* First PDF creation support
* Reimplement info box
* Set title and make overlay frame margins more unified
* Remove a style sheet that was never meant to be applied to Project Tree
* Update RiuDraggableOverlayFrame when changing content
* Default page layout in Preferences
* undo removal of elision
* Remove friend class assignment in cafCategoryMapper
* the required methods have been made public
* Fix up after review
* Remove spurious const on by-value return
* Fix compile errors on Linux
* Fix size adjustment of legends with plot resizing
* Better minimum width for well log tracks
* Fix alignment of scrollbar in Well log plots
* Better Well Log Plot export
* Hide scroll bar before plotting
* Better borders
* Create plots through Python
* #4817 Create WBS plots with Python
* Rebase Summary and WellLogPlot on top of a new RimPlot
* Also Python: Allow setting folder as a parameter to export_snapshots
* #4832 Prepare for well path import command
* Well Path import WIP
* #4830#4832 Import well paths and well log files from file using Python.
* #4837 Implement import of formation names in Python
* Fix debug build issue
* Fix RiaLogging build issue
* Fix warnings
* Yet another RiaLogging.h import added
* #4839 Import exporting of las and ascii files from well log plots