size(); ++i )
size_t cellIndex = activeCellInfo->cellResultIndex( i );
if ( cellIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
visibleActiveCells[cellIndex] = visibleCells[i];
auto flowCharResults =
flowResult->flowCharacteristicsResults( timeStepIdx, visibleActiveCells, m_maxPvFraction() );
timeStepToFlowResultMap[timeStepIdx] = flowCharResults;
auto flowCharResults = flowResult->flowCharacteristicsResults( timeStepIdx,
m_maxTof() );
timeStepToFlowResultMap[timeStepIdx] = flowCharResults;
lorenzVals[timeStepIdx] = timeStepToFlowResultMap[timeStepIdx].m_lorenzCoefficient;
m_timeStepToFlowResultMap = timeStepToFlowResultMap;
m_flowCharPlotWidget->setLorenzCurve( timeStepStrings, timeStepDates, lorenzVals );
for ( int timeStepIdx : m_currentlyPlottedTimeSteps )
const auto& flowCharResults = timeStepToFlowResultMap[timeStepIdx];
m_flowCharPlotWidget->addFlowCapStorageCapCurve( timeStepDates[timeStepIdx],
flowCharResults.m_storageCapFlowCapCurve.second );
m_flowCharPlotWidget->addSweepEfficiencyCurve( timeStepDates[timeStepIdx],
flowCharResults.m_dimensionlessTimeSweepEfficiencyCurve.second );
m_flowCharPlotWidget->showLegend( m_showLegend() );
2019-11-14 13:48:11 -06:00
/// TODO: implement properly
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::assignIdIfNecessary()
2019-11-14 13:48:11 -06:00
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
void RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::viewGeometryUpdated()
if ( m_cellFilter() == RigFlowDiagResults::CELLS_VISIBLE )
// Only need to reload data if cell filtering is based on visible cells in view.
double interpolate( const std::vector<double>& xData, const std::vector<double>& yData, double x, bool extrapolate )
size_t itemCount = xData.size();
size_t index = 0;
if ( x >= xData[itemCount - 2] )
index = itemCount - 2;
while ( x > xData[index + 1] )
double xLeft = xData[index];
double yLeft = yData[index];
double xRight = xData[index + 1];
double yRight = yData[index + 1];
if ( !extrapolate )
if ( x < xLeft ) yRight = yLeft;
if ( x > xRight ) yLeft = yRight;
double dydx = ( yRight - yLeft ) / ( xRight - xLeft );
return yLeft + dydx * ( x - xLeft );
QString RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::curveDataAsText() const
2020-05-09 04:23:58 -05:00
QString fieldSeparator = RiaPreferences::current()->csvTextExportFieldSeparator;
QString tableText;
QTextStream stream( &tableText );
RifCsvDataTableFormatter formatter( stream, fieldSeparator );
std::vector<RifTextDataTableColumn> header = {
RifTextDataTableColumn( "Date" ),
RifTextDataTableColumn( "StorageCapacity" ),
RifTextDataTableColumn( "FlowCapacity" ),
RifTextDataTableColumn( "SweepEfficiency" ),
RifTextDataTableColumn( "DimensionlessTime" ),
RifTextDataTableColumn( "LorentzCoefficient" ),
formatter.header( header );
std::vector<QDateTime> timeStepDates = m_case->timeStepDates();
2020-11-06 03:46:38 -06:00
std::vector<double> storageCapacitySamplingValues = { 0.08, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 };
size_t sampleCount = storageCapacitySamplingValues.size();
for ( const auto& timeIndex : m_currentlyPlottedTimeSteps )
QString dateString = timeStepDates[timeIndex].toString( "yyyy-MM-dd" );
auto a = m_timeStepToFlowResultMap.find( timeIndex );
if ( a != m_timeStepToFlowResultMap.end() )
auto storageCapacityValues = a->second.m_storageCapFlowCapCurve.first;
auto flowCapacityValues = a->second.m_storageCapFlowCapCurve.second;
bool extrapolate = false;
std::vector<double> flowCapacitySamplingValues;
for ( const auto storageCapacity : storageCapacitySamplingValues )
double flowCapacity =
interpolate( storageCapacityValues, flowCapacityValues, storageCapacity, extrapolate );
flowCapacitySamplingValues.push_back( flowCapacity );
auto dimensionLessTimeValues = a->second.m_dimensionlessTimeSweepEfficiencyCurve.first;
auto sweepEffValues = a->second.m_dimensionlessTimeSweepEfficiencyCurve.second;
std::vector<double> dimensionLessTimeSamplingValues;
std::vector<double> sweepEffSamplingValues;
double range = dimensionLessTimeValues.back() - dimensionLessTimeValues[0];
double step = range / sampleCount;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++ )
double dimensionLessTimeValue = i * step;
dimensionLessTimeSamplingValues.push_back( dimensionLessTimeValue );
double sweepEffValue =
interpolate( dimensionLessTimeValues, sweepEffValues, dimensionLessTimeValue, extrapolate );
sweepEffSamplingValues.push_back( sweepEffValue );
auto lorentz = a->second.m_lorenzCoefficient;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++ )
formatter.add( dateString );
formatter.add( storageCapacitySamplingValues[i] );
formatter.add( flowCapacitySamplingValues[i] );
formatter.add( sweepEffSamplingValues[i] );
formatter.add( dimensionLessTimeSamplingValues[i] );
formatter.add( lorentz );
return tableText;
2019-03-27 13:20:42 -05:00
QWidget* RimFlowCharacteristicsPlot::createViewWidget( QWidget* mainWindowParent )
m_flowCharPlotWidget = new RiuFlowCharacteristicsPlot( this, mainWindowParent );
return m_flowCharPlotWidget;