The performance to compute geometry BB for active cells has improved. The original code also set displayModelOffset based on the BB of active cells. To make sure that existing project files produce identically the the same, the non-optimized version is used in this case.
- add data source selection, either Case Property or Grid Calculation
- add Time Step Selection, can be used for both dynamic case properties and Grid Calculations
- optionally release grid calculation data when statistics is computed
- recursive grid calculations is supported
Improved GitHub Action to run clang-format as part of clang-tidy
* Simplify clang-tidy workflow
* Added modernize-use-using, modernize-redundant-void-arg, readability-static-accessed-through-instance
* Add nolint for libecl typedefs
* #7274 Create LGR : Use all well cells if no completions are defined
* #7263 Create LGR : Not working in console mode
Guard access to RiaApplication
* Add pytest for create_lgr_for_completion
* Add pytest for create_lgr_for_completion
* #7289 Script : Add execute of last used script
* #7291 Python : Guard access to RiaMainWindow