#6213 GeoMech: Add calculation of Mud Weight Window.

This commit is contained in:
Kristian Bendiksen 2020-07-06 10:42:21 +02:00
parent 6a6a093d05
commit fcc0f710d5
5 changed files with 394 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ add_library( ${PROJECT_NAME}

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@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
// Copyright (C) 2020- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow.h"
#include "RigFemPart.h"
#include "RigFemPartCollection.h"
#include "RigFemPartGrid.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultsCollection.h"
#include "RigFemResultAddress.h"
#include "RigFemScalarResultFrames.h"
#include "RigGeoMechBoreHoleStressCalculator.h"
#include "RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor.h"
#include "RiaOffshoreSphericalCoords.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include "cvfBoundingBox.h"
#include <QString>
RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow::RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow( RigFemPartResultsCollection& collection )
: RigFemPartResultCalculator( collection )
bool RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow::isMatching( const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr ) const
return ( resVarAddr.fieldName == "MUD-WEIGHT" &&
( resVarAddr.componentName == "MWW" || resVarAddr.componentName == "MWM" ||
resVarAddr.componentName == "UMWL" || resVarAddr.componentName == "LMWL" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow::calculate( int partIndex,
const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr )
CVF_ASSERT( isMatching( resVarAddr ) );
caf::ProgressInfo frameCountProgress( m_resultCollection->frameCount() * 4, "" );
frameCountProgress.setProgressDescription( "Calculating Mud Weight Window" );
double wellPathDeviation = 12.3;
double wellPathAzimuth = 32.4;
double ucsBar = 3.4;
double poissonsRatio = 0.45;
double K0_FG = 0.445;
double airGap = 123.0;
UpperLimitParameter upperLimitParameter = UpperLimitParameter::FG;
LowerLimitParameter lowerLimitParameter = LowerLimitParameter::MAX_OF_PORE_PRESSURE_AND_SFG;
// Pore pressure
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* porePressureDataFrames =
m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex, RigFemResultAddress( RIG_NODAL, "POR-Bar", "" ) );
// Stress (ST.S3)
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* stressDataFrames =
m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex, RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, "ST", "S3" ) );
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( m_resultCollection->frameCount() );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* mudWeightWindowFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "MWW" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* mudWeightMiddleFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "MWM" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* upperMudWeightLimitFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "UMWL" ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* lowerMudWeightLimitFrames =
m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex,
RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr.resultPosType, resVarAddr.fieldName, "LMWL" ) );
const RigFemPart* femPart = m_resultCollection->parts()->part( partIndex );
const RigFemPartGrid* femPartGrid = femPart->getOrCreateStructGrid();
float inf = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
frameCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( 1u );
int frameCount = stressDataFrames->frameCount();
for ( int fIdx = 0; fIdx < frameCount; ++fIdx )
const std::vector<float>& porFrameData = porePressureDataFrames->frameData( fIdx );
const std::vector<float>& stressFrameData = stressDataFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& mudWeightWindowFrameData = mudWeightWindowFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& mudWeightMiddleFrameData = mudWeightMiddleFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& upperMudWeightLimitFrameData = upperMudWeightLimitFrames->frameData( fIdx );
std::vector<float>& lowerMudWeightLimitFrameData = lowerMudWeightLimitFrames->frameData( fIdx );
size_t valCount = stressFrameData.size();
mudWeightWindowFrameData.resize( valCount );
mudWeightMiddleFrameData.resize( valCount );
upperMudWeightLimitFrameData.resize( valCount );
lowerMudWeightLimitFrameData.resize( valCount );
int elementCount = femPart->elementCount();
// Load stress
RigFemResultAddress stressResAddr( RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, "ST", "" );
std::vector<caf::Ten3f> vertexStressesFloat = m_resultCollection->tensors( stressResAddr, partIndex, fIdx );
std::vector<caf::Ten3d> vertexStresses;
vertexStresses.reserve( vertexStressesFloat.size() );
for ( const caf::Ten3f& floatTensor : vertexStressesFloat )
vertexStresses.push_back( caf::Ten3d( floatTensor ) );
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int elmIdx = 0; elmIdx < elementCount; ++elmIdx )
