
122 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "RiaTestDataDirectory.h"
#include "RifThermalFractureReader.h"
#include "RigThermalFractureDefinition.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
static const QString CASE_REAL_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY_03 = QString( "%1/RifThermalFractureReader/" ).arg( TEST_DATA_DIR );
TEST( RifThermalFractureReaderTest, LoadFile )
QString fileName = CASE_REAL_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY_03 + "fracture_metric.csv";
auto [fractureData, errorMessage] = RifThermalFractureReader::readFractureCsvFile( fileName );
EXPECT_TRUE( errorMessage.isEmpty() );
EXPECT_TRUE( fractureData.get() );
EXPECT_EQ( "frac01", fractureData->name().toStdString() );
EXPECT_EQ( fractureData->numNodes(), 81u );
EXPECT_EQ( fractureData->numTimeSteps(), 29u );
auto properties = fractureData->getPropertyNamesUnits();
EXPECT_EQ( properties.size(), 19u );
EXPECT_EQ( properties[0].first.toStdString(), "XCoord" );
EXPECT_EQ( properties[0].second.toStdString(), "m" );
// The location of the center node is the same for all timesteps
double centerNodeX = 459352.0;
double centerNodeY = -7.32599e+06;
double centerNodeZ = 2735.0;
int nodeIndex = 0;
for ( size_t timeStepIndex = 0; timeStepIndex < fractureData->numTimeSteps(); timeStepIndex++ )
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ( centerNodeX, fractureData->getPropertyValue( 0, nodeIndex, static_cast<int>( timeStepIndex ) ) );
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ( centerNodeY, fractureData->getPropertyValue( 1, nodeIndex, static_cast<int>( timeStepIndex ) ) );
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ( centerNodeZ, fractureData->getPropertyValue( 2, nodeIndex, static_cast<int>( timeStepIndex ) ) );
// Sample from center node: LeakoffPressureDrop from last time step
double expectedValue = 18.8747;
int propertyIndex = 18;
int nodeIndex = 0;
int timeStepIndex = 28;
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ( expectedValue, fractureData->getPropertyValue( propertyIndex, nodeIndex, timeStepIndex ) );
// Sample from internal node: EffectiveFracStress from tenth time step
double expectedValue = 7.72785;
int propertyIndex = 17;
int nodeIndex = 2;
int timeStepIndex = 10;
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ( expectedValue, fractureData->getPropertyValue( propertyIndex, nodeIndex, timeStepIndex ) );
// Sample from bottom node: EffectiveResStress from fifth time step
double expectedValue = 28.5565;
int propertyIndex = 16;
int nodeIndex = 57;
int timeStepIndex = 6;
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ( expectedValue, fractureData->getPropertyValue( propertyIndex, nodeIndex, timeStepIndex ) );
// Sample from perimeter node: ResTemperature from eight time step
double expectedValue = 10.3882;
int propertyIndex = 13;
int nodeIndex = 58;
int timeStepIndex = 7;
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ( expectedValue, fractureData->getPropertyValue( propertyIndex, nodeIndex, timeStepIndex ) );
TEST( RifThermalFractureReaderTest, LoadFileMixedUnits )
QString fileName = CASE_REAL_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY_03 + "fracture_mixed_units.csv";
auto [fractureData, errorMessage] = RifThermalFractureReader::readFractureCsvFile( fileName );
EXPECT_FALSE( errorMessage.isEmpty() );
EXPECT_FALSE( fractureData.get() );
TEST( RifThermalFractureReaderTest, LoadFileNonExistingFiles )
QString fileName = CASE_REAL_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY_03 + "this_file_does_not_exist.csv";
auto [fractureData, errorMessage] = RifThermalFractureReader::readFractureCsvFile( fileName );
EXPECT_FALSE( errorMessage.isEmpty() );
EXPECT_FALSE( fractureData.get() );
TEST( DISABLED_RifThermalFractureReaderTest, CreateXyzPointCloud )
QString fileName = CASE_REAL_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY_03 + "fracture_OS_metric_units_final.csv";
auto [fractureData, errorMessage] = RifThermalFractureReader::readFractureCsvFile( fileName );