- add pressure track
- add CONFAC
- fix some plot layout issues
- Fix bug for first segment MD location
- Add default scale factor 1e-3 for gas curves
- Avoid inf values in some curves, seen in PRESSURE and CONFAC
- Use assignment in statements instead of std::get
* #9371 RFT Curves: Add scaling factor
* Make sure isUsingAutoName is guarded by project file date
* Rearrange font and legend group in property editor
* Add curve name template and handling of string variables
* Mark autoName as obsolete field
* Use key-value map to populate variable values
* Add curve naming methods Auto, Custom and Template
* Add topology curves and default plot
* Improve visual appearance
* Update sub module opm-common
* Add support for INCLUDE keyword to allow parsing of include files recursively
* Search for *.DATA with fallback to *.SCH to automatically import WESEGLINK data
* Find annulus branch based on MD diff on segment start
* Stop growing device branch if segment starts at a lower MD than previous
* Add unit test used to read data from WSEGLINK
* Add segment branch type
* Add detection of device branches
* Add data source stepping on branch type
* parse wseglink data
* add RFT case as child of RimFileSummaryCase
* Make sure all curve values are set correctly for plot orientation
* Make sure depth zoom is propagated to the Qwt plot
* Expand min/max value range to allow more space around curves
* Use int values to represent RFT segment branch number
Add reader for RFT data using opm-common
Extend RFT curve with support for RFT segment data
Adjustments related to horizontal well log plots
8581 Well Log Plot : Update of curve appearance does not update plot