* Allow linking of property filters across cases with same IJK size
* Recalculate when grid is replaced
Find dependencies between calculations and order them accordingly
* Guard null pointer access
* Delay open of RFT files until data is requested
When opening ensemble summary cases, the opening of RFT files can take some time. Avoid this by delaying the file open operation.
* Fix infinite update loop for RFT plots
* Avoid moving the tracker line when clicking in the plot
* Make curve selection optional to avoid flickering in depth plots
* Replace undefined with zero for some curves
* Add spacing factor for min and max depth
- add pressure track
- add CONFAC
- fix some plot layout issues
- Fix bug for first segment MD location
- Add default scale factor 1e-3 for gas curves
- Avoid inf values in some curves, seen in PRESSURE and CONFAC
- Use assignment in statements instead of std::get
* Add topology curves and default plot
* Improve visual appearance
* Update sub module opm-common
* Add support for INCLUDE keyword to allow parsing of include files recursively
* Search for *.DATA with fallback to *.SCH to automatically import WESEGLINK data
* Find annulus branch based on MD diff on segment start
* Stop growing device branch if segment starts at a lower MD than previous
* Add unit test used to read data from WSEGLINK
* Add segment branch type
* Add detection of device branches
* Add data source stepping on branch type
* parse wseglink data
* add RFT case as child of RimFileSummaryCase
* Avoid creation of curve legend widgets during construction of a multi plot
* Make sure default z-value is correct to avoid expensive Qwt updates
* Avoid duplicate plot updates
* Do not create internal Qwt legend by default
* RFT import: Avoid expensive method throwing exception if no data is found
* Make sure all curve values are set correctly for plot orientation
* Make sure depth zoom is propagated to the Qwt plot
* Expand min/max value range to allow more space around curves
* Use int values to represent RFT segment branch number
Add reader for RFT data using opm-common
Extend RFT curve with support for RFT segment data
Adjustments related to horizontal well log plots
8581 Well Log Plot : Update of curve appearance does not update plot