
452 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RimWellLogFileCurve.h"
#include "RigWellLogCurveData.h"
#include "RigWellPath.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimTools.h"
#include "RimWellLogFile.h"
#include "RimWellLogFileChannel.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlot.h"
#include "RimWellLogTrack.h"
#include "RimWellPath.h"
#include "RimWellPathCollection.h"
#include "RimWellPlotTools.h"
#include "RimWellRftPlot.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotCurve.h"
#include "RiuWellLogTrack.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeOrdering.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QMessageBox>
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimWellLogFileCurve, "WellLogFileCurve" );
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Well Log File Curve", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_wellPath, "CurveWellPath", "Well Path", "", "", "" );
m_wellPath.uiCapability()->setUiTreeChildrenHidden( true );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_wellLogChannnelName, "CurveWellLogChannel", "Well Log Channel", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_wellLogFile, "WellLogFile", "Well Log File", "", "", "" );
m_wellPath = nullptr;
RimWellLogFileCurve::~RimWellLogFileCurve() {}
void RimWellLogFileCurve::onLoadDataAndUpdate( bool updateParentPlot )
this->RimPlotCurve::updateCurvePresentation( updateParentPlot );
if ( isCurveVisible() )
RimWellLogPlot* wellLogPlot;
firstAncestorOrThisOfType( wellLogPlot );
CVF_ASSERT( wellLogPlot );
if ( m_wellPath && m_wellLogFile )
RigWellLogFile* wellLogFile = m_wellLogFile->wellLogFileData();
if ( wellLogFile )
std::vector<double> values = wellLogFile->values( m_wellLogChannnelName );
std::vector<double> measuredDepthValues = wellLogFile->depthValues();
if ( wellLogPlot && wellLogPlot->depthType() == RimWellLogPlot::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH )
bool canUseTvd = false;
if ( wellLogFile->hasTvdChannel() )
std::vector<double> tvdMslValues = wellLogFile->tvdMslValues();
if ( values.size() == measuredDepthValues.size() && values.size() == tvdMslValues.size() )
this->setValuesWithTVD( values,
false );
canUseTvd = true;
if ( !canUseTvd )
RigWellPath* rigWellPath = m_wellPath->wellPathGeometry();
if ( rigWellPath )
std::vector<double> trueVerticeldepthValues;
for ( double measuredDepthValue : measuredDepthValues )
-rigWellPath->interpolatedPointAlongWellPath( measuredDepthValue ).z() );
if ( values.size() == trueVerticeldepthValues.size() &&
values.size() == measuredDepthValues.size() )
this->setValuesWithTVD( values,
false );
canUseTvd = true;
if ( !canUseTvd )
if ( RiaApplication::instance()->preferences()->showLasCurveWithoutTvdWarning() )
QString tmp = QString(
"Display of True Vertical Depth (TVD) for LAS curves is not possible without a well "
"log path, and the LAS curve will be hidden in this mode.\n\n" );
tmp += "Control display of this warning from \"Preferences->Show LAS curve without TVD "
QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, "LAS curve without TVD", tmp );
2015-09-18 02:05:15 -05:00
if ( values.size() == measuredDepthValues.size() )
this->setValuesAndMD( values, measuredDepthValues, wellLogFile->depthUnit(), false );
if ( m_isUsingAutoName )
m_qwtPlotCurve->setTitle( createCurveAutoName() );
RiaDefines::DepthUnitType displayUnit = RiaDefines::UNIT_METER;
if ( wellLogPlot )
displayUnit = wellLogPlot->depthUnit();
if ( wellLogPlot && wellLogPlot->depthType() == RimWellLogPlot::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH )
m_qwtPlotCurve->setSamples( this->curveData()->xPlotValues().data(),
this->curveData()->trueDepthPlotValues( displayUnit ).data(),
static_cast<int>( this->curveData()->xPlotValues().size() ) );
m_qwtPlotCurve->setSamples( this->curveData()->xPlotValues().data(),
this->curveData()->measuredDepthPlotValues( displayUnit ).data(),
static_cast<int>( this->curveData()->xPlotValues().size() ) );
m_qwtPlotCurve->setLineSegmentStartStopIndices( this->curveData()->polylineStartStopIndices() );
2015-09-22 04:17:24 -05:00
if ( updateParentPlot )
2015-09-22 04:17:24 -05:00
if ( m_parentQwtPlot )
void RimWellLogFileCurve::setWellPath( RimWellPath* wellPath )
m_wellPath = wellPath;
RimWellPath* RimWellLogFileCurve::wellPath() const
return m_wellPath;
void RimWellLogFileCurve::setWellLogChannelName( const QString& name )
m_wellLogChannnelName = name;
void RimWellLogFileCurve::setWellLogFile( RimWellLogFile* wellLogFile )
m_wellLogFile = wellLogFile;
void RimWellLogFileCurve::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
RimWellLogCurve::fieldChangedByUi( changedField, oldValue, newValue );
