* Remove reference well feature from plot objects
* Move Reference Well functionality to WellLogExtractionCurve
* Reset reference well selection if new selected well path equals ref
* Add checkbox for enable/disable usage of ref well for curve
- Individual control of utilizing reference well selected on plot-level.
- Default use state = true
- Make ref well path read only
* Upgrade adjustment algorithm to map values from ref well
- Map values from reference well into selected well
- Linearize depth values between top and bottom of k-layer.
- Neglect values and depths outside of common k-layer region
- Handle smoothing of curves after mapping
* Set curve name based on use ref well flag
* Use auto name for parameter track curves
Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <magne.sjaastad@ceetronsolutions.com>
* #8016 Surface Ensemble : Update 2d intersection views
* Ensemble WLP : Make code more robust to missing data
* Janitor: Do not add files to recently used list when importing ensemble
* #8016 Ensemble WLP : Delete all temporary plots in one go
* #8016 WLP: Create a default date string that can be exported to LAS
* #8016 Janitor: Use *.dev as default well path extension