Style sheet now applied to PdmUiTreeViewEditor.
Move some classes from PdmUiTreeViewEditor.cpp to the header file in order to make them available in RiuGuiTheme to adjust the style of tree views and keep the drag&drop styling. Removed getStyleSheet function.
@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ $backgroundColor3: #5a6067; // Background color layer 3
$backgroundColor4: #89939d; // Background color layer 4
$backgroundColor5: #adbac6; // Background color layer 5
$textColor: #e6e7ea; // Main text color
$primaryColor: #018fa3; // Primary color (buttons etc)
$secondaryColor: #e82257; // Secondary color
$inputColor: #394046; // Input background color
$buttonColor: #0a639d; // Button color
$buttonHoverColor: #136fa3; // Button hover color
$primaryColor: #084771; // Primary color
$secondaryColor: #cc6632; // Secondary color
$tertiaryColor: #ffc50d; // Tertiary color
$quaternaryColor: #36b27e; // Quaternary color
$quinaryColor: #0ce5d5; // Quinary color
@ -24,38 +27,39 @@ $plotGridColor: #394046; // Plot grid color
$auxiliaryCurveColor: #000000; // Auxiliary curve color
$externalInputColor: #e82257; // External input background color
QCheckBox::indicator, QTreeView::indicator, QTableView::indicator {
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
border-radius: 3px;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked, QTreeView::indicator:unchecked, QTableView::indicator:unchecked
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
image: url(:/themes/dark/checkbox-unchecked.svg);
QCheckBox::indicator:checked, QTreeView::indicator:checked, QTableView::indicator:checked
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
image: url(:/themes/dark/checkbox-checked.svg);
QCheckBox::indicator:indeterminate, QTreeView::indicator:indeterminate, QTableView::indicator:indeterminate
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
image: url(:/themes/dark/checkbox-indeterminate.svg);
QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked:disabled, QTreeView::indicator:unchecked:disabled, QTableView::indicator:unchecked:disabled
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
image: url(:/themes/dark/checkbox-unchecked-disabled.svg);
QCheckBox::indicator:checked:disabled, QTreeView::indicator:checked:disabled, QTableView::indicator:checked:disabled
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
image: url(:/themes/dark/checkbox-checked-disabled.svg);
QCheckBox::indicator:indeterminate:disabled, QTreeView::indicator:indeterminate:disabled, QTableView::indicator:indeterminate:disabled
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
image: url(:/themes/dark/checkbox-indeterminate-disabled.svg);
@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ QToolButton {
padding: 3px;
QLabel, QCheckBox {
QLabel {
background-color: transparent;
@ -150,6 +154,7 @@ QWidget {
background-color: $mainBackgroundColor;
color: $textColor;
border-color: $borderColor;
selection-background-color: $primaryColor;
QProgressBar {
@ -252,12 +257,16 @@ QMenu::item:selected {
QLineEdit, QComboBox, QSpinBox,
QDoubleSpinBox, QDateEdit, QDateTimeEdit {
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
background-color: $inputColor;
color: $textColor;
border-color: $borderColor;
border-width : 1.5px;
border-style: solid;
border: 0;
padding: 3px;
border: 2px solid $inputColor;
QLineEdit:focus, QComboBox:focus, QSpinBox:focus,
QDoubleSpinBox:focus, QDateEdit:focus, QDateTimeEdit:focus {
border: 2px solid $primaryColor;
QToolBar {
@ -283,11 +292,13 @@ QLCDNumber {
QPushButton {
color: $textColor;
border-color: $borderColor;
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
border-width: 1.5px;
border-style: solid;
padding: 5px;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: $buttonColor;
border: 0px;
padding: 8px;
QPushButton:hover {
background-color: $buttonHoverColor;
QTabWidget {
@ -426,3 +437,20 @@ QWidget:readonly {
background-color: $backgroundColor1;
color: $backgroundColor3;
QComboBox::drop-down {
subcontrol-origin: padding;
subcontrol-position: top right;
width: 18px;
border: 0px;
QComboBox QAbstractItemView {
background-color: $inputColor;
QComboBox::down-arrow {
image: url(:/themes/dark/expanded.svg);
width: 18px;
height: 16px;
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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Before (image error) Size: 735 B After (image error) Size: 691 B |
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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Before (image error) Size: 735 B After (image error) Size: 695 B |
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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<polyline class="st1" points="2.7,6.8 5.6,9.7 11.3,4.1 "/>
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Before (image error) Size: 718 B After (image error) Size: 691 B |
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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<rect x="3.4" y="3.4" class="st2" width="7" height="7"/>
<rect class="st0" width="12.9" height="12.9"/>
<polyline class="st1" points="2.7,6.8 5.6,9.7 11.3,4.1 "/>
<rect x="3" y="3" class="st2" width="7" height="7"/>
Before (image error) Size: 718 B After (image error) Size: 691 B |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 16 16" style="enable-background:new 0 0 16 16;" xml:space="preserve">
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<rect x="4.5" y="4.5" class="st2" width="7" height="7"/>
Before (image error) Size: 710 B |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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viewBox="0 0 16 16" style="enable-background:new 0 0 16 16;" xml:space="preserve">
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<rect x="4.5" y="4.5" class="st2" width="7" height="7"/>
Before (image error) Size: 710 B |
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 24.1.2, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
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viewBox="0 0 13.9 13.9" style="enable-background:new 0 0 13.9 13.9;" xml:space="preserve">
