
243 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "RifElasticPropertiesReader.h"
#include "RifFileParseTools.h"
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTemporaryFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <vector>
TEST( RifElasticPropertiesReaderTest, ReadCorrectInputFile )
QTemporaryFile file;
QTextStream out( &file );
out << "Norne,Not,Sand,0.00,25,0.25,2000,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.4\n"
<< "Norne,Not,Sand,0.10,19,0.27,2099,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.2,0.5,0.55\n";
QStringList filePaths;
filePaths.append( file.fileName() );
std::vector<RifElasticProperties> elasticProperties;
RifElasticPropertiesReader::readElasticProperties( elasticProperties, filePaths );
ASSERT_EQ( 2u, elasticProperties.size() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Norne", elasticProperties[0].fieldName.toStdString() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Norne", elasticProperties[1].fieldName.toStdString() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Not", elasticProperties[0].formationName.toStdString() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Not", elasticProperties[1].formationName.toStdString() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Sand", elasticProperties[0].faciesName.toStdString() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Sand", elasticProperties[1].faciesName.toStdString() );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 0.0, elasticProperties[0].porosity );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 0.1, elasticProperties[1].porosity );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 25.0, elasticProperties[0].youngsModulus );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 19.0, elasticProperties[1].youngsModulus );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 0.25, elasticProperties[0].poissonsRatio );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 0.27, elasticProperties[1].poissonsRatio );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 2000.0, elasticProperties[0].K_Ic );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 2099.0, elasticProperties[1].K_Ic );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 0.2, elasticProperties[0].proppantEmbedment );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 0.3, elasticProperties[1].proppantEmbedment );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 0.4, elasticProperties[0].immobileFluidSaturation );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( 0.55, elasticProperties[1].immobileFluidSaturation );
TEST( RifElasticPropertiesReaderTest, ReadCorrectInputFileWithTrailingSeparator )
QTemporaryFile file;
QTextStream out( &file );
out << "Norne,Not,Sand,0.00,25,0.25,2000,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.4,\n"
<< "Norne,Not,Sand,0.10,19,0.27,2099,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.2,0.5,0.55,\n";
QStringList filePaths;
filePaths.append( file.fileName() );
std::vector<RifElasticProperties> elasticProperties;
RifElasticPropertiesReader::readElasticProperties( elasticProperties, filePaths );
ASSERT_EQ( 2u, elasticProperties.size() );
/// Helper to check exception messages when reading invalid files
::testing::AssertionResult readingElasticPropertiesThrowsException( const QStringList& filePaths,
const QString& expectedMessage )
std::vector<RifElasticProperties> elasticProperties;
RifElasticPropertiesReader::readElasticProperties( elasticProperties, filePaths );
// No exception thrown: fail!
return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "readElasticProperties did not throw exception";
catch ( FileParseException& error )
// Should always have cleaned up on failure
EXPECT_EQ( 0u, elasticProperties.size() );
// Check that we get the expected message
EXPECT_EQ( expectedMessage.toStdString(), error.message.toStdString() );
return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
TEST( RifElasticPropertiesReaderTest, ReadMissingFileThrows )
QStringList filePaths;
QString nonExistingFile( "this/is/a/file/which/does/not/exist.csv" );
filePaths.append( nonExistingFile );
ASSERT_TRUE( readingElasticPropertiesThrowsException( filePaths,
QString( "Unable to open file: %1" ).arg( nonExistingFile ) ) );
TEST( RifElasticPropertiesReaderTest, ReadShortLinesFileThrows )
QTemporaryFile file;
QTextStream out( &file );
out << "Norne,Not,Sand,0.00,25,0.25,2000,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7\n"
<< "Norne,Not,Sand,0.10,19,0.27\n";
QStringList filePaths;
filePaths.append( file.fileName() );
readingElasticPropertiesThrowsException( filePaths,
QString( "Incomplete data on line 2: %1" ).arg( file.fileName() ) ) );
TEST( RifElasticPropertiesReaderTest, ReadEmptyFieldNameThrows )
QTemporaryFile file;
QTextStream out( &file );
out << "Norne,Not,Sand,0.00,25,0.25,2000,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.89\n"
<< ",Not,Sand,0.10,19,0.27,2099,0.3,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.89\n";
QStringList filePaths;
filePaths.append( file.fileName() );
ASSERT_TRUE( readingElasticPropertiesThrowsException( filePaths,
QString( "Unexpected empty 'Field Name' on line 2: %1" )
.arg( file.fileName() ) ) );
TEST( RifElasticPropertiesReaderTest, ReadInvalidMeasureDepthThrows )
QTemporaryFile file;
QTextStream out( &file );
out << "Norne,Not,Sand,0.00,25,0.25,2000,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.9\n"
<< "Norne,Not,Sand, not a number,23.4,0.27,2099,0.3,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.77\n";
QStringList filePaths;
filePaths.append( file.fileName() );
ASSERT_TRUE( readingElasticPropertiesThrowsException( filePaths,
QString( "Invalid number for 'Porosity' on line 2: %1" )
.arg( file.fileName() ) ) );
TEST( RifElasticPropertiesReaderTest, CommentsAndEmptyLinesAreIgnored )
QTemporaryFile file;
QTextStream out( &file );
// Comment should be ignored
out << "# This is a comment.\n";
out << "#This is also a comment.\n";
out << " # This is also a comment which does not start on first character.\n";
// Should skip empty lines
out << "\n";
out << "\t\n";
out << " \n";
// Then some data
out << "Norne,Not,Sand,0.00,25,0.25,2000,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7\n";
// Comment in-between data should be ignored
out << "# One more comment in-between the data\n";
out << "Norne,Not,Silt,0.00,25,0.25,2000,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7\n";
// Empty line in-between data should be ignored
out << "\n";
// Data with comment sign inside it is not ignored
out << "Norne,Not,Shale,0.00,25,0.25,2000,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.8\n";
// Trailing empty lines should be ignored
out << "\n\n\n";
QStringList filePaths;
filePaths.append( file.fileName() );
std::vector<RifElasticProperties> elasticProperties;
RifElasticPropertiesReader::readElasticProperties( elasticProperties, filePaths );
ASSERT_EQ( 3u, elasticProperties.size() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Sand", elasticProperties[0].faciesName.toStdString() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Silt", elasticProperties[1].faciesName.toStdString() );
ASSERT_EQ( "Shale", elasticProperties[2].faciesName.toStdString() );