* Rename from DiffCurve to CalculatedCurve and add operators selection
* Add option to select depth source for resampling in CalculatedCurve
- Select source for depth values for resampling
- Depths from first curve, second curve or union of these
- Added unit tests for function creating union depth values and calculate value with selected operator.
* Guard divide by zero
* Adjust algorithm for union of depths
- Prevent duplicated depth values (no need for enter/exist of k-layer when resampling)
- Add threshold for depth distance
- Update unit tests
* Refactor interface to PdmObjectHandle and PdmFieldHandle
Return objects instead of passing in structures as parameters
* Add nodiscard to several functions
* Remove redundant this->
* Rename to ptrReferencedObjectsByType
* #9963 Rft reader: Search for DATA file when required
WSEGLINK is used to establish the branch topology for MSW wells. Search and read WSEGLINK data when segment data is requested by the user. This can be a time consuming operation.
Avoid doing this search for standard RFT plots.
* Make sure that single summary curves are displayed correctly
* Make sure single summary curves are visible in the plot
* Add CON*RAT track for tubing branch
* Set long summary vector name as default, and allow both in curve name
* Use line shift if multiple quantities are present on axis title
Insert line shift if multiple quantities are present, otherwise insert space between individual vector names and the unit text.
* Move Groups between Field and Wells
* Bump version
* Show segment plots in Well Log Plot collection
* Improve menu text for operations related to segment plots
* Show reservoir rates for annulus and device
* Make sure curve objects are visible in the Project Tree
* When importing the first summary case, expand case in project tree
* Bump version
* #9923 Call loadDataAndUpdate() after visibility of curves is updated
This will ensure that all zoom ranges are recalculated based on visible curves.
* #9923 Put new segment plots in RFT Plot collection
* #9923 Add "Create Rft Sement Plot" to RFT plot collection
* #9923 Make sure the main window is displayed when required
Make sure the main window is opened and views updated when a grid model is opened from a summary case.
* #9923 Make sure fieldChanged is triggered when required
Exclude field having the target state. If these fields are included, the one and only call to setValueWithFieldChanged() can contain a field with the target state value. When setting a value to a field with the same value, nothing happens and the UI will get an inconsistent state (some curves toggled off are still visible in a plot).
* Add checkbox for enable/disable usage of ref well for curve
- Individual control of utilizing reference well selected on plot-level.
- Default use state = true
- Make ref well path read only
* Upgrade adjustment algorithm to map values from ref well
- Map values from reference well into selected well
- Linearize depth values between top and bottom of k-layer.
- Neglect values and depths outside of common k-layer region
- Handle smoothing of curves after mapping
* Set curve name based on use ref well flag
* Use auto name for parameter track curves
Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <magne.sjaastad@ceetronsolutions.com>
* #9551: Guard nullpointer if no RFT data is present
* Hide RFT in tree view if no RFT file is found
* Avoid display of 3d main window when importing a summary case
* Use specific grid import feature instead of general file import feature
* Major refactor from RimGridView to Rim3dView
* Move view linker/controller functions to Rim3dView
* Add bitmask to define the content of a 3D view
* Link views based on matching content
* Enable bit mask operators at global scope
* Make it possible to use 2d intersection views as comparison views
* Fix crash when a view used as comparison view is deleted
* Move unlinking to Rim3dView
* Add options to snapshot only 3D views/plots as part of regression testing
* WBS plot: Improve default name, hide axis for some tracks
* RFT curves: Disable auto color by default
* RFT curves: Fix wiggling legend caused by too many plot updates
* RFT Curves: Search multiple layers for CONFAC data
* Move plot orientation to Depth Axis, Advanced group
* Make curve selection optional to avoid flickering in depth plots
* Replace undefined with zero for some curves
* Add spacing factor for min and max depth
- add pressure track
- add CONFAC
- fix some plot layout issues
- Fix bug for first segment MD location
- Add default scale factor 1e-3 for gas curves
- Avoid inf values in some curves, seen in PRESSURE and CONFAC
- Use assignment in statements instead of std::get
* Improve plot naming for depth track plots
* Move template text replace to string tools
* More data available for object template text
* Set plot visible and define default object name template text
* Add topology curves and default plot
* Improve visual appearance
* Update sub module opm-common
* Add support for INCLUDE keyword to allow parsing of include files recursively
* Search for *.DATA with fallback to *.SCH to automatically import WESEGLINK data
* Find annulus branch based on MD diff on segment start
* Stop growing device branch if segment starts at a lower MD than previous