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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
#5369 Final solution for surface intersection border : Use polygon offsett
This commit is contained in:
@ -132,114 +132,6 @@ private:
cvf::cref<RivIntersectionHexGridInterface> m_hexGrid;
template <typename Vec3Type>
double closestAxisSignedAreaPlanarPolygon( const cvf::Vec3d& planeNormal, const std::vector<Vec3Type>& polygon )
int Z = cvf::GeometryTools::findClosestAxis( planeNormal );
int X = ( Z + 1 ) % 3;
int Y = ( Z + 2 ) % 3;
// Use Shoelace formula to calculate signed area.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoelace_formula
double signedArea = 0.0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < polygon.size(); ++i )
signedArea += ( polygon[( i + 1 ) % polygon.size()][X] + polygon[i][X] ) *
( polygon[( i + 1 ) % polygon.size()][Y] - polygon[i][Y] );
return ( planeNormal[Z] > 0 ) ? signedArea : -signedArea;
class ClipperInterface
static ClipperLib::IntPoint toClipperPoint( const cvf::Vec3d& cvfPoint )
int xInt = cvfPoint.x() * clipperConversionFactor;
int yInt = cvfPoint.y() * clipperConversionFactor;
return ClipperLib::IntPoint( xInt, yInt, 0 );
static cvf::Vec3d fromClipperPoint( const ClipperLib::IntPoint& clipPoint )
return cvf::Vec3d( clipPoint.X, clipPoint.Y, 0.0 ) / clipperConversionFactor;
static std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>
subtractAndSimplifyPolygons( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& sourcePolygon,
const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygonsToSubtract )
ClipperLib::Paths unionOfPolygonsToSubtract;
ClipperLib::Clipper unionator;
for ( const auto& path : polygonsToSubtract )
ClipperLib::Path polyToSubtractPath;
for ( const auto& v : path )
polyToSubtractPath.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
unionator.AddPath( polyToSubtractPath, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
unionator.Execute( ClipperLib::ctUnion,
ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
ClipperLib::Path sourcePolygonPath;
for ( const auto& v : sourcePolygon )
sourcePolygonPath.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
ClipperLib::Clipper subtractor;
subtractor.AddPath( sourcePolygonPath, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
subtractor.AddPaths( unionOfPolygonsToSubtract, ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
ClipperLib::Paths subtractionResultPaths;
subtractor.Execute( ClipperLib::ctDifference,
ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
ClipperLib::CleanPolygons( subtractionResultPaths, 3 );
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolygons;
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : subtractionResultPaths )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
clippedPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
clippedPolygons.push_back( clippedPolygon );
return clippedPolygons;
static double clipperConversionFactor;
double ClipperInterface::clipperConversionFactor = 100; // For transform to clipper int
@ -288,8 +180,6 @@ void RivSurfaceIntersectionGeometryGenerator::calculateArrays()
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8> cellCorners;
std::array<size_t, 8> cornerIndices;
size_t startOfGeneratedTrianglesForNativeTriangle = outputTriangleVertices.size();
for ( size_t ticIdx = 0; ticIdx < triIntersectedCellCandidates.size(); ++ticIdx )
size_t globalCellIdx = triIntersectedCellCandidates[ticIdx];
@ -361,167 +251,6 @@ void RivSurfaceIntersectionGeometryGenerator::calculateArrays()
// Add triangles for the part of the native triangle outside any gridcells
if ( startOfGeneratedTrianglesForNativeTriangle == outputTriangleVertices.size() )
// No triangles created, use the complete native triangle
outputTriangleVertices.push_back( cvf::Vec3f( p0 - displayModelOffset ) );
outputTriangleVertices.push_back( cvf::Vec3f( p1 - displayModelOffset ) );
outputTriangleVertices.push_back( cvf::Vec3f( p2 - displayModelOffset ) );
m_triangleToCellIdxMap.push_back( cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T );
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.push_back( RivIntersectionVertexWeights() );
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.push_back( RivIntersectionVertexWeights() );
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.push_back( RivIntersectionVertexWeights() );
// Use area to check if the native triangle was completely covered by the intersection triangles
double nativeTriangleArea = 0.0;
double intersectionArea = 0.0;
double minSignificantTriangleArea = 0.0;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3f> nativeTriangle = {cvf::Vec3f( p0 - displayModelOffset ),
cvf::Vec3f( p1 - displayModelOffset ),
cvf::Vec3f( p2 - displayModelOffset )};
nativeTriangleArea = closestAxisSignedAreaPlanarPolygon( plane.normal(), nativeTriangle );
minSignificantTriangleArea = 1e-4 * nativeTriangleArea;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3f> intersectionTriangle( 3 );
for ( size_t tvxIdx = startOfGeneratedTrianglesForNativeTriangle; tvxIdx < outputTriangleVertices.size();
tvxIdx += 3 )
std::copy( outputTriangleVertices.begin() + tvxIdx,
outputTriangleVertices.begin() + tvxIdx + 3,
intersectionTriangle.begin() );
intersectionArea += closestAxisSignedAreaPlanarPolygon( plane.normal(), intersectionTriangle );
// If we have covered enough, do not try to create triangles for the rest
if ( ( nativeTriangleArea - intersectionArea ) < minSignificantTriangleArea ) continue;