RigElementType elmType = femPart->elementType( elmIdx );
int elmNodeCount = RigFemTypes::elementNodeCount( femPart->elementType( elmIdx ) );
if ( elmType == HEX8P )
for ( int elmNodIdx = 0; elmNodIdx < elmNodeCount; ++elmNodIdx )
// Use hydrostatic pressure from cell centroid.
// Use centroid to avoid intra-element differences
cvf::Vec3d cellCentroid = femPartGrid->cellCentroid( elmIdx );
double cellCentroidTvdRKB = std::abs( cellCentroid.z() ) + airGap;
double cellCenterHydroStaticPressure =
RiaWellLogUnitTools<double>::hydrostaticPorePressureBar( cellCentroidTvdRKB );
size_t elmNodResIdx = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, elmNodIdx );
if ( elmNodResIdx < stressFrameData.size() )
int nodeIdx = femPart->nodeIdxFromElementNodeResultIdx( elmNodResIdx );
// Pore pressure (unit: Bar)
double porePressureBar = porFrameData[nodeIdx];
// FG is for sands, SFG for shale. Sands has valid PP, shale does not.
bool isSand = ( porePressureBar != inf );
caf::Ten3d segmentStress = caf::Ten3d( vertexStressesFloat[nodeIdx] );
cvf::Vec3d wellPathTangent = calculateWellPathTangent( wellPathAzimuth, wellPathDeviation );
caf::Ten3d wellPathStressFloat =
RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor::transformTensorToWellPathOrientation( wellPathTangent,
segmentStress );
caf::Ten3d wellPathStressDouble( wellPathStressFloat );
RigGeoMechBoreHoleStressCalculator sigmaCalculator( wellPathStressDouble,
32 );
// Calculate upper limit
float upperLimit = inf;
if ( upperLimitParameter == UpperLimitParameter::FG )
upperLimit = sigmaCalculator.solveFractureGradient();
else if ( upperLimitParameter == UpperLimitParameter::SH_MIN )
upperLimit = stressFrameData[elmNodResIdx];
// Calculate lower limit
float lowerLimit = inf;
if ( lowerLimitParameter == LowerLimitParameter::PORE_PRESSURE )
lowerLimit = porePressureBar;
else if ( lowerLimitParameter == LowerLimitParameter::MAX_OF_PORE_PRESSURE_AND_SFG )
if ( isSand )
lowerLimit = porePressureBar;
double SFG = sigmaCalculator.solveStassiDalia();
lowerLimit = std::max( porePressureBar, SFG );
// Normalize by hydrostatic pore pressure
upperMudWeightLimitFrameData[elmNodResIdx] = upperLimit / cellCenterHydroStaticPressure;
lowerMudWeightLimitFrameData[elmNodResIdx] = lowerLimit / cellCenterHydroStaticPressure;
for ( int elmNodIdx = 0; elmNodIdx < elmNodeCount; ++elmNodIdx )
size_t elmNodResIdx = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, elmNodIdx );
if ( elmNodResIdx < stressFrameData.size() )
mudWeightWindowFrameData[elmNodResIdx] = inf;
mudWeightMiddleFrameData[elmNodResIdx] = inf;
upperMudWeightLimitFrameData[elmNodResIdx] = inf;
lowerMudWeightLimitFrameData[elmNodResIdx] = inf;
size_t kRefLayer = 28; // resVarAddr.refKLayerIndex;
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int elmIdx = 0; elmIdx < elementCount; ++elmIdx )
RigElementType elmType = femPart->elementType( elmIdx );
int elmNodeCount = RigFemTypes::elementNodeCount( femPart->elementType( elmIdx ) );
size_t i, j, k;
bool validIndex = femPartGrid->ijkFromCellIndex( elmIdx, &i, &j, &k );
size_t kMin = std::min( k, kRefLayer );
size_t kMax = std::max( k, kRefLayer );
if ( elmType == HEX8P && validIndex )
for ( int elmNodIdx = 0; elmNodIdx < elmNodeCount; ++elmNodIdx )
size_t elmNodResIdx = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, elmNodIdx );
float maxLowerMudWeightLimit = 0.0;
float minUpperMudWeightLimit = 0.0;
if ( kMin == kMax )
maxLowerMudWeightLimit = lowerMudWeightLimitFrameData[elmNodResIdx];
minUpperMudWeightLimit = upperMudWeightLimitFrameData[elmNodResIdx];
for ( size_t currentK = kMin; currentK < kMax; currentK++ )
size_t kElmIdx = femPartGrid->cellIndexFromIJK( i, j, currentK );
if ( kElmIdx != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T && femPart->elementType( kElmIdx ) == HEX8P )
size_t kElmNodResIdx = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( kElmIdx, elmNodIdx );
float currentLowerMudWeightLimit = lowerMudWeightLimitFrameData[kElmNodResIdx];
if ( currentLowerMudWeightLimit > maxLowerMudWeightLimit )
maxLowerMudWeightLimit = currentLowerMudWeightLimit;
float currentUpperMudWeightLimit = upperMudWeightLimitFrameData[kElmNodResIdx];
if ( currentUpperMudWeightLimit > minUpperMudWeightLimit )
minUpperMudWeightLimit = currentUpperMudWeightLimit;
float mudWeightWindow = minUpperMudWeightLimit - maxLowerMudWeightLimit;
mudWeightWindowFrameData[elmNodResIdx] = mudWeightWindow;
float mudWeightMiddle = inf;
if ( mudWeightWindow > 0.0 )
mudWeightMiddle = maxLowerMudWeightLimit + mudWeightWindow / 2.0;
mudWeightMiddleFrameData[elmNodResIdx] = mudWeightMiddle;
RigFemScalarResultFrames* requestedResultFrames = m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex, resVarAddr );
return requestedResultFrames;
cvf::Vec3d RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow::calculateWellPathTangent( double azimuth, double inclination )
double aziRad = cvf::Math::toRadians( azimuth );
double incRad = cvf::Math::toRadians( inclination );
return RiaOffshoreSphericalCoords::unitVectorFromAziInc( aziRad, incRad );

