* Add realization number to mouse over text for Ensemble RFT
* Refactor Curve Info Text Provider functionality
- Refactor provider implementation, to separate RiuWellLogTrack from the point tracker and text provider.
- Move creating of point tracker outside of RiuWellLogTrack.
- Makes it possible to override/write new CurveInfoTextProvider implementation when needed.
* Add guards for nullptr
- Added custom tickmark configuration in time axis properties for `Time Mode = Date`
- Refactor code to separate handling of time axis properties and regular axis properties in RimSummaryPlot
- Add method for setting major ticks by use of list for RiuPlotWidget interface.
* Add shortcut for Plot Editor, and modify how command features are triggered
Use Ctrl-E to launch the Plot Editor.
* Add optional use of NOECHO and ECHO keywords in GRDECL files
* Add ECHO keywords to sector model export
* Add Help button to Preferences
* Fix eternal loop causing the application to hang
* Revert changes related to file well path introduced in 70bb22
* Use some iterations to find representative cells for computation of cell sizes
* Compute characteristic cell size based on active cells
* Compute cell face normal based on a suitable active cells
Using all cells as basis for face normal is fragile. Some models have highly distorted/twisted cells, but all active cells should be geometrically more stable.
* Remove obsolete code
* Fix path modification of a relative folder
Replace start token '.' with file path to the project file to make sure that the path './wells/a-1h.dev' can be imported correctly.
* Add more logging when keywords are missing from import
- Set default frequency enum to relative frequency [%]
- Set current view selected in filter by 3D view visibility by default
- Add labels for statistics data
- Add UI to change number of bins in histogram
- Add control of font size of axis values and axis titles
* Update radial grid operations in submodule
* Optionally display cell center and cell corners when clicking on cell
* Add support for import of radial grids
* Modify node coordinates to match host cell
- Download of Ubuntu packages from Azure is unstable. Add mirror sites to improve reliability.
- Improve use of clang-format and include source code changes
Move AppEnum init to RifDataSourceForRftPlt
Simplify constructors for RifDataSourceForRftPlt
Rename enum names in RifDataSourceForRftPlt::SourceType
Add missing pressureDepthData in RimDataSourceForRftPlt
* Avoid accessing nullptr
* remove unused function
* Allow RFT data from single summary case to be used in RFT plots
* #9736 Support horizontal plotting of LAS curves
- Make default flag = false, thus highlighting must be activated
- To prevent unwanted logic for new RimPlot objects
- Activate highlighting for RimSummaryPlot, RimVfpPlot and RimCorrelationMatrixPlot
- Add font size settings
- Move legend to right side of plot
- Set default selected time steps to time step count = 10
- When excluding time steps, duplicates rates from next valid time step onto excluded time steps
- Allow time step selection "Show all time steps" or "Time step count" for subset of time steps
- Allow excluding on the active set, i.e. all or subset, of time steps
* Remove reference well feature from plot objects
* Move Reference Well functionality to WellLogExtractionCurve
* Reset reference well selection if new selected well path equals ref
Enable c++20 in top level cmake. Keep c++17 for GrpcInterface, as the protoc tool does not work with c++20.
Several code adjustments to fix compiler issues.
- Plot for showing well allocation over time.
- Select time range
- Option to exclude time steps in selected range
- Possible value types: Flow rate, flow rate percentage, flow volume, accumulated flow volume, accumulated flow volume percentage
- Group small contributors into group "Others"
* Added fmtlib to LicenseInformation.txt
* Add license info for roffcpp
* Regression Tests: Guard use of invalid bounding box
* Regression Test: Check if file is present before opening
* Add missing time conversion for month
* #9606: FIx wrong usage of function when accessing data from summary file
The result values are aggregated into the destination vector in RimSummaryCaseCollection::computeMinMax(), so make sure the vector is recreated per case.
* #9602 : Make sure the plot is updated correctly for "Time since simulation start"
* Move roundToNumSignificantDigits() to RiaNumericalTools
* Make sure the time axis is consistent when individual time range differs