Improved GitHub Action to run clang-format as part of clang-tidy
* Simplify clang-tidy workflow
* Added modernize-use-using, modernize-redundant-void-arg, readability-static-accessed-through-instance
* Add nolint for libecl typedefs
* Move RigWellResultFrame implementation into separate file
Update/correct includes accordingly
* First step of moving attributes from public to private
- Move public members to private and create interface
- Single public member remains due to strong dependency on usage of reference and reference to its object public members
* Second step of moving attributes from public to privatee
- Remove usage of reference directly to attributes. Interface with copy and set.
- Moving attributes in RigWellResultFrame and RigWellResultBranch
* Move class RigWellResultBranch into separate file
- Calculate by visible cells: Calculate flow diag by use of visible cells in 3D view (already existing functionality).
- Filter producers: select producer wells based on visibility in 3D view. Synch connected injectors - even if they are not visible in 3D view.
- Filter injectors: select injector wells based on visibility in 3D view. Synch connected producers - even if they are not visible in 3D view.
- Crated new RimMatrixPlotWidget to show table data
- Create RimWellConnectivityTable for showing Producer/Injector connectivity table data
- Rename RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection to RigWellAllocationOverTime for well allocation over time data storage
- Created heatmap color palette
- Move utils from RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot to RiaQDateTimeTools
- Create RimFlowDiagnosticsTools for producer/injector well utility functions
Co-authored-by: jorgenherje <>
* #9963 Rft reader: Search for DATA file when required
WSEGLINK is used to establish the branch topology for MSW wells. Search and read WSEGLINK data when segment data is requested by the user. This can be a time consuming operation.
Avoid doing this search for standard RFT plots.
* Make sure that single summary curves are displayed correctly
* Make sure single summary curves are visible in the plot
* Make sure text for multiple wells in same grid cell is displayed correctly
* Improve selection of result in Advanced Snapshot Export
* Restore the main window that was on top when project was saved
* Trim string to make sure '/' is exported with no space in front
* #9872 RFT-plot: Make colors stable for curves in RFT plots
* Set version to RC_02
* Move members to private in RigWellResultPoint
* Create simulation well path geometry using well topology
* Add separate MSW well pipe centerline computations
* Review comments
Co-authored-by: magnesj <>
Move AppEnum init to RifDataSourceForRftPlt
Simplify constructors for RifDataSourceForRftPlt
Rename enum names in RifDataSourceForRftPlt::SourceType
Add missing pressureDepthData in RimDataSourceForRftPlt
* Avoid accessing nullptr
* remove unused function
* Allow RFT data from single summary case to be used in RFT plots
* #9736 Support horizontal plotting of LAS curves
- Make default flag = false, thus highlighting must be activated
- To prevent unwanted logic for new RimPlot objects
- Activate highlighting for RimSummaryPlot, RimVfpPlot and RimCorrelationMatrixPlot
- Add font size settings
- Move legend to right side of plot
- Set default selected time steps to time step count = 10
- When excluding time steps, duplicates rates from next valid time step onto excluded time steps
- Allow time step selection "Show all time steps" or "Time step count" for subset of time steps
- Allow excluding on the active set, i.e. all or subset, of time steps
Enable c++20 in top level cmake. Keep c++17 for GrpcInterface, as the protoc tool does not work with c++20.
Several code adjustments to fix compiler issues.
- Plot for showing well allocation over time.
- Select time range
- Option to exclude time steps in selected range
- Possible value types: Flow rate, flow rate percentage, flow volume, accumulated flow volume, accumulated flow volume percentage
- Group small contributors into group "Others"
* Add missing time conversion for month
* #9606: FIx wrong usage of function when accessing data from summary file
The result values are aggregated into the destination vector in RimSummaryCaseCollection::computeMinMax(), so make sure the vector is recreated per case.
* #9602 : Make sure the plot is updated correctly for "Time since simulation start"
* Move roundToNumSignificantDigits() to RiaNumericalTools
* Make sure the time axis is consistent when individual time range differs
* Update titles after dropping vectors into plot
* Do not replace _Name variables
* Make sure signals are wired when opening a project file
* Add auto name field and set default on
* Remove includes from header files
* #9371 RFT Curves: Add scaling factor
* Make sure isUsingAutoName is guarded by project file date
* Rearrange font and legend group in property editor
* Improve plot naming for depth track plots
* Move template text replace to string tools
* More data available for object template text
* Set plot visible and define default object name template text
* #9280 Fix missing horizontal error bars.
The x axis was not assigned properly for the error bars in the plot curve.
* Propagate error bar visibility state
* #9253 Well allocation plot: Keep checked state of curves when changing time step
* #9254 Guard pointer when clicking on linked time axis icon
* #9250 Cross Plot : Ensure summary case change update both x and y data sources
* Make sure all curve values are set correctly for plot orientation
* Make sure depth zoom is propagated to the Qwt plot
* Expand min/max value range to allow more space around curves
* Use int values to represent RFT segment branch number
Add reader for RFT data using opm-common
Extend RFT curve with support for RFT segment data
Adjustments related to horizontal well log plots
8581 Well Log Plot : Update of curve appearance does not update plot