viewBox="0 0 12.9 12.9" style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 12.9;" xml:space="preserve">
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<polyline class="st1" points="2.7,6.8 5.6,9.7 11.3,4.1 "/>
<rect x="3" y="3" class="st2" width="7" height="7"/>
Before (image error) Size: 731 B After (image error) Size: 704 B |
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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viewBox="0 0 12.9 12.9" style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 12.9;" xml:space="preserve">
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<rect x="3" y="3" class="st2" width="7" height="7"/>
Before (image error) Size: 748 B After (image error) Size: 704 B |
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RiuThemesDirectory.h"
#include "cafAppEnum.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeViewEditor.h"
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QColor>
@ -362,6 +364,10 @@ void RiuGuiTheme::updateGuiTheme( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme )
widget->style()->unpolish( widget );
widget->style()->polish( widget );
if ( caf::PdmUiTreeViewWidget* treeViewWidget = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiTreeViewWidget*>( widget ) )
treeViewWidget->setStyle( new caf::PdmUiTreeViewStyle );
@ -64,87 +64,78 @@
namespace caf
class PdmUiTreeViewStyle : public QProxyStyle
void PdmUiTreeViewStyle::drawPrimitive( QStyle::PrimitiveElement element,
const QStyleOption* option,
QPainter* painter,
const QWidget* widget ) const
void drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget ) const override
if ( element == QStyle::PE_IndicatorItemViewItemDrop )
if ( element == QStyle::PE_IndicatorItemViewItemDrop )
painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
if ( option->rect.height() == 0 )
painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
QPalette palette;
QColor c = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Highlight ).darker( 150 );
QPen pen( c );
pen.setWidth( 2 );
QBrush brush( c );
if ( option->rect.height() == 0 )
QPalette palette;
QColor c = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Highlight ).darker( 150 );
QPen pen( c );
pen.setWidth( 2 );
QBrush brush( c );
painter->setPen( pen );
painter->setBrush( brush );
painter->setPen( pen );
painter->setBrush( brush );
painter->drawEllipse( option->rect.topLeft(), 3, 3 );
painter->drawLine( QPoint( option->rect.topLeft().x() + 3, option->rect.topLeft().y() ),
option->rect.topRight() );
QPalette palette;
QColor c = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Highlight ).darker( 150 );
QPen pen( c );
pen.setWidth( 2 );
painter->setPen( pen );
painter->drawRoundedRect( option->rect, 4, 4 );
painter->drawEllipse( option->rect.topLeft(), 3, 3 );
painter->drawLine( QPoint( option->rect.topLeft().x() + 3, option->rect.topLeft().y() ),
option->rect.topRight() );
QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive( element, option, painter, widget );
QPalette palette;
QColor c = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Highlight ).darker( 150 );
QPen pen( c );
pen.setWidth( 2 );
painter->setPen( pen );
painter->drawRoundedRect( option->rect, 4, 4 );
QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive( element, option, painter, widget );
class PdmUiTreeViewWidget : public QTreeView
void PdmUiTreeViewWidget::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event )
explicit PdmUiTreeViewWidget( QWidget* parent = nullptr )
: QTreeView( parent )
caf::PdmUiTreeViewQModel* treeViewModel = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiTreeViewQModel*>( model() );
if ( treeViewModel && treeViewModel->dragDropInterface() )
setStyle( new PdmUiTreeViewStyle );
~PdmUiTreeViewWidget() override{};
bool isTreeItemEditWidgetActive() const { return state() == QAbstractItemView::EditingState; }
void dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event ) override
caf::PdmUiTreeViewQModel* treeViewModel = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiTreeViewQModel*>( model() );
if ( treeViewModel && treeViewModel->dragDropInterface() )
treeViewModel->dragDropInterface()->onProposedDropActionUpdated( event->proposedAction() );
QTreeView::dragMoveEvent( event );
treeViewModel->dragDropInterface()->onProposedDropActionUpdated( event->proposedAction() );
void dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* event ) override
caf::PdmUiTreeViewQModel* treeViewModel = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiTreeViewQModel*>( model() );
if ( treeViewModel && treeViewModel->dragDropInterface() )
QTreeView::dragMoveEvent( event );
QTreeView::dragLeaveEvent( event );
void PdmUiTreeViewWidget::dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* event )
caf::PdmUiTreeViewQModel* treeViewModel = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiTreeViewQModel*>( model() );
if ( treeViewModel && treeViewModel->dragDropInterface() )
QTreeView::dragLeaveEvent( event );
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <QColor>
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QProxyStyle>
#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QWidget>
@ -68,6 +69,35 @@ class PdmUiTreeViewEditor;
class PdmUiTreeViewQModel;
class PdmUiTreeViewWidget;
class PdmUiTreeViewStyle : public QProxyStyle
void drawPrimitive( QStyle::PrimitiveElement element,
const QStyleOption* option,
QPainter* painter,
const QWidget* widget ) const override;
class PdmUiTreeViewWidget : public QTreeView
explicit PdmUiTreeViewWidget( QWidget* parent = nullptr )
: QTreeView( parent )
setStyle( new PdmUiTreeViewStyle );
~PdmUiTreeViewWidget() override{};
bool isTreeItemEditWidgetActive() const { return state() == QAbstractItemView::EditingState; }
void dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event ) override;
void dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* event ) override;
class PdmUiTreeViewItemAttribute : public PdmUiEditorAttribute