The implementation of this dummy class is put in the file with the
single macro defining the UI editor. This will cause the cpp file to
always be compiled.
Disabled keyboard tracking for spin boxes used in slider editors, so
that the valueChanged() signal is not emitted until the user has pressed
ENTER or the spin box loses focus.
Pdm fields can contain a forward declared Pdm object without the include
VizFwk: Added VertexColoring shader to be able to use per vertex color
used from drawableGeo::setColorArray()
Integrated Fwk updates in Resinsight branch up to changelist 173.
Summary of changes:
* Rewrite of cvf::OverlayItem to allow fixed user controlled positioning
of the items.
* Removed pure virtual functions OverlayItem::maximumSize() and
* Use caf::AboutDialog instead of modified cvfqt::BasicAboutDialog.
* Removed lapack from link line due to fail on Ubuntu 12.04 when lapack
isn't installed.
* Fix in OpenGLContext::saveOpenGLState() to avoid application
corruption when running on RedHat with VMWare.
* Removed unused font manager.
* Console assert handler only calls __debugbreak() if debugger is
present. Otherwise, calls abort(). Done after trouble running gtest
death tests.
* Made component access functions in Color3f, Color3ub, Color4f,
Color4ub inline.
* Added conversion functions between TextureImage and QImage to
cvfqt::Utils class.
* Optimized TextureImage::setPixel() - relies on new inlined
component-wise access functions for Color4ub.
* Added TextureImage::clear() and non-const version of