Add model thickness parameter.
Add support for reloading INP files from recent files
Add working directory field to fault reactivation model and put INP export there.
* Improve toggling of checked state of sub items
Toggling state is only supported for objects in an array. For example, this will ensure that faults are toggled without altering the fault result object.
* Use gray instead of black for icons
* #9719 Use delete instead of deleteLater to avoid visual artifacts
Artifacts are seen in the Property Editor related to obsolete group boxes. This seems to be related to deleteLater().
* Improve text in menu when toggling sub items
* #10011 Make sure all grid cases are visible in RFT data source
* #10354 Show more info when hovering on curves in summary plot
* #10355 Copy model text info in 3D view to clipboard
* Make sure cell filter option is propagated to new field
Make sure the previous value of m_showFaultsOutsideFilters_obsolete is propagated into m_applyCellFilters
* Fix wrong spelling when using of stylesheet color
* Enable cell filters
* Enable property filters
* Clean up fault collection interface and use similar setting for controlling filters as in intersection collection
* Enable cell/property filters on geomech intersections
* Enable cell and property filters for box intersections
* Refactor interface to PdmObjectHandle and PdmFieldHandle
Return objects instead of passing in structures as parameters
* Add nodiscard to several functions
* Remove redundant this->
* Rename to ptrReferencedObjectsByType
* Add flag to keep temp. parameter files or not.
* Ask user if it is ok to clean the output folder if selected.
* Add property for elastic table input file.
* Do not show legend by default when refreshing tsurfs
* Make sure all loadsteps are enabled in post processing json file
* Support running adv. proc without req. basic proc to be run first