if ( changedField == &m_wellPath )
this->loadDataAndUpdate( true );
else if ( changedField == &m_wellLogChannnelName )
this->loadDataAndUpdate( true );
else if ( changedField == &m_wellLogFile )
this->loadDataAndUpdate( true );
if ( m_parentQwtPlot ) m_parentQwtPlot->replot();
void RimWellLogFileCurve::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
caf::PdmUiGroup* curveDataGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Curve Data" );
curveDataGroup->add( &m_wellPath );
curveDataGroup->add( &m_wellLogFile );
curveDataGroup->add( &m_wellLogChannnelName );
caf::PdmUiGroup* appearanceGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Appearance" );
RimPlotCurve::appearanceUiOrdering( *appearanceGroup );
caf::PdmUiGroup* nameGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Curve Name" );
nameGroup->add( &m_showLegend );
RimPlotCurve::curveNameUiOrdering( *nameGroup );
void RimWellLogFileCurve::defineUiTreeOrdering( caf::PdmUiTreeOrdering& uiTreeOrdering, QString uiConfigName /*= ""*/ )
uiTreeOrdering.skipRemainingChildren( true );
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> RimWellLogFileCurve::calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions,
bool* useOptionsOnly )
2017-01-05 00:57:37 -06:00
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> options;
options = RimWellLogCurve::calculateValueOptions( fieldNeedingOptions, useOptionsOnly );
if ( options.size() > 0 ) return options;
2015-12-01 09:22:18 -06:00
if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_wellPath )
auto wellPathColl = RimTools::wellPathCollection();
if ( wellPathColl )
caf::PdmChildArrayField<RimWellPath*>& wellPaths = wellPathColl->wellPaths;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < wellPaths.size(); i++ )
// Only include well paths coming from a well log file
if ( wellPaths[i]->wellLogFiles().size() > 0 )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( wellPaths[i]->name(), wellPaths[i] ) );
if ( options.size() > 0 )
options.push_front( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "None", nullptr ) );
if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_wellLogChannnelName )
if ( m_wellPath() )
if ( m_wellLogFile )
std::vector<RimWellLogFileChannel*> fileLogs = m_wellLogFile->wellLogChannels();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < fileLogs.size(); i++ )
QString wellLogChannelName = fileLogs[i]->name();
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( wellLogChannelName, wellLogChannelName ) );
2015-09-18 02:05:15 -05:00
if ( options.size() == 0 )
2015-09-18 02:05:15 -05:00
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "None", "None" ) );
2015-09-18 02:05:15 -05:00
if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_wellLogFile )
if ( m_wellPath() && m_wellPath->wellLogFiles().size() > 0 )
for ( RimWellLogFile* const wellLogFile : m_wellPath->wellLogFiles() )
QFileInfo fileInfo( wellLogFile->fileName() );
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( fileInfo.baseName(), wellLogFile ) );
2017-01-05 00:57:37 -06:00
return options;
void RimWellLogFileCurve::initAfterRead()
if ( !m_wellPath ) return;
if ( m_wellPath->wellLogFiles().size() == 1 )
m_wellLogFile = m_wellPath->wellLogFiles().front();
2017-10-24 04:36:52 -05:00
bool RimWellLogFileCurve::isRftPlotChild() const
RimWellRftPlot* rftPlot;
firstAncestorOrThisOfType( rftPlot );
return rftPlot != nullptr;
2015-09-18 06:02:33 -05:00
2015-09-18 06:02:33 -05:00
QString RimWellLogFileCurve::createCurveAutoName()
2015-09-18 06:02:33 -05:00
QStringList name;
QString unit;
bool channelNameAvailable = false;
if ( m_wellPath )
name.push_back( wellName() );
name.push_back( "LAS" );
if ( !m_wellLogChannnelName().isEmpty() )
name.push_back( m_wellLogChannnelName );
channelNameAvailable = true;
RigWellLogFile* wellLogFile = m_wellLogFile ? m_wellLogFile->wellLogFileData() : nullptr;
if ( wellLogFile )
if ( channelNameAvailable )
RimWellLogPlot* wellLogPlot;
firstAncestorOrThisOfType( wellLogPlot );
CVF_ASSERT( wellLogPlot );
QString unitName = wellLogFile->wellLogChannelUnitString( m_wellLogChannnelName,
wellLogPlot->depthUnit() );
if ( !unitName.isEmpty() )
name.back() += QString( " [%1]" ).arg( unitName );
QString date = wellLogFile->date();
if ( !date.isEmpty() )
name.push_back( wellLogFile->date() );
return name.join( ", " );
return "Empty curve";
2015-09-18 06:02:33 -05:00
QString RimWellLogFileCurve::wellLogChannelName() const
return m_wellLogChannnelName;
RimWellLogFile* RimWellLogFileCurve::wellLogFile() const
return m_wellLogFile();
QString RimWellLogFileCurve::wellName() const
if ( m_wellPath )
return m_wellPath->name();
return QString( "" );