2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimViewManipulator.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimView.h"
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
#include "RimCase.h"
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
#include "RiuViewer.h"
#include "cvfBase.h"
#include "cvfBoundingBox.h"
#include "cvfCamera.h"
#include "cvfMatrix4.h"
#include "cvfScene.h"
void RimViewManipulator::applySourceViewCameraOnDestinationViews(RimView* sourceView, std::vector<RimView*>& destinationViews)
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
bool setPointOfInterest = false;
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
cvf::Vec3d sourceCamUp;
cvf::Vec3d sourceCamEye;
cvf::Vec3d sourceCamViewRefPoint;
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
cvf::Vec3d sourcePointOfInterest;
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
sourceView->viewer()->mainCamera()->toLookAt(&sourceCamEye, &sourceCamViewRefPoint, &sourceCamUp);
cvf::Vec3d sourceCamGlobalEye = sourceCamEye;
cvf::Vec3d sourceCamGlobalViewRefPoint = sourceCamViewRefPoint;
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
if (sourceView->viewer()->getNavigationPolicy() != nullptr)
setPointOfInterest = true;
sourcePointOfInterest = sourceView->viewer()->pointOfInterest();
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
// Source bounding box in global coordinates including scaleZ
cvf::BoundingBox sourceSceneBB = sourceView->viewer()->currentScene()->boundingBox();
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
cvf::Vec3d offset = cvf::Vec3d::ZERO;
RimCase* sourceOwnerCase = sourceView->ownerCase();
if (sourceOwnerCase)
offset = sourceOwnerCase->displayModelOffset();
offset.z() *= sourceView->scaleZ();
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
sourceCamGlobalEye += offset;
sourceCamGlobalViewRefPoint += offset;
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
if (setPointOfInterest) sourcePointOfInterest += offset;
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
cvf::Mat4d trans;
for (RimView* destinationView : destinationViews)
if (!destinationView) continue;
destinationView->isPerspectiveView = sourceView->isPerspectiveView;
RiuViewer* destinationViewer = destinationView->viewer();
if (destinationViewer)
// Destination bounding box in global coordinates including scaleZ
cvf::BoundingBox destSceneBB = destinationViewer->currentScene()->boundingBox();
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
cvf::Vec3d destinationCamEye = sourceCamGlobalEye;
cvf::Vec3d destinationCamViewRefPoint = sourceCamGlobalViewRefPoint;
cvf::Vec3d offset = cvf::Vec3d::ZERO;
RimCase* destinationOwnerCase = destinationView->ownerCase();
if (destinationOwnerCase)
offset = destinationOwnerCase->displayModelOffset();
offset.z() *= destinationView->scaleZ();
destinationCamEye -= offset;
destinationCamViewRefPoint -= offset;
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2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
cvf::Mat4d trans;
if (isBoundingBoxesOverlappingOrClose(sourceSceneBB, destSceneBB))
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2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
destinationViewer->mainCamera()->setFromLookAt(destinationCamEye, destinationCamViewRefPoint, sourceCamUp);
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
// Fallback using values from source camera
destinationViewer->mainCamera()->setFromLookAt(sourceCamEye, sourceCamViewRefPoint, sourceCamUp);
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
2017-04-26 08:17:58 -05:00
if (setPointOfInterest)
cvf::Vec3d pointOfInterest = sourcePointOfInterest;
pointOfInterest -= offset;
2017-03-10 05:08:34 -06:00
bool RimViewManipulator::isBoundingBoxesOverlappingOrClose(const cvf::BoundingBox& sourceBB, const cvf::BoundingBox& destBB)
if (!sourceBB.isValid() || !destBB.isValid()) return false;
if (sourceBB.intersects(destBB)) return true;
double largestExtent = sourceBB.extent().length();
if (destBB.extent().length() > largestExtent)
largestExtent = destBB.extent().length();
double centerDist = (sourceBB.center() - destBB.center()).length();
if (centerDist < largestExtent * 5)
return true;
return false;