// Subtract the created triangles from the native triangle
// We need to transform the triangles into x/y plane to do the polygon operation
// Find the local CS for the native triangle in display coords
cvf::Mat4d nativeTriangleCS;
cvf::Vec3d ez = plane.normal().getNormalized();
cvf::Vec3d ex = ( p1 - p0 ).getNormalized();
cvf::Vec3d ey = ez ^ ex;
nativeTriangleCS = cvf::Mat4d::fromCoordSystemAxes( &ex, &ey, &ez );
nativeTriangleCS.setTranslation( p0 - displayModelOffset );
cvf::Mat4d invNativeTriangleCS = nativeTriangleCS.getInverted();
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> polygonsToSubtract;
for ( size_t tvxIdx = startOfGeneratedTrianglesForNativeTriangle; tvxIdx < outputTriangleVertices.size();
tvxIdx += 3 )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> triangle =
{cvf::Vec3d( outputTriangleVertices[tvxIdx + 0] ).getTransformedPoint( invNativeTriangleCS ),
cvf::Vec3d( outputTriangleVertices[tvxIdx + 1] ).getTransformedPoint( invNativeTriangleCS ),
cvf::Vec3d( outputTriangleVertices[tvxIdx + 2] ).getTransformedPoint( invNativeTriangleCS )};
polygonsToSubtract.push_back( triangle );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> nativeTrianglePoly =
{( cvf::Vec3d( cvf::Vec3f( p0 - displayModelOffset ) ) ).getTransformedPoint( invNativeTriangleCS ),
( cvf::Vec3d( cvf::Vec3f( p1 - displayModelOffset ) ) ).getTransformedPoint( invNativeTriangleCS ),
( cvf::Vec3d( cvf::Vec3f( p2 - displayModelOffset ) ) ).getTransformedPoint( invNativeTriangleCS )};
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> remainingPolygons;
remainingPolygons = ClipperInterface::subtractAndSimplifyPolygons( nativeTrianglePoly, polygonsToSubtract );
// Check for holes in solution
bool hasHoles = false;
for ( const auto& remainingPolygon : remainingPolygons )
double area = closestAxisSignedAreaPlanarPolygon( cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS, remainingPolygon );
if ( area < -minSignificantTriangleArea )
hasHoles = true;
if ( hasHoles ) continue; // Cant tesselate polygons with holes
// Add the remains
for ( const auto& remainingPolygon : remainingPolygons )
if ( remainingPolygon.empty() ) continue;
cvf::EarClipTesselator tess;
tess.setNormal( plane.normal() );
tess.setMinTriangleArea( minSignificantTriangleArea );
cvf::Vec3dArray cvfNodes( remainingPolygon );
tess.setGlobalNodeArray( cvfNodes );
std::vector<size_t> polyIndexes;
for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < remainingPolygon.size(); ++idx )
polyIndexes.push_back( idx );
tess.setPolygonIndices( polyIndexes );
std::vector<size_t> triangleIndices;
bool isTesselationOk = tess.calculateTriangles( &triangleIndices );
if ( !isTesselationOk )
// continue;
// CVF_ASSERT( false );
double tesselatedArea = 0;
for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < triangleIndices.size(); idx += 3 )
cvf::Vec3f tp1(
( remainingPolygon[triangleIndices[idx + 0]] ).getTransformedPoint( nativeTriangleCS ) );
cvf::Vec3f tp2(
( remainingPolygon[triangleIndices[idx + 1]] ).getTransformedPoint( nativeTriangleCS ) );
cvf::Vec3f tp3(
( remainingPolygon[triangleIndices[idx + 2]] ).getTransformedPoint( nativeTriangleCS ) );
outputTriangleVertices.push_back( tp1 );
outputTriangleVertices.push_back( tp2 );
outputTriangleVertices.push_back( tp3 );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3f> nativeTriangle = {tp1, tp2, tp3};
tesselatedArea += closestAxisSignedAreaPlanarPolygon( plane.normal(), nativeTriangle );
m_triangleToCellIdxMap.push_back( cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T );
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.push_back( RivIntersectionVertexWeights() );
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.push_back( RivIntersectionVertexWeights() );
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.push_back( RivIntersectionVertexWeights() );
if ( ( tesselatedArea - 20 * minSignificantTriangleArea ) > ( nativeTriangleArea - intersectionArea ) )
double overlapArea = tesselatedArea - ( nativeTriangleArea - intersectionArea );
RiaLogging::debug( "Surface intersection triangularization overlap detected : " +
QString::number( overlapArea ) );
// CVF_ASSERT( false );
m_triangleVxes->assign( outputTriangleVertices );
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void RivSurfacePartMgr::updateCellResultColor( size_t timeStepIndex )
m_intersectionFacesTextureCoords.p() );
if ( m_nativeTrianglesPart.notNull() )
if ( false && m_nativeTrianglesPart.notNull() )
if ( !m_nativeVertexToCellIndexMap.size() )
@ -230,6 +230,8 @@ void RivSurfacePartMgr::appendIntersectionGeometryPartsToModel( cvf::ModelBasicL
m_intersectionFaultGridLines->setTransform( scaleTransform );
model->addPart( m_intersectionFaultGridLines.p() );
appendNativeGeometryPartsToModel( model, scaleTransform );
@ -241,9 +243,12 @@ void RivSurfacePartMgr::applySingleColor()
caf::SurfaceEffectGenerator surfaceGen( cvf::Color4f( m_surfaceInView->surface()->color() ), caf::PO_1 );
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> eff = surfaceGen.generateCachedEffect();
caf::SurfaceEffectGenerator surfaceGenBehind( cvf::Color4f( m_surfaceInView->surface()->color() ), caf::PO_2 );
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> effBehind = surfaceGenBehind.generateCachedEffect();
if ( m_nativeTrianglesPart.notNull() )
m_nativeTrianglesPart->setEffect( eff.p() );
m_nativeTrianglesPart->setEffect( effBehind.p() );
if ( m_intersectionFaces.notNull() )
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