* Rename from DiffCurve to CalculatedCurve and add operators selection
* Add option to select depth source for resampling in CalculatedCurve
- Select source for depth values for resampling
- Depths from first curve, second curve or union of these
- Added unit tests for function creating union depth values and calculate value with selected operator.
* Guard divide by zero
* Adjust algorithm for union of depths
- Prevent duplicated depth values (no need for enter/exist of k-layer when resampling)
- Add threshold for depth distance
- Update unit tests
* Add realization number to mouse over text for Ensemble RFT
* Refactor Curve Info Text Provider functionality
- Refactor provider implementation, to separate RiuWellLogTrack from the point tracker and text provider.
- Move creating of point tracker outside of RiuWellLogTrack.
- Makes it possible to override/write new CurveInfoTextProvider implementation when needed.
* Add guards for nullptr
* Add topology curves and default plot
* Improve visual appearance
* Update sub module opm-common
* Add support for INCLUDE keyword to allow parsing of include files recursively
* Search for *.DATA with fallback to *.SCH to automatically import WESEGLINK data
* Find annulus branch based on MD diff on segment start
* Stop growing device branch if segment starts at a lower MD than previous