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Copyright (C) 2020- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculator.h"
class RigFemPartResultsCollection;
class RigFemScalarResultFrames;
class RigFemResultAddress;
#include "cvfVector3.h"
class RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow : public RigFemPartResultCalculator
enum class UpperLimitParameter
enum class LowerLimitParameter
explicit RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow( RigFemPartResultsCollection& collection );
virtual ~RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow();
bool isMatching( const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr ) const override;
RigFemScalarResultFrames* calculate( int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr ) override;
cvf::Vec3d calculateWellPathTangent( double azimuth, double inclination );

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorFOS.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorFormationIndices.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorGamma.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorNE.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorNodalGradients.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorNormalSE.h"
@ -173,6 +174,8 @@ RigFemPartResultsCollection::RigFemPartResultsCollection( RifGeoMechReaderInterf
std::unique_ptr<RigFemPartResultCalculator>( new RigFemPartResultCalculatorPoreCompressibility( *this ) ) );
std::unique_ptr<RigFemPartResultCalculator>( new RigFemPartResultCalculatorPorosityPermeability( *this ) ) );
std::unique_ptr<RigFemPartResultCalculator>( new RigFemPartResultCalculatorMudWeightWindow( *this ) ) );
std::unique_ptr<RigFemPartResultCalculator>( new RigFemPartResultCalculatorFormationIndices( *this ) ) );
@ -707,6 +710,11 @@ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>
fieldCompNames["PORO-PERM"].push_back( "PHI" );
fieldCompNames["PORO-PERM"].push_back( "DPHI" );
fieldCompNames["PORO-PERM"].push_back( "PERM" );
fieldCompNames["MUD-WEIGHT"].push_back( "MWW" );
fieldCompNames["MUD-WEIGHT"].push_back( "MWM" );
fieldCompNames["MUD-WEIGHT"].push_back( "UMWL" );
fieldCompNames["MUD-WEIGHT"].push_back( "LMWL" );
else if ( resPos == RIG_INTEGRATION_POINT )
@ -790,6 +798,11 @@ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>
fieldCompNames["PORO-PERM"].push_back( "PHI" );
fieldCompNames["PORO-PERM"].push_back( "DPHI" );
fieldCompNames["PORO-PERM"].push_back( "PERM" );
fieldCompNames["MUD-WEIGHT"].push_back( "MWW" );
fieldCompNames["MUD-WEIGHT"].push_back( "MWM" );
fieldCompNames["MUD-WEIGHT"].push_back( "UMWL" );
fieldCompNames["MUD-WEIGHT"].push_back( "LMWL" );
else if ( resPos == RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL_FACE )

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@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ public:
std::vector<double> poissonSourceRegions( int frameIndex );
std::vector<double> ucsSourceRegions( int frameIndex );
static caf::Ten3d transformTensorToWellPathOrientation( const cvf::Vec3d& wellPathTangent,
const caf::Ten3d& wellPathTensor );
enum WellPathTangentCalculation
@ -122,8 +125,6 @@ private:
calculateLengthInCell( size_t cellIndex, const cvf::Vec3d& startPoint, const cvf::Vec3d& endPoint ) const override;
cvf::Vec3d calculateWellPathTangent( int64_t intersectionIdx, WellPathTangentCalculation calculationType ) const;
static caf::Ten3d transformTensorToWellPathOrientation( const cvf::Vec3d& wellPathTangent,
const caf::Ten3d& wellPathTensor );
cvf::Vec3f cellCentroid( size_t intersectionIdx ) const;
double getWellLogIntersectionValue( size_t intersectionIdx,